Search results for ""Author Elizabeth Auer""
Waldorf Publications Helping Children on their Way: Educational Support for the Classroom
Children who have difficulties in learning in standard ways need extra support in the classroom. It can sometimes be difficult for teachers to know which technique might be best suited for a particular child or learning difficulty.This collection of articles written by teachers, therapists, doctors and adult educators explains and explores a different approach, with the goal of helping to improve every child's abilities.Vibrantly illustrated with over 200 colour scratchboard drawings, photographs and line drawings, this is an accessible compendium that will be valued by all class teachers.
Waldorf Publications Creative Pathways: Activities That Strengthen The Child's Cognitive Forces
Integrating arts and practical handwork into academic learning can have a wealth of benefits for children and their development.An experienced Waldorf crafts and class teacher here shares her extensive experience of doing hands-on activities with children aged 6 to 14, in a school context.This is both an inspiring and a practical book for Steiner-Waldorf teachers.
Waldorf Publications Bare Hand Crafting: Two Hands, No Needles!
Learn how to knit, sew and embroider without needles! This book introduces the skills of felting, embroidery and crochet along with 3D knitting. Discover the technique of hands-only crafting and knitting with these fun projects and enjoy the therapeutic effects of handwork. This book will help readers create a range of crafts from a crocheted doll blanket, to a gnome hat and a shoulder bag. It also shares helpful information on nature-friendly dyeing, tunnel knitting and tapering. With numerous illustrations plus clear descriptions of the techniques and codes for repeated techniques, the projects are suitable for adults and older children, as well as younger children with a little bit of adult help!
AWSNA Publications Learning about the World through Modeling: Sculptural Ideas for School and Home
Hands-on modelling is key skill for children, leading to the development of their mind and intelligence through a rich complexity of sense experiences.Arthur and Elizabeth Auer make a plea to parents and teachers alike to 'let children work with their hands'. This comprehensive, heavily illustrated book demonstrates a multitude of modelling projects for different ages using different materials including clay, beeswax, plasticine, dough, sand and snow.
Waldorf Publications Bare Hand Knitting: Tool-Free Knitting at its Finest
Learn to knit anywhere, without needles!Many children learn finger knitting in kindergarten, but what about later on? This inspiring book demonstrates a range of new hand knitting techniques suitable for school-age children.In our mechanised world of less and less handwork, this is a wonderful skill for children to learn and take into adult life. The book includes step-by-step instructions for making beautiful clothing, scarves, hats, decoration and much more, without ever needing a needle!