Search results for ""Author David Barker-Plummer""
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Language, Proof, and Logic: Second Edition
This textbook/software package covers first-order language in a method appropriate for a wide range of courses, from first logic courses for undergraduates (philosophy, mathematics, and computer science) to a first graduate logic course. The accompanying online grading service instantly grades solutions to hundreds of computer exercises. The second edition of "Language, Proof and Logic" represents a major expansion and revision of the original package and includes applications for mobile devices, additional exercises, a dedicated website, and increased software compatibility and support.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Logical Reasoning with Diagrams and Sentences: Using Hyperproof
The Logical Reasoning with Diagrams and Sentences courseware package teaches the principles of analytical reasoning and proof construction using a carefully crafted combination of textbook, desktop, and online materials. This package is sure to be an essential resource in a range of courses incorporating logical reasoning, including formal linguistics, philosophy, mathematics, and computer science. Unlike traditional formal treatments of reasoning, this package uses both graphical and sentential representations to reflect common situations in everyday reasoning where information is expressed in many forms, such as finding your way to a location using a map and an address. It also teaches students how to construct and check the logical validity of a variety of proofs of consequence and non-consequence, consistency and inconsistency, and independence using an intuitive proof system which extends standard proof treatments with sentential, graphical, and heterogeneous inference rules, allowing students to focus on proof content rather than syntactic structure. Building upon the widely used Tarski's World and Language, Proof and Logic courseware packages, Logical Reasoning with Diagrams and Sentences contains more than three hundred exercises, most of which can be assessed by the Grade Grinder online assessment service; is supported by an extensive website through which students and instructors can access online video lectures by the authors; and allows instructors to create their own exercises and assess their students' work.Logical Reasoning with Diagrams and Sentences is an expanded revision of the Hyperproof courseware package.
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Tarski's World: Revised and Expanded
"Tarski's World" is an innovative and exciting method of introducing students to the language of first-order logic. Using the courseware package, students quickly master the meanings of connectives and qualifiers and soon become fluent in the symbolic language at the core of modern logic. The accompanying CD-ROM, compatible with both Macintosh and PC formats, includes a unique and effective corrective tool in the form of a game that methodically leads students back through any errors in sentences they have constructed, as well as a program for submitting homework to an automated grader. Intended as a supplement to a standard logic text, "Tarski's World" is an essential resource for helping students learn the language of logic.