Search results for ""Author Amit Goswami""
Quest Books,U.S. Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation, and Immortality
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Hampton Roads Publishing Co Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integral Medicine
Hampton Roads Publishing Co How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization: A Few People Can Change Human Evolution
Hampton Roads Publishing Co God is Not Dead: What Quantum Physics Tells Us About Our Origins and How We Should Live
Hampton Roads Publishing Co The Everything Answer Book: How Quantum Science Explains Love, Death, and the Meaning of Life
Tarcher/Putnam,US The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material Universe
Red Wheel/Weiser The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science
Quest Books,U.S. The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment
Monkfish Book Publishing Company Quantum Integrative Medicine: A New Paradigm for Health, Disease Prevention, and Healing