Search results for ""Author Adrienne Rich""
Antologa Potica 19511985
ADRIENNE RICH (Baltimore, 1929-California, 2012) fue una de las poetas estadounidenses más influyentes del último siglo. Con una voz atrapante e inconfundible, logró introducir las discusiones sobre género, raza y clase en el discurso poético, y fue capaz de cuestionar los límites formales de la poesía al mismo tiempo que a la sociedad y a sí misma. En su obra, se halla siempre la intención manifiesta de buscar la verdad; sus planteamientos acerca de la condición humana, el amor y la historia parten de la convicción de que solo a partir de la toma de conciencia es posible el cambio.Con el objetivo de atravesar y reflejar la evolución de su poesía desde sus comienzos, próximos a la tradición, hasta que desarrolla un estilo más radical, tanto en la forma como en el contenido feminista y político, esta antología bilingüe presenta una selección de diez libros publicados entre 1951 y 1985, y también incluye un prólogo de la autora.
WW Norton & Co Fox: Poems 1998-2000
In this volume, Adrienne Rich pursues her signature themes and takes them further: the discourse between poetry and history, interlocutions within and across gender, dialogues between poets and visual artists, human damages and dignity, and the persistence of utopian visions. Here Rich continues taking the temperature of mind and body in her time in an intimate and yet commanding voice that resonates long after an initial reading. Fox is formidable and moving, fierce and passionate, and one of Rich's most powerful works to date. "Justly celebrated....Rich has long wanted to set her readers' minds blazing...she succeeds."—Publishers Weekly starred review "Intimate, explorative, these are poems with a millennial feel, at once retrospective and forward-looking."—Washington Post Book World
WW Norton & Co Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972
"I came to explore the wreck. / The words are purposes. / The words are maps. / I came to see the damage that was done / and the treasures that prevail." These provocative poems move with the power of Rich's distinctive voice.
WW Norton & Co On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose 1966-1978
At issue are the politics of language; the uses of scholarship; and the topics of racism, history, and motherhood among others called forth by Rich as "part of the effort to define a female consciousness which is political, aesthetic, and erotic, and which refuses to be included or contained in the culture of passivity."
WW Norton & Co Later Poems: Selected and New: 1971-2012
Adrienne Rich’s Later Poems Selected and New displays the strong trajectory of the work of one of the most distinguished artists of American letters. After her death Rich left a manuscript that speaks for her concern with a poetics of relation along with a passionate attention to craft. In addition to her selections from twelve volumes of published work, Later Poems Selected and New contains ten powerful new poems. Among these, "From Strata" is a kind of archaeology of the present day; "Itinerary" searches for an "indefinite future" in a menaced landscape; "For the Young Anarchists" offers a trope of skilled labour for political action; and the haunting voice of the "Teethsucking Bird" reminds us of what we have been told to forget. These and other poems look back into history and forward into the future while engaging with contemporary moments. Rich’s singular command of language continues to the end.
Sueo de una lengua comun elpoesia
En este poemario Rich habla del poder de las mujeres, de los amores entre ellas, hermosos y prohibidos, y retoma una de las metáforas más antiguas de la tradición literaria: la naturaleza y su semejanza con el cuerpo femenino. Pero sobre todo es un libro que cuestiona la opresión y el silencio de las mujeres, y que imagina lo que sólo los grandes poetas han soñado: la creación de una lengua común que permita comprendernos de forma verdadera, sin herirnos, sin violentarnos, donde la existencia no sea una batalla entre todos nosotros sino la afirmación de una nueva armonía, entre hombres y mujeres, entre el ser humano y la naturaleza, una lengua para soñar por fin juntos nuestra humanidad común.
WW Norton & Co The Dream of a Common Language
“Certain lines had become like incantations to me, words I’d chanted to myself through sorrow and confusion” —Cheryl Strayed, Wild
Horas y Horas la Editorial Artes de lo posible
WW Norton & Co A Change of World: Poems
A Change of World was selected by W. H. Auden for the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award. Out of print for decades, this initial collection launched the career of a poet whose work has been crucial to discussions of gender, race and class, pushing formal boundaries and consistently examining both self and society.
WW Norton & Co Tonight No Poetry Will Serve: Poems 2007-2010
“Rich is one of the greatest American poets of the past half century . . . attested to both by the extraordinary power of her poems and by the laurels she’s racked up. . . . The events of our blood-dimmed decade have afforded Rich a subject for some of her strongest material.”—Sara Marcus, San Francisco Chronicle
WW Norton & Co Later Poems Selected and New: 1971-2012
In Later Poems: Selected and New 1971–2012, the strong trajectory of the work of one of the most important artists of American letters is on display. This volume brings together a remarkable body of work. Included are Adrienne Rich’s own selections from twelve volumes of published works, including the National Book Award–winning Diving Into the Wreck, An Atlas of the Difficult World, and her most recent volume, Tonight No Poetry Will Serve, along with ten powerful new poems, previously uncollected. Among these, “From Strata” is a kind of archaeology of the present day; “Itinerary” searches for an “indefinite future” in a menaced landscape; “For the Young Anarchists” offers a trope of skilled labor for political action; and the haunting voice of “Teethsucking Bird” reminds us of what we have been told to forget. This collection testifies to a monumental career that distinguished American literature in the late twentieth century and will continue to inspire readers for years to come.
Sumergirse en el naufragio Prxima aparicin
Sumergirse en el naufragio es el libro de poemas más celebrado de Adrienne Rich. Puede leerse como una respuesta a la tradición en que se inscriben La tierra baldía de T. S. Eliot o los Cantos de Ezra Pound. La poeta se sumerge en las profundidades de un océano de mitos para explorar los restos de un naufragio. Ese naufragio es nuestra civilización, toda su podredumbre y toda su belleza. Poco a poco se va desprendiendo de todas las historias que rodean al naufragio, hasta quedarse solo con lo esencial. También se despoja de su cuerpo de mujer, hasta quedarse con un cuerpo primigenio: un cuerpo andrógino, mitad sirena, mitad tritón. Y con él recorre los restos de lo que fuimos. Pero, sobre todo, rescata lo que aún queda intacto y que podrá ayudarnos a reconstruir una nueva civilización, donde la mujer sea un hombre y el hombre, una mujer. Un nuevo comienzo despojado de historias y de mitos, centrado en la presencia. Un comienzo no de igualdad, sino de identificación, de reconocim
WW Norton & Co Essential Essays: Culture, Politics, and the Art of Poetry
The Essential Essays gathers twenty-five of Adrienne Rich’s most renowned essays, demonstrating the lasting brilliance of her voice and her prophetic vision. Her thoughts on feminism, poetry, race, homosexuality and identity are still powerful and relevant today. Discussing everything from her fearless poetic vision to her revolutionary views on social justice, Rich’s essays unite the political, personal and poetical. Included are Rich’s landmark essays “Motherhood as Experience and Institution”; “What Is Found There”; “Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts” and “Compulsory Heterosexuality and the Lesbian Existence”. As Sandra Gilbert writes, “To re-read and to re-think Rich’s prose as a complete oeuvre is to encounter a major public intellectual...”
WW Norton & Co Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution
In Of Woman Born, originally published in 1976, influential poet and feminist Adrienne Rich examines the patriarchic systems and political institutions that define motherhood. Exploring her own experience—as a woman, a poet, a feminist and a mother—she finds the act of mothering to be both determined by and distinct from the institution of motherhood as it is imposed on all women everywhere. A “powerful blend of research, theory, and self-reflection” (Sandra M. Gilbert, Paris Review), Of Woman Born revolutionised how women thought about motherhood and their own liberation. With a stirring new foreword from National Book Critics Circle Award-winning writer Eula Biss, the book resounds with as much wisdom and insight today as when it was first written.
WW Norton & Co Collected Poems: 1950-2012
Adrienne Rich whose poetry is “distinguished by an unswerving progressive vision and a dazzling, empathic ferocity” (The New York Times) was the singular voice of her generation. She brought discussions of gender, race and class to the forefront of poetical discourse, pushing formal boundaries and consistently examining both self and society. This volume traces the evolution of Rich’s poetry, from her earliest, formally exact and decorous work to her later poems, which became increasingly radical in both form and content. Displaying the entire body of Rich’s poetry, The Collected Poems gathers and commemorates all Rich’s boldly political, formally ambitious, thoughtful and lucid work.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Selected Poems
The poetry of Muriel Rukeyser (1913-80) confronts the turbulent currents of modern history as it explores with depth and honesty the realms of politics, sexuality, mythic imagination, technological change and family life. Rukeyser was a social activist of unwavering commitment, a tireless experimenter who opened fresh forms and fresh subject-matter in modern American poetry, and a writer who was constantly testing her own limits in a life's work of extraordinary scope. She held a visionary belief in the human capacity to create social change through language, and earned an international reputation as a powerful voice against enforced silences of all kind, against the violence of war, poverty and racism. Edited and introduced by Adrienne Rich, this new selection provides an indispensable introduction to the adventurous and prolific work of one of the most significant and influential American poets of the 20th century.
WW Norton & Co Essential Essays
A career-spanning selection of the lucid, courageous and boldly political prose of National Book Award winner Adrienne Rich.
Harvard University Press The Works of Anne Bradstreet
Anne Bradstreet was one of our earliest feminists and the first true poet in the American colonies. This collection of her extant poetry and prose, scrupulously edited by Jeannine Hensley, has long been the standard edition of Bradstreet’s work. Hensley’s introduction sketches the poet’s life, and Adrienne Rich’s foreword offers a sensitive critique of Bradstreet as a person and as a writer. The John Harvard Library edition includes a chronology of Bradstreet’s life and an updated bibliography.
WW Norton & Co Adrienne Rich: Poetry and Prose: A Norton Critical Edition
In both poetry and prose, the editors have chosen selections intended to give readers a clear sense of Adrienne Rich’s evolution and accomplishment. Accompanying this is the latest selection of study on her life and work.
WW Norton & Co Selected Poems: 1950-2012
Author of more than thirty books, Adrienne Rich was the singular voice of her generation, bringing discussions of gender, race and class to the forefront of poetical discourse. Selected Poems offers a full and representative selection of poems from the whole of Rich’s long and distinguished career. The volume encompasses her best-known work—the clear-sighted and passionate feminist poems of the 1970s, including “Diving into the Wreck”, “Planetarium”, and “The Phenomenology of Anger”—and offers the full range of her evolution as a poet. From poems leading up to her feminist breakthrough through bold later work such as “North American Time” and “Calle Visión”, Selected Poems expresses the vital dialogue between Rich’s personal experiences and political views. As the editors explain in their introduction, Selected Poems presents the complete picture of Rich’s powerful and deeply moving poetry, as well as the evolution in poetic forms that trace her radical vision.