Search results for ""Author Celine Spector""
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Emile: Rousseau Et La Morale Experimentale
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most controversial philosophers of the eighteenth century, and his groundbreaking work still provokes heated debate in contemporary political theory. In this book, Céline Spector, one of the world’s foremost experts on Rousseau’s thought, provides an accessible introduction to his moral, social and political theory. She explores the themes and central concepts of his thought, ranging from the state of nature, the social contract and the general will to natural and political freedom, religion and education. She combines a skilful exposition of Rousseau as a ‘man of paradoxes’ with a discussion of his often-overlooked ideas on knowledge, political economy and international relations. The book traces both the overall unity and the significant changes in Rousseau’s philosophy, accounting for its complexity and for the importance of its legacy. It will be essential reading for scholars, students and general readers interested in the Enlightenment and more broadly in the history of modern political thought and philosophy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most controversial philosophers of the eighteenth century, and his groundbreaking work still provokes heated debate in contemporary political theory. In this book, Céline Spector, one of the world’s foremost experts on Rousseau’s thought, provides an accessible introduction to his moral, social and political theory. She explores the themes and central concepts of his thought, ranging from the state of nature, the social contract and the general will to natural and political freedom, religion and education. She combines a skilful exposition of Rousseau as a ‘man of paradoxes’ with a discussion of his often-overlooked ideas on knowledge, political economy and international relations. The book traces both the overall unity and the significant changes in Rousseau’s philosophy, accounting for its complexity and for the importance of its legacy. It will be essential reading for scholars, students and general readers interested in the Enlightenment and more broadly in the history of modern political thought and philosophy.
Classiques Garnier Europe Philosophique, Europe Politique: L'Heritage Des Lumieres
Liverpool University Press Rousseau et Locke: Dialogues critiques
Surmontant une opposition souvent outrée entre les deux auteurs, ce volume réévalue l’héritage de la pensée de Locke chez Rousseau, dans tous les domaines de sa philosophie (identité personnelle, épistémologie, médecine, morale, pédagogie, économie, politique). Au-delà de l’histoire intellectuelle, l’ouvrage met en lumière le dialogue critique fécond que Rousseau entretient avec Locke, quitte à identifier les distorsions que le Citoyen de Genève fait subir à son prédécesseur. Tout en établissant la dette de l’auteur d’Émile à l’égard du ‘sage Locke’, le volume discerne la pertinence des objections que Rousseau lui adresse en opérant un retour à la lettre de la philosophie de Locke. En quel sens Rousseau a-t-il établi sa philosophie sur des ‘principes communs’ à ceux de Locke ? Quelle subversion fait-il subir à l’Essai concernant l’entendement humain ou aux Pensées sur l’éducation ? Quels sont les points aveugles de la philosophie de Locke que la critique rousseauiste permet de mettre en lumière et, à l’inverse, les limites de la critique rousseauiste de Locke ? Tels sont les axes de cet ouvrage qui réunit des spécialistes, en philosophie et en littérature, de Rousseau et de Locke. --Transcending an often outraged opposition between the two authors, this volume reassesses the legacy of Locke's thought in that of Rousseau, in all the areas of his philosophy (personal identity, epistemology, medicine, morality, pedagogy, economics, politics). Beyond an intellectual history, this collected volume highlights the fruitful critical dialogue that Rousseau maintains with Locke, while identifying the ways in which the Citizen of Geneva distorted his predecessor’s thought. While establishing the author of Emile’s debt to the ‘sage Locke’, the volume also discerns the relevance of Rousseau’s objections to Lockian philosophy. In what sense did Rousseau establish his own philosophy on ‘common principles’ to those of Locke? How does he subvert the Essay Concerning Human Understanding or the Thoughts Concerning Education? What are the blind spots in Locke’s philosophy that Rousseau highlights and, conversely, the limits of Rousseau’s criticism of Locke? These are the main aspects of this volume, which brings together scholars in philosophy and literature, on Rousseau and Locke.
Classiques Garnier Le Sens de la Justice, Une Utopie Realiste ?: Rawls Et Ses Critiques