Search results for ""Author Anne Fine""
HarperCollins Publishers Be Nice to Aunt Emma
Kindness is key in this funny new family drama from perennial bestseller and award-winning author Anne Fine. There are many reasons why Tansy dreads Aunt Emma coming to visit. She’s rude, she’s boring, and Tansy has to give up her room so Aunt Emma can sleep there. And every year Dad makes Tansy promise to be nice – even when Aunt Emma is awful. But this year, when Tansy is left alone with Aunt Emma, she decides she’s going to be the nicest she’s every been – so sickly sweet that it’ll drive Aunt Emma crazy! Let the games begin … Kindness is key in this funny new family drama from perennial bestseller and award-winning author Anne Fine.
HarperCollins Publishers 4u2read – Next to Alice
A change in classroom seating arrangements challenges old habits and leads to a new friendship in this funny new school story from award-winning author Anne Fine. A change in classroom seating arrangements challenges old habits and leads to a new friendship in this funny new school story from award-winning author Anne Fine. At first Ben doesn’t want to sit next to Alice in the classroom. She’s scary and tells him off for his squiggly drawing and poor handwriting. She even points out his bad table manners. But when Ben starts to take Alice’s advice, he realises that she might have a point and discovers that sitting next to her isn’t so bad after all.
HarperCollins Publishers 4u2read – Into the Bin
Every old object can find a new home in this cheerful tale about reusing and recycling, from award-winning author Anne Fine. Mr Frost's classroom is always in a mess, and now his class are on a mission to send all the things they don't need off to a charity shop – including the rubbish bin that falls over at the slightest touch! From books to old toys, they bring in all sorts of items to send away in the bin, but little do they know that what one person doesn't want might be just the thing someone else has been looking for. A fun and quirky tale on the wonders of recycling! Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant or dyslexic readers aged 8+
Penguin Random House Children's UK Madame Doubtfire
Madame Doubtfire by bestselling author Anne Fine is a wonderfully funny, punchy story about family life. Lydia, Christopher and Natalie are used to domestic turmoil. Their parents' divorce has not made family life any easier in either home. The children bounce to and from their volatile mother, Miranda, and their out-of-work actor father, Daniel. Then Miranda advertises for a cleaning lady who will look mind the children after work - and Daniel gets the job, disguised as Madame Doubtfire. This bittersweet, touching and extremely funny book inspired the highly successful film Mrs Doubtfire, starring the late Robin Williams.Madame Doubtfire is reissued in 'A Puffin Book' series of Puffin modern classics.
Project Iaia
L?àvia de l?Ivan, la Sophie, la Tanya i en Nicholas de vegades perd una mica el cap, confon cares i noms i no sap ni en quin dia viu, però quan els fills decideixen portar-la a una residència per a gent gran, els quatre nets buscaran una solució divertida i plena de tendresa perquè això no passi.Així comencen el Projecte Iaia, un pla per fer canviar d?opinió els seus progenitors i poder continuar gaudint de la companyia de la seva excèntrica àvia.
Old Barn Books Aftershocks
A family mix-up means Louie has to tag along with his engineer father and his team as they head for a routine job in the farthest flung and most neglected province of the Federation. A massive earthquake, with ensuing tsunami, devastates the entire isolated coastal region, laying bare the other-worldly manner in which the silent and strange Endlanders deal with life, death and the hinterlands of memory and loss. Their curious and unsettling ways raise ghosts for Louie, who has recently lost his own brother. This modern fable – part ghost-story, part coming-of-age novel and part astute social and family observation – explores the ways in which grief can affect not only individuals, but communities at large.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Devil Walks
'The devil walks . . . But the devil can make no headway if he has no help. We must invite him in . . .'Raised in secrecy by a mother everyone thinks has gone mad, Daniel's only link to his past is the intricately built model of the family home - High Gates. The dolls' house is perfect in every detail.As Daniel is reunited with the last remaining member of his family - his 'uncle' Severin, who bears an uncanny resemblance to a sinister wooden doll he has found hidden in the house, he begins to suspect that this vicious, haunted puppet of a figure has a chilling influence, bringing cruelty and spite in its wake. Now Daniel's very life is at risk as his uncle is determined to get his hands on the figure . . . The menace builds throughout in this deliciously creepy Gothic tale.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Bad Dreams
'I adore stories in which people have weird dreams, and strange things happen. But that's in books. Real life is supposed to be real, and I like my world to be solid around me . . . 'Mel is the class bookworm. She prefers books to people and doesn't want - or need - friends. She certainly doesn't want to be first-week minder for new girl, Imogen. And Imogen is odd. Slowly, Mel discovers that Imogen has a special talent - a family 'gift' that Mel thinks is more like a curse. And that's when she realizes that stories can happen in real life, too. For only she can stop Imogen's private horror story - stop the bad dreams . . .
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Diary of a Killer Cat
Everyone loves the wickedly dry sense of humour of The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine. Okay, Okay. So hang me. I killed the bird. For pity's sake, I'm a cat.Poor Ellie is horrified when Tuffy drags a dead bird into the house. Then a mouse. But Tuffy can't understand what all the fuss is about. Who on earth will be the next victim to arrive through the cat-flap? Can soft-hearted Ellie manage to get her beloved pet to change his wild, wild ways before he ends up in even deeper trouble?The hilarious antics of Tuffy and his family as told by the killer cat himself. 'Anne Fine knows how to make readers laugh' GuardianAnne Fine has written numerous highly acclaimed and prize-winning books for children and adults. The Tulip Touch won the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year Award; Goggle-Eyes won the Guardian Children's Fiction Award and the Carnegie Medal; Flour Babies won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year; and Bill's New Frock won a Smarties Prize. Anne Fine was named Children's Laureate in 2001 and was awarded an OBE in 2003.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Blood Family
HarperCollins Publishers He SaysShe Says
Penguin Random House Children's UK Blue Moon Day
Everyone thinks they know what it's like, going to school. But have you ever wondered what life must be like at a boarding school? A school for young offenders? A school for the blind? With her trademark humour, insight, sensitivity and razor-sharp wit, Anne Fine explores these different worlds in a short story collection that will fascinate young readers.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Tulip Touch
Reissued for the Originals series of powerful teen fiction. Nobody wants Tulip in their gang. She skives off school, cheeks the teachers and makes herself unpopular with her classmates by telling awful lies.None of this matters to Natalie who finds Tulip exciting.At first she doesn't care that other people are upset and unnerved by Tulip's bizarre games, but as the games become increasingly sinister and dangerous, Natalie realises that Tulip is going too far. Much too far. Racing, in fact, to the novel's shocking ending.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Roll Over Roly
When Rupert's parents go to Great Uncle Perry's funeral, Rupert spends the day with his Great Aunt Ada, along with his unruly puppy, Roly. Great Aunt Ada is determined to teach Rupert some manners. Rupert thinks the day is going to be awful until hemeets Gordon, a very rude parrot. Gorden is even worse than Great Aunt Ada, and he bosses Rupert and Roly so much that they tidy the whole house. They are relieved to get back home, but they do remember their manners!
Penguin Random House Children's UK Loudmouth Louis
Everyone knows that Louis is a loudmouth, he never stops talking and drives everyone crazy. No one believes him when he announces that he's going to do a sponsored silence to raise money for the new school library. But Louis is determined, just for once, to keep his mouth shut. To his surprise he finds that he actually enjoys listening, that lessons are much better when he's really involved in them - and that it's very satisfying to raise money for the school.
Pearson Education Limited Level 3: Madame Doubtfire
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves. Find out more at
Penguin Random House Children's UK Blood Family
Edward is four years old when he is locked away with his mother by her abusive, alcoholic partner, Harris. By the time an elderly neighbour spots his pale face peering through a crack in the boarded-up window and raises the alarm, he is seven. Rescue comes, but lasting damage has been done. Sent to live with a kindly foster family, and then adopted, Edward struggles to adapt to normal life. Even as a teenager it’s still clear to his new family and schoolmates there’s something odd about him. Then one fateful day, Edward catches a glimpse of himself in a photograph. What he sees shocks him to the core – a vision of Harris. Was this monster his father all along? And does that mean that, deep down, another Harris is waiting to break out? Every step of progress Edward has made swiftly begins to unravel, and he has to decide whether his blood will determine his future.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Goggle-Eyes
The classic award winning story from Anne Fine. Kitty Killin is not just a brilliant story-teller, but also the World's Great Expert when it comes to mothers having new and unwelcome boyfriends. So it's no surprise that she's the one chosen to sort out classmate Helly, who's gone into meltdown. Kitty decides to share her story about old Goggle-eyes - possibly one of the worst episodes in her life...
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Killer Cat's Birthday Bash
Okay, okay. So spank my furry little bum. I held a party.It was my birthday. How was I supposed to know it wouldn't be the only party around town on that dark and dreary Halloween night?So things ended up in a bit of a mess. (Well, more than a mess, really. A complete disaster.) But it was not my fault so don't blame me . . .
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Return of the Killer Cat
'Okay, okay. So slap my teensy little paws. I messed up - big time.'Tuffy can't wait for Ellie and the family to go away on holiday. He and the gang plan to ignore the grumpy new cat-sitter, and run wild all night. But could that furry bundle, suddenly flying through the air, put a stop to all the fun?
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Blood Family
Old Barn Books Aftershocks
A family mix-up means Louie has to tag along with his engineer father and his team as they head for a routine job in the farthest flung and most neglected province of the Federation. A massive earthquake, with ensuing tsunami, devastates the entire isolated coastal region, laying bare the other-worldly manner in which the silent and strange Endlanders deal with life, death and the hinterlands of memory and loss. Their curious and unsettling ways raise ghosts for Louie, who has recently lost his own brother. This modern fable – part ghost-story, part coming-of-age novel and part astute social and family observation – explores the ways in which grief can affect not only individuals, but communities at large.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Step by Wicked Step
One stormy night, five stranded schoolchildren uncover the story of Richard Clayton Harwick – a boy who many years ago learned what it was like to have a truly wicked stepfather. But the children have stories of their own step-parents to tell – stories that have warmth and humour, as well as sadness, and a fair share of happy endings. ‘For children who have some similar experience, this novel will be therapeutic; for those who haven’t it’s an absorbing read, to make them laugh and cry’ Sunday Telegraph.
Pearson Education Limited The Tulip Touch n/e
What's the hook? A jaw-dropping novel by popular children's novelist Anne Fine. What are the themes? Family and friendship raise PSHE issues such as reasons and the effects of bullying and peer pressure. Teaching points? Many excellent passages which are good models for pupils' writing.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Eating Things on Sticks
Harry is in trouble. He's burned down the family kitchen so now has to spend a week of his summer hols with his uncle Tristram - who's heading off to stay with a new girlfriend - Morning Glory - on a tiny British island.Harry doesn't expect it to be a lot of fun - with just a wacky competition at the end of the week to look forward to.He certainly didn't expect to discover all the beards.Or the angel on the mountain.Or the helicopters circling overhead all week.And he definitely didn't think it would be so wet . . .
Penguin Random House Children's UK Flour Babies
Flour Babies by Anne Fine, won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children's Book Award in 1992. When the annual school science fair comes round, Mr Cartwright's class don't get to work on the Soap Factory, the Maggot Farm or the Exploding Custard Tins. To their intense disgust they get the Flour Babies - sweet little six-pound bags of flour that must be cared for at all times.Funny and poignant, Flour Babies is a brilliant depiction of secondary school life.
Old Barn Books On The Wall
Nórdica Libros Proyecto abuelita
La abuela de Iván, Sofía, Tania y Nicolás resulta a veces un poco loca, confunde caras, nombres y no sabe ni en que día vive, pero cuando sus hijos deciden llevarla a una residencia de ancianos, suscuatro nietos buscarán una solución divertida y llena de ternura para que esto no ocurra.Así comienzan el proyecto Abuelita, plan para hacer cambiar de opinión a sus progenitores y poder seguir disfrutando de la compañía de su excéntrica abuela.
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Die Killerkatze hat immer recht
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Die Killerkatze haut ab
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Tagebuch einer Killerkatze Kinderbuch
Pearson Education Limited The Play Of Goggle Eyes
When her mother's new boyfriend arrives on the scene, Kitty is not impressed. How can her mother want someone who fusses over the housework, understands nothing about the planet and above all, goggles at her mother? 12 parts: 5 male, 7 female. Age 11+ About the series Heinemann Plays is a well established series offering the best of contemporary drama and a wide range of established classics, in value-for-money hardback versions. The series has been specially developed to support classroom teaching and performance. Within the series there are plays for the full 11-17 age range. The series also contains the best of contemporary writing, and new editions of classic plays. Heinemann Plays are sewn and bound in sturdy hardback covers, guaranteeing longer life. Heinemann Plays are ideal for class reading and performance, many with large casts and an equal mix of parts for boys and girls.
David Fickling Books Shades of Scarlet
When Mum gives her the notebook, Scarlet should be happy. It's beautiful, with its shiny scarlet cover and its blank pages full of promise. But Scarlet is absolutely NOT in the mood for a peace offering. Does Mum really think she can tear their family apart and expect Scarlet to be happy about it? Scarlet decides there's only one thing she can write in the notebook. The truth, about everything . . .
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Road of Bones
Told who to cheer for, who to believe in, Yuri grows up in a country where no freedom of thought is encouraged - where even one's neighbours are encouraged to report any dissension to the authorities. But it is still a shock when a few careless words lead him to a virtual death-sentence - sent on a nightmare journey up north to a camp amidst the frozen wastes. What, or who, can he possibly believe in now? Can he even survive? And is escape possible . . . ?
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Granny Project
'What does he mean? What's going on? Are you two thinking of putting Granny into a Home?''Thinking is finished,' Natasha told him. 'It is decided.'The four children, Ivan, Sophie, Tanya and Nicholas, can't believe it. Their parents are planning to put their grandmother into a Home. She's a bit of a dotty old lady - sometimes demanding, often annoying - but as much a part of their lives as their shambly house or the whirring of the washing machine.So they decide to take action. They begin 'The Granny Project', with immediate and sensational results . . .
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Killer Cat Runs Away
Tuffy doesn't feel wanted at home any more. His owners just don't appreciate him. So what if he broke the new TV? Got fur on all Dad's clean clothes? Ate Tinkerbell the kitten's special kitten-food? All accidents! But they're making such a fuss!So Tuffy decides to make a break for it. He bids farewell to the gang - Snowball, Tiger and Bella - and runs away. But starting a new life isn't easy, and soon Tuffy starts to wonder if he's made a terrible mistake . . .
Oxford University Press Oxford Playscripts: The Devil Walks
An engaging classroom playscript. Daniel has never known the outside world. Raised in a dark, secluded room by his reclusive mother, his only comfort is a beautiful doll's house, a replica of his mother's childhood home. However, the unexpected arrival of a local doctor changes everything and Daniel begins to realize just how many secrets his mother has sheltered him from. His discovery of a sinister doll hidden within the doll's house, and the sudden appearance of his mysterious uncle, Captain Severn, reveals a chilling family secret that Daniel must confront.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Jennifer's Diary
Jennifer has a diary and Iolanthe doesn't. But Iolanthe does have a vivid imagination and a gift for writing stories. When she sees empty pages in Jennifer's diary, she can't help herself - they're clearly waiting for tales much more exciting than her friend's records of shop visits and weather. Iolanthe is so taken with the diary that soon sharing it is not enough and, eventually, she finds something to swop with Jennifer for it - extra stories to be available to order whenever Jennifer needs them.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Crummy Mummy and Me
'I don't think my mum's fit to be a parent, really I don't.'How would you feel if your mother had royal-blue hair and wore lavender fishnet tights? But Minna's whole family (including her mum's punk boyfriend, Crusher Maggot) is a bit unusual. Being the only sensible one is not easy for Minna...
HarperCollins Publishers On Planet Fruitcake
A classic children’s book from best-loved Bill's New Frock author, former Children’s Laureate Anne Fine. Perfect for readers aged between 7 and 9 and fans of David Walliams' The Midnight Gang and Pamela Butchart's Wigglesbottom Primary series. Philip has an incredible imagination, and when he lets it run riot in school one day it really gets his classmates thinking. Purple cows … brains in pots … a clever and beautiful chicken … What will they think of next?! Anne Fine’s fun school stories have been delighting children for more than 20 years, winning her awards such as the Smarties Book Award and Carnegie Medal along the way. ‘Fine has a rare genius for building a funny, enriching and moving story around the nuts and bolts of school life’ The Times
HarperCollins Publishers Press Play (Reading Ladder Level 3)
An entertaining story from former children’s laureate Anne Fine, perfect for children learning to read. Nicky, Tasha and Joe's mum leaves for work early one day and she leaves instructions for them on a cassette-player – all they have to do is press play! Nicky and Tasha must get themselves ready for school and get baby Joe ready for playgroup without waking Dad! They have to get dressed, make porridge for breakfast and find Joe's toy rabbit. Then they have to creep into Dad's bedroom and set the alarm clock for him. But it is very hard to get ready quietly, especially when your baby brother is crying for his toy rabbit! The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 3 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for fluent readers who are beginning to read exciting, challenging stories independently. Varied sentences Detailed illustrations to enjoy Chapters Interesting characters and themes A rich range of vocabulary More complex storylines to stretch confident readers All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading. Book band: White.
HarperCollins Publishers How to Write Really Badly
A classic children’s story from one of our best-loved authors, former Children’s Laureate Anne Fine. Chester Howard can see Joe’s project ‘How to Write Neatly’ can only be a disaster. Joe makes a terrible mess of his work, jumbling letters and numbers up together. But a project called ‘How to Write Really Badly’ – now there’s something Joe can do better than anyone else. And Chester is about to find there’s a lot more to Joe than he expected … Anne Fine’s fun school stories have been delighting children for more than 20 years, winning her awards such as the Smarties Book Award and Carnegie Medal along the way.
HarperCollins Publishers The Chicken Gave it to Me
A classic children’s story from one of our best-loved authors, former Children’s Laureate Anne Fine. Gemma doesn’t believe a chicken could have written a book – chickens can’t even read! But here in front of them is The True Story of Harrowing Farm, and its scratchy pages definitely look, well, chickeny. It is an epic tale of cruelty and bravery, the story of a chicken who flies frillions of miles, reaching the heights of intergalactic superstardom, to try to save us humans … Perfect for boys and girls aged 6 and up, and for fans of Jeremy Strong and Pamela Butchart's Wigglesbottom Primary series. Anne Fine’s fun school stories have been delighting children for more than 20 years, winning her awards such as the Smarties Book Award and Carnegie Medal along the way.
HarperCollins Publishers Friday Surprise (Reading Ladder Level 3)
A surprising and entertaining story from former children’s laureate and multi-award winner Anne Fine, perfect for children learning to read. Bryce is fed up with tests. So far this week he's had a spelling test, a swimming test, and even a test on his bike. So, on Friday, Bryce decides to surprise the adults with his own test. What happens when Bryce turns the tables on all the adults? The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 3 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for fluent readers who are beginning to read exciting, challenging stories independently. Varied sentences Detailed illustrations to enjoy Chapters Interesting characters and themes A rich range of vocabulary More complex storylines to stretch confident readers All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading. Book band: Gold.
HarperCollins Publishers Under the Bed (Reading Ladder Level 2)
Perfect for children learning to read, this is a wonderful story about facing fears as a family from Anne Fine, a former Children’s Laureate whose awards include the Carnegie Medal and the Guardian Children’s Book Prize. There's never been anything scary under the bed since I was born, and there is nothing scary now. I really believe that. I keep believing it for about five minutes. Then I get less sure. Mum, Dad, Harry and Nana are at their wits’ end. How can they prove to Toby that there are no monsters under the bed, so that they can finally get some sleep? Will a new bicycle help? Or a magic spell? Or does this call for something completely different…? The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 2 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for readers who are growing in confidence and are beginning to enjoy longer stories. Clear type Up to 8 lines per page Bright, appealing pictures for added interest A variety of sentence structures A wider range of vocabulary Strong themes and characters to discuss All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading. Book band: Purple
HarperCollins Publishers Big Red Balloon (Reading Ladder Level 2)
Meet the queen in this sweet story by Anne Fine, perfect for children learning to read. Pip’s class are sending big red helium balloons off to celebrate their school’s 100th anniversary. They ask the people who find them to tell them how far they’d gone. One lands just down the road, one is found in the next town – but Pip’s flies all the way to Buckingham Palace! And Pip gets an invitation to have tea with the Queen … The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 2 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for readers who are growing in confidence and are beginning to enjoy longer stories. Clear type Up to 8 lines per page Bright, appealing pictures for added interest A variety of sentence structures A wider range of vocabulary Strong themes and characters to discuss All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading. Book band: Purple Meet the queen in this sweet story by Anne Fine, perfect for children learning to read. Pip’s class are sending big red helium balloons off to celebrate their school’s 100th anniversary. They ask the people who find them to tell them how far they’d gone. One lands just down the road, one is found in the next town – but Pip’s flies all the way to Buckingham Palace! And Pip gets an invitation to have tea with the Queen … The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 2 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for readers who are growing in confidence and are beginning to enjoy longer stories. Clear type Up to 8 lines per page Bright, appealing pictures for added interest A variety of sentence structures A wider range of vocabulary Strong themes and characters to discuss All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading. Book band: Purple
Penguin Random House Children's UK Notso Hotso
It's a dog's life for Anthony. Not only is he lacking the respect he deserves from the neighbourhood dogs and cats, but suddenly all he can do is scratch, scratch, scratch. And now bits of him are dropping off - yeuch! Just when Anthony thinks things can't get any worse, he finds himself on the vet's table. What she has in mind is about to destroy the tiny shred of street cred he has left...
Candlewick Press,U.S. Jamie and Angus Together