Search results for ""Author A. R. Jha""
Taylor & Francis Inc Theory, Design, and Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
This book provides a complete overview of the theory, design, and applications of unmanned aerial vehicles. It covers the basics, including definitions, attributes, manned vs. unmanned, design considerations, life cycle costs, architecture, components, air vehicle, payload, communications, data link, and ground control stations. Chapters cover types and civilian roles, sensors and characteristics, alternative power, communications and data links, conceptual design, human machine interface, sense and avoid systems, civil airspace issues and integration efforts, navigation, autonomous control, swarming, and future capabilities.
Taylor & Francis Inc MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors and Devices for Communications, Medical and Aerospace Applications
The integration of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology (NT) in sensors and devices significantly reduces their weight, size, power consumption, and production costs. These sensors and devices can then play greater roles in defense operations, wireless communication, the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and many more applications.MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors and Devices for Communications, Medical and Aerospace Applications presents the latest performance parameters and experimental data of state-of-the-art sensors and devices. It describes packaging details, materials and their properties, and fabrication requirements vital for design, development, and testing. Some of the cutting-edge materials covered include quantum dots, nanoparticles, photonic crystals, and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). This comprehensive work encompasses various types of MEMS- and NT-based sensors and devices, such as micropumps, accelerometers, photonic bandgap devices, acoustic sensors, CNT-based transistors, photovoltaic cells, and smart sensors. It also discusses how these sensors and devices are used in a number of applications, including weapons’ health, battlefield monitoring, cancer research, stealth technology, chemical detection, and drug delivery.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Superconductor Technology: Applications to Microwave, Electro-Optics, Electrical Machines, and Propulsion Systems
Comprehensive coverage of theory and applications alike Superconductor Technology integrates research efforts from aroundthe world and provides the most comprehensive presentation ofsuperconducting technology available. It covers high- andlow-temperature superconductors (HTSC and LTSC) and, while thediscussion centers on the more practical HTSC applications (thosein the range of 77K), the advantages of LTSC technology in certaincircumstances are also explored. Author A. R. Jha examines the implementation of superconductingtechnology in every conceivable system or device, identifyingapplications and potential applications in diverse fields,including radio astronomical systems, laser radar, microwave andmillimeter-wave missile receivers, satellite communication systems,high-resolution medical equipment, and many more. Complete withnumerous illustrations and photographs and fully referenced,Superconductor Technology: * Covers theory and practice across a wide range of disciplines * Presents critical performance parameters for components, devices,and systems * Shows how to integrate HTSC and LTSC technology * Describes numerous hardware applications * Examines the forms and properties of superconductors * Provides the necessary mathematical expressions and derivations * Presents performance parameters and experimental data forreal-world devices Superconductor Technology is an essential reference for physicists,research scientists, microwave engineers, optical system andcommunication engineers, and others in a variety of disciplines.Clearly written and well-organized, it is also a compelling andaccessible text for undergraduate and graduate students.