Search results for ""Author Dan Diner""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gegenläufige Gedächtnisse / thakirat moutaddah: Über Geltung und Wirkung des Holocaust / Bisadad sihhat wa athar al-holokoust
The memory of mass crimes constitutes the parameters of universal ethics. The memory of the Holocaust was the reason for this. The annihilation of European Jews was of paradigmatic importance. In the meantime, other memories of mass crimes are also calling for public memory and thus recognition. Such a pluralism of memories holds a not inconsiderable potential for conflict, especially if the different misfortunes are attributed to one and the same historical event - the Second World War. Then opposing constellations and competitions of memory appear - not only between the political cultures of western and eastern Europe, but also and especially between European and colonial memories. Dan Diner's essay, now available in a bilingual edition, takes up the problem of conflicting memories of the Second World War and the Holocaust in terms of history and memory. By reaffirming the meaning of "Auschwitz" as a breach of civilization, the conditions of historical judgment and recognition are reflected in the memory against this very background. Dramatic differences, even contradictions, between Western and non-European cultures - especially that of Islam - are heralded here.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Synchrone Welten: Zeitenraume judischer Geschichte
Text in German. With Synchrone Worlds a new series of the Leipzig Simon Dubnow Institute is starting, which presents essays on Jewish history and culture. The first volume, edited by Dan Diner, director of the institute, brings together a series of studies that deal with the specifics of the East Central European Jewish experience of history. Here, as in all other volumes in this series, questions of Jewish history are always presented in the context of general history, as experiences of a non-territorial population group in the age of nation-state and nationalism. Dan Diner's reflections on the "sacred sense of time" as it is contained in "Toldot", the Hebrew term for "history", introduce the volume. The other contributions deal with micrologically processed epoch issues of Jewish history in the tension between premodern institutions and modern integration expectations. It reflects on diasporic forms of life, phenomena of mobility, migration and urbanity, as well as metaphors of Jewish existence in the modern age. The series is continued with essays on "Luftmenschentum" (Nicolas Berg) and "Jewish diplomacy" (Markus Kirchhoff).
DVA Dt.Verlags-Anstalt Ein anderer Krieg Das jdische Palstina und der Zweite Weltkrieg 1935 1942
C.H. Beck Roads not Taken
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Jahrbuch Des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook XI (2012)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gegenlaufige Gedachtnisse: Uber Geltung und Wirkung des Holocaust
Memories of mass crime constitute parameters for universal ethics. Memories of the Holocaust account for this. A paradigmatic meaning has been attached to the extermination of the European Jews. By now other memories of mass crime demand public commemoration in order to gain recognition. Such pluralism of memories bears a considerable potential for conflict, especially when all suffering was caused by one historical event - the Second World War. Then, opposing constellations and competition of remembrance become apparent - not only between the political cultures of Western and Eastern Europe but also, and especially between European and colonial memories. Dan Diners' essay discusses the problem of opposing memories of the Second World War and the Holocaust by terminology and historical background of remembrance. After assuring that "Auschwitz" stands for a break in civilisation, he reflects on preconditions of historical judgements and recognition of remembrance. Dan Diner predicts dramatic differences even oppositions between Western and non-European cultures - especially of Islamic background.
C.H. Beck Roads not Taken
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Jahrbuch Des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook XIII/2014
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur: Band 7: Register
Von Europa über Amerika bis zum Vorderen Orient, Nordafrika und anderen außereuropäischen jüdischen Siedlungsräumen erschließt die Enzyklopädie in sechs Bänden und einem Registerband die neuere Geschichte der Juden von 1750 bis 1950. Rund 800 Stichwörter präsentieren den Stand der internationalen Forschung und entwerfen ein vielschichtiges Porträt jüdischer Lebenswelten - illustriert durch viele Karten und Abbildungen. Übergreifende Informationen zu zentralen Themen vermitteln ca. 40 Schlüsselartikel zu Begriffen wie Autonomie, Exil, Emanzipation, Literatur, Liturgie, Musik oder Wissenschaft des Judentums. Zuverlässige Orientierung bei der Arbeit mit dem Nachschlagewerk bieten ausführliche Personen-, Orts- und Sachregister im siebten Band. Die Enzyklopädie stellt Wissen in einen Gesamtkontext und bietet Wissenschaftlern und Interessierten neue Einblicke in die jüdische Geschichte und Kultur. Ein herausragender Beitrag zum Verständnis des Judentums und der Moderne.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Vom Ende der Emanzipation: Judische Philosophie und Theologie nach 1933
Text in German. One of the philosophical self-understanding texts of the 20th century that has so far received little attention is the fundamental debate that Jewish philosophers and theologians led after the National Socialists came to power. In newspapers, magazines and books, until the violent end of Jewish public life in Germany in 1938, there was still a passionate argument about contemporary and "true" Judaism for half a decade. Central interpretations beyond the much invoked "German-Jewish symbiosis" came mainly from the theological side. While the law-abiding Rabbi Alexander Altmann (19061987) clung to halachic Judaism as the central meaning for Jews, the young religious historian Hans-Joachim Schoeps (19091980) favored the content of Karl Barth's Christian dialectical theology. The common point of reference in these discussions was not infrequently Franz Rosenzweig (18861929), whose work had received a remarkable reception since 1933. In view of the existential threat, philosophers also participate in the controversy over the question "What is Judaism?" The essay mainly examines the polemic by Leo Strauss (18991973), whose book Philosophy and Law from 1935 had become a manifesto for contemporaries. His sharp criticism of the turning away from the sources of Judaism, as Maimonides (11381204) had canonized in his writings, resulted in a redefinition of the Enlightenment and tradition in Judaism. Among other things, the philosopher Julius Guttmann (18801950) and his student Fritz Bamberger (19021984) responded with a defense of liberal Judaism.
Princeton University Press Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslim World Stood Still
Lost in the Sacred poses questions about the Muslim world that no other book by a Western writer has dared to ask. Focusing on the Arab Middle East, Dan Diner asks what caused the Muslim world to lag behind so dramatically. Is Western dominance to blame? Or is the problem even with Islam itself? These questions, however unsettling, need to be asked--and they are being posed all across the Muslim world today. This book provides cautious answers that are no less disturbing than the questions. Diner argues that Islam's cultural stasis is not due to the Muslim faith itself, but to the nature of the sacred it is infused with and that penetrates every aspect of life--spiritual and material. He reveals how the sacred in Islam suspends the acceleration of social time, hinders change, and circumvents secularization and modernity. Diner takes readers on an unforgettable intellectual journey, from today's global conflicts back into the distant past. He describes the Muslim encounter with the emerging West in early modernity, the challenges Western imperial expansion posed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the time-suspending impact of Arabic as a sacred language, the prevention of print, the classical age of Islam with its dazzling heights of learning and culture--and much more. Diner traces an entangled perspective, combining the spiritual with the social, and the cultural with the political. Throughout, he draws our attention to the urgent need for secularization and modernization in Islam. The Muslim world is in crisis. Lost in the Sacred explains why.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Verschrankungen: Uber judische Literaturen
With this translation of the essay Harpaja lezorech negia ("Let go to touch") published in Hebrew in 2005, for which he wrote the "portraits" anew, one of Dan Miron's works appears in German for the first time. Here, Dan Miron reflects on the topic the specific, but not necessarily uniform, character of the overall complex of Jewish literatures. Instead of merging the polyphonic and heterogeneous phenomenon into a supposedly coherent national literature, he advocates thinking in terms of a plurality of Jewish textual culture. Instead of starting from a tradition and a canon, Miron suggests speaking of entanglements, interdependence and a literary "touch." With this approach, Miron succeeds in examining the very different Jewish literary traditions of the diaspora and at the same time those in to interpret plural Israeli literature as one voice in a large Jewish choir. Just a close look at the entanglements of multilingualism, difference and plurality, but not the popular or scientific insinuation of unity and uniformity, makes it possible to do justice to Jewish literatures in terms of literature as well as literary and intellectual.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kanon und Diskurs: Uber Literarisierung judischer Erfahrungswelten
The rise of literary history is closely associated with the rise of the modern national states, an "imaginary" parallel that catastrophically peaked in the 20th century and today leads a rather pale existence. The literary history of Jewish literature is a special case that demands attention be given to the various linguistic and symbolic peculiarities as well as its own ideas of space and time due to the transnational, diasporic environment(s).In this volume, Susanne Zepp and Natasha Gordinsky interpret texts from modern literature, among others, by Yoel Hoffmann and Ljudmila Ulitzkaja, which reflect the complexity of Jewish life. They view literature not as a canon, but rather as discourse, and thus as a medium that penetrates national, religious and cultural borders.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Deutsche Zeiten: Geschichte und Lebenswelt. Festschrift zur Emeritierung von Moshe Zimmermann
Looking at the dislocations in German history in the nineteenth and twentieth century, nineteen historians from different generations and with different approaches explore questions of theory and method, structure and society, biography and everyday culture. The focus is on topics in German-Jewish history, National Socialism, sports - in particular soccer -, and the place of German history within modernity. With this volume, friends and colleagues, e.g. Norbert Frey, Hans Mommsen, and Hans-Urlich Wehler, pay tribute to the work of the historian Moshe Zimmermann on the occasion of his retirement.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Buch des Lebens Band 1: 1860-1903: Erinnerungen und Gedanken; Materialien zur Geschichte meiner Zeit
We live in a historical end-time that erases the legacy of the nineteenth century in all areas of social and individual life. Our epoch at the turn of two centuries has come to an end and there are many indications that the twentieth century will not be a continuation but the reversal of the nineteenth. ... So I want my memories to be understood as materials for the history of my time, a story of the intellectual struggles at the beginning of this era and the political struggles at its end. "Simon Dubnow 1934Simon Dubnow's book of life comprises three parts, which in three Volumes are published. Volume 1 brings to mind childhood and youth, the apprenticeship years and the beginning of journalistic work such as historical research in Petersburg and Odessa in the years 1860 to 1903. In it Dubnow describes traditional Jewish life in Eastern Europe and the dawn of modernity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook V (2006)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook III/2004
Der dritte Band des Jahrbuchs befasst sich in Beiträgen von Anthony Travis (Jerusalem), Helmut Pulte (Bochum), Mitchell G. Ash (Wien) und Dan Stone (London) mit der jÃ"dischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. In einem allgemeinen Teil beschäftigen sich Beiträge von Alfred Bodenheimer (Luzern), Gerald Stourzh (Wien), Friedrich Niewöhner (WolfenbÃ"ttel), Paul Mendes-Flohr (Chicago), Nils Römer (Southampton) und Moshe Pelli (Orlando) mit Fragen der interkonfessionellen, interreligiösen Konversion.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook XII/2013
The 2013 Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow Institute is centered on two focal areas: Jewish military history and the secularization of Hebrew. Jewish military history is principally a history of the integration of the Jews into their surrounding European cultures. This section highlights questions of loyalty and citizenship. The thematic focus brings together contributions from recent research on this theme. On the one hand, imperial and national life worlds are differentiated; on the other hand, topics are explored that touch on questions of religion in the face of military demands and exigencies. The second part on the secularization of Hebrew presents essays on the transformation of Hebrew as a primarily "sacred language" anchored, until the dawn of modernity, in religious written culture. In particular, it explores secularizing impulses in the medieval and early modern era affecting the language. The papers are complemented by other articles concerned with language philosophy and literary studies.The regular and the special sections of the Yearbook contain articles on Holocaust historiography, Oriental studies, Christian Hebraic studies, the Science of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums), as well as contributions examining the differing processes of appropriation, transfer and representation of everyday and historical Jewish experience in literature, poetics and theater.