Search results for ""Author Carlos Lopes""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Africa's Contemporary Challenges: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral
This book reviews Cabral’s intellectual contribution to current debates on race, identity, nation building, democracy, leadership and ethics. The key leader of the national liberation movements of former Portuguese African colonies is considered to be one of their foremost intellectuals the continent has produced. This rare combination of freedom fighter, operational campaigner and astute political scientist justifies the academic interest in his contribution.Africa's Contemporary Challenges reviews the impact of Amilcar Cabral’s thinking, and its relationship with contemporary debates about race, identity, nation building, democracy, leadership or ethics. The complexity of Cabral’s vision and hopes for Africa continues to incite curiosity and interest. Cabral's tragic assassination in 1973 has removed the possibility of analysing his impact on post-independent Lusophone Africa, but his thoughts continue to be the most important reference.This book was published as a special issue of African Identities.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Africa in Transformation: Economic Development in the Age of Doubt
“Lopes brings his rigour, insight, and experience to this timely new book, presenting a compelling rethink of traditional development models in Africa and the need to seize on transformational change to build a sustainable future for the continent."—Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary General “Some readers will enjoy Lopes’ eclectic brilliance and breath-taking culture. Others will salute his ability to bring compelling new angles to every topic. Everyone will be impressed with his craftsmanship, his rich and multi-faceted approach to development, and his high ethical standards. It is impossible to read this jewel book and not feel smarter.”—Célestin Monga, African Development Bank’s Vice President and Chief Economist “Drawing on his distinguished academic career, policy experience at the highest level, and deep love of the continent, Lopes provides a visionary analysis of Africa's current problems and future prospects. This book provides a highly unusual combination of intellectualism and hard-nosed pragmatism. A singular achievement.” —Ha-Joon Chang, University of Cambridge, UK“Thorough, thought-provoking, and beyond rhetoric: definitely a must-read for anyone who wants to understand Africa’s present and future.”—Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister of Italy, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po, France Lopes delivers an overview of the critical development issues facing the African continent today. He offers readers a blueprint of policies to address issues, and an intense, heartfelt meditation on the meaning of economic development in the age of democratic doubts, identity crises, global fears and threatening issues of sustainability.
The Nordic Africa Institute Balancing Rocks: Environment and Development in Zimbabwe
África en transformación
?Lopes aporta su rigor, perspicacia y experiencia a este oportuno libro, que presenta un replanteamiento convincente de los modelos de desarrollo tradicionales en África, así como la necesidad de aprovechar el cambio transformacional para construir un futuro sostenible para el continente?.Kofi Annan, ex secretario general de las Naciones UnidasLas narrativas sobre África tienden a ser engañosas debido a la escasez de datos sobre el continente, a percepciones negativas y a visiones simplistas, a menudo ligadas a la falta de estudios comparativos con otras regiones del mundo. Es como si África fuera una entidad aislada ?geográfica e históricamente? lo que configura una suerte de excepcionalismo que ha menoscabado su imagen. En este contexto, Carlos Lopes aborda la transformación africana en torno a los siguientes desafíos: cambiar la política y comprender sus espacios, respetar la diversidad, transformar las estructuras a través de la industrialización, aumentar la productividad
Nova Science Publishers Inc Improving the Academic Writing Experience in Higher Education
To fulfill their academic purposes in higher education, students must mobilize knowledge learned in the classroom, but also obtained individually and with access to a variety of sources, in particular, the information resources available in their libraries. To achieve an academic degree as master or doctor, information resources grow in importance and meaning, since because from them a great part of the theoretical and methodological support is obtained for the pursuit of this purpose. The validation of their learning is carried out in large part by the written presentation of these academic works. The book reflects on the importance of academic writing and presents methods and techniques for writing in a grounded manner. The contributions that make up the book Improving the Academic Writing Experience in Higher Education aim to bring ideas and share experiences, broaden horizons and shed some light on the landscape of academic writing. The different formulations, perspectives, and approaches are divided into two parts: the first one with a conceptual point of view, explaining the importance of the development of academic writing within the university and theorizing about the transformative impact of this practice on the higher education' student. The second one seeks to bring a more practical, diversified and comprehensive contribution to the thematic and to respond to the challenge of professionals related to the area -- particularly those involved in higher education libraries, but not only -- and who work with the transformation of information into knowledge. Through concrete tips for writing appropriately in a university context, the focus is on how and why to write well. The challenge that mobilized the achievement of this book was to encourage better learning and academic success, through awareness of a concrete action of teachers, students, and librarians who, in higher education, develop their activities in support of academic writing. We hope, therefore, that this will be a catalyst for renewed learning around this subject.