Search results for ""Author . Paulo Freire""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Pedagogy of the Heart
Pedagogy of the Heart represents some of the last writings by Paulo Freire. In this work, perhaps more so than any other, Freire presents a coherent set of principles for education and politics. For those who have read Freire’s other works the book includes new discussions of familiar subjects including community, neoliberalism, faith, hope, the oppressed, and exile. For those coming to Freire for the first time, the book will open up new ways of looking at the interrelations of education and political struggle. Freire reveals himself as a radical reformer whose lifelong commitment to the vulnerable, the illiterate and the marginalised has had a profound impact on society and education today. The text includes substantive notes by Ana Maria Araújo Freire, a foreword by Martin Carnoy, a preface by Ladislau Dowbor, as well as a substantive new introduction by Antonia Darder, who holds the Leavey Presidential Endowed Chair in Ethics and Moral Leadership in the School of Education at Loyola Marymount University, USA. Translated by Donaldo Macedo and Alexandre Oliveira.
Los Libros de la Catarata Pedagogía liberadora
Los términos ?pedagogía del oprimido?, ?concientización? o ?educación como práctica de la libertad? forman parte de un discurso crítico que desarrolló, por espacio de casi medio siglo, el pensador Paulo Freire. A partir de una antropología filosófica que desde el primer momento integró, con análisis materialistas sobre la situación vital de los seres humanos, la práctica política y la dimensión ontológica, su obra conforma un conjunto amplio y productivo de respuestas a las estructuras de dominación social que se alimenta del marxismo, la teología de la liberación, la epistemología decolonial y los procesos de liberación de los sujetos subalternos. Los textos que se recogen en este volumen muestran a un Freire para el que no existe la división entre teoría y práctica, que engarza la reflexión sobre nuestra condición histórica como seres humanos en situación con la elaboración de técnicas y metodologías encaminadas a la producción colectiva del conocimiento.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Pedagogy in Process: The Letters to Guinea-Bissau
Pedagogy in Process presents a first-hand account of the most comprehensive attempt yet to put into practice Paulo Freire’s theory of education within a real societal setting. When Guinea Bissau on the West African coast declared independence in 1973 the rate of illiteracy in its adult population was ninety percent. The new government faced the enormous task of educating its citizens. With Freire as collaborator and advisor the government launched a huge grass-roots literacy campaign and this book is Freire’s memoir of that campaign. Those familiar with Freire’s work will identify his ongoing insistence on the unity between theory and practice, mental and manual work, and past and present experience. This is essential reading for anyone interested Freire’s revolutionary ideas on education and the transformative power they hold when applied to society and the classroom. This edition includes a substantive introduction by Michael Apple who is Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA.
Penguin Books Ltd Pedagogy of the Oppressed
'The foremost work on the key democratic task: helping people to identify and challenge the sources of their oppression ... a transformative text' George Monbiot, GuardianArguing that 'education is freedom', Paulo Freire's radical international classic contends that traditional teaching styles keep the poor powerless by treating them as passive, silent recipients of knowledge. Grounded in Freire's own experience teaching impoverished and illiterate students in his native Brazil and over the world, this pioneering book instead suggests that through co-operation, dialogue and critical thinking, every human being can develop a sense of self and fulfil their right to be heard.'Truly revolutionary' Ivan Illich
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. La educacin como prctica de la libertad
Encuadernación: rústica.Nueva edición revisada.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Education for Critical Consciousness
Famous for his advocacy of 'critical pedagogy', Paulo Freire was Latin America's foremost educationalist, a thinker and writer whose work and ideas continue to exert enormous influence in education throughout the world today. Education for Critical Consciousness is the main statement of Freire's revolutionary method of education. It takes the life situation of the learner as its starting point and the raising of consciousness and the overcoming of obstacles as its goals. For Freire, man's striving for his own humanity requires the changing of structures which dehumanize both the oppressor and the oppressed. This edition includes a substantial new introduction by Carlos Alberto Torres, Distinguished Professor and Founding Director of the Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA, USA. Translated by Myra Bergman Ramos.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 50th Anniversary Edition
First published in Portuguese in 1968, Pedagogy of the Oppressed was translated and published in English in 1970. Paulo Freire's work has helped to empower countless people throughout the world and has taken on special urgency in the United States and Western Europe, where the creation of a permanent underclass among the underprivileged and minorities in cities and urban centers is ongoing. This 50th anniversary edition includes an updated introduction by Donaldo Macedo, a new afterword by Ira Shor and interviews with Marina Aparicio Barberán, Noam Chomsky, Ramón Flecha, Gustavo Fischman, Ronald David Glass, Valerie Kinloch, Peter Mayo, Peter McLaren and Margo Okazawa-Rey to inspire a new generation of educators, students, and general readers for years to come.
Rowman & Littlefield Critical Education in the New Information Age
Essays by some of the world's leading educators provide a revolutionary portrait of new ideas and developments in education that can influence the possibility of social and political change. The authors take into account such diverse terrain as feminism, ecology, media, and individual liberty in their pursuit of new ideas that can inform the fundamental practice of education and promote a more humane civil society. The book consolidates recent thinking just as it reflects on emerging new lines of critical theory.