Search results for ""Author David Lewin""
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Volume 16 of "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" ("AILR") highlights important and interesting aspects of industrial and labor relations. Such issues include alternative approaches to establishing an ownership culture, accounting for union collective action through resource acquisition and mobilization, union avoidance through double-breasting, labor-management partnership and mutual gains, high involvement work systems and union-management communication networks, a new paradigm for IR/HR theory and research, implications for women of private pension reform, and competing ethical conceptions of the minimum wage.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods on Human Resource Management: Innovative Techniques
Human resource management as a field of research is a broad church, with a wide variety of research methods in use. This Handbook focuses on qualitative research methods and explores the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for innovating data collection and data analysis. The editors have brought together 18 chapters, written by some of the world's leading researchers in their field. They begin with the importance of good project design and then move on to reflect on innovations and developments in data sources, such as netnographical methods, legal research methods, the use of news media, and historical research. They go on to outline innovations in data collection methods with particular pertinence to key HRM topics. Finally, the contributors explore innovative data analysis, looking at the importance of computer-supported qualitative research, causal cognitive mapping and deriving behavioural role descriptions from the perspectives of job-holders.This Handbook is an invaluable tool for students, researchers and academics in the field of human resource management.Contributors: P. Ackers, S. Branch, R. Cameron, C. Cassell, G. Clarkson, J. Cogin, J. Ewart, M.T. Hardin, M. Humphreys, R. Johnstone, M. Learmonth, D. Lewin, R. Loudoun, F. Malik, A. McDowall, J.L. Ng, W. Nienhüeser, L.S. Radcliffe, S. Ramsay, J. Richards, C. Rojon, S. Sambrook, M.N.K. Saunders, K. Townsend, K.L. Unsworth, R. Winter
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods on Human Resource Management: Innovative Techniques
Human resource management as a field of research is a broad church, with a wide variety of research methods in use. This Handbook focuses on qualitative research methods and explores the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for innovating data collection and data analysis. The editors have brought together 18 chapters, written by some of the world's leading researchers in their field. They begin with the importance of good project design and then move on to reflect on innovations and developments in data sources, such as netnographical methods, legal research methods, the use of news media, and historical research. They go on to outline innovations in data collection methods with particular pertinence to key HRM topics. Finally, the contributors explore innovative data analysis, looking at the importance of computer-supported qualitative research, causal cognitive mapping and deriving behavioural role descriptions from the perspectives of job-holders.This Handbook is an invaluable tool for students, researchers and academics in the field of human resource management.Contributors: P. Ackers, S. Branch, R. Cameron, C. Cassell, G. Clarkson, J. Cogin, J. Ewart, M.T. Hardin, M. Humphreys, R. Johnstone, M. Learmonth, D. Lewin, R. Loudoun, F. Malik, A. McDowall, J.L. Ng, W. Nienhüeser, L.S. Radcliffe, S. Ramsay, J. Richards, C. Rojon, S. Sambrook, M.N.K. Saunders, K. Townsend, K.L. Unsworth, R. Winter
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations is a refereed research volume published annually or biannually. Although the series is designed to focus on industrial relations issues, volumes also focus on diverse disciplines, such as economics, law, history, organizational behavior, psychology, and sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Research on Labor Relations and the Performance of University HR/IR Programs
This volume presents five studies on key dimensions of union-management relations. Topics examined include union representation, financial consequences of unionism, wage determination, workplace innovation and conflict resolution in unionized enterprises in North America. In addition, the volume features four papers that examine university degree programmes in human resource management and industrial relations and, in particular, the extent to which the programmes provide students with the skills and competencies currently in demand by employers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Volume 25 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains eight new peer-reviewed papers highlighting key aspects of employment relations from a global perspective. Topics discussed include dispute resolution through ombud and arbitration arrangements, union organizing in an informal economy, domestic and foreign firm labor market competition, occupational safety in coal mining, work and social protections in a platform economy, workforce training for older workers, and right-to-work law effects on the stock market. Consistent with previous AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 25 reflect a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods. These range from primary research methods such as case studies, survey, interviews and historiography to longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs and theory building. Some of the research included in this volume was first presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) held in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) during June 2018.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Volume 27 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains five peer-reviewed papers highlighting key aspects of employment relations across a variety of disciplinary perspectives. These papers feature historical and legal analyses of work regulation, intra-organizational analysis of employee development and entry-level hiring decisions, prospects for unionization and other forms of collective association in gig economy companies, and analysis of on-line versus in-person mediation of employment disputes involving allegations of discrimination. As with prior AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 27 display a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods. These range from primary research methods such as case studies, survey, interviews, and historiography to longitudinal and cross-sectional empirical studies and theory building.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Volume 26 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains six new peer-reviewed papers highlighting key aspects of employment relations a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The topics of these papers include a historical analysis of the first trade association of commercial printers, the prospects for free riding in public sector unions following a key U.S. Supreme Court decision, the increasing stratification of college and university faculty, procedural and distributive justice aspects of sexual harassment arbitrations in unionized settings, the effects of third-party neutral sourcing and qualifications on employment ADR practice in large companies, and the measurement of democratic spillover from workplaces to politics. As with prior AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 26 display a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods. These range from primary research methods such as case studies, survey, interviews and historiography to longitudinal and cross-sectional empirical studies and theory building. Some of the research included in this volume was first presented at the 71th annual meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) held in Cleveland, Ohio (USA) during June 2019.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 2017: Shifts in Workplace Voice, Justice, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Contemporary Workplaces
Volume 24 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains eight papers highlighting important aspects of the employment relationship. The papers deal with such themes as shifts in workplace voice, justice, negotiation and conflict resolution in contemporary workplaces. Consistent with previous AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 24 reflect a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, including case studies, survey, interviews, historiography, theory building, and longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs and analysis. These papers also reflect a global perspective on workplace issues. The specific topics of these papers include social construction of workarounds, workplace dispute resolution, employee involvement at Delta Air Lines, voice and empowerment practice in an Australian manufacturing company, democracy and union militancy and revitalization, adapting union administrative practices to new realities, pro-social and self-interest motivations for unionism and implications for unions as institutions, and high performance work systems and union impacts on employee turnover intention in China.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations
Volume 20 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains seven papers that deal with important aspects of employment relationships in a variety of industries, countries and research contexts. The first three papers, each of which analyzes the effects of an exogenous variable (e.g., fiscal adversity, globalization, and new technology, respectively) on labor-management relations, have specific industry/sector settings, namely, pubic schools (primary education), civil aviation and nursing homes (health care), respectively. The first and third of these papers are set in the U.S., the second in Britain. The next four papers, each of which analyzes the effects of enacted or contemplated legislation on specific aspects of labor-management relations and workplace dispute resolution, are set in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the U.S., respectively. The research designs featured in these papers include quasi-experimental, case studies, interviews, surveys and simultaneous equation modeling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Misbehavior and Resistance in Organizations
This volume challenges understandings of organizational misbehavior by looking beyond traditional conceptions of the nexus between misbehavior and resistance in the workplace. Reconsidering misbehavior from a range of different perspectives and disciplinary traditions, including history, employment relations, sociology, management, entrepreneurship, marketing, legal studies and film studies, chapters examine behaviors not only of workers but also of managers, entrepreneurs and consumers. The book begins with an overview by one of the leading scholars of misbehavior, Stephen Ackroyd, who reviews the study of the phenomenon, followed by conceptual reconsideration of the relationship between misbehavior and resistance in a changing industrial landscape. The remainder of the book traverses dimensions of misbehavior and resistance across time and geographical space through a number of case studies that examine behaviors in a range of different places, industries and sectors. In this way it extends analysis to actors outside of the workers who have largely been the focus of existing studies. The volume will add to the emerging body of evidence that disturbs assumptions of consensus and conformity in organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
This volume contains distinctive papers that explore important aspects of contemporary employment relationships, some on micro level in orientation, whereas others are more macro oriented. Some papers contain extensive quantitative analysis, while others feature deep qualitative analysis, all shedding new light on their chosen topics. Contributors provide evidence and examples from the USA, the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands, dealing with topics such as: the dual alignment of industrial relations activity in terms of strategic choice and mutual gains; evidence from Canada about first contract arbitration and its implications for the proposed USA Employee Free Choice Act; the search for an integrated model of worker participation and organizational performance at the level of the firm; the impact of employee well-being policies and sickness absence on workplace performance; the role of participation in decision making in reducing work-life conflict; an institutional analysis of union engagement in Western New York State economic development; and, the International Labor Organization's enforcement of labor standards in the global maritime industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict
In recent years many employers in the U.S., Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere, often in partnership with their unions, have turned to new approaches to managing and resolving workplace disputes. In the U.S. this movement is often called “alternative dispute resolution” (ADR), an approach that involves the use of mediation, arbitration, and other third-party dispute resolution techniques, rather than litigation, to resolve workplace disputes. Some employers have established so-called “conflict management systems,” a pro-active, strategic approach to handling workplace conflict. This volume contains chapters by some of the world’s leading scholars of workplace dispute resolution and conflict management as well as chapters by emerging younger scholars in these fields. The chapters present original research that combines cutting-edge thinking about the theoretical dimensions of ADR and conflict management along with rigorous empirical analyses of real-life data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Continuing the tradition of "Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations" ("AILR") this volume presents a rich mix of different approaches in industrial relations scholarship covering labor history, theory, quantitative and qualitative analysis. The range of papers in this volume potentially has significant implications for labour research and policy. The themes in this volume cover important social, economic and business perspectives raising critical issues from historical to contemporary debates covering issues such as union recognition and investor reaction, human resource management and organisational performance in the healthcare industry, employer associations, labor-related human rights and standards compliance in developing countries, work identity and sexual diversity, paradigm shifts in industrial relations and contract arbitration in Canada. This diverse range of themes provides not only an informative and useful contribution to our existing knowledge but raises important issues for contemporary debates in political and economic forums.