Search results for ""Author Carlos Santos"
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos Consejos evangélicos o Directorio de Carlos de Foucauld
Los Consejos evangélicos o Directorio es el texto más meditado y orado de Carlos de Foucauld, el gran testigo del evangelio que, a comienzos del siglo XX, se consagró por entero a los tuaregs, estudiando su lengua y sus costumbres, y procurando su bien material y espiritual. Después de haber constatado que su deseo en vida de fundar una congregación religiosa era difícil de materializar, quiso lanzar con estos Consejos evangélicos o Directorio un movimiento misionero profético para los nuevos tiempos que nos toca vivir, que englobara tanto a obispos, sacerdotes, religiosos, religiosas como a laicos unidos por el lazo espiritual de la comunión de los santos.Para realizar este proyecto que él mismo encabezó en vida, nos pide, a todos los que queremos seguir sus huellas, leer y releer, orar y meditar, por lo menos una vez al año, estos Consejos evangélicos, que nos remiten a nuestro muy querido y amado Señor Jesús de Nazaret.JOSÉ LUIS VÁZQUEZ BORAU (Barcelona 1946) es Doctor en Fil
Mathematical Society of Japan School On Real And Complex Singularities In Sao Carlos, 2012
This volume is a collection of 6 lecture notes presented at the School on Singularity Theory, São Carlos, Brazil, July 16-21, 2012, or at the 12th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, São Carlos, Brazil, July 22-27, 2012.Topics treated in the 6 lecture notes written by established authors cover, reflecting authors' expertise, a wide range including Topology and Geometry of real singularities, Singularities of holomorphic map-germs, Singularities of complex algebraic sets, Algorithms of the computer algebra 'SINGULAR', Singularities of maps and characteristic classes, Limit cycles of systems of ordinary differential equations.Each lecture note is extremely well-written with plentiful examples and may be considered as one of the most excellent readings in the relevant topic. This book is suitable for being kept at one's desk-side and widely recommended for graduate students studying singularity theory, and researchers in various fields who would like to enjoy the world of singularities.Published by Mathematical Society of Japan and distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co. for all markets except North America
PRH Grupo Editorial HeredarÃs mi reino Del derrumbe de Juan Carlos I a la incertidumbre de Leonor You Will Inherit My Kingdom. From the Collapse of Juan Carlos I
¿Qué contarán los libros de historia de Juan Carlos I? ¿Qué reino heredará Leonor? ¿Reinará? Hay un viejo rey, Juan Carlos, trágico y dos nuevos reyes, Felipe y Letizia, que caminan sobre alfombras rojas que cubren cadáveres. Hay una princesa, Leonor, protegida como si fuera el Santo Grial. Ella es la gran esperanza de la familia y su futuro. Hay amor, sexo y dinero. Hay muchísimo dinero. También hay traiciones, amenazas y ambición. Hay un álbum de fotos de la Familia Real de la revista ¡Hola! que no era real. Hay una frase de Shakespeare que resume lo sucedido: «La corona ha devorado al que la lleva» y otra que cuenta lo que sucede: «Inquieta yace la cabeza que lleva una corona». Esta historia es un cuento que se acaba. Pero también otro que continúa. Este libro es el re
Almuzara Santo Grial, El
Obra perteneciente al ciclo de leyendas artúricas conocido como la Vulgata, en La búsqueda del Santo Grial ciento cincuenta caballeros de la Mesa Redonda parten de Camelot dispuestos a arrostrar todo tipo de peligros con tal de recuperar el cáliz llevado a Inglaterra por los descendientes de José de Arimatea y conservado en el castillo de Corbenic. De ellos, sin embargo, sólo tres -Boores, Perceval y Galaz- conseguirán coronar la aventura, y de éstos sólo uno, Galaz,modelo de caballero en quien el ascetismo y la castidad se funden con la ayuda divina, llegará a conocer los secretos del Santo Grial.
Dos Bigotes El santo al cielo
KS Omniscriptum Publishing La Inquisición del Santo Oficio
Edições Nosso Conhecimento A Inquisição do Santo Ofício
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, S.A. Enfermería geriátrica aspectos médicolegales
Indice:Consideraciones generales sobre envejecimiento y su evolución. Teoríassobre el envejecimiento desde el punto de vista físico, psíquico y social. Trastornos cognitivos, afectivos, neuróticos, psicóticos y de personalidad. Valoración de la ancianidad. Medios sociales y sanitarios. La importancia de la actividad y la rehabilitación en personas mayores. El maltrato en los ancianos.La figura del cuidador. Cuidados paliativos. Consideraciones generales sobre el envejecimiento. Envejecimiento desde el punto de vista físico. Envejecimiento desde el punto de vista psíquico. Envejecimiento desde el punto de vista social. Trastornos cognitivos. Trastornos del estado de ánimo. Trastornos de ansiedad. Trastornos de personalidad. La sexualidad en los mayores. Trastornos psicóticos. Abusos de sustancias. Trastornos del sueño. Aspectos asistenciales. Los mayores en situación de dependencia. Personas mayores, autonomía y dependencia. Personas mayores incapaces y responsabilidad del profesional d
Alfaguara La muerte de Artemio Cruz
Las revoluciones las hacen los hombres de carne y hueso y no los santos, y todas acaban por crear una nueva casta privilegiada. CARLOS FUENTES
Stanford University Press The University, State, and Market: The Political Economy of Globalization in the Americas
This volume explores the complex relationships among universities, states, and markets throughout the Americas in light of the growing influence of globalization. It offers a biting critique of neoliberal globalization and its anti-democratic elements. In seeking to challenge the hegemony of neoliberal globalization, the authors highlight the ways in which corporate capitalism, academic capitalism, and increased militarization—both in the form of terrorism and in the international war against terrorism—are directing societies and institutions. Throughout this volume, the contributors—led by Noam Chomsky, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Raymond Morrow, Sheila Slaughter, and Atilio Boron—argue that neoliberal globalization has changed the context for academic work, research and development, science, and social responsibility at universities. They examine issues of access and social mobility, and argue that the recent push toward privatization limits the democratic and emancipatory possibilities of universities. Finally, the book explores various forms of resistance and discusses globalization in terms of social movements and global human rights. Contributors: Estela Mara Bensimon Atilio Alberto Boron Andrea Brewster Noam Chomsky Ana Loureiro Jurema Ken Kempner Marcela Mollis Raymond Morrow Imanol Ordorika Gary Rhoades Robert A. Rhoads Boaventura de Sousa Santos Daniel Schugurensky Sheila Slaughter Carlos Alberto Torres
Ediciones Península El queso y los gusanos el cosmos según un molinero del siglo XVI
Siglo XVI. El Santo Oficio juzga a un molinero, Domenico Scandella, al que llaman Menocchio. Gracias al análisis de las creencias del reo y de los interrogatorios a los que le someten, Carlo Ginzburg reconstruye de forma memorable en este libro un fragmento de cultura popular o cultura de las clases subordinadas, condenada, en general, al silencio y nos obsequia, de este modo, con un fresco de un mundo oscuro del que todavía quedan ramificaciones.
University Press of Florida Mestizo Modernity: Race, Technology, and the Body in Post-Revolutionary Mexico
Honorable Mention, Latin American Studies Association Mexico Section Best Book in the HumanitiesAfter the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1917, postrevolutionary leaders hoped to assimilate the country's racially diverse population into one official mixed-race identity—the mestizo. This book shows that as part of this vision, the Mexican government believed it could modernize "primitive" Indigenous peoples through technology in the form of education, modern medicine, industrial agriculture, and factory work. David Dalton takes a close look at how authors, artists, and thinkers—some state-funded, some independent—engaged with official views of Mexican racial identity from the 1920s to the 1970s.Dalton surveys essays, plays, novels, murals, and films that portray indigenous bodies being fused, or hybridized, with technology. He examines José Vasconcelos's essay "The Cosmic Race" and the influence of its ideologies on mural artists such as Diego Rivera and José Clemente Orozco. He discusses the theme of introducing Amerindians to medical hygiene and immunizations in the films of Emilio "El Indio" Fernández. He analyzes the portrayal of indigenous monsters in the films of El Santo, as well as Carlos Olvera's critique of postrevolutionary worldviews in the novel Mejicanos en el espacio.Incorporating the perspectives of posthumanism and cyborg studies, Dalton shows that technology played a key role in race formation in Mexico throughout the twentieth century. This cutting-edge study offers fascinating new insights into the culture of mestizaje, illuminating the attitudes that inform Mexican race relations in the present day.A volume in the series Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America, edited by Hector Fernandez L'Hoeste and Juan Carlos Rodriguez
Duke University Press Circuits of the Sacred: A Faggotology in the Black Latinx Caribbean
In Circuits of the Sacred Carlos Ulises Decena examines transnational black Latinx Caribbean immigrant queer life and spirit. Decena models what he calls a faggotology—the erotic in the divine as found in the disreputable and the excessive—as foundational to queer black critical and expressive praxis of the future. Drawing on theoretical analysis, memoir, creative writing, and ethnography of Santería/Lucumí in Santo Domingo, Havana, and New Jersey, Decena moves between languages, locations, pronouns, and genres to map the itineraries of blackness as a “circuit,” a multipronged and multisensorial field. A feminist pilgrimage and extended conversation with the dead, Decena’s study is a provocative work that transforms the academic monograph into a gathering of stories, theoretical innovation, and expressive praxis to channel voices, ancestors, deities, theorists, artists, and spirits from the vantage point of radical feminism and queer-of-color thinking.
Duke University Press Circuits of the Sacred: A Faggotology in the Black Latinx Caribbean
In Circuits of the Sacred Carlos Ulises Decena examines transnational black Latinx Caribbean immigrant queer life and spirit. Decena models what he calls a faggotology—the erotic in the divine as found in the disreputable and the excessive—as foundational to queer black critical and expressive praxis of the future. Drawing on theoretical analysis, memoir, creative writing, and ethnography of Santería/Lucumí in Santo Domingo, Havana, and New Jersey, Decena moves between languages, locations, pronouns, and genres to map the itineraries of blackness as a “circuit,” a multipronged and multisensorial field. A feminist pilgrimage and extended conversation with the dead, Decena’s study is a provocative work that transforms the academic monograph into a gathering of stories, theoretical innovation, and expressive praxis to channel voices, ancestors, deities, theorists, artists, and spirits from the vantage point of radical feminism and queer-of-color thinking.
Stanford University Press Five Faces of Exile: The Nation and Filipino American Intellectuals
Colonialism and empire have rarely been seen from the perspectives and experiences of the colonized. Five Faces of Exile addresses this gap by exploring a wide range of perspectives on colonial, anti-colonial, and postcolonial developments. More specifically, it explores American empire in the Philippines and its ethnic and racial dimensions in the United States through a close reading of the texts and social practices of five pioneering, trans-Pacific Filipino American writers of the colonial era: the diplomat Carlos P. Romulo, the poet Jose Garcia Villa, fiction writers N. V. M. Gonzalez and Bienvenido N. Santos, and the celebrated Asian American worker-writer Carlos Bulosan. In this first transnational intellectual history of an Asian American group, Espiritu shows that an exploration of those at the margins of the nation, who feel at home neither in the Philippines nor in the United States, raises profound questions about citizenship and national belonging. This beautifully written book explores the common desire for national solidarity and cultural translation and the shared ambivalence at the heart of Filipino American expatriate intellectual life, as well as the social practices of patronage and performance that shaped ethnic and national identities.
Stanford University Press Five Faces of Exile: The Nation and Filipino American Intellectuals
Colonialism and empire have rarely been seen from the perspectives and experiences of the colonized. Five Faces of Exile addresses this gap by exploring a wide range of perspectives on colonial, anti-colonial, and postcolonial developments. More specifically, it explores American empire in the Philippines and its ethnic and racial dimensions in the United States through a close reading of the texts and social practices of five pioneering, trans-Pacific Filipino American writers of the colonial era: the diplomat Carlos P. Romulo, the poet Jose Garcia Villa, fiction writers N. V. M. Gonzalez and Bienvenido N. Santos, and the celebrated Asian American worker-writer Carlos Bulosan. In this first transnational intellectual history of an Asian American group, Espiritu shows that an exploration of those at the margins of the nation, who feel at home neither in the Philippines nor in the United States, raises profound questions about citizenship and national belonging. This beautifully written book explores the common desire for national solidarity and cultural translation and the shared ambivalence at the heart of Filipino American expatriate intellectual life, as well as the social practices of patronage and performance that shaped ethnic and national identities.
University of Virginia Press Rot, Riot and Rebellion: Mr. Jefferson's Struggle to Save the University That Changed America
Thomas Jefferson had a radical dream for higher education. Designed to become the first modern public university, the University of Virginia was envisioned as a liberal campus with no religious affiliation, with elective courses and student self-government. Nearly two centuries after the university’s creation, its success now seems preordained—its founder, after all, was a great American genius. Yet what many don’t know is that Jefferson’s university almost failed.In Rot, Riot, and Rebellion, award-winning journalists Rex Bowman and Carlos Santos offer a dramatic re-creation of the university’s early struggles. Political enemies, powerful religious leaders, and fundamentalist Christians fought Jefferson and worked to thwart his dream. Rich students, many from southern plantations, held a sense of honor and entitlement that compelled them to resist even minor rules and regulations. They fought professors, townsfolk, and each other with guns, knives, and fists. In response, professors armed themselves—often with good reason: one was horsewhipped, others were attacked in their classrooms, and one was twice the target of a bomb. The university was often broke, and Jefferson’s enemies, crouched and ready to pounce, looked constantly for reasons to close its doors.Yet from its tumultuous, early days, Jefferson’s university—a cauldron of unrest and educational daring—blossomed into the first real American university. Here, Bowman and Santos bring us into the life of the University of Virginia at its founding to reveal how this once shaky institution grew into a novel, American-style university on which myriad other U.S. universities were modeled.
University of Texas Press Slavery and Utopia: The Wars and Dreams of an Amazonian World Transformer
In the first half of the twentieth century, a charismatic Peruvian Amazonian indigenous chief, José Carlos Amaringo Chico, played a key role in leading his people, the Ashaninka, through the chaos generated by the collapse of the rubber economy in 1910 and the subsequent pressures of colonists, missionaries, and government officials to assimilate them into the national society. Slavery and Utopia reconstructs the life and political trajectory of this leader whom the people called Tasorentsi, the name the Ashaninka give to the world-transforming gods and divine emissaries that come to this earth to aid the Ashaninka in times of crisis.Fernando Santos-Granero follows Tasorentsi’s transformations as he evolved from being a debt-peon and quasi-slave to being a slave raider; inspirer of an Ashaninka movement against white-mestizo rubber extractors and slave traffickers; paramount chief of a multiethnic, anti-colonial, and anti-slavery uprising; and enthusiastic preacher of an indigenized version of Seventh-Day Adventist doctrine, whose world-transforming message and personal influence extended well beyond Peru’s frontiers. Drawing on an immense body of original materials ranging from archival documents and oral histories to musical recordings and visual works, Santos-Granero presents an in-depth analysis of chief Tasorentsi’s political discourse and actions. He demonstrates that, despite Tasorentsi’s constant self-reinventions, the chief never forsook his millenarian beliefs, anti-slavery discourse, or efforts to liberate his people from white-mestizo oppression. Slavery and Utopia thus convincingly refutes those who claim that the Ashaninka proclivity to messianism is an anthropological invention.
University of Texas Press Slavery and Utopia: The Wars and Dreams of an Amazonian World Transformer
In the first half of the twentieth century, a charismatic Peruvian Amazonian indigenous chief, José Carlos Amaringo Chico, played a key role in leading his people, the Ashaninka, through the chaos generated by the collapse of the rubber economy in 1910 and the subsequent pressures of colonists, missionaries, and government officials to assimilate them into the national society. Slavery and Utopia reconstructs the life and political trajectory of this leader whom the people called Tasorentsi, the name the Ashaninka give to the world-transforming gods and divine emissaries that come to this earth to aid the Ashaninka in times of crisis.Fernando Santos-Granero follows Tasorentsi’s transformations as he evolved from being a debt-peon and quasi-slave to being a slave raider; inspirer of an Ashaninka movement against white-mestizo rubber extractors and slave traffickers; paramount chief of a multiethnic, anti-colonial, and anti-slavery uprising; and enthusiastic preacher of an indigenized version of Seventh-Day Adventist doctrine, whose world-transforming message and personal influence extended well beyond Peru’s frontiers. Drawing on an immense body of original materials ranging from archival documents and oral histories to musical recordings and visual works, Santos-Granero presents an in-depth analysis of chief Tasorentsi’s political discourse and actions. He demonstrates that, despite Tasorentsi’s constant self-reinventions, the chief never forsook his millenarian beliefs, anti-slavery discourse, or efforts to liberate his people from white-mestizo oppression. Slavery and Utopia thus convincingly refutes those who claim that the Ashaninka proclivity to messianism is an anthropological invention.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Avin club una historia de los 80
El Avión Club fue uno de los locales más singulares de la época de la movida. Por él pasó media España, gentes muy diversas que cantaban al son que tocaba César, un pianista sacado de una película o un blues, pero que, a diferencia de los pianistas de los blues y las películas, sonreía todo el rato, sin el menor atisbo de melancolía. Al Avión no se iba a figurar ni a hacer tertulias. Se iba a vivir. En esta novela, Carlos Santos rememora aquellos años, aquel bar, aquellas gentes, la música que les acompañaba, el humo que lo rodeaba todo con su neblina., y compone un maravilloso relato lleno de vivencias ochenteras, incluidas sexuales y políticas, en el que cualquier parecido con la realidad no es mera coincidencia.
Alianza Editorial El cuento del grial
Última novela escrita por Chrétien de Troyes, a quien debemos la llegada del Santo Cáliz a la literatura y su transformación en elemento misterioso dotado de enorme potencial narrativo, " El Cuento del Grial " debió ser comenzado hacia 1180, pero quedó inconcluso en fecha desconocida debido acaso a la muerte de su autor. Dividida en dos partes (una dedicada a la formación caballeresca, moral y religiosa de Perceval, y la otra a Galván, como contrapunto mundano del protagonista inicial del relato) y desarrollada en sendos castillos (el del Grial y el de las Reinas), la obra abre el camino hacia reinos completamente diferentes pero fantásticos por igual.Traducción e introducción de Carlos Alvar.
Duke University Press Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil
Bringing together U.S. and Brazilian scholars, as well as Afro-Brazilian political activists, Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil represents a significant advance in understanding the complexities of racial difference in contemporary Brazilian society. While previous scholarship on this subject has been largely confined to quantitative and statistical research, editor Michael Hanchard presents a qualitative perspective from a variety of disciplines, including history, sociology, political science, and cultural theory.The contributors to Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil examine such topics as the legacy of slavery and its abolition, the historical impact of social movements, race-related violence, and the role of Afro-Brazilian activists in negotiating the cultural politics surrounding the issue of Brazilian national identity. These essays also provide comparisons of racial discrimination in the United States and Brazil, as well as an analysis of residential segregation in urban centers and its affect on the mobilization of blacks and browns. With a focus on racialized constructions of class and gender and sexuality, Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil reorients the direction of Brazilian studies, providing new insights into Brazilian culture, politics, and race relations.This volume will be of importance to a wide cross section of scholars engaged with Brazil in particular, and Latin American studies in general. It will also appeal to those invested in the larger issues of political and social movements centered on the issue of race.Contributors. Benedita da Silva, Nelson do Valle Silva, Ivanir dos Santos, Richard Graham, Michael Hanchard, Carlos Hasenbalg, Peggy A. Lovell, Michael Mitchell, Tereza Santos, Edward Telles, Howard Winant
Duke University Press Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil
Bringing together U.S. and Brazilian scholars, as well as Afro-Brazilian political activists, Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil represents a significant advance in understanding the complexities of racial difference in contemporary Brazilian society. While previous scholarship on this subject has been largely confined to quantitative and statistical research, editor Michael Hanchard presents a qualitative perspective from a variety of disciplines, including history, sociology, political science, and cultural theory.The contributors to Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil examine such topics as the legacy of slavery and its abolition, the historical impact of social movements, race-related violence, and the role of Afro-Brazilian activists in negotiating the cultural politics surrounding the issue of Brazilian national identity. These essays also provide comparisons of racial discrimination in the United States and Brazil, as well as an analysis of residential segregation in urban centers and its affect on the mobilization of blacks and browns. With a focus on racialized constructions of class and gender and sexuality, Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil reorients the direction of Brazilian studies, providing new insights into Brazilian culture, politics, and race relations.This volume will be of importance to a wide cross section of scholars engaged with Brazil in particular, and Latin American studies in general. It will also appeal to those invested in the larger issues of political and social movements centered on the issue of race.Contributors. Benedita da Silva, Nelson do Valle Silva, Ivanir dos Santos, Richard Graham, Michael Hanchard, Carlos Hasenbalg, Peggy A. Lovell, Michael Mitchell, Tereza Santos, Edward Telles, Howard Winant
Princeton University Press Reading Asian American Literature: From Necessity to Extravagance
A recent explosion of publishing activity by a wide range of talented writers has placed Asian American literature in the limelight. As the field of Asian American literary studies gains increasing recognition, however, questions of misreading and appropriation inevitably arise. How is the growing body of Asian American works to be read? What holds them together to constitute a tradition? What distinguishes this tradition from the "mainstream" canon and other "minority" literatures? In the first comprehensive book on Asian American literature since Elaine Kim's ground-breaking 1982 volume, Sau-ling Wong addresses these issues and explores their implications for the multiculturalist agenda. Wong does so by establishing the "intertextuality" of Asian American literature through the study of four motifs--food and eating, the Doppelg,nger figure, mobility, and play--in their multiple sociohistorical contexts. Occurring across ethnic subgroup, gender, class, generational, and historical boundaries, these motifs resonate with each other in distinctly Asian American patterns that universalistic theories cannot uncover. Two rhetorical figures from Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior, "Necessity" and "Extravagance," further unify this original, wide-ranging investigation. Authors studied include Carlos Bulosan, Frank Chin, Ashley Sheun Dunn, David Henry Hwang, Lonny Kaneko, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa, David Wong Louie, Darrell Lum, Wing Tek Lum, Toshio Mori, Bharati Mukherjee, Fae Myenne Ng, Bienvenido Santos, Monica Sone, Amy Tan, Yoshiko Uchida, Shawn Wong, Hisaye Yamamoto, and Wakako Yamauchi.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Early Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective
Addresses significant developments in the valuation of early stage enterprises at fair value with emphasis on practical applications—features a broad selection of case studies of early stage valuation Early Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective provides a comprehensive review of the current methodologies used to value Early Stage Enterprises (ESEs) at fair value for financial reporting, investment, and mergers and acquisitions. Author Antonella Puca, Senior Director with Alvarez & Marsal Valuation Services in New York, provides accurate, up-to-date information on recent guidelines and new approaches for valuation assessments. This authoritative guide examines how to apply market analysis, discounted cash flows models, statistical techniques such as option pricing models (OPM) and Monte Carlo simulation, the venture capital method and non-GAAP metrics to ESE valuation. The text considers the most recent AICPA, Appraisal Foundation and IPEV guidance, and examines developments in both academic research and venture capital investor practice. Numerous real-world case studies illustrate early stage valuation suitable for structuring sound, internally consistent business transactions. Covering current trends and the latest regulatory guidance in the area, this book: Provides step-by-step guidance on practical valuation applications Reflects current standards for ESE valuation, including the AICPA Guide to the Valuation of Portfolio Company Investments, the IPEV guidelines and guidance from the Appraisal Foundation Covers new approaches to the valuation of ESEs with option pricing models, Monte Carlo Simulation, calibration and non-GAAP metrics Offers an overview of start-up valuation Discusses how intangible assets are impacting the valuation of ESEs The book also includes contributions from Neil Beaton, Andreas Dal Santo, Alexander Davie, John Jackman and Mark Zyla. Early Stage Valuation: A Fair Value Perspective is an essential resource for valuation specialists, private equity and venture capital fund managers, analysts, attorneys, investment bankers, regulators and auditors, and investors with interest in the private equity and venture capital industry.
Alianza Editorial Los siete sabios y tres más
Las figuras de los Siete Sabios de la Grecia arcaica (Tales, Solón, Bías, Quilón, Pítaco, Cleobulo y Periandro) desempeñaron un papel memorable durante la época de consolidación de las ciudades helénicas y de sus instituciones a comienzos del siglo vi a.C. Imbuidos de una proverbial sensatez y de una aguda inteligencia al servicio de la comunidad cívica, esos personajes históricos constituyen el paradigma de un saber que mereció el aplauso del oráculo délfico y que obtuvo una popularidad secular. " Los Siete Sabios (y tres más) " recoge las anécdotas y las sentencias que les fueron atribuidas, glosando sus máximas y rastreando el sentido de su actuación ejemplar en su contexto social. Carlos García Gual reflexiona sobre el sentido histórico de su sabiduría y analiza las diferencias entre sus personalidades (anticipo de las de los filósofos) y los héroes y los santos de otros pueblos.
Ediciones Palabra, S.A. La primaca del amor una introduccin a la tica de Toms de Aquino
Una síntesis brillante y lograda de la ética de Santo Tomás desde una perspectiva original: la primacía del amor.
El inmortal
El gran maestro del cómic español sigue en plena forma a sus 80 años.Una sátira impenitente sobre el mundo que nos espera.En las páginas de este álbum vamos a toparnos con la increíble pero cierta historia de Homobono Santos Casas. Es un tipo que tiene muchas vivencias por contar, pero entre ellas hay una que eclipsa al resto: el día que le fue concedido un deseo y, sin pensarlo demasiado, eligió la inmortalidad. Antes de recibir este inmenso don, tuvo ocasión de pasar unos días de prueba en el futuro, en un salto temporal de cien años, y lo que allí vio cambió todas sus ideas preconcebidas sobre la humanidad y la vida eterna.El inmortal es una sátira impenitente sobre la sociedad actual y el mundo que nos puede llegar a esperar, así como una espléndida muestra del trabajo de madurez de Carlos Giménez, que da rienda suelta aquí a todos sus recursos artísticos y narrativos.
Manchester University Press Screening Songs in Hispanic and Lusophone Cinema
In this volume, eighteen experts from a variety of academic backgrounds explore the use of songs in films from the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking worlds. This volume illustrates how – rather than simply helping to tell the story of – songs in Hispanic and Lusophone cinema commonly upset the hierarchy of the visual over the aural, thereby rendering their hearing a complex and rich subject for analysis.Screening songs... constitutes a ground-breaking, interdisciplinary collection. Of particular interest to scholars and academics in the areas of Film Studies, Hispanic Studies, Lusophone Studies and Musicology, this volume opens up the study of Hispanic and Lusophone cinema to vital, new, critical approaches. The soundtracks of films as varied as City of God, All About My Mother, Bad Education and Buena Vista Social Club are analysed alongside those of lesser-known works that range from the melodramas of Mexican cinema’s golden age to Brazilian and Portuguese musical comedies from the 1940s and 1950s. Fiction films are studied alongside documentaries, the work of established directors like Pedro Almodóvar, Carlos Saura and Nelson Pereira dos Santos alongside that of emerging filmmakers, and performances by iconic stars like Caetano Veloso and Chavela Vargas alongside the songs of Spanish Gypsy groups, Mexican folk songs and contemporary Brazilian rap.
El sndrome Wanderlust Once Relatos viajeros
Qué es el síndrome Wanderlust? Es un término cuyo uso han popularizado las redes sociales y que los psicólogos emplean para designar a aquellas personas cuya pasión por viajar, por conocer nuevos destinos, culturas y gentes es insaciable.Deambular, vagabundear por el mundo, viajar compulsivamente y, además, contarlo: el síndrome o espíritu Wanderlust afecta en mayor o menor medida a los personajes de estos once relatos escritos, entre otros, por algunos de los autores más reconocidos del panorama de la narrativa española actual: Marta Sanz, José Ovejero, Luisa Castro, Care Santos, David Roas, Eloy Tizón, Sergi Bellver, Roxana Popelka, Carmen R. Pinos, Carlos Jiménez Arribas y Emilia Piñeiro. Novelistas, traductores, profesores universitarios y periodistas unen sus voces en esta recopilación de relatos viajeros ilustrada por Miguel Vallés Salvador. El viaje como huida y como búsqueda, como cartografía interior. El viaje como descubrimiento. El viaje como literatura.
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Etiología del error
Una de las dificultades de la antropología y la ética, no sólo en la vida práctica sino también en el plano especulativo, es la del conocimiento de las causas del error. El error y la injerencia del no-ser en el discurso es una temática abordada por los principales filósofos desde Platón, pasando por Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino, hasta Kant y los analistas del lenguaje contemporáneo.La problemática del error se trata aquí desde sus razones últimas, analizando el ser del hombre, que es quien propiamente se equivoca. Las facultades superiores del hombre, inteligencia y voluntad, de suyo, no cometen errores, sino el ser humano como un todo. Con este punto de mira, se intenta hacer una exploración ontológica, antropológica y ética de las causas del error.Carlos Llano Cifuentes, nació en México, realizó sus estudios de Licenciatura y Doctorado en Filosofía en las universidades Central de Madrid, Santo Tomás en Roma y Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Miembro del grupo fund
Manchester University Press Screening Songs in Hispanic and Lusophone Cinema
In this volume, eighteen experts from a variety of academic backgrounds explore the use of songs in films from the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking worlds. This volume illustrates how - rather than simply helping to tell the story of - songs in Hispanic and Lusophone cinema commonly upset the hierarchy of the visual over the aural, thereby rendering their hearing a complex and rich subject for analysis.Screening songs... constitutes a ground-breaking, interdisciplinary collection. Of particular interest to scholars and academics in the areas of Film Studies, Hispanic Studies, Lusophone Studies and Musicology, this volume opens up the study of Hispanic and Lusophone cinema to vital, new, critical approaches. The soundtracks of films as varied as City of God, All About My Mother, Bad Education and Buena Vista Social Club are analysed alongside those of lesser-known works that range from the melodramas of Mexican cinema's golden age to Brazilian and Portuguese musical comedies from the 1940s and 1950s. Fiction films are studied alongside documentaries, the work of established directors like Pedro Almodóvar, Carlos Saura and Nelson Pereira dos Santos alongside that of emerging filmmakers, and performances by iconic stars like Caetano Veloso and Chavela Vargas alongside the songs of Spanish Gypsy groups, Mexican folk songs and contemporary Brazilian rap.
Duke University Press Imagine Otherwise: On Asian Americanist Critique
Imagine Otherwise is an incisive critique of the field of Asian American studies. Recognizing that the rubric "Asian American" elides crucial differences, Kandice Chuh argues for reframing Asian American studies as a study defined not by its subjects and objects, but by its critique. Toward that end, she urges the foregrounding of the constructedness of "Asian American" formations and shows how this understanding of the field provides the basis for continuing to use the term "Asian American" in light of—and in spite of—contemporary critiques about its limitations.Drawing on the insights of poststructuralist theory, postcolonial studies, and investigations of transnationalism, Imagine Otherwise conceives of Asian American literature and U.S. legal discourse as theoretical texts to be examined for the normative claims about race, gender, and sexuality that they put forth. Reading government and legal documents, novels including Carlos Bulosan's America Is in the Heart, John Okada's No-No Boy, Chang-rae Lee's A Gesture Life, Ronyoung Kim's Clay Walls, and Lois Ann Yamanaka's Blu's Hanging, and the short stories "Immigration Blues" by Bienvenido Santos and "High-Heeled Shoes" by Hisaye Yamamoto, Chuh works through Filipino American and Korean American identity formation and Japanese American internment during World War II as she negotiates the complex and sometimes tense differences that constitute 'Asian America' and Asian American studies.
Duke University Press Archipelagic American Studies
Departing from conventional narratives of the United States and the Americas as fundamentally continental spaces, the contributors to Archipelagic American Studies theorize America as constituted by and accountable to an assemblage of interconnected islands, archipelagoes, shorelines, continents, seas, and oceans. They trace these planet-spanning archipelagic connections in essays on topics ranging from Indigenous sovereignty to the work of Édouard Glissant, from Philippine call centers to US militarization in the Caribbean, and from the great Pacific garbage patch to enduring overlaps between US imperialism and a colonial Mexican archipelago. Shaking loose the straitjacket of continental exceptionalism that hinders and permeates Americanist scholarship, Archipelagic American Studies asserts a more relevant and dynamic approach for thinking about the geographic, cultural, and political claims of the United States within broader notions of America. Contributors Birte Blascheck, J. Michael Dash, Paul Giles, Susan Gillman, Matthew Pratt Guterl, Hsinya Huang, Allan Punzalan Isaac, Joseph Keith, Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Ifeoma Kiddoe Nwankwo, Craig Santos Perez, Brian Russell Roberts, John Carlos Rowe, Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, Ramón E. Soto-Crespo, Michelle Ann Stephens, Elaine Stratford, Etsuko Taketani, Alice Te Punga Somerville, Teresia Teaiwa, Lanny Thompson, Nicole A. Waligora-Davis
Pennsylvania State University Press Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Democracy is venerated in US political culture, in part because it is our democracy. As a result, we assume that the government and institutions of the United States represent the true and right form of democracy, needed by all. This volume challenges this commonplace belief by putting US politics in the context of the Americas more broadly. Seeking to cultivate conversations among and between the hemispheres, this collection examines local political rhetorics across the Americas. The contributors—scholars of communication from both North and South America—recognize democratic ideals as irreducible to a single national perspective and reflect on the ways social minorities in the Western Hemisphere engage in unique political discourses. The essays consider current rhetorics in the United States on American exceptionalism, immigration, citizenship, and land rights alongside current cultural and political events in Latin America, such as corruption in Guatemala, women’s activism in Ciudad Juárez, representation in Venezuela, and media bias in Brazil. Through a survey of these rhetorics, this volume provides a broad analysis of democracy. It highlights institutional and cultural differences in the Americas and presents a hemispheric democracy that is both more pluralistic and more agonistic than what is believed about the system in the United States.In addition to the editors, the contributors include José Cortez, Linsay M. Cramer, Pamela Flores, Alberto González, Amy N. Heuman, Christa J. Olson, Carlos Piovezani, Clara Eugenia Rojas Blanco, Abraham Romney, René Agustín de los Santos, and Alejandra Vitale.
Pennsylvania State University Press Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Democracy is venerated in US political culture, in part because it is our democracy. As a result, we assume that the government and institutions of the United States represent the true and right form of democracy, needed by all. This volume challenges this commonplace belief by putting US politics in the context of the Americas more broadly. Seeking to cultivate conversations among and between the hemispheres, this collection examines local political rhetorics across the Americas. The contributors—scholars of communication from both North and South America—recognize democratic ideals as irreducible to a single national perspective and reflect on the ways social minorities in the Western Hemisphere engage in unique political discourses. The essays consider current rhetorics in the United States on American exceptionalism, immigration, citizenship, and land rights alongside current cultural and political events in Latin America, such as corruption in Guatemala, women’s activism in Ciudad Juárez, representation in Venezuela, and media bias in Brazil. Through a survey of these rhetorics, this volume provides a broad analysis of democracy. It highlights institutional and cultural differences in the Americas and presents a hemispheric democracy that is both more pluralistic and more agonistic than what is believed about the system in the United States.In addition to the editors, the contributors include José Cortez, Linsay M. Cramer, Pamela Flores, Alberto González, Amy N. Heuman, Christa J. Olson, Carlos Piovezani, Clara Eugenia Rojas Blanco, Abraham Romney, René Agustín de los Santos, and Alejandra Vitale.
Ediciones Ulises Revista espaola
Revista española ejemplifica el giro que da la literatura española de posguerra hacia un tipo de escritura de signo realista y testimonial. La acogida del neorrealismo proveniente de Italia y la apuesta por el cuento literario conforman dos señas de identidad que hacen de Revista Española una publicación sin parangón en la literatura española del siglo XX.Alentada por el bibliófilo Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino entre 1953 y 1954 y dirigida por Ignacio Aldecoa, Alfonso Sastre y Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, sus páginas sirven de bautismo colectivo del llamado grupo madrileño de narradores del medio siglo. En ella se dan cita, además de los tres responsables, Jesús Fernández Santos (que publica Cabeza rapada), Carmen Martín Gaite, Josefina Rodríguez, José María de Quinto, Medardo Fraile, otros tan notorios como Carlos Edmundo de Ory, Juan Benet, Manuel Sacristán o José Luis Castillo Puche, y algunos extranjeros del prestigio del italiano Cesare Zavattini, el estadounidense Truman Capote (por p
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management and Engineering Innovation
This book discusses management and engineering innovation with a particular emphasis on human resource management (HRM) and production engineering. In an innovation context, the disciplines of management and engineering are linked to promote sustainable development, seeking cultural and geographical diversity in the studies of HRM and engineering, applications that can have a particular impact on organizational communications, change processes and work practices. This connection reflects the diversity of societal and infrastructural conditions. The authors mainly analyze research on important issues that transcend the boundaries of individual academic subjects and managerial functions. They take into account interdisciplinary scholarship and commentaries that challenge the paradigms and assumptions of individual disciplines or functions, which are based on conceptual and/or empirical literature. The book is designed to increase the knowledge and effectiveness of all those involved in management and engineering innovation whether in the profit or not-for-profit sectors, or in the public or private sectors. Contents 1. We the Engineers and Them the Managers, Teresa Carla Oliveira and Joao Fontes Da Costa. 2. Strategic Capabilities for Successful Engagement in Proactive CSR in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Resource-Based View Approach, Nuttaneeya (Ann) Torugsa and Wayne O’Donohue. 3. Innovative Management Development in the Automotive Supply Industry – A Preliminary Case Study for the Development of an Innovative Approach to Innovation Management, Frank E.P. Dievernich and Kim Oliver Tokarski. 4. Innovative Product Design and Development through Online Customization, M. Reza Abdi and Vipin Khanna. 5. Struggling for Survival and Success: Can Brazil’s Defense Industry Help Foster Innovation?, Alex Lôbo Carlos and Regina Maria de Oliveira Leite. 6. Knowledge Management Fostering Innovation: Balancing Practices and Enabling Contexts, Maria Joao Santos and Raky Wane. 7. Institutional Logics Promoting and Inhibiting Innovation, Teresa Carla Trigo Oliveira and Stuart Holland. 8. HRM in SMEs in Portugal: An Innovative Proposal of Characterization, Pedro Ribeiro Novo Melo and Carolina Machado. About the Authors Carolina Machado has been teaching Human Resource Management since 1989 at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, Portugal, becoming Associate Professor in 2004. Her research interests include the fields of Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Management Change and Knowledge Management. J. Paulo Davim is Aggregate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in production and mechanical engineering.
Duke University Press Mestizo Genomics: Race Mixture, Nation, and Science in Latin America
In genetics laboratories in Latin America, scientists have been mapping the genomes of local populations, seeking to locate the genetic basis of complex diseases and to trace population histories. As part of their work, geneticists often calculate the European, African, and Amerindian genetic ancestry of populations. Some researchers explicitly connect their findings to questions of national identity and racial and ethnic difference, bringing their research to bear on issues of politics and identity.Drawing on ethnographic research in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, the contributors to Mestizo Genomics explore how the concepts of race, ethnicity, nation, and gender enter into and are affected by genomic research. In Latin America, national identities are often based on ideas about mestizaje (race mixture), rather than racial division. Since mestizaje is said to involve relations between European men and indigenous or African women, gender is a key factor in Latin American genomics and in the analyses in this book. Also important are links between contemporary genomics and recent moves toward official multiculturalism in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. One of the first studies of its kind, Mestizo Genomics sheds new light on the interrelations between "race," identity, and genomics in Latin America.Contributors. Adriana Díaz del Castillo H., Roosbelinda Cárdenas, Vivette García Deister, Verlan Valle Gaspar Neto, Michael Kent, Carlos López Beltrán, María Fernanda Olarte Sierra, Eduardo Restrepo, Mariana Rios Sandoval, Ernesto Schwartz-Marín, Ricardo Ventura Santos, Peter Wade
El hereje
En el año 1517, Martín Lutero fija sus noventa y cinco tesis contra las indulgencias en la iglesia de Wittenberg, un acontecimiento que provocará el cisma de la Iglesia Romana de Occidente. Ese mismo año nace en Valladolid Cipriano Salcedo. En un momento de agitación política y religiosa, esta mera coincidencia de fechas marcará fatalmente su destino. Convertido en próspero comerciante se pondrá en contacto con las corrientes protestantes que, de manera clandestina, empezaban a introducirse en la Península, pero la difusión de este movimiento será cortada progresivamente por el Santo Oficio.A través de las peripecias vitales y espirituales de Cipriano Salcedo, Delibes dibuja con mano maestra un vivísimo retrato del Valladolid de la época de Carlos V, de sus gentes, sus costumbres y sus paisajes. Pero El hereje es sobre todo una indagación sobre las relaciones humanas en todos sus aspectos; la historia de unos hombres y mujeres de carne y hueso en lucha consigo mismos y con el
Corre La Voz SL Maquinofòbiapianolera
Maquinofòbiapianolera es un libro-cd que recoge en fotografías elproceso creativo y el concierto compuesto e interpretado por Carles Santos yCaboSanRoque. Un testimonio gráfico de una experiencia única.A partir de las fotografías de Frederic Navarro se muestran todos los momentosvividos por los músicos en el proceso de creación: los ensayos y pruebas, lasreuniones y encuentros preparatorios, los entresijos vividos antes y despuésdel concierto y como colofón, la actuación en directo.
University of Texas Press Cinema and Social Change in Latin America: Conversations with Filmmakers
Since the late 1960s, films from Latin America have won widening audiences in North America and Europe. Until now, no single book has offered an introduction to the diverse personalities and practices that make up this important regional film movement. In Cinema and Social Change in Latin America, Julianne Burton presents twenty interviews with key figures of Latin American cinema, covering three decades and ranging from Argentina to Mexico. Interviews with pioneers Fernando Birri, Nelson Pereira dos Santos, and Glauber Rocha, renowned feature filmmakers Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Carlos Diegues, prize-winning documentarists Patricio Guzmán and Helena Solberg-Ladd, among others, endeavor to balance personal achievement against the backdrop of historical, political, social, and economic circumstances that have influenced each director's career. Presented also are conversations that cast light on the related activities of acting, distribution, theory, criticism, and film-based community organizing. More than their counterparts in other regions of the world, Latin American artists and intellectuals acknowledge the degree to which culture is shaped by history and politics. Since the mid-1950s, a period of rising nationalism and regional consciousness, talented young artists and activists have sought to redefine the uses of the film medium in the Latin American context. Questioning the studio and star systems of the Hollywood industrial model, these innovators have developed new forms, content, and processes of production, distribution, and reception. The specific approaches and priorities of the New Latin American Cinema are far from monolithic. They vary from realism to expressionism, from observational documentary to elaborate fictional constructs, from "imperfect cinema" to a cinema that emulates the high production values of the developed sectors, from self-reflexive to "transparent" cinematic styles, from highly industrialized modes of production to purely artisanal ones. What does not vary is the commitment to film as a vehicle for social transformation and the expression of national and regional cultural autonomy. From early alternative cinema efforts in Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba to a contemporary perspective from within the Mexican commercial industry to the emerging cinema and video production from Central America, Cinema and Social Change in Latin America offers the most comprehensive look at Latin American film available today.
Una guía compacta con todo lo mejor de Madeira, y mucha información útil completamente actualizada para disfrutar de las islas.A través de Una mirada a Madeira, la guía ofrece una breve historia del país con unas claves para entender la realidad actual y su perfil social, así como para aproximarse a su medio natural.En el apartado Diez lugares inolvidables, se hace una propuesta con lo mejor que ofrecen las islas según una selección del autor: localidades, mercados, espacios naturales...Visita a las islas ofrece una visión más detenida de las mejores visitas a través de distintos capítulos que hacen referencia en primer término a la capital Funchal, luego a la isla de Madeira por partes, y en último término a la isla de Porto Santo. En ellos se describen los lugares de interés de cada región evaluados por un sistema de clasificación por estrellas y se proponen pequeñas rutas e itinerarios a pie, en coche o en barco. Se incluye información práctica sobre los lugares propuest
Springer International Publishing AG United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order
“I have seen the UN perform on a changing global stage in many UN missions. This book examines how the UN must continue to evolve amongst changing state actors, differing regional organisations and a constant global paradigm shift. It is essential material for enhancing one’s understanding of the nature of international conflict and for the continued relevance of the UN as a key stakeholder and participant in world affairs.”—Maj. Gen. Kristin Lund, Head of Mission and Chief of Staff, UN peacekeeping mission in the Middle East (UNTSO)“This outstanding collection is a must-read for anyone interested in the central challenges of peacekeeping today. From big ideas about changes in global order, to more focused analyses of policing and the protection of civilians, this book provides a comprehensive overview of where peacekeeping is now, and what we may expect in the future.”—Lise Morjé Howard, Associate Professor, Georgetown University“The book analyses recent developments in UN peacekeeping in the context of the historic changes underway in the global order. I would recommend it to policy makers, peacekeepers and scholars who wish to understand, optimise and improve the effectiveness of modern peacekeeping.”—Lt. Gen. Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, former Force Commander in the UN missions in the DRC (MONUSCO) and Haiti (MINUSTAH)“Peacekeeping has been the most visible UN activity in its primary mandate to maintain international peace and security. In a world in disarray, as security threats mutate and the world order shifts away from US primacy and fresh challenges arise, the UN must respond with nimbleness and flexibility to stay relevant. This exceptional collection of analyses by experts from both the global North and South will be of interest to practitioners and scholars alike – highly recommended.”—Ramesh Thakur, Professor, Australian National University“Peacekeeping is not what it was even a decade ago: global power is shifting, new types of conflicts are emerging, and demands on the United Nations and regional organizations are growing. Anyone interested in contemporary conflict resolution and the changing character of international peace operations should read this excellent book.”—Roland Paris, Professor of International Affairs, University of Ottawa“This book is an insightful and forward-looking scholarly contribution to debates within the United Nations. It shows how profound the recent changes affecting peace operations are and pushes us all to rethink our assumptions about conflict, peace and the role of international organizations. It could not come at a better moment.”—Jean-Marie Guehenno, UN High-level Advisory Board on Mediation, former UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping OperationsThis open access book explores how UN peace operations are adapting to four transformational trends in the changing global order: (1) the rebalancing of relations between states of the global North and the global South; (2) the rise of regional organisations as providers of peace; (3) the rise of violent extremism and fundamentalist non-state actors; and (4) increasing demands from non-state actors for greater emphasis on human security. It identifies emerging conflict and peace trends (robustness of responses, rise of non-state threats, cross-state conflicts) and puts them in the context of tectonic shifts in the global order (rise of emerging powers, North–South rebalancing, emergence of regional organisations as providers of peace). The volume stimulates a discussion between practitioners and academics from the global North and South, and offers an analysis of how the international community collectively makes sense of the changing global order and its implications for UN peace operations.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. 333 historias de la transición chaquetas de pana tetas al aire ruido de sables suspiros algaradas y consenso
Quién dijo no hay mal que por bien no venga tras la muerte de Carrero? Quién fue el primero en preguntar con qué derecho van a exigir austeridad y honradez si ellos no la practican? Quién protagonizó el primer desnudo? En qué año se legalizaron los anticonceptivos? Fue la amnistía de 1977 una ley del perdón? Son algunas de las preguntas cuyas respuestas están en este libro, diferente a todos los que se han escrito sobre el tránsito de la dictadura a la democracia en España. El autor, periodista que vivió ese periodo en primera fila, cree que la Transición no se hizo en los despachos sino en los bares, las calles, los talleres, las camas y los altares y que no fue solo un proceso político sino, sobre todo, cultural, sentimental y social. Lo cuenta desde esa perspectiva: la de los ciudadanos que en toda España lo protagonizaron y tienen en este relato tanta relevancia como los personajes históricos, a quienes él conoció de cerca. El resultado es un sorprendente álbum de episodios diverti
Alianza Editorial El mundo fsico a finales de la Antigedad Alianza Ensayo Spanish Edition
Las especulaciones físicas de los griegos después de Aristóteles no suelen recibir la atención que se merecen. Sin embargo en ellas encontramos concepciones científicas que no han perdido nada de su actualidad, como es la oposición entre la acción local y la acción a distancia o entre la concepción discreta y corpuscular de la naturaleza y la visión continua de la misma. El mecanicismo, la geometrización platónica del mundo material, la concepción absoluta y relativa del tiempo y el espacio constituyen otros tantos desarrollos postaristotélicos de importancia histórica continuada. Sambursky explora, con una erudición que en nada detrae de la amenidad, la fascinación que sobre los filósofos naturales ejercieron unas visiones y oposiciones que recorren la historia de la física. Continuación del libro del mismo autor El mundo físico de los griegos, esta obra posee un gran valor histórico a la vez que se convierte en una fuente de reflexión filosófica desde los intereses actuales de la cie
De Gruyter Race and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Crossview from Brazil
Race and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Crossview from Brazil discusses the racial issue in Latin America by inserting Brazil’s perspective within the regional debate, at once contrasting with more common nationally-focused perspectives and highlighting the exchange between the luso and hispano worlds. Through this dialogical scheme, the volume aims to offer a panorama of the historical and contemporary debates on the racial issue across the region. It emphasizes, in particular, slavery’s inheritance, the persistent subordination of the black population along with its mobilization and exchanges, the centrality of the anti-racist struggle and its main actors and intellectuals, the impact of multicultural and racial equality policies, and the development of categorizations. Race and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Crossview from Brazil brings about the need to enlarge knowledge on the black population in the region, identifying national particularities, distinct historical contexts and forms of categorization and relations with other ethnic groups, The volume also illustrates a current state of affairs, underscoring new debates and challenges which arise in a context of sanitary crisis and black genocide.