Search results for ""Author Charles H. Elliott""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Depression For Dummies
The good news on beating the blues Do you want the good, the bad, or the best news first? OK, the bad news is that an estimated 264+ million people worldwide suffer from a depressive illness. The good news is that we know how to defeat these illnesses better than ever before using a growing range of highly effective psychotherapies, medications, and other therapeutic methods that are improving all the time. And the best news: because of these advances, the majority of people no longer need to suffer the debilitating—and sometimes dangerous—effects of long-term depressive illness. The new edition of Depression For Dummies shows how you can make this happen for you by providing the latest and best information on how to banish the noonday demon and bring the sunshine back into your world. In this friendly, cheerful, no-nonsense guide, leading clinical psychologists Laura L. Smith and Charles H. Elliot give you the straight talk on what you face and proven, practical advice on how to punch back and win. Showing you how to know your enemy, they demystify common types of depression, explain its physical effects, and help identify the kind you have. Armed in this way, you can take firmer steps toward the lifestyle changes—as well as therapy or medication—that will put you back in control. Learn about different forms of depression Build simple, daily habits into your life that help banish the blues Understand conventional, alternative, and experimental therapies Move on: avoid relapses and stay happy! Whatever your level of depression—occasional bouts or long-term—this book gives you the insight, the tools, and the inner strength and persistence to put enjoyment back in your life.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Depressionen überwinden für Dummies
Charles Elliot und Laura Smith, klinische Psychologen mit langjähriger Erfahrung, beschreiben leicht verständlich und einfühlsam die verschiedenen Formen von Depressionen. Sie zeigen Ihnen mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, Selbsttests und Übungen, was Sie tun können, um Ihre dunklen Gedanken zu überwinden und die Welt mit anderen Augen zu betrachten. Außerdem geben sie Tipps, wie kleine Änderungen im Alltag Ihre Symptome lindern und Ihnen Lebensfreude zurückbringen. Sie erfahren auch, wie die traditionelle oder alternative Medizin Sie auf diesem Weg unterstützen kann und wo Sie professionelle Hilfe finden.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Child Psychology and Development For Dummies
A complete and comprehensive guide to why kids behave and think the way they do-and how to bring out the best in them. In the U.S., more than 10% of children are diagnosed with psychiatric disorders, while countless others remain undiagnosed. Defining what is "normal" and what is not is of great concern to anyone who works with, guides, nurtures, teaches, or parents children. With new discoveries in mental disorders that affect children, Child Psychology & Development For Dummies provides an informational guide to cognitive development at every stage of a child's life, as well as how to diagnose, treat, and overcome the cognitive barriers that impede learning and development. How to identify and treat mental disorders Covers behavior disorders, autism, attention deficit disorder, reading disabilities, bipolar disorder, and more Guidance on helping a child control impulses, develop self esteem, and have good relationships An essential guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers, Child Psychology & Development For Dummies provides a detailed overview of an average child's cognitive development, how to detect abnormalities, and what to do next.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Zwänge meistern für Dummies
Zwangsstörungen sind verbreiteter als man meinen sollte. Wenn Sie glauben, entsprechende Symptome bei sich beobachtet zu haben oder befürchten, dass jemand, der Ihnen am Herzen liegt, unter Zwangsstörungen leidet, ist dies das richtige Buch für Sie. Es erklärt, was eine Zwangserkrankung ausmacht und welche typischen Symptome und Formen es gibt. Außerdem stellt es verschiedene Behandlungsansätze vor, darunter die Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, Exposition mit Reaktionsmanagement und die medikamentöse Therapie. Vor allem aber zeigt es Betroffenen und Angehörigen, wie sie Unterstützung finden und ihre Situation verbessern können.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Anxiety For Dummies
Take control of your anxiety—and start living your life Feel like your life is spinning out of control? Not sure how to handle what seems like constant change and chaos? You’re not alone—the world has taken some pretty crazy turns recently—but if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you’re likely suffering far more than you need to. Anxiety is our natural reaction to unfamiliar, stressful, and dangerous situations, but for some of us this reaction can become all-consuming and ultimately debilitating. Anxiety For Dummies has the antidote to this, showing you how to manage feelings of uneasiness, distress, and dread—and take back control of your life. In a straightforward and friendly style, clinical psychologists Charles H. Elliot and Laura L. Smith show you how to pinpoint your triggers, use proven techniques and therapies, improve health and eating habits, and make other practical changes to your lifestyle that will have you feeling better fast. Understand what makes you anxious and learn to let go Change your thinking to “right-size” your worry Evaluate self-help as an adjunct to professional therapy Explore healthy lifestyles and medication options Including updates to the clinical literature and discussions of the impacts of world events—such as COVID-19—this book has everything you need to manage your worries and put you, not them, in charge of your life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies
Get to know the ins and outs of BPD—and make the choice to change! Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is an extremely serious—and often seriously neglected—condition. Despite around 4 million diagnoses in the USA, BPD has attracted lower funding and levels of clinical concern than more "popular" conditions such as bipolar disorder. But there's no need to lose hope! Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies, 2nd Edition was written to bridge this gap and help sufferers learn how to break the cycle to lead a full and happy life. BPD impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others and can cause long-term patterns of disruptive relationships and difficulties with self-control. It often results from childhood abuse or neglect, as well as from genetic or brain abnormalities—particularly in areas of the brain that regulate emotion, impulsivity, and aggression. Knowing how it works means we know how to manage it, and Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies—written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style by two leading clinical psychologists—is packed with useful techniques to do just that: from identifying triggers to finding the right care provider. Get a compassionate, actionable understanding of the symptoms and history of BPD Acquire techniques to identify and halt damaging behaviors Evaluate providers and the latest therapies and treatments Set goals and habits to overcome problems step-by-step BPD should never be allowed to dictate anyone's existence. This reference gives you the tools to take your life back and is a must-have for sufferers and their loved ones alike.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies
Give up smoking and vaping for good Most people know that smoking is bad for their health and believe vaping is a better alternative. Now, vaping has become a national epidemic and shows no sign of slowing. Quitting Smoking & Vaping For Dummies delivers facts about the differences between smoking and vaping, the effects on their short-term and long-term health, and how addiction works. Whether you’re a smoker or a vaper, or have a loved one that needs to break the habit, this trusted guidebook walks you through building a personal quitting plan. Offering information on new and effective medication treatments, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and building resilience, it sets you or a family member on the path to recovery. This book breaks down the psychology of your addiction so you can identify the methods that are most useful and effective for becoming smoke free for good. Start your recovery today, and look forward to a long and healthy life. Inside • Determine your quit day • Change thought patterns • Explain the dangers of vaping to children/teens • Avoid or move past relapses • Recognize the risks • Deal with triggers • Help a loved one quit
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, UK Edition
There are many forms of anxiety disorder, including General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Attacks, Phobias (including social anxiety), Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Acute Stress Disorder. Even in their most mild forms, these disorders can be troubling and exhausting – at worst they can severely disable a person’s ability to function in day-to-day life. Severe anxiety and phobic disorders affect 18% of the UK population. ( Symptoms of anxiety range from the mental and emotional – depression, having difficulty concentrating, losing patience easily – to the physical – excessive thirst, headaches, pins and needles, and more ( Often the problem is self-feeding – people try to keep things under control whilst simultaneously worrying about being anxious all the time, and the cycle goes on. Psychotherapy, medication and self help are the key treatments for anxiety – however, as many people either don’t have access to, or choose not to take, professional treatment, self help is the key for a majority of sufferers. A Dummies book on the subject will present the facts without the jargon, and help people find the trustworthy guidance they need.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Angstfrei leben für Dummies
Viele Menschen leiden unter Ängsten - sei es Platzangst, Flugangst, Angst vor Zurückweisung, Angst vor dem Verlust des Partners oder Kindes oder Angst vor dem Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes. So unterschiedlich diese Ängste sind, eines haben sie gemeinsam: Sie beeinträchtigen das Leben der Betroffenen und ihrer Angehörigen enorm. »Angstfrei leben für Dummies« hilft mit Selbsttests und einfachen Übungen, einen Weg aus dem Teufelskreis von Angst und Sorgen zu finden. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt, wie Sie Ihren Ängsten Schritt für Schritt begegnen können und wie Sie sie schließlich überwinden und sich nicht mehr von ihnen beherrschen lassen.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overcoming Depression For Dummies
Up to 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from diagnosable depression ( – that’s approximately 12 million people. Depression takes multiple forms, including seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, and postnatal depression. Research by the BBC claims that up to 75% of sufferers are not receiving any form of professional medication or therapy, which strongly suggests that self-help is often a preferred course of action. Overcoming Depression For Dummies outlines practical methods for recognising and managing the symptoms of depression for those readers who might be too scared to go to their GP, who want to know more about the illness before they seek professional medical guidance, or for those who are just curious about depression and what it means. Overcoming Depression For Dummies: Is written by an expert team of clinical psychologists and provides step-by-step guidelines on proven therapeutic exercises and ways to implement positive psychology methods Provides sound advice on nutrition, relaxation and support, to help make those vital first steps towards a happier life Gives comprehensive information on the wide variety of prescription medication and complementary therapies available, including their effectiveness and side effects Is aimed at people suffering from depression looking for straightforward, realistic advice and also loved ones and parents of those suffering from depression wanting to better understand the condition and find out how they can help.