Search results for ""Author Christiane Kruse""
Bebra Verlag Max Liebermann und sein Garten
Bebra Verlag Frauen gegen Hitler
Edition Braus Berlin GmbH Macht Ohnmacht Widerstand Frauen in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
Edition Braus Berlin GmbH Wo die klugen Frauen wohnten Auf den Spuren berhmter Frauen in Deutschland
De Gruyter Kunst an den Rändern: Wie aus Bildern und Objekten Kunst werden kann
Images are not born as art. With his ready-mades Marcel Duchamp embro-iled the art business in a debate about the inclusion and exclusion of every-day objects in ‘high’ art. Since then, it has been possible to cite Arthur Danto and talk of the „end of art“. In retros-pect it becomes clear that Duchamp’s expansion of what constitutes art resulted in an explosive increase of art objects and concepts of art, a trend still evident today. Moreover, images and objects from non-art areas with their own tradition provoke the art system by adapting art criteria. The contributions in this book address pro-vocations and interventions, the trans-fer or melding of image and object cultures and explore images, objects and actions in their cultural contexts to get to the bottom of the art system that is in a state of dissolution.
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Let's Get Sustainable