Search results for ""Author Antonio López Piña""
Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia, S.A. La inteligencia excntrica
John Stuart Mill y, más recientemente, Tony Judt han apelado a la necesidad de vigor intelectual y coraje moral de las sociedades. En su espíritu, el autor, en diálogo con sus eminentes maestros y amigos, resume las preguntas de este tiempo: en el desorientado y febril mundo actual, qué lugar corresponde al Estado?, qué papel puede desempeñar el Derecho?, qué Europa puede hacer suyo el proyecto ilustrado?, cabe imaginar el mismo sin un nuevo impulso moral? A través de los maestros con los que el autor convivió, de los compañeros de generación con los que consensuó una salida a la dictadura y de los juristas alemanes en los que encontró un fundamento sólido a su búsqueda de la verdad y a su procura de la igual libertad de todos, se nos anticipa, para España y para Europa, un relato público moral, con recurso al Derecho. El mismo nos lleva, según el prologuista Antonio García Santesmases, a interrogarnos dónde están los excéntricos que piensan hoy, para nosotros, la realidad?, dónde se e
Cornell University Press The Cultural Dynamics of Democratization in Spain
Since the death of Franco in 1975, Spain has made a successful transition to democracy. This book looks at what that transition has meant for the Spanish people. Drawing on national surveys taken in 1978, 1980, 1984, and 1990, the authors explore three questions: What is the basis of the new regime's political legitimacy? How did Spanish democracy move from the conservative center-right coalition that engineered the transition to the socialist government that consolidated it? And why is political participation so low among Spaniards? The answers to the first two questions highlight the ambiguity built into the political contrast with the Franco regime and a certain appreciation of the material accomplishments of authoritarianism, the pivotal role of the king in opting for democracy while symbolically spanning traditional and modernizing forces, and finally a movement from foundational issues to economic and social concerns. In response to the third question, the authors illuminate the participatory shortfall in Spanish politics by comparing Spain with Brazil and Korea, two post-authoritarian societies where political involvement is much higher. They consider long-term structural factors as well as short-term strategic actions that have contributed to low civic engagement.