Search results for ""Austin Winfield,U.S.""
Austin & Winfield,U.S. America and the Law: Challenges for the 21st Century
A collection of essays on the basic issues facing the American legal system, from a social, historical and philosophical perspective. Exploring recent events such as the McDonald's case, Tobacco Litigation, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the O.J. Simpson trial, this book captures the essential arguments concerning such important issues as free speech, crime and punishment, the two-party system, and tort reform, and then supports them with the critical facts, statistics, and citations to respected authorities. Useful for practicing attorneys, consumer advocates, and members of the press.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Redefining Moral Education: Life, Le Guin and Language
Overpopulation, overexploitation of natural resources, overconsumerism, the predictions of environmental experts do not bode well for us. What can we do? In her thought-provoking study, Redefining Moral Education, Kathryn Wayne explores the role of education in developing a new ecological morality. Using two novels by Ursula Le Guin, The Word for World Is Forest (1972) and Always Coming Home (1985), Wayne explores how language plays an essential part in our apprehension of the relationship between nature and culture. Wayne analyzes how Le Guin's work relates to recent works by deep ecologists, social ecologists, and ecofeminists, as well as leading influences in moral theory and education - Kohlberg, Gilligan, Rogers, and Noddings - and how Le Guin uses language to highlight cultural behaviors and practices that can be held as an example from which we can redefine morality in terms of our environment. Redefining Moral Education provides a groundbreaking analysis of the relationship between rhetorical and environmental practices, of importance not simply to educators, but to all of us.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Deviant Moon Tarot - Standard
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Animals, the Law and Veterinary Medicine: A Guide to Veterinary Law
Animals, the Law and Veterinary Medicine is a concise, contemporary presentation of the law as applied to animals in veterinary medicine and an easy reference tool for veterinarians, attorneys, animal technicians, Zoo administrations and others interested in animals and their welfare. This fourth edition includes new information on the history of law, the Bible on animals, sentinel animals as guardians of human health, patents, copyrights and trademarks. The number of cases and court decisions on animal law, ownership of animals, responsibility for animals, malpractice and negligence have been doubled, the glossary has been increased in size, and the reference list has expanded to reflect the new and added material.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. The Saga of Leon Trotsky: His Clandestine Operations and His Assassination
This historical and organizational study focuses on Leon Trotsky's efforts to create a military intelligence operation of global significance and his subsequent efforts in the 4th International to recreate an earlier success. New material from Mexican sources is delineated and the various assassination plots against him in the late 30's are unraveled. Obscure aspects of the affair such as Trotsky's attempt to obtain an American visa and the makeup of his (mostly North American) bodyguard are discussed in satisfying detail.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. The Black Hood of the Ku Klux Klan
This is one of the most unusual stories of the Ku Klux Klan and American law enforcement ever to be undertaken. Whereas violence toward blacks was an accepted part of the Klan credo, violence toward whites, particularly respected members of their communities, was virtually unknown until this case. Jim Ruiz, a Louisiana police veteran and historian, provides an exhilarating and compelling account of the brutal murder of two white men in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana. The Black Hood of the Ku Klux Klan also delves into the investigation that followed the murders and demonstrates the iron grip of the Ku Klux Klan in the South during the early twentieth century. This is not merely a chronicle of one instance of extreme violence; this is a portrait of a society muted by fear and intimidation.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. The Emergence of an Afro-Caribbean Legal Tradition: Gender Relations and Family Courts in Kingston, Jamaica
A classic study of the ways in which the law can be at odds with the society it seeks to protect, this study demonstrates how the recent reforms in Jamaican family legislation have failed to close the discrepancies between social laws reflecting a nuclear family structure and the needs of a culturally distinct population engaging in serial mating, out-of-wedlock births, and absentee paternity. Based on participant observations, interviews and close scrutiny of the local media as well as a thorough review of court documents, Lafont's compelling analysis explores how family courts have come to be used in Jamaica as weapons of redress and retaliation serving personal agendas. Presenting a well-documented examination of mating and child-rearing practices in Jamaica, it constitutes a thought-provoking study of law in relation to society that will be of interest to not only family lawyers and legislators, but also to sociologists and anthropologists. LaFont served as a Family Court Counselor in Kingston, Jamaica.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. The Animal/Human Bond: A Culture Survey
Today, the interactions between man and animals are daily ones, sometimes subtle, othertimes complex and essential for the survival of both animals and man. The knowledge accumulated from human/animal interactions is interesting, stimulating, and useful in everyday life. This story is of interest to biologists, behaviorists, agriculturalists, psychologists, sociologists, veterinarians, physicians and the general public. Such associations represent the study of life. They are like symphony music is to the subject of mathematics: they compliment the hard science by providing interest, harmony, soul and satisfaction. The Animal/Human Bond (Second Edition) increases the coverage of epidemiology, with added discussion of each facet of the original work.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Lay Participation in Criminal Trials: The Case of Croatia
In this important new study, Sanja Kutnjak-Ivkovic takes a comprehensive, international approach to the study of lay participation in legal decision-making. She provides an in-depth analysis of positive and negative features of the principal forms of contemporary lay participation (mixed tribunals, juries, magistrates, lay courts) as they relate to their socio-political environments.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Profit Maximization: The Ethical Mandate of Business
Primeaux and Stieber clearly articulate that good ethics maximize profits. The authors show that in the long run business must operate within the value systems of a society. Those businesses that choose otherwise are bound to fail. This book is for graduate students as well as managers. Together, Primeaux and Stieber have collaborated on several articles for The Journal of Business Ethics, and have contributed a feature article to the forthcoming Blackwell's Dictionary of Business Ethics. 'A book for managers who must understand the complexities of profit maximization. Writing in a straightforward, engaging style, Primeaux and Stieber throw new light on the mysteries of profit maximization.' -John W. Slocum, Jr., Past President, American Academy of Management. 'A very helpful perspective on which to base an ethics program for any business.' -Steve Van, President, Redstone Hotels, Inc.
Austin & Winfield,U.S. Chieftaincy in Ghana
Chieftaincy in Ghana is an extensive account of the many roles of chiefs in modern society. A. Kodzo Paaku Kludze provides detailed accounts and analyses of the law practices, rituals, and customs of chieftaincy. Kludze begins his study with a historical account bringing his analyses to the present, and speculates on the future of chieftaincy in its formal and informal roles in the changing social milieu. The author's close personal background and association with chieftaincy allows him to shed light on the mysterious practices and supernatural connections. Kludze offers an authoritative and comprehensive study of chieftaincy in the context of the modern social, political, and legal institutions of Ghana.