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John Wiley & Sons Real World Psychology 4th Edition Paperback with EEPUB Access
kunstanstifter GmbH Und jetzt sei fröhlich Knochenmann
O'Reilly Media The Information Diet
This is a softcover version of the title released in 2011; there is no new material. The modern human animal spends upwards of 11 hours out of every 24 in a state of constant consumption. Not eating, but gorging on information ceaselessly spewed from the screens and speakers we hold dear. Just as we have grown morbidly obese on sugar, fat, and flour-so, too, have we become gluttons for texts, instant messages, emails, RSS feeds, downloads, videos, status updates, and tweets. We're all battling a storm of distractions, buffeted with notifications and tempted by tasty tidbits of information. And just as too much junk food can lead to obesity, too much junk information can lead to cluelessness. The Information Diet shows you how to thrive in this information glut-what to look for, what to avoid, and how to be selective. In the process, author Clay Johnson explains the role information has played throughout history, and why following his prescribed diet is essential for everyone who strives to be smart, productive, and sane.In The Information Diet, you will: Discover why eminent scholars are worried about our state of attention and general intelligence Examine how today's media-Big Info-give us exactly what we want: content that confirms our beliefs Learn to take steps to develop data literacy, attention fitness, and a healthy sense of humor Become engaged in the economics of information by learning how to reward good information providers Just like a normal, healthy food diet, The Information Diet is not about consuming less-it's about finding a healthy balance that works for you
Penguin Books Ltd Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return
The new collection from ''one of America''s most legendary living poets'' (Ocean Vuong), written in the drive to fall in love with the world again not as it was, but as it iswhen the hammerapproached we thought is that thing coming this wayBreathing, moving, living on the page, CAConrad's exhilarating work is centred on the (Soma)tic ritual, their celebrated practice which draws on nature, crystals, meditation and interactions with strangers to create an extreme present' of unfettered creativity from which poems can emerge.Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return gathers the results of a single new ritual, focused on fellow animals who have found ways to thrive in the Anthropocene, and spanning environments from Seattle a city built in the midst of an abundant nontropical rainforest to the Mojave Desert. The poet receives gifts from a crow; associates different parts of their body with nine different species encountered in the dese
Kegan Paul Arts from the Scholar’s Studio
The book Arts from the Scholar’s Studio has long been out-of-print. In light of increasing demands from collectors, and in the hope of stimulating further interest and scholarship in the field, the book was reprinted and now available for sale. It is the catalogue of an exhibition jointly presented by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and the Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong held from 24 October to 13 December 1986. The exhibition illustrated the life of the Chinese scholar as seen through their arts, and, through the medium of certain objects, to demonstrate their attitude to life and connoisseurship. The book includes an introductory essay and descriptive captions of 277 exhibits by Gerald Tsang and Hugh Moss. Text in English and Chinese.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Figuras Amatorias lExpositio Super Cantica Canticorum Di Guglielmo Di SaintThierry Esegesi E Teoria 297 Analecta Gregoriana
Troubador Publishing Legacy
The wide-ranging plot straddles four continents as the main characters' lives intertwine; driven by love, betrayal, ambition and the desire for a Legacy.Bucephalus is a secret project that will produce the world's first emissions free car using a special fuel and engine, but there is another hidden agenda. China seizes on the opportunity to use Bucephalus to bring America to its knees, for its own ends.Gene Finnegan the automotive giant behind the project persuades the US president to lead a humanitarian programme called Feed Africa, using it to hide the environmental testing his vehicles require.Joseph Montgomery, America's president is desperate to avert a war, become the hero he images himself to be and finally break free from his domineering mother.Josie Ryland knows the truth. Bucephalus is destroying the eco system and the people she loves in southern Africa. Can sh
Prh Grupo Editorial El Gran Torneo The Great Tournament
Edition Erdmann Heinrich der Seefahrer Oder die Suche nach Indien 14151460
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Advances in Equine Laparoscopy
New edition of the only detailed reference devoted to equine laparoscopy, now with new procedures and video clips The newly revised and updated Second Edition of Advances in Equine Laparoscopy is a state-of-the-art reference to all aspects of laparoscopy in equine patients. The book covers skills and instrumentation, standing surgeries, and recumbent surgeries, with new sections describing evaluation of the small intestine, closure of the epiploic foramen, thoracoscopic repair of diaphragmatic hernia, uterine tear repair, ovariohysterectomy, and large granulosa cell tumors. A new companion website features video clips demonstrating the procedures discussed. Each chapter in the new edition has been updated with relevant references produced during the intervening decade. The Second Edition adds 10 new chapters covering techniques and applications developed in the last decade, along with the addition of a section on two-stage procedures. With chapters written by leading experts, Advances
Maryland Historical Society Chesapeake Ferries – A Waterborne Tradition, 1636–2000
Clara Ann Simmons moved to Maryland's Eastern Shore more than fifty years ago and marveled at the abundance of rivers and creeks and bays. A writer by profession, Simmons became fascinated with water travel in the Chesapeake region and the intricate network of connections "that set the traveler on his way so that he might continue his journey." In this engaging and gracefully written narrative, Simmons takes the reader from the earliest days of colonial settlement, when all who journeyed through the region crossed the waterways, to the age of bridge building that forever changed the way people traveled. The reader meets the lone ferry men and women of the eighteenth century as they loaded packs, animals, and travelers on small craft of every type; learns about the steam ferry of later years that connected with networks of rail lines; and is introduced to the present-day ferry operators who maintain the rich tradition of water travel. Beautifully illustrated with dozens of photographs and maps, Chesapeake Ferries is a tribute to the region's storied maritime past.
Prh Grupo Editorial El viajero del tiempo The Time Traveler
Wiley-Blackwell Modern Antenna Handbook
Each chapter of Modern Antenna Handbook has been authored by a leading expert and includes materials about current and future antenna-related technology. The topics covered include classical antenna configurations along with advanced topics and associated designs.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Vie Morale Et Croissance
Tyndale House Publishers God Made You Special
Gregorian & Biblical Press Contenido Esencial del Bonum Prolis Estudio HistoricoJuridico de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia
El congreso de literatura
Encuadernacion:Tapa blanmda con solapa.Formato:13.5 x 23 cms.César es un escritor que se gana la vida haciendo traducciones y que lleva una vida secreta de científico loco. Poco.después de ganar una fortuna resolviendo el enigma centenario que encerraba el extraño monumento conocido como el.Hilo de Macuto, es invitado a un congreso de literatura en la pequeña ciudad de Mérida. Camuflado bajo el aspecto de un.inofensivo escritor, en realidad se propone llevar a cabo un plan maestro: clonar a Carlos Fuentes y crear un ejército de.intelectuales poderosos para así dominar el mundo. Algo que no le sale exactamente como esperaba. Biodispositivos de.clonación portátiles, antiguos amores y colosales gusanos azules? en poquísimas páginas, César Aira construye una.delirante y divertidísima historia...Uno de los tres o cuatro mejores escritores que escriben en español actualmente. Roberto Bolaño..César Aira es uno de los novelistas más provocativos e idiosincrásicos de la literatura en cas
PRH Grupo Editorial El enigma Paco de LucÃa The Enigmatic Paco de LucÃa
2024: AÑO PACO DE LUCÍALa biografía más personal y original de uno de los grandes genios de la música española de todos los tiempos.«César Suárez tiene el don de la amenidad para reflejar el carácter atormentado de Paco, su angustiosa búsqueda de una perfección que no existe, como le pasó a Ícaro o a los constructores de la Torre de Babel. Su lectura me enganchó desde el primer momento». — Luis Landero, Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas 2022Su guitarra, decía su amigo Manolo Sanlúcar, «encanta al que no sabe y vuelve loco al que sabe». Su compleja personalidad le convirtió en un genio admirado en todo el mundo, pero también en un hombre angustiado y lleno de dudas. ¿Qué hay tras la mirada enigmática del mejor músico flamenco de la hi
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Reflect: Oxford Reading Level 12: We Want Change!
What do you care about? Read about children, from the past and the present, who have fought to change the world for the better. Is there something happening in the world that you want to change? Learn that you're never too young to make a difference. Reflect is a series of emotionally powerful fiction and non-fiction with realistic settings, carefully crafted to promote thoughtful discussions and develop higher-level reading comprehension. Written by top authors and developed with Literacy expert Nikki Gamble, these are books you can trust to engage, entertain and support children's personal development and wellbeing. The books are finely levelled, making it easy to match every child to books with the right depth and complexity, and helping them to progress. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children deepen their understanding and support their reading comprehension. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links to Relationships Education and support literacy skills.
The New Press Migrating To Prison
V&R unipress GmbH Formen der Erinnerung.