Search results for ""Author Daniel Hart""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Congressional Staff: Selected Duties, Functions & Pay Levels
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Power Electronics
Power Electronics is intended to be an introductory text in power electronics, primarily for the undergraduate electrical engineering student. The text is written for some flexibility in the order of the topics. Much of the text includes computer simulation using PSpice as a supplement to analytical circuit solution techniques.
Cambridge University Press Being You: The Body Image Book for Boys
From early childhood boys often feel pressured to be athletic and muscular. But what impact does this have on physical and mental well-being through their teens and beyond? Worryingly, a third of teen boys are trying to 'bulk up' due to body dissatisfaction, and boys and men account for 25% of eating disorder cases. What can we tell our boys to help them feel happy and confident simply being themselves? Being You has the answers! It's an easy-to-read, evidence-based guide to developing a positive body image for boys aged 12+. It covers all the facts on puberty, diet, exercise, self-care, mental health, social media, and everything in-between. Boys will find answers to the questions most on their mind, the truth behind many diet and exercise myths, and real-life stories from other boys. Armed with this book, they will understand that muscles don't make a man – it's enough simply being you!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Personality and Development in Childhood: A Person-Centered Approach
This Monograph addresses three questions: 1) How can we best describe childhood personality? 2) How is personality related to the child's successes and failures? 3) What sort of factors are related to personality development? Uses a longitudinal analyses of thousands of children from across the United States to define the three personality types that best describe personality: resilient, over-controlled, and under-controlled. Studies the relationship between personality type and children's successes and failures Explores how the stresses characteristic of poverty affect children's personality development