Search results for ""Author Barbara Janson Cohen""
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Memmlers Structure Function of the Human Body
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, Ninth Edition helps readers develop a fundamental knowledge of the medical terminology necessary for a career in any healthcare setting. The text opens with a general introduction to word parts and the human body as a whole, followed by an overview of diseases and treatments. Each subsequent chapter on the individual body systems begins with an illustrated overview of the system with definitions of key terms relevant to that system. Tables of word parts and exercises on using them follow. The sequence of the systems chapters follows the same order as that found in a tradition A&P courses.Turning to the abnormal, a section on diseases and treatments is included, followed by definitions of related key terms.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Study Guide For Memmler's The Human Body In Health And Disease, Enhanced Edition
Help your students maximize their study time, improve their performance on exams, and succeed in the course with this updated Study Guide to accompany Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease, Fourteenth? Edition. The questions in this edition have been fully updated and revised to reflect the changes within the main text and the labeling and coloring exercises are taken from the illustrations designed for the book. Filled with empowering self-study tools and learning activities for every learning style, this practical Study Guide follows the organization of the main text chapter by chapter, helping students every step of the way toward content mastery. The variety of learning activities, with three main components, are designed to facilitate student learning of all aspects of anatomy, physiology, and the effects of disease, not merely to test knowledge. Addressing the Learning Objectives: Designed to be completed as students read through each chapter, this section includes labeling, coloring, matching, and short answer exercises. Making the Connections: Completing a concept map helps students integrate information from multiple learning objectives. Testing Your Knowledge: This section utilizes multiple choice, true/false, completion, short answer, and essay questions to identify areas requiring further study. This section also includes “Practical Applications” questions which use clinical situations to test students’ mastery of a subject. Answers to Study Guide questions are available on the instructor’s website on thePoint site for the main text.
LWW Memmlers Structure Function of the Human Body
Continuing the tradition of excellence that has made it the preferred A&P resource for allied health students, the latest edition of this trusted resource prepares you for success in your healthcare careers through easy-to-understand, beautifully illustrated coverage of the essentials of human anatomy and physiology. Anatomical art illustrates concepts with accuracy, simplicity, and elegance; healthcare case studies enhanced with additional clinical content demonstrate the relevance of the content to a career in the health professions; and unique pedagogy helps you master the anatomic and medical terminology you will encounter in healthcare settings. Visual Aids including full body The Body Visible transparency insert, Process Diagrams, High-quality illustrations and learning diagrams take you step-by-step through complex processes, allow you to virtually dissect the human body from skin