Search results for ""Author Ed Hulse""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Art of the Classic Western Movie Poster
Acknowledging the iconic, but with plenty of room for the rare and unfamiliar,The Art of the Classic Western Movie Posterpresentsposter art created for several hundred classic (and not-so-classic) westerns produced from 1903 to 1978.More than 800 imagesmany reproduced as full pagemake this the most comprehensive book of western movie poster art ever published, and the definitive history of a genre often underestimated for its impact on American audiences.One of the earliest narrative films, 1903'sThe Great Train Robbery, was a western, and before commercial cinema was a decade old the form had proliferated to such an extent that practically every nickelodeon in the country used short-length shoot-'em-ups in their daily programs.The book begins with a fact-heavy introduction that details how western movies became popular as a result of America's fascination with the Wild West, as portrayed in dime novels and pulp-fiction magazines. How and when the genre archetypeswhit
Idea & Design Works The Art of Pulp Fiction: An Illustrated History of Vintage Paperbacks
Idea & Design Works The Art of the Pulps: An Illustrated History