Search results for ""Author Adarsha Shivananda""
APress Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Using Python
Focus on implementing end-to-end projects using Python and leverage state-of-the-art algorithms. This book teaches you to efficiently use a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) packages to: implement text classification, identify parts of speech, utilize topic modeling, text summarization, sentiment analysis, information retrieval, and many more applications of NLP. The book begins with text data collection, web scraping, and the different types of data sources. It explains how to clean and pre-process text data, and offers ways to analyze data with advanced algorithms. You then explore semantic and syntactic analysis of the text. Complex NLP solutions that involve text normalization are covered along with advanced pre-processing methods, POS tagging, parsing, text summarization, sentiment analysis, word2vec, seq2seq, and much more. The book presents the fundamentals necessary for applications of machine learning and deep learning in NLP. This second edition goes over advanced techniques to convert text to features such as Glove, Elmo, Bert, etc. It also includes an understanding of how transformers work, taking sentence BERT and GPT as examples. The final chapters explain advanced industrial applications of NLP with solution implementation and leveraging the power of deep learning techniques for NLP problems. It also employs state-of-the-art advanced RNNs, such as long short-term memory, to solve complex text generation tasks. After reading this book, you will have a clear understanding of the challenges faced by different industries and you will have worked on multiple examples of implementing NLP in the real world.What You Will Learn Know the core concepts of implementing NLP and various approaches to natural language processing (NLP), including NLP using Python libraries such as NLTK, textblob, SpaCy, Standford CoreNLP, and more Implement text pre-processing and feature engineering in NLP, including advanced methods of feature engineering Understand and implement the concepts of information retrieval, text summarization, sentiment analysis, text classification, and other advanced NLP techniques leveraging machine learning and deep learning Who This Book Is ForData scientists who want to refresh and learn various concepts of natural language processing (NLP) through coding exercises
APress Time Series Algorithms Recipes: Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques with Python
This book teaches the practical implementation of various concepts for time series analysis and modeling with Python through problem-solution-style recipes, starting with data reading and preprocessing. It begins with the fundamentals of time series forecasting using statistical modeling methods like AR (autoregressive), MA (moving-average), ARMA (autoregressive moving-average), and ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving-average). Next, you'll learn univariate and multivariate modeling using different open-sourced packages like Fbprohet, stats model, and sklearn. You'll also gain insight into classic machine learning-based regression models like randomForest, Xgboost, and LightGBM for forecasting problems. The book concludes by demonstrating the implementation of deep learning models (LSTMs and ANN) for time series forecasting. Each chapter includes several code examples and illustrations. After finishing this book, you will have a foundational understanding of various concepts relating to time series and its implementation in Python. What You Will Learn Implement various techniques in time series analysis using Python. Utilize statistical modeling methods such as AR (autoregressive), MA (moving-average), ARMA (autoregressive moving-average) and ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving-average) for time series forecasting Understand univariate and multivariate modeling for time series forecasting Forecast using machine learning and deep learning techniques such as GBM and LSTM (long short-term memory) Who This Book Is ForData Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, and software developers interested in time series analysis.
APress Applied Recommender Systems with Python: Build Recommender Systems with Deep Learning, NLP and Graph-Based Techniques
This book will teach you how to build recommender systems with machine learning algorithms using Python. Recommender systems have become an essential part of every internet-based business today. You'll start by learning basic concepts of recommender systems, with an overview of different types of recommender engines and how they function. Next, you will see how to build recommender systems with traditional algorithms such as market basket analysis and content- and knowledge-based recommender systems with NLP. The authors then demonstrate techniques such as collaborative filtering using matrix factorization and hybrid recommender systems that incorporate both content-based and collaborative filtering techniques. This is followed by a tutorial on building machine learning-based recommender systems using clustering and classification algorithms like K-means and random forest. The last chapters cover NLP, deep learning, and graph-based techniques to build a recommender engine. Each chapter includes data preparation, multiple ways to evaluate and optimize the recommender systems, supporting examples, and illustrations. By the end of this book, you will understand and be able to build recommender systems with various tools and techniques with machine learning, deep learning, and graph-based algorithms.What You Will Learn Understand and implement different recommender systems techniques with Python Employ popular methods like content- and knowledge-based, collaborative filtering, market basket analysis, and matrix factorization Build hybrid recommender systems that incorporate both content-based and collaborative filtering Leverage machine learning, NLP, and deep learning for building recommender systems Who This Book Is ForData scientists, machine learning engineers, and Python programmers interested in building and implementing recommender systems to solve problems.