Search results for ""Author Christine Jones""
Olympia Publishers Among the Coal Dust
John Murray Press Welsh Grammar You Really Need to Know: Teach Yourself
Comprehensive and clear explanations of key grammar patterns and structures are reinforced and contextualized through authentic materials. You will not only learn how to construct grammar correctly, but when and where to use it so you sound natural and appropriate. Welsh Grammar You Really Need to Know will help you gain the intuition you need to become a confident communicator in your new language.
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC My Sister's Place
John Murray Press Complete Welsh Beginner to Intermediate Book and Audio Course
Are you looking for a complete course in Welsh which takes you effortlessly from beginner to confident speaker? Whether you are starting from scratch, or are just out of practice, Complete Welsh will guarantee success!Now fully updated to make your language learning experience fun and interactive. You can still rely on the benefits of a top language teacher and our years of teaching experience, but now with added learning features within the course and online. The course is structured in thematic units and the emphasis is placed on communication, so that you effortlessly progress from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations, to using the phone and talking about work. By the end of this course, you will be at Level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) and from Novice-Low to Advanced-Mid level of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages(ACTFL) : Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneit
University of Wales Press Cyfoethogi'r Cyfathrebu: Llawlyfr Ymarferol i Diwtoriaid Cymraeg i Oedolion
Diweddariad o'r gyfrol Cyflwyno'r Gymraeg: Llawlyfr i Diwtoriaid (2000) dan olygyddiaeth Christine Jones yw Cyfoethogi'r Cyfathrebu: Llawlyfr Ymarferol i Diwtoriaid Cymraeg i Oedolion. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn cynnwys rhai o benodau'r gyfrol wreiddiol wedi'u diweddaru, ynghyd a phenodau newydd ar feysydd sydd wedi dod yn fwy amlwg yn y maes ers 2000 (er enghraifft, dysgu anffurfiol, addysgu ar-lein, y fframwaith asesu newydd a chyfraniad y maes i bolisiau iaith cenedlaethol). Ceir penodau ar y wers gyntaf, gweithgareddau cyfathrebol, meithrin sgiliau gwahanol megis sgiliau ysgrifennu neu sgiliau gwylio, a phennod agoriadol ar ddulliau dysgu ar dwf y maes a'r syniadau a ddylanwadodd ar fethodoleg dros yr ugeinfed ganrif a'r ganrif hon.
Poetry Wales Press Welsh Artists Talking