Search results for ""Author Ahmed Osman""
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Lost City of the Exodus: The Archaeological Evidence Behind the Journey out of Egypt
When the first archaeologists visited Egypt in the late 1800s, they arrived in the eastern Nile Delta to verify the events described in the biblical Book of Exodus. Several locations believed to be the city of the Exodus were found but all were later rejected for lack of evidence. This led many scholars to dismiss the Exodus narrative merely as a myth that borrowed from accounts of the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt. But as Ahmed Osman shows, the events of Exodus have a historical basis and the ruins of the ancient city of Zarw, where the Road to Canaan began, have been found. Drawing on decades of research as well as recent archaeological findings in Egypt, Ahmed Osman reveals the exact location of the lost city of the Exodus as well as his 25-year effort to have this finding confirmed by the Egyptian government, including his heated debates with Zahi Hawass, former Egyptian Minister for Antiquities Affairs. He explains why modern scholars have been unable to find the city of the Exodus: they are looking in the wrong historical period and thus the wrong region of Egypt. He details his extensive research on the Pentateuch of the Hebrew scriptures, the historical scenes recorded in the great hall of Karnak and other ancient source texts, which allowed him to pinpoint the Exodus site after he discovered that the Exodus happened not during the pharaonic reign of Ramses II but during that of his grandfather Ramses I. Osman concluded that the biblical city of the Exodus was to be found at Tell Heboua at the ruins of the fortified city of Zarw, the royal city of Ramses I-far from the Exodus locations theorised by previous archaeologists and scholars. In 2012, after 20 years of archaeological work, the location of Zarw was confirmed by Egyptian officials exactly where Osman said it would be 25 years ago. Thus, Osman shows that, time and again, if we take the creators of the source texts at their word, they will prove to be right. · Explains why modern scholars have been unable to find the city of the Exodus: they are looking in the wrong historical period and thus the wrong region of Egypt · Details the author's extensive research on hebrew scriptures and ancient Egyptian texts and records, which allowed him to pinpoint the Exodus site · Reveals his effort to have his finding confirmed by the Egyptian government,including his debates with Zahi Hawass, Egyptian Minister for Antiquities Affairs
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus
During his reign, the Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single god, the Aten, who had no image or form. Seizing on the striking similarities between the religious vision of this “heretic” pharaoh and the teachings of Moses, Sigmund Freud was the first to argue that Moses was in fact an Egyptian. Now Ahmed Osman, using recent archaeological discoveries and historical documents, contends that Akhenaten and Moses were one and the same man. In a stunning retelling of the Exodus story, Osman details the events of Moses/Akhenaten's life: how he was brought up by Israelite relatives, ruled Egypt for seventeen years, angered many of his subjects by replacing the traditional Egyptian pantheon with worship of the Aten, and was forced to abdicate the throne. Retreating to the Sinai with his Egyptian and Israelite supporters, he died out of the sight of his followers, presumably at the hands of Seti I, after an unsuccessful attempt to regain his throne. Osman reveals the Egyptian components in the monotheism preached by Moses as well as his use of Egyptian royal ritual and Egyptian religious expression. He shows that even the Ten Commandments betray the direct influence of Spell 125 in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Moses and Akhenatenprovides a radical challenge to long-standing beliefs concerning the origin of Semitic religion and the puzzle of Akhenaten's deviation from ancient Egyptian tradition. In fact, if Osman's contentions are correct, many major Old Testament figures would be of Egyptian origin.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Soul of Ancient Egypt: Restoring the Spiritual Engine of the World
Imagine the paradise of ancient Egypt: a lush green valley with a gentle river, full of animals and birds of all sizes. The first settlers, arriving by way of the desert, would have marveled at this beautiful landscape. This awe held on through the first three millennia of settlement in Egypt. Centered on careful observations of the natural rhythms of their environment, particularly the Nile, this enlightened civilization lived in a state of spiritual balance and harmony they called "living in Maat." This state was further enhanced by the sacred landscape of Egypt and the colossal monuments and pyramids the Egyptians built to reflect the heavens, thus creating a cosmic "spiritual engine" for the ancient world. But sadly, the paradise and Maat of ancient Egypt were not to last, and for the past two thousand years Egypt has experienced many occupations by hostile forces bent on taking control of this magical land. Exploring the exemplary social and cultural model that produced the golden civilization of ancient Egypt as well as the many waves of conquest and destruction up to the present day, Robert Bauval and Ahmed Osman examine each phase of Egyptian history from its origins and the Pharaonic period, through the Roman conquest and its Christianization, to the Pan-Arabization of Nasser and the ongoing Islamization that began with the Muslim caliphate in the 7th century. They show how the current Islamic rulers are actively working to eradicate all traces of Egypt's spiritual roots, the source of the Western Mystery tradition. They provide a revised portrait of the life of Muhammad, revealing his connections to the Essene tradition, and explain how most Sharia Law is not based on the Koran. Revealing how even the dams built on the Nile are impeding Egypt's sacred role, the authors sound the call for a return to the original tenets of Egyptian civilization, one that sustained itself in harmony and peaceful creativity for more than three millennia.