Search results for ""Author Christine Craig""
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Christine Craig: Poems All Things Bright & Quadrille for Tigers
Showcasing one of the Caribbean's most original and innovative poets, this anthology exemplifies sharp observation, disarming honesty about the human heart's complexities, and a most sophisticated sense of landscape and space. These are poems about Jamaica, venturing far beyond references that create local color to express an often troubled and uncertain love for the island and how its creative power spreads to those beyond its shores. Offering a compelling immersion into what can best be described as Caribbean metaphysical poetics, this collection contains an indigenous secular spirituality that obscures the divide between the spiritual and the sensual.Christine Craig is a former tutor at the University of the West Indies, an adjunct professor at Barry University and the former Miami editor of the Jamaica Gleaner. She is the author of Bird Gang, Emanuel and His Parrot, Emanuel Goes to Market, and Mint Tea and Other Stories. She lives in Fort Lauderdale, FloridaChristine Craig is a well known Jamaican short story writer and poet who also writes children's fiction. She was born in Kingston, Jamaica and spent much of her early years in rural St. Elizabeth, Jamaica.