Search results for ""Author Amy Newmark""
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup For The Soul: Messages From Heaven And Other Miracles: Messages and Miracles
When our loved ones leave this world, our connection with them does not end. These 101 miraculous stories of signs from beyond, amazing connections, and love that doesn’t die will inspire and comfort you. Death takes away the physical presence of our loved ones, but not their spirit. Sometimes they send us signs from beyond, or come to us in dreams or as angels. Sometimes our loved ones visit heaven but come back because it’s not their time. Your faith will be renewed and you’ll be awed by these miraculous true accounts, including: The young mother who went to heaven and asked for a little more time—and got it—so she could write letters to her daughters for all their milestones The widow who discovered the captions “I love you” and “I will always love you” had miraculously appeared on old photos of her husband The grandma with dementia who was never told about her granddaughter’s death, but who announced that her granddaughter visited her regularly, and then related details of her death unknown to the rest of the family The woman at her friend Nancy’s funeral who asked her to send a hug, and minutes later was approached by the priest, who embraced her and whispered, “Here’s a hug from Nancy.” The man struggling to write a eulogy for his brother—killed in an accident along with a friend—who goes for a walk and finds his shadow is accompanied by two distinctly different human shadows that don’t match his body or movements And 96 more incredible stories!
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Thanks to My Mom 101 Stories of Gratitude Love and Lessons
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas in Canada 101 Stories about the Joy and Wonder of the Holidays
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul the Cat Did What 101 Amazing Stories of Magical Moments Miracles and Mischief
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul Dreams Premonitions and the Unexplainable 101 EyeOpening Stories about Premonitions and Miracles
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Miracles Angels Messages from Heaven
This collection of 101 true, awe-inspiring stories will renew your faith, reignite your sense of wonder, and remind you that, indeed, there is more to this world than meets the eye.Each of the 101 true stories in this entertaining, inspiring book is a testament to the miraculous moments that grace our lives, inviting us to believe in the extraordinary and find solace in the unbelievable. As you immerse yourself in these captivating narratives, you''ll witness the transformative power of divine intervention, the comforting presence of angels, and the subtle yet powerful messages that connect us to the realm beyond. Whether you''ve personally experienced the inexplicable or are simply drawn to the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding, this book is a must read. Prepare to be uplifted, inspired, and reassured that, even in the midst of life''s challenges, there are miracles, angels, and messages from heaven guiding our
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lessons Learned from My Cat
Some of the simplest, yet most powerful lessons we learn are often taught by the least likely of our family members - our cats! We can learn something from them every day if we just open our minds and our hearts to the valuable lessons they are trying to teach. What do we learn from our cats? Everything. Our cats make us better people. If we rescued them, they rescue us back. If we’re sad, they comfort us. If we need to have more fun, they show us how. They are our therapists, our role models, and our best friends. You’ll laugh a lot, tear up at times, and nod your head in recognition as you read these tales about the wonderful experience of sharing life with a cat. Lessons from our cats come in many forms, from the hilarious to the heroic. You’ll enjoy a wide variety of entertaining stories in these ten chapters: • Learning to Love the Cat • Small But Mighty • You Just Have to Laugh • Lost and Found • Meant to Be • Miracles Happen • Perks & Quirks • My Very Good, Very Bad Cat • Natural Therapists • Opening Hearts And your purchase of this book will help support the important work of American Humane, creating a better life for cats everywhere. Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Hilarious, Heroic, Human Dog: 101 Tales of Canine Companionship
The magic of dogs! They keep company, provide unconditional love, share in the ups and downs of our lives and make every day an adventure.How do dogs do it? They brighten our days, act as our therapists, and become our best friends—without saying one word. They just plain get us, too, in a surprisingly human way. And during the COVID-19 pandemic they rose to the occasion and transformed our stay-at-home experiences. You’ll find yourself laughing a lot, tearing up at times, and nodding your head in recognition as you read these tales about the magical experience of sharing life with a dog. From hilarious to heroic, mischievous to miraculous, and everything in between, you’ll enjoy a wide variety of entertaining stories in these ten chapters: • Clever Canines • Learning to Love the Dog • Our Protectors • Life Lessons from the Dog • My Very Good, Very Bad Dog • Changed by the Dog • Four-Legged Friends • And Dog Makes Family • Grieving & Recovery • On the Road And your purchase of this book will help support the important work of American Humane, creating a better life for dogs everywhere. Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul Just Say Yes
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul The Magic of Cats Coloring Book
Whether you''re a cat lover, a coloring enthusiast, or both, you''ll love this unique collection of stories and illustrations from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Every two-page spread contains an original Chicken Soup for the Soul story and a fresh, modern illustration you can color and frame. What an incredible opportunity to nourish your soul and spark your creative spirit!You''ll find this coloring book to be unlike any other. Filled with 37 Chicken Soup for the Soul stories about cats and packed with art that celebrates the beauty, playfulness and mystery of cats, this is like getting two books in one! Readers can color away their stress and anxiety, and at the same time nourish their souls by reading inspiring Chicken Soup for the Soul stories about cats. What an incredible way to unwind and appreciate the miraculous beauty of our feline friends! · 37 pages of coloring, suitable for beginners and experts alike, all with
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels All Around: 101 Inspirational Stories of Miracles, Divine Intervention, and Answered Prayers
In this book of 101 inspirational stories, contributors share their personal angel experiences of faith, miracles, and answered prayers, which will amaze and inspire you. More than what we experience, it’s often the memory of who we experience that lasts. And sometimes, we experience an angel. You will be awed and inspired by these true personal stories from people who are certain that there are angels right here on earth. They know this, because they’ve met them, and if you open your eyes, and your heart, you may find that angels don’t live too far away after all.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Well That Was Funny: 101 Feel Good Stories
Laugh your way through these stories that are sure to bring some sunshine into your days!If laughter is the best medicine, this book is your prescription. We’ve gathered some great storytellers to document the mishaps and misadventures of everyday life and celebrate humanity’s ability to laugh at itself. There’s no holding back in these pages, so prepare for lots of good clean (and not so clean) fun. No one is safe in these true stories—from spouses to parents to children to colleagues to friends. And the funniest stories are the ones about the writers’ own mishaps and most embarrassing moments. So, turn off the news and turn on the smiles with these fun-filled chapters: • That Was Embarrassing • I Can’t Believe I Did That! • Mistaken Identity • Domestic Disasters • Marital Mishaps • Wild Kingdom • I Kid You Not • Family Fun? • Adventures in Living • Pawsitive Thinking .Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Wonderful, Wacky Family: 101 Loving Stories about Our Crazy, Quirky Families
Is your family a little wacky? Do you have weird family traditions? Do you have a few quirky family members who you can't help but love? You’re not alone! This collection of 101 heartwarming, hilarious stories celebrates the fun of having those eccentric, unusual, loving famly members. You’ll recognize your own relatives in these outrageous, true stories about wacky but lovable in-laws, siblings, spouses, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and the rest of the family. These 101 true stories about our bizarre family traditions, our eccentric relatives, and our favorite disastrous vacations or weird holiday gatherings will have you laughing and nodding your head in recognition. And you’ll be amused by the crazy events of day-to-day life too. So come on in and meet the family! Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Making Me Time: 101 Stories About Self-Care and Balance
“Me time” is the cure for what ails you. You know you need it. Here’s how to take care of yourself so that you can be the very best version of you!Do you ever say that you’ll take care of yourself after you finish your to-do list? The personal, revealing stories in this book will convince you to put yourself at the top of that list. Self-care and life balance are what we all neglect most. These 101 true stories from people who turned their lives around will show you how to take care of your physical and mental health. You’ll be inspired by people who have taken back control of their lives and carved out that all-important “me time,” whether that means exercising, reading, meditating, seeing friends, or communing with nature. Whatever your psyche needs is your form of “me time” and that’s something that you deserve. There are many approaches, and at least one of them is bound to work for you. In these pages, you’ll read about men and women who: Put an hour for themselves on their daily to-do lists Pursued long-delayed sports, hobbies, or volunteer work Discovered themselves through travel, fitness, or new careers Learned to ask for help instead of doing it all Started treating themselves as well as they would treat a guest Stopped seeing the people who weren’t making them happy Rediscovered the benefits of exercising and being outside in nature Created their own personal spaces in their homes or outdoors Decluttered their calendars or their homes—and felt liberated
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Cats: 101 Tales of Family, Friendship & Fun
You'll recognize your own cat in this entertaining collection of stories about the surprising, amusing, heartwarming, and even magical things that our cats do. How do cats do it? Even non “cat people” fall under their spell. Our cats make us better people. If we rescued them, they rescue us back. If we’re sad, they comfort us. If we need to have more fun, they show us how. They are our therapists, our role models, and our best friends. You’ll laugh a lot, tear up at times, and nod your head in recognition as you read these tales about the magical experience of sharing life with a cat. In this collection, you’ll find stories from hilarious to heroic, mischievous to miraculous, and everything in between.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Be You: 101 Stories of Affirmation, Determination and Female Empowerment
You are unique —and that is your superpower. In these 101 stories of affirmation, determination and female empowerment, you’ll find role models and advice to help you make the most of that power.This book takes you on a journey to find your own truth. Whether you’re 18 or 80, you’ll find your power in these stories from women who unselfishly share their personal lives with you—their successes and their failures, their insecurities and their epiphanies. You’ll learn how they became comfortable in their own skins, found their identities, and set their goals—all while still being themselves. These stories were curated from thousands of submissions, to both entertain you and inspire you to be the best version of a unique person—you. Read about women who: • Spent time alone to rediscover themselves • Followed their passions and dreams in business, the arts, and sports • Mentored the girls and women coming up behind them • Prepared themselves to find love with the right mate • Juggled and came to grips with not really “having it all” • Spoke out against sexual harassment and discrimination • Made a new habit of stepping outside their comfort zones • Found their resilience and strength after death and divorce • Learned to build self-care and “me time” into their routines • Broke new ground in traditionally male careers
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul My Crazy Family
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Believe in Miracles 101 Stories of Hope Answered Prayers and Divine Intervention
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup For The Soul: The Power Of Yes!: 101 Stories about Adventure, Change and Positive Thinking
Try new things, overcome your fears, and broaden your world. You’ll feel empowered and energized when you use the power of YES!Saying YES gives you power—the power to make your life more exciting and your world bigger. So, do things that challenge you. Face your fears. And don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. You’ll be inspired to make your own to-do list when you read these stories from regular people who used the power of saying “yes” to improve their lives. Find the motivation you need in the entertaining, personal accounts in these 101 stories.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Step Outside Your Comfort Zone 101 Stories about Trying New Things Overcoming Fears and Broadening Your World
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Inspiration for Teachers 101 Stories About How You Make a Difference
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Military Families 101 Stories about the Force Behind the Forces
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul The Spirit of Canada 101 Stories of Love Gratitude
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels and Miracles: 101 Inspirational Stories about Hope, Answered Prayers, and Divine Intervention
These 101 true personal stories of angels, miracles, answered prayers, and faith in action will amaze you. Good things do happen to good people!Miracles happen every day to people from all walks of life. And angels are among us if we are open to seeing them and accepting their help. You’ll be inspired, awed and comforted by these 101 stories, including: The woman told by a voice in her car to listen to the radio, who goes on to win the radio station’s nationwide contest for a cruise and $25,000 The pastor who lost her ability to speak after tongue cancer but then defied all the doctors by singing hymns beautifully in church The four-year-old girl who drew a perfect anatomical heart with crayons even though she didn’t know her grandpa was having heart surgery The three siblings who had the exact same dream, down to every detail, about visiting a beautiful, mystical land the night their mother died The stranger who disappeared after opening a stuck car door and guiding a driver through the flames after the firefighters couldn’t get her out The woman whose deceased grandmother’s voice told her to move her baby seconds before a tree fell into the house right where he was sleeping The father who felt unexplainably compelled to change his plans and take the wrong way home, leading him to his daughter’s car
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul The Spirit of America 101 Stories about What Makes Our Country Great
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul The Power of Gratitude
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul The Joy of Less 101 Stories about Having More by Simplifying Our Lives
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Inspiration for Nurses 101 Stories of Appreciation and Wisdom
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul The Magic of Christmas Coloring Book
There''s no better way to clebrate the joy of the holiday season than with this unique collection of stories and illustrations from Chicken Soup for the Soul! Every two-page spread contains an original Chicken Soup for the Soul story and a beautiful corresponding illustration you can color and frame. What an incredible opportunity to get into the holiday spirit, nourish your soul and spark your creativity!You''ll find this coloring book to be unlike any other. Filled with 37 Chicken Soup for the Soul stories about the most magical time of the year, and packed with art that celebrates the entire holiday season, this is like getting two books in one! Whether you want to indulge in the joy of the season, or need a respite from its stress and anxiety, this book is sure to entertain and nourish your soul. What an incredible way to unwind and appreciate The Magic of Christmas! · 37 pages of coloring, suitable for beginners and exper
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Me and My Dog
Be prepared to fall in love with your dog all over again as you read these heartwarming stories of pet parenthood, and the unconditional love, companionship and amusement our dogs provide. How do dogs do it? They brighten our days, act as our therapists, and become our best friends—without saying one word. They’re frequently hilarious, often heroic, and surprisingly human. And we learn so much from them, too. You’ll find yourself laughing a lot, tearing up at times, and nodding your head in recognition as you read these tales, chosen from Chicken Soup for the Soul’s library, about the magical experience of sharing life with a dog. From comical to courageous, mischievous to miraculous, and everything in between, you’ll enjoy a wide variety of entertaining stories in these ten chapters: • Meant to Be • Miracles Happen • My Very Good, Very Bad Dog • Who Rescued Whom? • What I Learned from th
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Time for Christmas: 101 Tales of Holiday Joy, Love & Gratitude
Get into the holiday spirit with these magical stories of family and friends… giving and sharing… joy and blessings! You'll be inspired by these tales of kindness, gratitude and giving. You'll also pick up some creative ways to make your own holidays even more special, with new plans for family fun, gift ideas and recipes. These 101 real-life personal stories from the very best of Chicken Soup for the Soul's library are filled with the cheer of the season. They'll leave you smiling and eager to share the holidays, from Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Christmas and New Year's. We didn't forget the kids either. The stories in this collection are “Santa safe,” meaning that they keep the magic alive even for precocious readers. Your purchase will support Toys for Tots as well, creating miracles and blessings for children.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: All You Need Is Love: 101 Tales of Romance and Happily Ever After
All You Need Is Love - it's a common cliche and a popular, iconic song. But is it true? Is love really all you need? The writers of these 101 true, inspirational stories answer that question with a resounding "YES!"You won't be able to put down these heartwarming and inspirational stories of dating and romance, proposals and weddings, serendipity and destiny. Whether you're celebrating a longstanding relationship or still looking for your soul mate, these true, personal stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul’s library will leave you convinced that to live a fulfilling, happy life, all you really need is love. Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lessons Learned from My Dog
Some of the simplest, yet most powerful lessons we learn are often taught by the least likely of our family members - our dogs! We can learn something from them every day if we just open our minds and our hearts to the valuable lessons they are trying to teach. What can we learn from our dogs? Just about everything. From laughter and love, to compassion and kindness, to heartbreak and heroism, our dogs have something to teach us, every day. Treat yourself to these 101 heartwarming, amusing and inspirational stories about our protectors, our best friends, and our teachers. You’ll laugh a lot, tear up at times, and nod your head in recognition as you read these tales about the wonderful experience of sharing life with a dog. And your purchase of this book will help support the important work of American Humane, creating a better life for dogs everywhere. Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Advice that Changed My Life: 101 Stories of Epiphanies and Wise Words
It only takes a few magical words to solve a big problem, reorient your focus, or change the trajectory of your life.Have a few words of wisdom changed everything for you? Has a piece of advice from a friend, a relative, or even a stranger opened your eyes? We’ve been reading these stories for years—stories about how one little piece of advice can make a life-changing difference. So we asked the public to send us stories about the one piece of advice that reoriented them, solved a problem, or changed the trajectory of their lives. Now we present an amazing new collection—101 stories that have the power to change your life, too. You’ll read great advice in these pages about how to live your life to the fullest, achieve success in your career or vocation, keep your marriage fresh, raise happy, healthy children, face your fears, and be confident. We also have plenty of stories containing great advice for counting your blessings, pursuing your passion, moving forward after loss, making your best effort, and taking care of yourself. We even have a chapter full of stories that will help you pick your battles. What a great gift of hope and inspiration, with something that will resonate for everyone! Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times Won't Last But Tough People Will: 101 Stories about Overcoming Life's Challenges
Tough times won’t last but tough people will. These 101 empowering stories of resilience, positive thinking, and overcoming obstacles will help you find your own path through life’s challenges.You are tougher than you think, and your inner reserves of strength are just waiting for you to call on them. This powerful collection of revealing, personal stories will help you handle whatever arises in your life, whether it’s financial challenges, health issues, relationship troubles, loss and grieving, natural disasters, or any of the other ways in which life sometimes goes off track. The courageous people in these pages are the role models who show us what is possible. Prepare to be inspired! You’ll find the 101 stories in this book broken into chapters entitled: • The New Normal • Count Your Blessings • Find Your Inner Strength • It Takes a Village • Coping with COVID • Attitude & Perspective • Moving Forward • Meet the New You • Face Your Fears • Loss, Grieving, and Healing Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams: 101 Tales of Inner Guidance, Divine Intervention and Miraculous Insight
Your dreams are powerful tools for redirecting your life, changing your relationships, and making you a happier person. Learn how to use your dreams, premonitions, and intuition for personal transformation.You’re too busy during the day to pay attention to that quiet voice inside you that knows you so well. But at night your dreams are a window into what your subconscious is trying to tell you. This enlightening new collection is filled with true, personal stories from ordinary people whose dreams, premonitions, and intuition tapped into the extraordinary wisdom they already had within them. These 101 tales of inner guidance, divine intervention & miraculous insight will show you how to: Use your dreams as your GPS for navigating life Find love & companionship—from soul mates to rescue dogs! Face your fears and overcome them with new confidence Accept divine guidance from that little voice in your head Act on your premonitions and avoid dangerous situations Improve your relationships with the living and the deceased Find comfort and closure through messages from heaven
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul 101 Ways to Think Positive
These writers are fabulous role models for all of usreal people who have used a positive attitude to create happier lives!
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul Running for Good
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul The Best Advice I Ever Heard
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Think Act Be Happy
There's nothing like the power of storytelling to reach deep inside you and change you for the better. Now, how about combining real-life, personal stories with easy-to-implement tips from America's go-to therapist Dr. Mike Dow? He shows you how to use the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy to change the way you think and act... and be happy.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul The Dog Really Did That 101 Stories of Miracles Mischief and Magical Moments
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul The Cat Really Did That 101 Stories of Miracles Mischief and Magical Moments
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul My Kind of America 101 Stories about the True Spirit of Our Country
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul My Very Good Very Bad Cat 101 Heartwarming Stories about Our Happy Heroic Hilarious Pets
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul the Joy of Adoption 101 Stories About Forever Families and Meanttobe Kids
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Hope Miracles
These 101 miraculous stories of hope, faith, divine intervention & answered prayers will amaze you.Good things do happen to good people! You will be encouraged and uplifted as you read these stories about powerful hope, miraculous healing, divine intervention, messages from heaven, answered prayers and beating the odds, including: The mother of a Sandy Hook shooting victim who prayed for a sign that her son Jesse was okay and minutes later saw “Jesse & Jesus” written in the sky The businessman turned pastor who didn’t believe in miracles until he laid hands on a paralyzed man who then walked into his office a few weeks later The brother and sister who were reunited in Australia 75 years after they were separated at a British orphanage during World War II The grieving daughter who fondly recalled her mom’s appearance on Let’s Make a Deal, went to the show, got picked from the audience, and won a new car
Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC Chicken Soup for the Soul Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries 101 Stories of Hope Healing and Hard Work
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul the Dog Did What 101 Amazing Stories of Magical Moments Miracles and Mayhem