Search results for ""Author Carlos Blanco""
Los Libros de la Catarata Revolución y desilusión la Venezuela de Hugo Chávez
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. Roja Caperucita
El agua del lago de Chernóbil, tras la terrible explosión de la central nuclear, se ha vuelto radioactiva. Todas las mañanas se extiende sobre las dos orillas una bruma tóxica que te matará si la respiras. Y si no te mata, quizá sea todavía peor, porque te provocará las más horrendas mutaciones que ningún ser humano puede soportar sin volverse loco de dolor o de espanto.En el centro de ese lago radioactivo se levanta un viejo árbol que se resiste a morir. Es un árbol enfermo, lleno de enormes tumores, en el que vive el Mago Dementerio, encadenado a su tronco para siempre.Al caer la noche, llegan los liquidadores y limpian el lago de basura tóxica. Mientras tanto, el cisne negro y el cisne blanco bailan sin música sobre el agua putrefacta. Es un acto de amor. Quizá el último.Porque no hay lugar ya para la esperanza. Porque el lago de Chernóbil es la sala de espera de la muerte.Y ahora os presento a Claudia, la mujer que viene huyendo de algo que no quiere ni nombrar. Su
Editorial Renacimiento Viajes de ida novela histórica
Dios Ciencia y Filosofa de lo racional a lo divino
Por qué hablar de Dios? Tiene aún hoy sentido esta idea? No ha sido completamente desterrada por la visión científica del mundo, que parece relegarla a un estadio superado de la evolución de nuestra conciencia? Lo que antes le atribuíamos, no se ha c
Editorial Trotta, S.A. El pensamiento de la apocalíptica judía ensayo filosóficoteológico
Encuadernación: RústicaEn medio de la efervescencia teológica que caracterizó el período del Segundo Templo, la apocalíptica destaca tanto por su influjo en el judaísmo rabínico y en el cristianismo primitivo como por la centralidad que adquiere en su discurso la temática escatológica.Este libro examina el contexto histórico-cultural de la apocalíptica judía, las características fundamentales que vertebran este movimiento y su relación con otras religiones del Próximo Oriente. Aborda, asimismo, cuestiones de cadencia filosófica latentes en sus escritos más señalados, como el problema del determinismo histórico y la dialéctica entre inmanencia y trascendencia en la imagen de Dios. Se pretende así subrayar la existencia de un pensamiento en la apocalíptica judía, el cual, aun siendo prefilosófico, exhibe importantes similitudes con algunas de las reflexiones más profundas que han definido la tradición filosófica occidental.
Springer International Publishing AG The Rule of Law in Cyberspace
The rule of law in cyberspace currently faces serious challenges. From the democratic system to the exercise of fundamental rights, the Internet has raised a host of new issues for classic legal institutions. This book provides a valuable contribution to the fields of international, constitutional and administrative law scholarship as the three interact in cyberspace.The respective chapters cover topics such as the notion of digital states and digital sovereignty, jurisdiction over the Internet, e-government, and artificial intelligence. The authors are eminent scholars and international experts with a profound knowledge of these topics. Particular attention is paid to the areas of digital democracy, digital media and regulation of the digital world.The approach employed is based on a comparative perspective from Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Brazil. One particular focus is on how various legal systems are coping with increasing difficulties in the exercise of democracy with regard to disinformation and hate speech. The roles of legislators, the judicial system and public administrations are analysed in the light of the latest cases, conflicts and technologies.In addition to this comparative approach, the book explores the evolution of rule of law in cyberspace and the upcoming new legal regimes in the European Union and Brazil. Special care is taken to offer a critical review of both the literature and the latest legal solutions adopted and being considered regarding the regulation of cyberspace from a constitutional and administrative perspective.Given its scope, the book will be of interest to researchers and scholars in the field of digital law whose work involves constitutional problems in cyberspace and/or practical problems concerning the regulation of social networks and online commerce.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Despite the growing interest in the role of psychological trauma in the genesis of psychiatric disorders, few volumes have addressed these issues from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. Given the complexity of reslience and posttraumatic disorder, and given ongoing trauma and violence in many parts of the world, it is crucial to apply such perspectives to review existing knowledge in the field and provide directions for future research. This book has a broad scope. A key focus is PTSD, because of its clinical and health importance, its obvious link with trauma, and its interest for many clinicians and researchers. However, the book also examines resilience and a range of mental health consequences of trauma, because it has become increasingly clear that not all individuals react to trauma in the same way. It is important for mental health professionals to be aware of the broad range of potential responses to trauma, as well as of relevant evidence-based treatments. The book includes chapters that address a wide range of topics on trauma-related disorders, including nosology and classification, epidemiology, neurobiology, pharmacotherapy, and psychotherapy. Each chapter comprises a critical review of the existing literature, aimed at being useful for the practitioner. This is followed by selected commentaries from other authorities on the topic, representing diverse geographical locations and points of view, who refine some of the perspectives offered in the review, provide alternative views, or suggest important areas of future work.