Search results for ""Author Bernd Stauss""
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Beschwerdemanagement
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Das perfekte Geschenk: Zur Psychologie des Schenkens
Werden Sie zum Geschenke-Profi! Dieses wissenschaftlich fundierte, kurzweilige Sachbuch hilft Ihnen, die Psychologie des Schenkens zu verstehen und anzuwenden. Und da gibt es viel zu entdecken und zu verbessern, denn wir alle praktizieren lebenslang ein bestimmtes Schenkverhalten, ohne genauer darüber nachzudenken – leider manchmal mit negativen Folgen…. Ziehen Sie dieses Buch zu Rate und gewinnen Sie: Mehr Freude und weniger Frust beim Schenken! Welche „heimlichen“ Regeln des Gebens und Nehmens befolgen wir, ohne es zu wissen? Welche Botschaften senden wir mit unseren Geschenken? Wie beeinflussen bestimmte Eigenschaften – wie die Höhe des Preises, das Einfühlungsvermögen und die aufgewandte Mühe - die Zufriedenheit mit einem Geschenk? Wie bewahren Sie den familiären Frieden zu Weihnachten durch richtiges Schenken? Welche Fehler sollten Sie beim Schenken in romantischen Beziehungen vermeiden? Wie gehen Sie bei ganz besonders schwierigen Empfängern vor? Wann ist ein Geldgeschenk angebracht und wann nicht?
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Psychology of Gift-Giving
Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother’s Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail.The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others: What ‘secret’ rules of giving and receiving do we follow? What messages do we send with our gifts? How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother’s Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail. The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others: · What ‘secret’ rules of giving and receiving do we follow? · What messages do we send with our gifts? · How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a gift? · What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships? · When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not? The Author Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships? When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not? The presentation of psychological gift-giving research is supplemented by references to gift-giving episodes in fiction by authors such as Paul Auster, Jonathan Franzen, Margaret Mitchell, and Thomas Mann. These illustrate the scientific findings and allow us to emotionally comprehend the experience of giving and receiving.The AuthorProf. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Gabler Beschwerdemanagement Excellence: State-of-the-Art und Herausforderungen der Beschwerdemanagement-Praxis in Deutschland
Die Studie liefert einen Überblick über den Stand des Beschwerdemanagements in deutschen Großunternehmen. Die Autoren zeigen, in welchem Umfang Beschwerdemanagement in der Praxis bereits umgesetzt ist und wo der dringlichste Handlungsbedarf besteht. Mit speziellen Auswertungen für Banken, Versicherungen, Versorger, Automobil, Nahrungsmittel & Getränke.
Springer International Publishing AG Effective Complaint Management: The Business Case for Customer Satisfaction
This practice- and research-based book caters to the needs of executive managers who see customer satisfaction as their primary goal. The authors identify the need for an effective complaint management strategy that prevents the loss of dissatisfied customers. Dissatisfied customers are at risk of migrating; accordingly, neglecting professional complaint management poses a considerable threat to customer relationships, sales and profits. The book offers a comprehensive management concept, which emphasizes direct contact with the complainant by employing complaint stimulation, acceptance, processing and reaction. Further, it discusses the relevant ‘backstage’ tasks involved in using complaint information to achieve quality improvements and cost reductions through complaint analysis, controlling and reporting.