Search results for ""Author Emma Milne""
5M Books Ltd Are Dogs the Right Pet for You: Can You Find Out
Dogs can be brilliant and entertaining pets but we shouldn’t forget that like all animals they too have their own needs. For example, did you know that dogs are social animals like us which means they love to spend time with human and doggy friends? It might surprise you to learn that dogs don’t like being hugged and it’s important to know how dogs show you when they want some quiet time. If you think you might like a dog for a pet you need to find out what dogs love to eat, what they just love to do and what keeps them happy as well as healthy. You can find out by learning the facts in this book and taking on detective assignments to investigate their needs. By going through your pet detective tasks and learning as you go you will find out if you and your family are the right owners for these special pets, then you’re ready to take care of a real one! Just as importantly, if you discover that you and a dog aren’t a perfect match you can get some pointers to other fabulous animals that might suit you better.
Emerald Publishing Limited Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide
Milne provides a comprehensive analysis of conviction outcomes through court transcripts of 14 criminal cases in England and Wales during 2010 to 2019. Drawing on feminist theories of responsibilisation and 'gendered harm', she critically reflects on the gendered nature of criminal justice's responses to suspected infanticide.
5M Books Ltd Picking a Pedigree: How to Choose A Healthy Puppy or Kitten
Getting a new puppy or kitten is such an exciting time for any family and should be the start of a beautiful, long friendship. Picking a breed can be difficult and is sometimes a choice made on an impulse because a certain look or character seems to be just what you want. Sadly, a snap decision can turn into heartache if the breed you pick doesn’t suit your lifestyle or has health issues that you didn’t know about. Some breeds of dogs and cats have body shapes that are not healthy and can cause a lifetime of discomfort. Selective breeding has produced features like short faces, tiny legs, long backs, huge ears and lots of skin wrinkles. Some breeds also have high levels of inherited disease like heart problems. These unnatural exaggerations and inherited issues can not only mean big bills and frequent visits to the vet but also a less than ideal life for your pet. This book will help you avoid the breeds most affected by health problems. We look at what Mother Nature and evolution picked for cats and dogs compared to what man has done through breeding. Hopefully you will start to see these odd body shapes not as normal for a breed, but as unhealthy changes to our beautiful cats and dogs. We’ll also look at how you can try to find the best breeder possible and avoid the likes of puppy farmers who care more about money than their animals. Somewhere out there, a puppy or kitten is waiting to become a cherished part of your family and I hope this book will help you find the right one. Dogs and cats are wonderful animals and enrich our lives so let’s try and make sure that they are as healthy and happy as possible.
5M Books Ltd Are Rabbits the Right Pet for You: Can You Find the Facts?
Owning a pet is a big commitment, lasting years. Unwanted pets that have proved too demanding to be looked after by their owners form a significant amount of the shelter population and euthanasia cases, representing a significant welfare problem. Children and parents often don’t think about the practical and financial aspects of pet owning, such as cleaning up after it, feeding and walking it, giving it sufficient housing and protection, paying for vets fees, inoculations, pet insurance etc. This series of books, with each book focusing on a different species of popular pet, will encourage responsible pet ownership from a young age, outlining the needs of pets and the responsibilities of owners, in a fun and authoritative way. The reader is the detective, assigned to investigate and work out whether the pet is right for them based on it’s needs, and if not identify which pet is a more appropriate choice. The animal’s needs will be defined by the 5 freedoms – to food and water, shelter, freedom from harm and distress and to exhibit normal behaviour. The book includes a virtual pet research section where children are encouraged to live with an imaginary / toy pet with a real pet’s needs for a month before acquiring a pet. The whole emphasis of these books is to get children to think about and practice owning a pet before purchasing one and making a long-term commitment.
5M Books Ltd Are Small Furry Rodents the Right Pets for You: Can You Find the Facts?
Small furry rodents can be wonderful pets and are loving and entertaining little creatures but we shouldn't forget that like all pets they too have their own needs. In this book you'll find out all about rats, mice, degus, gerbils and hamsters. Did you know that all rodents have front teeth that never stop growing. The name rodent comes from the Latin for 'gnaw'. They love to chew! Some rodents like gerbils love social contact and need to kept in pairs or groups but Syrian hamsters hate other hamsters so need to kept alone. If you want to know what all these small furries love to eat, who their friends and enemies are and what makes them happy and healthy, you can find out by learning the facts in this book and taking on detective assignments to investigate their needs. By going through your pet detective tasks and learning as you go you will find out if you and your family are the right owners for these special pets, then you're ready to take care of real ones! Just as importantly, if you discover that you and small furry rodents aren't a perfect match you can get some pointers to other fabulous animals that might suit you better.
5M Books Ltd Are Guinea Pigs the Right Pet for You: Can You Find the Facts?
Owning a pet is a big commitment, lasting years. Children and parents often don't think about the practical and financial aspects of pet owning, such as giving it sufficient housing and protection, paying for vets fees, pet insurance etc. Are Guinea Pigs the Right Pet for You encourages responsible pet ownership from a young age, outlining the needs of guinea pigs and the responsibilities of owners, in a fun and authoritative way. The reader is the detective, assigned to investigate and work out whether the pet is right for them based on its needs and, if not, identify which pet is a more appropriate choice. The book includes a virtual pet research section where children are encouraged to live with imaginary guinea pigs with real pets' needs for a month before acquiring a pet.
5M Books Ltd Is a Cat the Right Pet for You: Can You Find the Facts?
Cats can be brilliant and entertaining pets but we shouldn’t forget that like all animals they too have their own needs. For example, did you know that cats still have lots of wild instincts like hunting, even sometimes if they’re not hungry! They love to climb, chase and hide up high when they are worried. If you think you might like a cat for a pet you need to find out what cats love to eat, who their friends and enemies are and what keeps them happy as well as healthy. You can find out by learning the facts in this book and taking on detective assignments to investigate their needs. By going through your pet detective tasks and learning as you go you will find out if you and your family are the right owners for these special pets, then you’re ready to take care of a real one! Just as importantly, if you discover that you and a cat aren’t a perfect match you can get some pointers to other fabulous animals that might suit you better.
Emerald Publishing Limited Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide: Judging the Failed Mother
Analysis of criminal cases reveals that women suspected of killing their newborn children are some of the most vulnerable in our society and that infanticide is not just a historical issue but one that has modern implications. While women are less likely to commit violent crime, maternal infant homicide is an enduring form of offending that needs to be understood in a wider social context. In Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide, Milne provides a comprehensive analysis of conviction outcomes through court transcripts of 15 criminal cases in England and Wales during 2010 to 2019. Drawing on feminist theories of responsibilisation and 'gendered harm', she critically reflects on the gendered nature of criminal justice's responses to suspected infanticide. This contemporary study makes a novel contribution to the fields of law, criminology and gender studies, arguing that through its inability to recognise the vulnerable position of accused women, and respond accordingly, the application of law reflects wider social judgments of pregnant women and mothers who challenge or fail to fulfil ideals of motherhood.
Amber Books Ltd The Pawfect Guide to Thinking Like a Dog: 501 Tips and Techniques
What should you do if you can’t train your dog to heel? Or it keeps tearing up the furniture? Or it’s aggressive around other animals? The Pawfect Guide to Thinking like a Dog doesn’t waste time on lengthy and complicated explanations that you will never finish reading, let alone put into practice. Instead, it explains your dog’s behaviour from tail wagging to self-harming, and in brief instructions explains how to train your hound, how to handle tricky issues and how to address health matters. Featuring 110 colour photographs, the book deftly addresses all manner of issues, from fouling to whining, from barking to disobedience, from how to travel with your dog to how to wash your dog to how to train your dog to behave around children. Packed with easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply information, The Pawfect Guide to Thinking like a Dog is an essential guide to forging a lasting, healthy relationship.
Amber Books Ltd The Purrfect Guide to Thinking Like a Cat
Yes, cats are known to be inscrutable, but their behaviour tell us more about them than we often think. Did you know that if your cat is wagging her tail at you that is not a good sign? (She’s angry.) Or what it means if her pupils are dilated? (She’s scared.) Or if she’s kneading your leg? (She’s showing appreciation.) Getting straight to the point, The Purrfect Guide to Thinking like a Cat doesn’t waste time on lengthy and complicated explanations that you will never finish reading let alone put into practice. Instead, in brief instructions the book explains how to understand your cat’s behaviour and how you can adapt your own behaviour to make the most of your relationship. Featuring 110 colour photographs, the book deftly addresses all manner of issues, from marking territory to hissing, from scratching to self-harming, from exercising to coping with other cats. Packed with easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply information, The Purrfect Guide to Thinking like a Cat is an essential guide to forging a lasting, healthy relationship with your cat.
Sage Publications Ltd Sex and Crime
A comprehensive account of the myriad ways that sex and crime interact in contemporary social life, sensitively confronting topics such as nationhood, abortion, child sexual exploitation, war, disability, pornography, and digital cultures. To explain how sex and crime is composed by, and composes, our understanding of these issues, this book: Draws on the authors’ research expertise, insightful case studies, and leading scholarship from across the globe. Develops students’ capacity to engage thoughtfully with diverse problems and to think critically, this is achieved with the help of creative learning exercises, empathetic questioning, and relevant illustrative examples. Encourages readers to be reflexive, open-spirited, and curious about how issues of sex and crime touch their lives and those of people around them.