Search results for ""Author Edmond""
Urachhaus/Geistesleben Wrme und ihre Bedeutung fr das heranwachsende Kind
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Buch der Fragen
Imprint Academic Avatar-Philosophy (and -Religion) Or FAITHEISM
Austin Macauley Publishers Watching
Editorial Renacimiento Diario memorias de la vida literaria 18511870
Diletantes, cultos, elitistas y amantes del siglo XVIII y del arte oriental, los hermanos Goncourt, Edmond y Jules, son hoy más recordados por la Academia y el premio literario anual que llevan su nombre que por sus novelas o por este Diario. Memorias de la vida literaria, fascinante fuente de información sobre la vida intelectual (y no solo) de aquella época. Se trata de una obra inagotable, rica en anécdotas, chismes y frases ingeniosas que bien podría considerarse el primer diario íntimo literario propiamente dicho. El Diario se publicó originalmente, con gran escándalo ?pese a omitir o modificar no pocos nombres propios?, entre 1887 y 1896, en nueve tomos, divididos a su vez en tres series. El primer ciclo ?al que se dedica este volumen? está escrito por Jules al dictado de los dos hermanos. A su muerte, Edmond decidió continuar el trabajo solo y seguir publicándolo bajo la firma de ambos. Flaubert, Balzac, Baudelaire y tantos otros nombres mayores de la literatura francesa son pro
Indiana University Press Revolutionary Ethiopia: From Empire to People's Republic
" . . . an excellent, comprehensive account of the Ethiopian revolution . . . essential for anyone who wishes to understand revolutionary Ethiopia." —Perspective"This masterly history deals with the Emperor and the Dergue . . . on their own terms. . . . [Keller] buttresses his analysis with careful and useful detail." —Foreign Affairs"Keller's analytic grasp of the complex features of Ethiopian history and society from a wide range of sources is remarkable." —African Affairs
Indiana University Press Identity, Citizenship, and Political Conflict in Africa
Reflecting on the processes of nation-building and citizenship formation in Africa, Edmond J. Keller believes that although some deep parochial identities have eroded, they have not disappeared and may be more assertive than previously thought, especially in instances of political conflict. Keller reconsiders how national identity has been understood in Africa and presents new approaches to identity politics, intergroup relations, state-society relations, and notions of national citizenship and citizenship rights. Focusing on Nigeria, Ethiopia, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, and Rwanda, he lays the foundation for a new understanding of political transition in contemporary Africa.
Anaya & Mario Muchnik Cyrano de Bergerac
Astiberri Ediciones Viva la vida los sueños de Ciudad Juárez
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: Sillon orejeroUn retrato a cambio de un sueño. Así es como Baudoin y Troubs, abordando a la gente en la calle, se plantean retratar la mexicana Ciudad Juárez, quizá la urbe más peligrosa del mundo, donde los asesinatos de mujeres y la violencia vinculada con el narcotráfico son el pan de cada día. Sin embargo, a través de sus ojos, la ciudad fronteriza resulta rebosar de vida y de sueños.El origen de Viva la vida se halla en la novela del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño, 2666, que gira en torno a los misteriosos asesinatos de más de 400 mujeres en Ciudad Juárez. Su lectura fue el germen que incitó a Baudoin a emprender el viaje hacia la ciudad fronteriza, junto con Troubs, para reflejar y dar a conocer a través de sus dibujos esa cruda realidad, e intentar comprenderla. Sin embargo, recogiendo los testimonios, los anhelos y los sueños de los lugareños, no sólo fueron conociendo la brutal realidad de Ciudad Juárez, sino también la de una ciuda
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Cyrano De Bergerac
Golkonda Verlag Captain Future 08 Im Zeitstrom verschollen
Golkonda Verlag Captain Future 6 Sternenstraße zum Ruhm
Reclam Philipp Jun. Cyrano von Bergerac Romantische Komdie in fnf Aufzgen
Simon & Brown Cyrano De Bergerac
Austin Macauley Publishers Withstanding
Editorial Trotta, S.A. El libro de la hospitalidad
La obra del poeta judío Edmond Jabès se articula alrededor del Libro y de la creación de diversos libros, de entre los cuales cabe destacar El libro de las preguntas. De publicación póstuma, El libro de la hospitalidad hace balance de la vida y la obra de este escritor único, desde una estremecedora conciencia de la desaparición y una incansable apuesta por amparar al otro en un acto de hospitalidad perpetua.Me di cuenta, un día, de que algo me importaba por encima de todas las cosas: cómo definirme como extranjero?Y este fue el objeto del libro que titulé: Un extranjero con, bajo el brazo, un libro de pequeño formato.Me di cuenta, después, de que, en su vulnerabilidad, el extranjero sólo podía contar con la hospitalidad que le brindase el prójimo. Igual que las palabras se benefician de la hospitalidad de la página en blanco y el pájaro, de la hospitalidad, incondicional, del cielo.Y este es el objeto de este libro.Pero qué es la hospitalidad?.E. J.
El canto de las vocales como invocacin a los dioses planetarios
La intención nos acerca a la divinidad. La atención es su vehículo y el sonido el alimento. Quien desee iniciar la aventura interior de alma, deberá entrenarse en la encantación de lo Sagrado; quien busque el método de llevarlo a cabo, encontrará en este texto lo esencial para iniciar el camino. Meditación, luz, vibración, deben ponerse de acuerdo para que el alma pueda entonar el canto de la celebración de la Creación.Jose Miguel Jato
Plutón Ediciones Cyrano de Bergerac
"La obra Cyrano de Bergerac (1897) del francés Edmond Rostand (1868-1918) es extraña, magistral y a la vez íntima y efectista. La tensión sostenida de fuertes pasiones y elegantes juegos verbales, no decae un momento y arrastra al espectador o al lector, cada vez que este singular y narigudo espadachín, culto como el que más, cínico y tierno, sube a la escena o aparece una nueva edición y esconde tras sus bravatas su desesperado amor por Roxana."-- En la contraportada.
Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner N/A
DC Comics Batman Superman Worlds Finest The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1
Superman and Batman first teamed up in these stories from comics' Silver Age, reprinted in one massive hardcover!
Saint Austin Press Work and Human Fulfillment
Rudolf Steiner College Press The First Seven Years: Physiology of Childhood
Washington Square Press Inc.,N.Y. Cyrano de Bergerac
Golkonda Verlag Captain Future 10 Verrat auf dem Mond
Golkonda Verlag Captain Future 09 Jenseits der Sterne
Klett Sprachen GmbH Cyrano de Bergerac
Edinburgh University Press A Symposium on Slavoj Zizek: Faith and the Real: Paragraph Volume 24 Number 2
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Cohen's Comprehensive Thoracic Anesthesia
Ideal for clinicians at all levels of experience-from the resident to the subspecialist-Cohen's Comprehensive Thoracic Anesthesia compiles the many recent advances in thoracic anesthesiology into one convenient, easy-to-use reference. Concise, clinically focused chapters written by international authorities in the field cover all facets of anesthesia practice for thoracic procedures, logically organized by preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative considerations. Discusses new devices for lung isolation, new lung protection protocols, new information on post-operative complications, and new drugs for modulating pulmonary circulation. Covers 20 key procedures including tracheal resection, esophagectomy, mediastinoscopy, mediastinal mass, SVC syndrome, and more. Describes complex surgeries related to the lungs, pleura, diaphragm, and esophagus. Provides case studies and clinical vignettes to illustrate and support case management decisions. Offers highly practical guidance for quick reference from editor Dr. Edmond Cohen and a team of expert contributing authors from around the world. Features extensive illustrations throughout, including clinical photos and drawings, radiographic images, device images, charts, and graphs. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Yale University Press Merchants: The Community That Shaped England's Trade and Empire, 1550-1650
WINNER OF THE 2023 RALPH GOMORY BOOK PRIZE “A superb book.”—Jerry Brotton “Wonderfully wide-ranging and deeply-researched.”—William Dalrymple “Sharply observed, innovatively analysed, and always accessible.”—Nandini Das A new history of English trade and empire—revealing how a tightly woven community of merchants was the true origin of globalized Britain In the century following Elizabeth I’s rise to the throne, English trade blossomed as thousands of merchants launched ventures across the globe. Through the efforts of these "mere merchants," England developed from a peripheral power on the fringes of Europe to a country at the center of a global commercial web, with interests stretching from Virginia to Ahmadabad and Arkhangelsk to Benin. Edmond Smith traces the lives of English merchants from their earliest steps into business to the heights of their successes. Smith unpicks their behavior, relationships, and experiences, from exporting wool to Russia, importing exotic luxuries from India, and building plantations in America. He reveals that the origins of "global" Britain are found in the stories of these men whose livelihoods depended on their skills, entrepreneurship, and ability to work together to compete in cutthroat international markets. As a community, their efforts would come to revolutionize Britain’s relationship with the world.
Austin Macauley Publishers Watching
Golkonda Verlag Captain Future 5 Die sieben Weltraumsteine
Golkonda Verlag Captain Future 03 Die Herausforderung
Austin Macauley Publishers Withstanding
Penguin Books Ltd Cyrano de Bergerac
Poet and soldier, brawler and charmer, Cyrano de Bergerac is desperately in love with Roxane, the most beautiful woman in Paris. But there is one very large problem - he has a nose of stupendous size and believes she will never see past it to return his feelings. So when he discovers that the handsome but tongue-tied Christian is also pining for Roxane, generous Cyrano offers to help by writing exquisite declarations of love for the young man to woo her with. Will she ever recognize who she is really falling in love with? Set during the reign of Louis XIII, Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac (1897) was one of the great theatrical successes of its time and remains as popular today for its dramatic power and, above all, for its good-natured, passionate and swashbuckling hero.
La Comuna de Pars
Los hermanos Goncourt, Edmond y Jules, crearon algunas de las obras literarias más representativas de la escuela naturalista francesa. Pero también, cada noche, en secreto, escribieron al alimón sus aclamados Diarios, en los que dejaron constancia de las glorias y miserias de los círculos intelectuales y artísticos del París del siglo xix. En 1870, justo antes del comienzo de la guerra con Prusia, del sitio de París y de la posterior proclamación de la Comuna, la muerte de Jules obligaría a Edmond a continuar la tarea en solitario. En el marco del París revolucionario de 1870 y 1871, ese gran reaccionario que fue Edmond de Goncourt recorrió incansablemente las calles, habló con todo el mundo, asistió a reuniones políticas, entró en hospitales, atravesó fortificaciones, visitó barricadas, presenció combates y luego volvió cada noche a su habitación para forjar algunas de las más bellas páginas que se hayan escrito sobre estos momentos cruciales de la historia, cuya significación continú
Neue Erde GmbH Die Meditationen der Essener Das Praxisbuch fr jeden Tag
Indiana University Press Identity, Citizenship, and Political Conflict in Africa
Reflecting on the processes of nation-building and citizenship formation in Africa, Edmond J. Keller believes that although some deep parochial identities have eroded, they have not disappeared and may be more assertive than previously thought, especially in instances of political conflict. Keller reconsiders how national identity has been understood in Africa and presents new approaches to identity politics, intergroup relations, state-society relations, and notions of national citizenship and citizenship rights. Focusing on Nigeria, Ethiopia, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, and Rwanda, he lays the foundation for a new understanding of political transition in contemporary Africa.
George Braziller Inc Einstein's 1912 Manuscript on the Theory of Relativity: a Facsimile
Now in paperback, this volume presents Albert Einstein's 1912 manuscript on the special theory of relativity, one of the most revolutionary and influential scientific documents of the twentieth century. It includes faithful reproductions of each of the seventy-two handwritten pages along with an English translation of the original German text. A tribute to Einstein's genius, the book opens with a brief essay by Hanoch Gutfreund, a chronology of Einstein's life, a selection of quotes by Einstein, and, to introduce the manuscript, a detailed description of the manuscript, its contents, publication history, and provenance. The manuscript pages themselves then follow, reproduced in full colour, with the English translation facing each page. Subtle variations in paper and ink are clearly visible in the excellent reproductions, indicating where and when Einstein drafted certain parts of it. Because the manuscript shows extensive reworking, it reveals Einstein's thought processes more than any other of his handwritten works. Einstein's 1912 Manuscript provides a glimpse into one of the greatest minds of the last century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Zizek Reader
The Zizek Reader - which includes a Foreword by Zizek and a new, previously unpublished essay on cyberspace - provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the flamboyant work of a figure who has been variously described as 'one of the most arresting, insightful and scandalous thinkers in recent memory' and 'the Giant of Ljubljana'. Collects work by one of the most arresting and scandalous thinkers of our time. Aids the reader to understand the often complex thinking of both Lacan and Zizek .
Faber & Faber Cyrano de Bergerac: in a free adaptation
A genius with language, but convinced of his own ugliness, Cyrano secretly loves the radiant Roxane. While Roxane is in love with the beautiful but inarticulate Christian.Cyrano's generous offer to act as go-between sets in motion a poignant and often hilarious love-triangle, in which each character is torn between the lure of physical attraction and the seductive power of words.Martin Crimp's adaptation of Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac premiered at the Playhouse Theatre, London, in November 2019.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Pages From The Goncourt Journals
Legare Street Press Germinie Lacerteux
Neue Erde GmbH Die unbekannten Schriften der Essener
Editorial Renacimiento Diario Memorias de la vida literaria 18701871
Skyhorse Publishing The Fall of the Dynasties: The Collapse of the Old Order: 1905-1922
Popular history of the finest sort . . . an excellent book worthy to rank with Barbara Tuchman’s The Guns of August and Alan Moorehead’s Gallipoli.” The New York TimesOn June 28, 1914, in the dusty Balkan town of Sarajevo, an assassin fired two shots. In the next five minutes, as the stout middle-aged Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Habsburg, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife bled to death, a dynastyand with it, a whole way of lifebegan to topple.In the ages before World War I, four dynastiesthe Habsburg, Hohenzollern, Ottoman, and Romanovdominated much of civilization. Outwardly different, they were at bottom somewhat alike: opulent, grandiose, suffocating in tradition, ostentatiously gilded on the surface and rotting at the core. Worse still, they were tragically out of step with the forces shaping the modern world.The Fall of the Dynasties covers the period from 1905 to 1922, when these four ruling houses crumbled and fell, destroying old alliances and obliterating old boundaries. World War I was precipitated by their decay and their splintered baroque rubble proved to be a treacherous base for the new nations that emerged from the war. All convulsions of the last half-century,” Taylor writes, stem back to Sarajevo: the two World Wars, the Bolshevik revolution, the rise and fall of Hitler, and the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. Millions upon millions of deaths can be traced to one or another of these upheavals; all of us who survive have been scarred at least emotionally by them.”In this classic volume, Taylor traces the origins of the dynasties whose collapse brought the old order crashing down and the events leading to their astonishingly swift downfall.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in history--books about World War II, the Third Reich, Hitler and his henchmen, the JFK assassination, conspiracies, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, gladiators, Vikings, ancient Rome, medieval times, the old West, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Dover Publications Inc. Cyrano de Bergerac