Search results for ""Author Costis Davaras""
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Pseira II: Building AC (the 'shrine') and Other Buildings in Area A
Pseira, in northeast Crete, was a port dating from the end of the Neolithic until the Late Minoan. This, the second volume on the recent joint American-Greek archaeological excavations, reports on the new researches on building AC, the Late Minoan I shrine, first excavated in 1907, but badly recorded and then studied only for its beautiful reliefs, not its architecture. The recent excavations have paid particular attention to the architecture including the reconstruction of the wall paintings, and the textile patterns from stucco reliefs, which are reported in full in this volume.
INSTAP Academic Press Pseira VII: The Pseira Cemetery 2. Excavation of the Tombs
Richard B. Seager excavated the Minoan cemetery at Pseira in 1907, but the work was never published. The Temple University excavations (1985-1994) under the direction of Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras conducted an intensive surface survey of the cemetery area, cleaned and drew plans of all visible tombs, and excavated tombs that had not been previously excavated. The results of the cemetery excavations on the small island off the northeast coast of Crete are published in two volumes. Pseira VII presents the results from the excavation and cleaning of the 19 tombs that still exist at the Pseira cemetery. The cemetery is remarkable for the diversity of its tomb types. Burials were in cist graves built of vertical slabs (a class with Cycladic parallels), in small tombs constructed of fieldstones, in house tombs, and in jars. Burials were communal, as is usual in Minoan cemeteries. Artifacts included clay vases, stone vessels, obsidian, bronze tools, jewelry, and other objects.
INSTAP Academic Press Pseira VI: The Pseira Cemetery I. The Surface Survey
Richard B. Seager excavated the Minoan cemetery at Pseira in 1907, but the work was never published. The Temple University excavations (1985-1994) under the direction of Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras conducted an intensive surface survey of the cemetery area, cleaned and drew plans of all visible tombs, and excavated tombs that had not been previously excavated. The results of the cemetery excavations on the small island off the northeast coast of Crete are published in two volumes. Pseira VI publishes the methodology that was employed for the investigation, the topography of the cemetery area, the little that can be reconstructed of Seager's campaign, the ceramic petrography for the cemetery pottery, and the results of the intensive surface survey. The survey shows that the cemetery was first used in the Neolithic period, and it was abandoned in Middle Minoan II, before the expansion of the nearby town in LM I. It also demonstrates that the cemetery was larger than the area suggested by the 33 tombs found by Seager, and it shows that the customs included burial in jars, even though no examples have been excavated.
INSTAP Academic Press Mochlos IIC: Period IV. The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery: The Human Remains and Other Finds
Excavations carried out at the Late Minoan III settlement and cemetery at Mochlos in eastern Crete yielded domestic artifacts, human remains, grave goods, and ecofactual material from 31 tombs and 11 houses. These objects are cataloged, discussed, and illustrated. Radiocarbon dates for the site are also presented. The cemetery remains mirror the settlement remains, and the conclusions discuss how the two sites reflect each other. Rarely in Crete are a settlement and its cemetery both preserved, and it is extremely fortunate to be able to document both in a series of scientific excavation reports (Mochlos IIA-IIC).
INSTAP Academic Press The Hagia Photia Cemetery I: The Tomb Groups and Architecture
The Hagia Photia Cemetery takes its name from the nearby village on the northeast coast of Crete, 5 km east of modern Siteia. This large Early Minoan burial ground with over fifteen hundred Cycladic imports was discovered in 1971. A total of 263 tombs were excavated as a rescue excavation in 1971 and 1984. Among the 1800 artefacts are some of the earliest known Cretan discoveries of several types: the grave goods come mostly from the Kampos Group, an assemblage of artefacts known mainly from the Cyclades. Similarly, the tombs represent an architectural style and a series of burial customs that are foreign to Crete but familiar from elsewhere within the Aegean. In fact, the cemetery has such close parallels from the Cyclades that it has often been regarded as a Cycladic colony. The burial contents are an extremely interesting body of evidence for the study of the formative phases of Minoan Crete.
INSTAP Academic Press The Shrine of Eileithyia Minoan Goddess of Childbirth and Motherhood at the Inatos Cave in Southern Crete Volume I: The Egyptian-Type Artifacts
This volume is a catalog of the ancient Egyptian imports and Egyptianizing artifacts found in 1962 during the excavation of a cave near Tsoutsouros (ancient Inatos), Crete, Greece. The cave was a sanctuary dedicated to the Minoan and Greek goddess Eileithyia. The Aegyptiaca of the Minoan and Mycenaean eras on Crete signify the political and economic relations between the Aegean rulers and the Egyptian royal court. Several of the objects are Egyptian scarabs, and they certainly represent official Egyptian-Cretan affairs, especially those dating from the reign of Amenophis III to the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Much of the cataloged objects come from the 10th to 7th centuries B.C., and they are appropriate for venerating the goddess of childbirth and motherhood. The statuettes, seals, and vessels are lavishly illustrated with plates of color photographs.
INSTAP Academic Press The Hagia Photia Cemetery II: The Pottery
The publication of the Hagia Photia Cemetery is planned in three volumes. The first volume, which has already been published (Davaras and Betancourt 2004), presented the tomb groups and the architecture. The second volume about the excavation of the Hagia Photia cemetery focuses on the pottery. The third volume will present the obsidian, stone finds, metal objects, and other discoveries. The Early Minoan I tombs at Hagia Photia included the largest assemblage of vessels in Cycladic style known from Crete as well as vases from production workshops in Crete. The pottery is extremely important for several reasons, including the definition of the EM I ceramic styles that were being used as funerary offerings in this part of Crete, the establishment of the chronological synchronisms between Crete and the Cyclades, and information on the history of the Minoan pottery industry. When compared with other deposits from EM I Crete, the pottery helps to establish a better understanding of the ceramic development within the first Minoan time period.
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Pseira I: The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A
Pseira, a tiny islet near the coast of eastern Crete, has been called a priceless jewel in Crete's archaeological crown. In 1906 and 1907, the American archaeologist Richard Seager unearthed the extensive remains of a Bronze Age village on Pseira. Little was known about this site until a joint Greek-American project directed by Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras returned to the island in 1985. This is the first volume in a series of final publications on the joint American-Greek archaeological excavations at Pseira in northeast Crete. The site is a seaport dating from the end of the Final Neolithic until the Late Minoan period. This volume presents a series of houses whose main period of occupation is Late Minoan IB. The architecture is constructed of stone and remarkably well preserved. The text includes detailed catalog entries, profile drawings, and stone-by-stone architectural plans.
INSTAP Academic Press Pseira IX: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island Part 2
Richard B. Seager excavated the Minoan town and cemetery at Pseira in 1906-1907, but the work was not fully published. The Temple University excavations (1985-1994) under the direction of Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras conducted an intensive surface survey of the island. The results of the survey on the small island off the northeast coast of Crete are published in two volumes. Pseira VIII presents the results from the corollary studies that accompany the surface survey. Pseira IX presents the results from the intensive surface survey.
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Pseira IV: Minoan Buildings in Areas B, C, D, and F
This is the fourth volume in a series of final publications on the joint American-Greek archaeological excavations at Pseira in northeast Crete. The site is a seaport dating from the end of the Final Neolithic until the Late Minoan period. Pseira IV publishes the architecture and associated finds from 39 locations in Areas B, C, D, and F in the Minoan town of Pseira. The Bronze Age settlement is located on Pseira Island, off the coast of Crete in the Gulf of Mirabello.
INSTAP Academic Press Pseira VIII: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island Part 1
Richard B. Seager excavated the Minoan town and cemetery at Pseira in 1906-1907, but the work was not fully published. The Temple University excavations (1985-1994) under the direction of Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras conducted an intensive surface survey of the island. The results of the survey on the small island off the northeast coast of Crete are published in two volumes. Pseira VIII presents the results from the corollary studies that accompany the surface survey. Pseira IX presents the results from the intensive surface survey.
INSTAP Academic Press Honors to Eileithyia at Ancient Inatos: The Sacred Cave at Tsoutsouros, Crete: Highlights of the Collection
In 1962, after a period of secret looting, the location of a shrine for the Greek Goddess Eileithyia was discovered by the police in south-central Crete at the modern town of Tsoutsouros, ancient Inatos. The cave dedicated to this ancient goddess of childbirth and motherhood was excavated that year by Nikolaos Platon and Costis Davaras on behalf of the Archaeological Museum in Herakleion. It was filled with remarkable votive gifts including over 100 items of gold along with Egyptian figurines and seal stones, bronze objects, and hundreds of clay figurines. The dates of the shrine's use extended from before 2000 B.C. to the Roman Imperial period. Many of the clay images are especially appropriate for this deity because they include pregnant women, embracing couples, figures in preparation for childbirth, mothers holding babies, and a young child in its crib. A Greek language book highlighting the shrine and its major discoveries is now translated into English. It provides images, catalog entries, and explanatory texts for the most important discoveries from this unique shrine.