Search results for ""Author Berry""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Care of Drug Users in General Practice: A Harm Reduction Approach, Second Edition
The National Primary Care Research and Development Centre series provides policy makers, commissioners, managers, primary care professionals and user organizations with up-to-date multi-disciplinary research on important issues that inform future decision making for primary care development. This book examines the key factors shaping the relationship between demand for, and use of, primary care. It provides a detailed picture with which to inform the planning of appropriate, acceptable and responsive primary care services. Patients' perceptions are important, not only because they are a barometer of the appropriateness and effectiveness of services, but because they are a unique source of knowledge about the way in which people use services when they do, for the reasons that they do. This book concisely presents empirical findings and summarizes key policy and conceptual issues. Other titles in the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre series: NPCRDC:What is the Future for a Primary Care-led NHS?N PCRDC: Primary Care and Social Services: developing new partnerships for older people NPCRDC: Better Building for Better Services NPCRDC: Specialist Outreach Clinics in General Practice NPCRDC: Primary Health Care and the Private Sector
Ize Press Beware the Villainess Vol. 2
A handsome prince declaring his undying love for you at a grand ballit's what every girl dreams of...but not Melissa Foddebrat! She knows that behind his charming smile, Ian is an insufferable, womanizing manchild. She is desperately searching for a way to dump him before he publicly announces their marriage. That's when she spots a mysterious beggar collapsed on the street, and a devilish plot begins to take shape...
Arcadia Publishing Hidden History of Kentucky in the Civil War
Pitch Publishing Ltd An Armchair Fan's Guide to the Qatar World Cup: The Story of How Football Came to the Desert
Zurich, 2 December 2010. Sepp Blatter pulls the name of Qatar from the envelope. The accusations fly and the recriminations start. And once it s all sunk in, we start looking at maps and temperature charts and try to scrape together any fragments of knowledge about kingdoms in the Arabian desert. The Armchair Guide looks underneath some of the myths and preconceptions and tries to provide the average fan if there s any such thing with some sound information about what a World Cup in the desert might look like. Was the bidding process corrupt? How many people actually did die building stadiums? How hot will it really be? Can I go there with my mates and have a drink anywhere? What will the legacy be both in the region and for the global game? A light-hearted, sideways glance, Armchair Guide uses stories from within and beyond the game to cover everything about the 2022 Winter World Cup. It can t boast that it will pick a winner, but it ll go some way to shedding light on football s place in a changing world.
The University Press of Kentucky Kentuckians and Pearl Harbor: Stories from the Day of Infamy
When the air raid alarm sounded around 7:55 a.m. on December 7, 1941, Gunner's Mate Second Class James Allard Vessels of Paducah was preparing to participate in morning colors aboard the USS Arizona. In the scramble for battle stations, Vessels quickly climbed to a machine gun platform high atop the mainmast as others descended below decks to help pass ammunition up to gunners. At 8:06, a bomb exploded and the Arizona sank. Vessels's lofty perch saved his life, but most of his shipmates were not so lucky.In Kentuckians and Pearl Harbor, Berry Craig employs an impressive array of newspapers, unpublished memoirs, oral histories, and official military records to offer a ground-up look at the day that Franklin D. Roosevelt said would "live in infamy," and its aftermath in the Bluegrass State. In a series of vignettes, Craig uncovers the untold, forgotten, or little-known stories of ordinary people - military and civilian - on the most extraordinary day of their lives. Craig concludes by exploring the home front reaction to this pivotal event in American history.Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor swept away any illusions Kentuckians had about being able to stay out of World War II. From Paducah to Pikeville, people sprang to action. Their voices emerge and come back to life in this engaging and timely history.
Arcadia Publishing True Tales of OldTime Kentucky Politics Bombast Bourbon Burgoo
Arcadia Publishing Hidden History of Kentucky Soldiers
Open University Press Towards A Sociology For Childhood
"...explores some very timely and critical issues in the current development of Childhood Studies...It will be especially valuable for students because it integrates concrete empirical studies with reflection on underlying theoretical assumptions." - Leena Alanen, Professor in Early Childhood Education, University of Jyvaskyla, FinlandThis important book moves the sociology of childhood forward. Berry Mayall argues, that, since childhood is a permanent component of society, in order to understand how society works, we must take account of children as well as adults, otherwise our explanation omits an important social group. Children's lives are shaped by policies and practices, but they are also agents, who make a life for themselves through their relationships with adults and other children. This book argues that feminist theory and practice is useful for understanding childhood; we should start from the children's own accounts to show how the organisation of social relations provides an explanation for their social position. This is a political book: through analysis of children's own descriptions and evaluations of childhood, it argues for an improved social status of childhood, including respecting children's rights. The book also shows that in order to understand childhood we must take account of both child-adult relations (generational relations) and gender relations.It is essential reading for childhood sociologists and feminists, and for all those seeking to raise the social status of childhood. It is highly recommended to students of childhood studies, at all levels.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers Book 2: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 40 verbal reasoning question types that commonly feature in the 11+, developing children's logic, critical thinking, vocabulary, spelling and problem-solving skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains six assessment papers, each with 100 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school, or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers Book 3: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 40 verbal reasoning question types that commonly feature in the 11+, developing children's logic, critical thinking, vocabulary, spelling and problem-solving skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains six assessment papers, each with 100 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school, or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers Book 1: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 40 verbal reasoning question types that commonly feature in the 11+, developing children's logic, critical thinking, vocabulary, spelling and problem-solving skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains six assessment papers, each with 100 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school, or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ Maths Progress Papers Book 2: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Maths Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 80 topic areas, developing and consolidating children's mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains seven assessment papers, each with 100 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ English Progress Papers Book 1: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims English Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 40 topic areas, developing children's grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and composition skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains six assessment papers, each with 85 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Parents in Secondary Education
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ Maths Progress Papers Book 3: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Maths Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 80 topic areas, developing and consolidating children's mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains seven assessment papers, each with 100 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ Maths Progress Papers Book 1: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Maths Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 80 topic areas, developing and consolidating children's mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains seven assessment papers, each with 100 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ English Progress Papers Book 3: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims English Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 40 topic areas, developing children's grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and composition skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains six assessment papers, each with 85 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd 11+ English Progress Papers Book 2: KS2, Ages 9-12
Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims English Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests. The papers cover more than 40 topic areas, developing children's grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and composition skills. Children can either work through the papers systematically for all-round revision or focus on questions from several tests at once for targeted practice of specific topics. Each book contains six assessment papers, each with 85 questions. The papers are suitable for use at home, in school or with a tutor, and may take between 45 and 75 minutes to complete. Questions increase in difficulty throughout the series, providing a clear measure of progress. Key features include a `Progress chart' for recording scores and tracking improvement, and a separate pull-out answer booklet with marking guidance for all tests. A selection of free downloads, including a `Topics chart' and a `Sample paper', is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Science and Religion in Education
This book brings together the latest research in education in relation to science and religion. Leading international scholars and practitioners provide vital insights into the underlying debates and present a range of practical approaches for teaching. Key themes include the origin of the universe, the theory of evolution, the nature of the human person, the nature of science and Artificial Intelligence. These are explored in a range of international contexts. The book provides a valuable resource for teachers, students and researchers in the fields of education, science, religious education and the growing specialist field of science and religion.Science and Religion in Education is a compelling read for current and future generations of academic researchers and teachers who wish to explore the fascinating intersect between science education and religious studies. The research findings and insights presented by these international scholars offer new dimensions on contemporary practice. - Vaille Dawson, Professor of Science Education, University of Western AustraliaScience and Religion in Education offers a fascinating and diverse collection of chapters surveying the current state of thinking about how science and religion can be understood in education. The book offers a wealth of thought-provoking material for anyone interested in the natures of science and religion, their relationship(s), or their representation within the curriculum. - Professor Keith Taber, University of CambridgeScience education and religious education are uncomfortable bedfellows. This book, written in part as a response to the – perhaps too clear – accounts of Ian Barbour, provides suitably nuanced pictures of how science and religion are dealt with in schools. Whatever the views of specialists, young people ‘receive’ an education in both science and religion: hearing their voices is refreshing in such a serious academic account. - Julian Stern, Professor of Education and Religion, York St John UniversityHumans have long endeavored to make sense of the world often using science and religion. Yet, these two great traditions are frequently seen as incompatible. This useful volume features thoughtful contributions from experts whose work straddles the divide and provides educators with arguments, engaging strategies and historical perspectives to help build a bridge and allow a fruitful discussion in schools. - William F. McComas, Distinguished Professor of Science Education, University of ArkansasEqual parts critical examination of existing models for the relationship between science and religion, scholarly exposition of newer models, and insights toward practical application in classrooms, this book is an invaluable resource for science and religion educators. If you have been thinking it is time we looked beyond Barbour’s taxonomy, you will want to read this book. If you have not, I implore you to read this book. - Jason Wiles, Associate Professor of Biology and Science Education, Syracuse University
PG Online Limited Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology: 2019
This is a complete text that provides detailed and concise coverage of all the topics and disciplines covered in the new Edexcel 1DT0 Design and Technology (9-1) specification, written and presented in a way that is accessible to teenagers and easy to teach from. It will be invaluable both as a course text and as a revision guide for students nearing the end of their course. It is divided into neat sections covering every element of the specification. Sections 6-1 to 6-6 of the textbook cover each of the six specialist material categories. These sections would complement practical classroom experience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Project Finance for Construction and Infrastructure: Principles and Case Studies
This is a self-contained text on the logic and institutions of project finance, supplemented by a series of project finance case studies illustrating applications in different economic environments, across different jurisdictions and at different stages of development. It will introduce an analytical framework drawing on applied institutional economics that includes and concentrates primarily on an analysis of the institutional logic behind generic project finance arrangements. The application of the institutional framework will be demonstrated with project cases from Hong Kong, Thailand, India, Europe and Azerbaijan – each at different stages of development. While each project case will have a general theme and will highlight aspects of interest to built environment professionals, it will primarily be used to illustrate one or more specific PF/PFI principle.