Search results for ""author ross"
Johns Hopkins University Press Dragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera
Dragonfly Genera of the New World is a beautifully illustrated and comprehensive guide to the taxonomy and ecology of dragonflies in North, Middle, and South America. A reference of the highest quality, this book reveals the striking beauty and complexity of this diverse order. Although Odonata-dragonflies and damselflies-are among the most studied groups of insects, until now there has been no reliable means to identify the New World genera of either group. This volume provides fully illustrated and up-to-date keys for all dragonfly genera with descriptive text for each genus, accompanied by distribution maps and 1,595 diagnostic illustrations, including wing patterns and characteristics of the genitalia. For entomologists, limnologists, and ecologists, Dragonfly Genera of the New World is an indispensable resource for field identification and laboratory research.
JRP Ringier Of Bridges & Borders: Vol. II
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices
This Springer Handbook comprehensively covers the topic of semiconductor devices, embracing all aspects from theoretical background to fabrication, modeling, and applications.Nearly 100 leading scientists from industry and academia were selected to write the handbook's chapters, which were conceived for professionals and practitioners, material scientists, physicists and electrical engineers working at universities, industrial R&D, and manufacturers.Starting from the description of the relevant technological aspects and fabrication steps, the handbook proceeds with a section fully devoted to the main conventional semiconductor devices like, e.g., bipolar transistors and MOS capacitors and transistors, used in the production of the standard integrated circuits, and the corresponding physical models. In the subsequent chapters, the scaling issues of the semiconductor-device technology are addressed, followed by the description of novel concept-based semiconductor devices. The last section illustrates the numerical simulation methods ranging from the fabrication processes to the device performances.Each chapter is self-contained, and refers to related topics treated in other chapters when necessary, so that the reader interested in a specific subject can easily identify a personal reading path through the vast contents of the handbook.
Duke University Press The Bolivia Reader: History, Culture, Politics
The Bolivia Reader provides a panoramic view, from antiquity to the present, of the history, culture, and politics of a country known for its ethnic and regional diversity, its rich natural resources and dilemmas of economic development, and its political conflict and creativity. Featuring both classic and little-known texts ranging from fiction, memoir, and poetry to government documents, journalism, and political speeches, the volume challenges stereotypes of Bolivia as a backward nation while offering insights into the country's history of mineral extraction, revolution, labor organizing, indigenous peoples' movements, and much more. Whether documenting Inka rule or Spanish conquest, three centuries at the center of Spanish empire, or the turbulent politics and cultural vibrancy of the national period, these sources—the majority of which appear in English for the first time—foreground the voices of actors from many different walks of life. Unprecedented in scope, The Bolivia Reader illustrates the historical depth and contemporary challenges of Bolivia in all their complexity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Professional Development, Reflection and Decision-Making in Nursing and Healthcare
This essential text brings together in one place the inextricably linked concepts of professional development, reflective practice and decision-making. Fully updated and revised throughout, the new edition of this easy-to-follow, jargon-free title is targeted at nursing and healthcare practitioners and nursing students, providing clear guidance to help the reader think critically about their practice, work within professional boundaries, be accountable for their actions, and plan for their future.
European Interuniversity Press Le Monde Du Théâtre- Édition 2011: Compte Rendu Des Saisons Théâtrales 2007-2008 Et 2008-2009 Dans Le Monde
Peter Lang AG Children’s Film in Europe: A Literature Review
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature on children’s film in Europe since the year 2000. An intensive research using online sources, library catalogues, websites complemented by expert interviews was conducted as basis for this literature review. The analysis covers 42 European countries investigating three dimensions: children’s film funding, children’s film production and distribution and children’s film culture, and systematizes the sources on a European, transnational and national level. The distribution of available sources varies strongly depending on the region, country, and dimension analyzed. In addition, recommendations for future research and collaborative efforts are provided.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Value of Privacy
This new book by Beate Rössler is a work of real quality and originality on an extremely topical issue: the issue of privacy and the relations between the private and the public. Rössler investigates the reasons why we value privacy and why we ought to value it. In the context of modern, liberal societies, Rössler develops a theory of the private which links privacy and autonomy in a constitutive way: privacy is a necessary condition to lead an autonomous life. The book develops a theory of freedom and autonomy which sees the ability to pose the “practical question” of how one wants to live, of what a person strives to be, at the centre of the modern idea of autonomy. The question of privacy is emerging as an increasingly important topic in social and political theory and is central to many current debates in law, the media and politics. The Value of Privacy will be widely recognised to be a classic contribution to the subject.
Peeters Publishers Il Libro Della Luce Del Negus Zar'a Ya'qob (Mashafa Berhan), II: T.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, I. Acta S. Walatta Petrros. II. Miracula S. Zara-Buruk: (Aeth. II, 25), T.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider L'Archivio Leone Caetani All'accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei
Skyhorse Publishing All I Can Handle: I'm No Mother Teresa: A Life Raising Three Daughters with Autism
Dr. Spock? Check. Penelope Ann Leach (Remember her?) Check. What to Expect When You’re Expecting? Check. I had a seven hundred dollar Bellini crib for God’s sake!Everything was perfect ”...and so begins Kim Stagliano’s electrifying and hilarious memoir of her family’s journey raising three daughters with autism. Always outspoken, often touching, and sometimes heartbreaking, Kim Stagliano is a powerful new voice in comedic writingher Kimoir” (as she calls it) is the next must-read within the autism community and the literary world at large.
Creative Editions Color
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Spannbetonbauwerke: Teil 4: Bemessungsbeispiele nach Eurocode 2
Das Werk komplettiert das vierbändige Handbuch über Spannbetonbauwerke. Es beinhaltet ausgewählte Beispiele zur Bemessung von Straßenund Eisenbahnbrücken sowie Hoch- und Industriebauten. Grundlage der ausführlichen Berechnungen ist DIN EN 1992 mit den zugehörigen deutschen Nationalen Anhängen. Umfangreiche Erläuterungen und präzise Verweise auf jeweils relevante Normenabschnitte machen Systematik und Ablauf der Bemessungsschritte leicht nachvollziehbar. Somit ist das Buch sowohl für den planenden Ingenieur als auch für Studenten ein ideales Arbeitsmittel. Die Autoren verbinden den Erfahrungsschatz unzähliger realisierter Ingenieurbauwerke mit aktuellem Forschungswissen:
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An Introduction to Macroeconomics: A Heterodox Approach to Economic Analysis
The second edition of this important textbook introduces students to the fundamental ideas of heterodox economics. It is written in a clear way by top heterodox scholars. This introductory book offers not only a critique of the dominant approach to economics, but also presents a positive and constructive alternative. Students interested in an explanation of the real world will find the heterodox approach not only satisfying, but ultimately better able to explain a money-using economy prone to periods of instability and crises.Key features of this textbook include: A non-conventional understanding of economic analysis on a number of relevant topics A new analysis of the state of macroeconomics Deep and convincing criticism of orthodox thinking Discussion of the crucial importance of money, banking and finance today New discussions of the theories of consumption and investment Analysis of the roots of the 2008 global financial crisis A presentation of the features of sustainable development. Students of economics at all levels can use this textbook to deepen their understanding of the heterodox approach, the fundamental roots of the 2008 global financial crisis and the need to rethink economics afresh.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Applied Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers
Civil and environmental engineers need an understanding of mathematical statistics and probability theory to deal with the variability that affects engineers’ structures, soil pressures, river flows and the like. Students, too, need to get to grips with these rather difficult concepts. This book, written by engineers for engineers, tackles the subject in a clear, up-to-date manner using a process-orientated approach. It introduces the subjects of mathematical statistics and probability theory, and then addresses model estimation and testing, regression and multivariate methods, analysis of extreme events, simulation techniques, risk and reliability, and economic decision making. 325 examples and case studies from European and American practice are included and each chapter features realistic problems to be solved. For the second edition new sections have been added on Monte Carlo Markov chain modeling with details of practical Gibbs sampling, sensitivity analysis and aleatory and epistemic uncertainties, and copulas. Throughout, the text has been revised and modernized.
Empowering Resources Searching for Seashells
Granville Island Publishing After Brain Injury -- Tools for Living: A Step-by-Step Guide for Caregivers & Survivors
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medical Education: The State of the Art
Carcanet Press Ltd Selected Poems and Translations
Visor libros, S.L. Playstation
Ediciones Cálamo La noche y su artificio
FC Editorial Olvida las técnicas de venta otra forma de vender
?Cada cliente es un mundo... Una cosa es la teoría y otra la práctica... Con el cliente delante la teoría no funciona...?. Este tipo de frases, y otras similares, son los comentarios típicos de los vendedores con éxito al analizar las técnicas de ventas. Y no les falta razón. Ante cada cliente y los diferentes problemas que cada uno plantea, el vendedor con éxito se sirve de su experiencia y su intuición para encontrar la frase justa en el momento oportuno, y conseguir la venta. ?Esta es la realidad... y lo demás son cuentos?. Otra frase típica de este tipo de vendedores al contrastar su forma de vender con lo que aconsejan las técnicas de ventas.Por ello, en forma realista y amena, este libro enseña la manera de entrenar y potenciar la intuición comercial para vender más. Se trata de un libro diferente a todo lo escrito sobre ventas. Los jefes de ventas, directores comerciales y vendedores que lo lean comprobarán que, por una vez, la teoría puede llevarse a la práctica. Porque se t
Documenta Balear S.L. Els moviments literaris a les Balears 18401990
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) Los hielos de Terranova balleneros vascos
Un invierno adelantado dejó encerrados en la bahía de Red Bay (Butus) a una decena de buques. Los desaparecidos fueron honrados con solemnes oficios funerarios. El viaje debía continuar, pero el golpe había sido duro, y los balleneros vascos no se recuperarán tan fácilmente.Un mes después de que el mar de Labrador se convirtiera en hielo aquella noche aciaga, nada parece haber cambiado. En todo caso, la fuerza que amenazaba con aplastarlos había aumentado su amenaza. Eran ciento veinticinco supervivientes comandados por el capitán Juan Martínez.Esta es la historia de la nao ballenera San Andrés, la odisea de los balleneros vascos en las frías aguas de Terranova y Labrador en los siglos xv y xvi. Una gesta épica en un mundo terrible que hasta hoy había quedado enterrada en el olvido.
Ara Llibres El valor de tenir valors
Encuadernación: Rústica?Els valors no són realitats que es deixin posseir o agafar. Més aviat, són fonts d?inspiració, motors de l?acció. Es poden definir com horitzons de referència, però també com la força motriu, com el que empeny a actuar, a moure?s i a viure.?La vida s?omple cada dia d?incomptables invitacions, estímuls, incitacions o suggeriments que ens fan moure. Però no sabem ben bé on anem, ni com hi anem, i ens endinsem en un mar de preguntes: què he de fer? Cap a on he d?anar? Quin camí he de prendre? Amb qui he de fer el viatge?
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Winter Illuminations Sheet Recital Suite
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Sock Monster Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Musica Latina 4 6 Late Intermediate Piano Solos That Celebrate Latin American Styles Msica Latina
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Triumphant Journey Sheet Signature
Holiday House Inc Everywhere Blue
Moody Publishers The Confessions of St. Augustine: Books One to Ten
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Tooth Fairy Sheet Signature
Birkhauser Verlag AG A study on nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor expression in the rat visual cortex: possible sites and mechanisms of NGF action in cortical plasticity
Neuronal plasticity is the term generally used to describe a great variety of changes in neuronal structure and functions, in particular activity-dependent, prolonged functional changes, accompanied by corresponding biochemical and possibly morphological alterations. The first insights about neuronal plasticity have been obtained on simple forms of life. Today, many areas in the mammalian central nervous system are under investigation, in particular the cortex and the hippocampus. In these areas, neuronal plasticity is considered to be at the basis of learning and memory. The study of brain plasticity in sensory systems has been particularly fruitful, because these systems can be experimentally manipulated in a very precise manner by changes in the sensory imput.
Berenberg Verlag Playstation
Alpmann Schmidt Fälle Familienrecht
Waxmann Verlag GmbH 10 Jahre Regelschule die Neue Mittelschule
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 4 Schuljahr Schreiben nach Regeln bungsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 4 Schuljahr Groschreibung bungsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Deutsch plus Grundschule Rtselstern 1 Schuljahr Das Rtselheft 1 Mein Heft zum Knobeln und Raten Arbeitsheft
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction to Likelihood Based Inference
Presents a unified approach to parametric estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and statistical modeling, which are uniquely based on the likelihood function This book addresses mathematical statistics for upper-undergraduates and first year graduate students, tying chapters on estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and statistical models together to present a unifying focus on the likelihood function. It also emphasizes the important ideas in statistical modeling, such as sufficiency, exponential family distributions, and large sample properties. Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction to Likelihood Based Inference makes advanced topics accessible and understandable and covers many topics in more depth than typical mathematical statistics textbooks. It includes numerous examples, case studies, a large number of exercises ranging from drill and skill to extremely difficult problems, and many of the important theorems of mathematical statistics along with their proofs. In addition to the connected chapters mentioned above, Mathematical Statistics covers likelihood-based estimation, with emphasis on multidimensional parameter spaces and range dependent support. It also includes a chapter on confidence intervals, which contains examples of exact confidence intervals along with the standard large sample confidence intervals based on the MLE's and bootstrap confidence intervals. There’s also a chapter on parametric statistical models featuring sections on non-iid observations, linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, and linear models. Prepares students with the tools needed to be successful in their future work in statistics data science Includes practical case studies including real-life data collected from Yellowstone National Park, the Donner party, and the Titanic voyage Emphasizes the important ideas to statistical modeling, such as sufficiency, exponential family distributions, and large sample properties Includes sections on Bayesian estimation and credible intervals Features examples, problems, and solutions Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction to Likelihood Based Inference is an ideal textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate courses in probability, mathematical statistics, and/or statistical inference.
Watkins Media Limited The Goblin Market Tarot: In Search of Faery Gold
This is a faery tarot with a difference, uncompromising in its portrayal of faeries as they really are: sly, frequently cruel, cleverer than humans and full of secrets, rather than the whimsical, sweet-natured creatures beloved of the Victorians and the New Age. It's the world of Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market, a place where all denizens of the Otherworld come to buy and sell, to mingle and exchange gossip. It is a place unsafe for humans. But imagine if you could look through a window onto the scene, as Christina Rossetti does in her poem? Imagine the beings you would see there ... Here is a tarot of wit and wickedness, of challenge and uncertainty, of wonder and truth. This 80-card deck with 176-page guidebook offers as the Major Arcana a gallery of strange and wonderful creatures, from the Faery Queen to the Wiseman, plus intriguing motifs from the poem, such as the Secret Way and the Fallen Tree. Minor suits represent magical implements, fruits, flowers and elements. Enter a haunted, magical world – an enchanting landscape of falling towers, crumbling walls and tangled woods, of streams tumbling amongst mossy stones, of fallen trees and bones threaded with vines and spiked roses. Prepare to be enspelled ... and to discover the answers to your questions and dilemmas.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Social Work and Forced Migration: Developments in African, Arab and European Countries
The book focuses on Social Work with refugees in African, Middle East and European countries. Published as a follow-up to the ‘International Social Work Week’ in Würzburg/Germany with professionals and experts from all over the globe, this book intends to share insights into country-specific developments, challenges and potentials of Social Work in forced migration contexts. The objectives are to map Social Work in this field of action across several countries, to bring into sharper focus an International Social Work in forced migration contexts as well as to contribute in connecting Social Work scholars and experts around the globe.