Search results for ""Author Doug Rose""
Project Management Institute Leading Agile Teams
Leading Agile Teams is a practical and engaging guide to help your organization embrace a more agile mindset. Most organizations work in large groups when trying to find solutions for big problems. Agile teams are different. They get more done by having a small self-organized team focus on the highest priority items. Each big problem is broken down and solved by a small, stable group of dedicated professionals. This book will give you the knowledge and tools you need to create and sustain strong agile teams. It is written for the developers, project managers, product owners, and ScrumMasters, who do most of the legwork in getting agile up and running.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Agility For Dummies
Manage and improve your organization's agile transformation Adopting an enterprise agile framework is a radical organizational change, and this book will help you get there without ever breaking a sweat. In Enterprise Agility For Dummies, you'll discover how to successfully choose and implement the right framework based on your organization's own unique culture. Organizational culture is one of the most overlooked challenges when trying to make a change to enterprise agile, and there are lots of resources out there that claim to have the perfect, one-size-fits-all solution. Luckily, this book takes a neutral stance and covers popular organizational change management techniques that you can implement to suit to your unique needs. Packed with step-by-step instruction and complemented with real-world case studies, this book offers everything you need to know in order to embrace a more agile mindset. Understand the benefits of an agile approach Pick the best enterprise agile framework for your organization Create a successful enterprise change management plan Let Enterprise Agility For Dummies help you optimize your business processes, and watch your productivity soar.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Das agile Unternehmen für Dummies
Wer sein Unternehmen in Zeiten permanenten Wandels konkurrenzfähig halten will, kommt am Konzept der Agilität nicht vorbei. Was in der Softwareentwicklung und über das Projektmanagement Einzug in die Teams von Unternehmen gefunden hat, gilt inzwischen als die passende Antwort auf die Herausforderungen an das gesamte Unternehmen - schnell, innovativ und frei von festgefahrenen Strukturen auf ein verändertes Marktumfeld reagieren zu können. Doug Rose erläutert die Grundideen agiler Praktiken, erklärt Tools wie Disciplined Agile Delievery, Large Scale Scrum, Lean Product Delivery, Kanban, Scale Agile Framework und Spotify Engineering Culture und zeigt auf, für welche Art von Unternehmen und Unternehmenskultur welche Rahmenstrukturen passen - ein Start-up-Unternehmen hat nun einmal andere Voraussetzungen als eines, das sich durch starke hierarchische Strukturen definiert. Sie erfahren, wie Sie Schritt-für-Schritt agile Praktiken umsetzen und Ihr Unternehmen so fit für die kommenden Herausforderungen machen.
Capital Transport Publishing Tiles of the Unexpected