Search results for ""Author Dirk Braunstein""
Ca Ira Verlag Schiffbruch beim Spagat
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy and Sociology: 1960
In summer 1960, Adorno gave the first of a series of lectures devoted to the relation between sociology and philosophy. One of his central concerns was to dispel the notion, erroneous in his view, that these were two incompatible disciplines, radically opposed in their methods and aims, a notion that was shared by many. While some sociologists were inclined to dismiss philosophy as obsolete and incapable of dealing with the pressing social problems of our time, many philosophers, influenced by Kant, believed that philosophical reflection must remain 'pure', investigating the constitution of knowledge and experience without reference to any real or material factors. By focusing on the problem of truth, Adorno seeks to show that philosophy and sociology share much more in common than many of their practitioners are inclined to assume. Drawing on intellectual history, Adorno demonstrates the connection between truth and social context, arguing that there is no truth that cannot be manipulated by ideology and no theorem that can be wholly detached from social and historical considerations. This systematic account on the interconnectedness of philosophy and sociology makes these lectures a timeless reflection on the nature of these disciplines and an excellent introduction to critical theory, the sociological content of which is here outlined in detail by Adorno for the first time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy and Sociology: 1960
In summer 1960, Adorno gave the first of a series of lectures devoted to the relation between sociology and philosophy. One of his central concerns was to dispel the notion, erroneous in his view, that these were two incompatible disciplines, radically opposed in their methods and aims, a notion that was shared by many. While some sociologists were inclined to dismiss philosophy as obsolete and incapable of dealing with the pressing social problems of our time, many philosophers, influenced by Kant, believed that philosophical reflection must remain 'pure', investigating the constitution of knowledge and experience without reference to any real or material factors. By focusing on the problem of truth, Adorno seeks to show that philosophy and sociology share much more in common than many of their practitioners are inclined to assume. Drawing on intellectual history, Adorno demonstrates the connection between truth and social context, arguing that there is no truth that cannot be manipulated by ideology and no theorem that can be wholly detached from social and historical considerations. This systematic account on the interconnectedness of philosophy and sociology makes these lectures a timeless reflection on the nature of these disciplines and an excellent introduction to critical theory, the sociological content of which is here outlined in detail by Adorno for the first time.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Widerhall: Die Dialektik der Aufklärung in Amerika
Die Dialektik der Aufklärung (1944) von Theodor W. Adorno und Max Horkheimer ist eine inzwischen zum Klassiker gewordene Krisenschrift. Geprägt durch europäische, amerikanische und jÃ"dische Erfahrungen hat das Buch eine ambivalente Rezeption erfahren. Lange Zeit wurde das Werk kaum beachtet, bevor es in den Sechzigerjahren zu einem SchlÃ"sseltext der Neuen Linken wurde. Nur zögerlich entschieden sich die Autoren 1969 zu einer Wiederauflage. Heute steht die Schrift vornehmlich unter dem Verdikt einer "pessimistischen Wende" und der Abkehr vom materialistischen, interdisziplinären Forschungsprogramm des frÃ"hen Frankfurter Instituts fÃ"r Sozialforschung hin zu einer resignativen Naturgeschichte. Vor allem in den Vereinigten Staaten â dem Land, das die exilierten Kritischen Theoretiker nachhaltig geprägt hatte â stieÃ� die Radikalität des Buches eher auf Ablehnung. Bisher ist kaum versucht worden, die amerikanische Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte durch das Prisma von Adornos und Horkheimers Philosophischen Fragmenten hindurch zu betrachten und damit der amerikanischen Dialektik der Aufklärung auf die Spur zu kommen. Ausgehend von der Rezeptions- und Entstehungsgeschichte des Werks widmet sich der Sammelband diesem Vorhaben und vereint Beiträge aus der Philosophie, der Soziologie sowie der Geschichts- und Literaturwissenschaften. Die Amalgamierung von europäischen und amerikanischen Traditionsbeständen in der Kritischen Theorie wird dabei als Herausforderung und Potenzial zugleich verstanden werden: als Möglichkeit, Erkenntnisse Ã"ber die Neue und die Alte Welt zu erlangen.