Search results for ""Author Erich Fromm""
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica El amor a la vida
Este volumen recoge algunas conferencias y charlas realizadas por Erich Fromm en la última década de su vida. Retomando temas ya tratados anteriormente en obras tan importantes como El arte de amar, El miedo a la libertad y Ser y tener, entre otras, Fromm documenta la relación entre doctrina y vida y argumenta que esta última consiste en volver a nacer continuamente. La tragedia, sin embargo, es que la mayoría de nosotros morimos antes de haber comenzado a vivir. Evidentemente, sobre tales perspectivas no se puede construir ningún sistema y, en este sentido, la labor de Fromm en este libro consiste en filosofar a partir de lo concreto, aceptando las limitaciones del pensamiento abstracto y renunciando a cualquier tipo de actitud mesiánica.Basada en los mecanismos de la tradición oral judía, esta obra, llena agudas y profundas reflexiones, nos revela el talento particular de su autor para exponer con nitidez cuestiones que en principio parecían confusas, y sorprendernos con sus intui
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica El miedo a la libertad
Este libro intenta explicar los aspectos de la crisis contemporánea de la civilización occidental relacionados con la libertad del hombre. Una crisis que ostenta diversas manifestaciones, de las que Fromm destaca dos para sus fines analíticos: su expresión política (el fascismo) y su expresión sociocultural (la creciente estandarización de los individuos en las sociedades avanzadas). Ambas manifestaciones de la crisis no son más que formas colectivas de evadir la libertad.Todo ello provoca varias consecuencias en el hombre de la moderna sociedad industrial: una autoconciencia de insignificancia personal, una sensación de soledad moral y la resignación a sacrificar su propia vida en virtud de poderes exteriores y superiores. En este sentido, no importa que el hombre actual haya conseguido liberarse de los vínculos de la sociedad tradicional y a la vez sentar las bases de una auténtica potenciación de las cualidades humanas: el análisis de Fromm va dirigido precisamente a esclarecer
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Arbeiter und Angestellte am Vorabend des Dritten Reiches Eine sozialpsychologische Untersuchung
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Art of Loving
labutxaca Lart destimar
L'amor és un art o bé és una mera sensació plaent i agradable i experimentar-la és una qüestió d'atzar? Aquesta és la pregunta que ens formula Erich Fromm en començar el seu assaig per acabar demostrant que en realitat l'amor és un art, una habilitat que requereix coneixement, gosadia i esforç.L'art d'estimar (1956) s'ha convertit al llarg dels anys en un tractat clàssic que ha ensenyat a diverses generacions a desenvolupar la seva capacitat d'estimar. La profunditat i la sensatesa de les seves reflexions fan que mantingui plenament la seva vigència.
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Das jdische Gesetz Zur Soziologie des DiasporaJudentums
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Die Kunst des Liebens
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Vom Haben zum Sein Wege und Irrwege der Selbsterfahrung
Suhrkamp Verlag AG ZenBuddhismus und Psychoanalyse
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC To Have or To Be?
To Have Or to Be? is one of the seminal books of the second half of the 20th century. Nothing less than a manifesto for a new social and psychological revolution to save our threatened planet, this book is a summary of the penetrating thought of Eric Fromm. His thesis is that two modes of existence struggle for the spirit of humankind: the having mode, which concentrates on material possessions, power, and aggression, and is the basis of the universal evils of greed, envy, and violence; and the being mode, which is based on love, the pleasure of sharing, and in productive activity. To Have Or to Be? is a brilliant program for socioeconomic change.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Freud
First published in 1962 Beyond the Chains of Illusion is Fromm’s landmark book about Marx and Freud. Here he delivers original readings of these hugely influential thinkers and, in doing so, offers us new ways of understanding the individual and society. Perhaps even more revealing than these readings is the insight we get into Fromm’s own thought and the political and social contexts in which he formed his ideas. Including a foreword by Fromm’s Literary Executor, Rainer Funk, this is unique introduction to Marx and Freud and also to Fromm’s life and thought.
Little, Brown Book Group The Art Of Listening
''It is a beautiful book to read; it is not about psychoanalytic technique, but evidence of his warm empathy and humanistic view of his patients'' Betty Gould, Self & SocietyThough thought of as a brilliant social commentator, Erich Fromm was first and foremost one of the great psychoanalysts of our time. These posthumous writings combine two aspects of Fromm''s thinking, showing how he built on Freudian theory and also modified it with his own humanist point of view.For Fromm, the essence of psychological health evolved from the complex interplay and conflict engendered by the meeting of the irrational and rational parts of the personality. In his writing, he was often critical of psychoanalysis but was keen to stress that this was only to stop the practice of psychoanalysis from deteriorating. He strongly believed that analysis existed ''not to cure illness but to help the inner freedom of a person''.This edition, commemorating thi
HarperCollins Publishers The Art of Loving
Since it was first published " The Art of Loving" has become a classic, inspiring thousands of people with its clarity and power. Erich Fromm, the renowned psychoanalyst, sees love as the ultimate need and desire of all human beings. In this book, he discusses every aspect of the subject: romantic love, the love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, self-love and the love of God or the divine. He looks at the theory of love as it appears throughout the cultures of the world and at the practice, how we show or fail to show love to one another. Love is an art, which we need to develop and practice in order to find true commitment. We need to find it, individually and as a society as a whole. Erich Fromm is one of the major figures in the field of psychoanalysis. He devoted himself to consultant psychology and theoretical investigation for many years. He was the author of numerous books, including " Fear of Freedom" and "Psychoanalysis and Zen", before his death in 1980.
Holt McDougal The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Planeta Publishing La Atracción de la Vida
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Die Revolution der Hoffnung
Henry Holt & Company Inc The Sane Society
Psychosozial Verlag GbR ber den Ungehorsam und andere Essays
Herder Verlag GmbH Die Kunst des Lebens
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Die Furcht vor der Freiheit
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Haben oder Sein Die seelischen Grundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft
Yale University Press Psychoanalysis and Religion
“A daring book to have cast into the midst of the world’s excitements, for it will itself breed new excitements. . . . It is not a book to be missed by those interested in man’s spiritual growth.”—New York Times A noted psychoanalyst assesses the modern issue between traditional religion and a philosophy that takes as the sole aim in life the satisfaction of instinctive and material values.
Editorial Planeta Mexicana S.A. de C.V. El Arte de Amar / The Art of Loving
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Grundbegriffe
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Ihr werdet sein wie Gott Psychoanalyse und Religion
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Y seréis como dioses
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Nueva Biblioteca Erich FrommEn Y seréis como dioses, Fromm aborda el vacío provocado por la muerte de Dios en la sociedad contemporánea y propone nuevas fórmulas para asistir al renacimiento de un nuevo humanismo.Fromm, que considera que el principal problema del hombre contemporáneo es su confusión entre "ser" y "tener", concibe a los integrantes de las sociedades industriales como consumidores angustiados, vacíos y aislados que están aburridos de la vida y compensan su depresión crónica con el consumo compulsivo.Así, la cuestión decisiva ?propone Fromm- consiste en lograr ciertos cambios fundamentales en la estructura socioeconómica que conduzca a la humanidad entera a su despertar y liberación.
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Das Menschenbild bei Marx
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. Die Kunst des Liebens
Little, Brown Book Group The Art of Being
How can we realise and actualise love, reason and meaningful, productive work? If the Art of Being - the art of functioning as a whole person - can be considered the supreme goal of life, a breakthrough occurs when we move from narcissistic selfishness and egotism - from having - to psychological and spiritual happiness - being. The Art of Being remains one of the most important and sought-after works in the Fromm canon.Fromm here offers a path to true wellbeing and a way of living based on authentic self-awareness that comes only through honest self-analysis. He warns of the pitfalls of our attaining enlightenment without effort, or believing that life can be lived without pain. The tantalising 'spiritual smorgasbord' offered by our consumer-oriented world, Fromm maintains, only feeds our illusions of 'easy awareness'. Confronting the psycho-gurus who preach these shortcuts to enlightenment, Fromm offers another way to self-awareness through meditation rather than material gain.This volume is a sequel to one of Erich Fromm's most popular works, To Have or to Be. In this book, Fromm examines the true paths - as opposed to false directions - that will lead us to self-knowledge and enlightenment. This edition, commemorating thirty years since the first English publication of The Art of Being, features an updated introduction from editor Rainer Funk.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Marx's Concept of Man: Including 'Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts'
In publishing Marx’s Concept of Man in 1961, Erich Fromm presented to the English-speaking world for the first time Karl Marx’s then recently discovered Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. Including the Manuscripts and many other philosophical writings by Marx as well as Fromm’s own extended response, many of these writings have since become recognised as important works in their own right. Fromm stresses Marx’s humanist philosophy and challenges both contemporary Western ignorance of Marx and Soviet corruptions of his work. Fromm’s analysis of Marx’s work and his dissemination of these neglected writings by Marx himself fundamentally altered the prevailing discourse about Marxism, revolutionising contemporary thought and providing a formative influence for the development of the New Left.