Search results for ""author jacob"
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Classics for the Developing Pianist Study Guide Bk 3 Study Guide for Preparation Practice Performance
Simon & Schuster Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest for Bodily Perfection
South Western Educational Publishing Texas Real Estate Law
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Blake und Mortimer 7 Das Geheimnis von Atlantis
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Die Abenteuer von Blake und Mortimer 09 Mortimer gegen Mortimer
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Die Abenteuer von Blake und Mortimer 04 SOS Meteore
Springer Environmental Governance of the São Paulo Macrometropolis
Part 1: Environmental sanitation governance.- Environmental sanitation in the São Paulo Macrometrópolis in view of climate change.- Nexus for urban resilience in the face of climate change: Policies and synergies in the context of a macrometropolis.- Water security, climate change and the Paulista Macrometropole: Challenges from a critical perspective.- Social and socio-environmental indicators and challenges for São Paulo Macrometropolis.- Part 2: Territorialities, spatialities and innovation in environmental governance.- Planning in the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Research balance and emerging themes.- Tekoá and the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Reflections on the social production of space.- System, practices, and culture of environmental planning in the São Paulo Macrometropolis in context of climate change: Debate from the planning artifacts.- From the social construction of risks to the sociotechnical transition: Discussing possibilities to face urban floods in the SPMM.- Part 3: Sma
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer 6 - SOS Meteors
Extreme weather threatens the whole of continental Europe, turning the lives of its citizens inside out. The French government calls Professor Mortimer to help solve this enigma. Mortimer travels near Paris to visit his friend Professor Labrousse, the chief French meteorologist. But when the taxi driver Labrousse sent to meet Mortimer at the station disappears, our friend becomes the prime suspect. Mortimer gets in touch with his old friend Blake, also in France, to help him out of this tricky situation. However, Blake disappears as well, so Mortimer and Labrousse have two missing-person cases to investigate. They soon discover that the two disappearances are not only linked to each other, but also to the climatic catastrophes.
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer 22 - Professor Sato's 3 Formulae Pt 1
One evening in Tokyo, air traffic controllers detect an unknown flying object and send two aircraft to intercept and identify it. However, the fighters last message before they crash into each other is ryu dragon! The whole business has deeply upset Professor Sato Akira, and he calls upon his friend Mortimer, who can always be counted upon for good advice. But before he s even received the invitation, Mortimer is already targeted by men hell bent on getting rid of him Captain Francis Blake, dashing head of England s MI5. Professor Philip Mortimer, world-renowned nuclear physicist. The most distinguished duo of gentleman-adventurers, battling the forces of evil and their arch nemesis Olrik around the globe, below the earth, even across time itself... The 22nd adventure of Her Majesty s finest protectors!
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer 15 - The Secret of the Swordfish Pt 1
In a past almost, but not entirely, like ours, the world lives in dread of a new power, an empire centred in Tibet and led by a megalomaniac. When the inevitable attack comes, it destroys all opposition, and capital cities across the planet are left burning. But, in Great Britain, Professor Mortimer, inventor of a mysterious weapon named the Swordfish, and his friend and protector Captain Blake, have escaped the destruction, and must make their way to a secret base...
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer 12 - Atlantis Mystery
Deep under Sao Miguel island, rumoured to be the last emerging part of Atlantis, Professor Mortimer has discovered samples of a mysterious radioactive metal. Could it be the Atlanteans' legendary orichalcum? When he and his friend Blake set out on an expedition into the depths to find out, sabotage occurs in the form of their old opponent Olrik. And soon, all three will be embroiled in a power struggle far bigger in scope than they could have imagined.
Emerald Publishing Limited Education, Social Factors And Health Beliefs In Health And Health Care
This volume provides a unique sociological focus on education, social factors and health beliefs in health and health care, including a review of the literature to date. Beliefs and health beliefs are considered, including one study evaluating cross-national differences in public beliefs about the causes of health and the role of these beliefs in shaping attitudes to health policy. Another study focuses on the complexity and variation of health care system distrust across neighborhoods in one US city. The topic of education is addressed, including a focus on the importance of identification and intervention in low health literacy. Mental health issues are considered in the context of help-seeking, connections, transitions and utilization of care among adolescents. Social factors are reflected upon including race and ethnicity, literacy and socioeconomic status. Coverage also includes special and traditionally less visible populations, including the health of prisoners and carers of people with autism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology, Communication, Disparities and Government Options in Health and Health Care Services
This volume includes papers related to issues of technology, communication, health disparities and government options in health and health care services. It fills an existing gap by providing a clear sociological overview and focus on these topics. Technology is considered from the perspectives of providing healthcare equity, health disparities and the impact on doctor-patient relationships. The topic of communication is addressed in the format of public health messages and the use of internet chat rooms for discussions about health care services. Government roles and responsibilities are reflected upon in terms of health promotion, marketing and sales of health-related products and improving long-term care programs. Particular mention is made to learning lessons from the experiences and perspectives of other countries. Finally, health disparities are considered in socioeconomic terms, with particular reference to aging, depression, measures of health and healthcare in rural locations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Determinants, Health Disparities and Linkages to Health and Health Care
This volume looks at the key links between social determinants, health disparities and health and health care. There is a particular focus on macro-level systems and micro-level issues, including the examination of issues for patients, carers and providers of care. Coverage includes papers on geographical and place factors and disparities, SES and race/ethnicity factors, chronic care and serious health problems such as HIV/AIDs and kidney transplantation, comparative aspects and perceptions of health disparities. Starting with an introduction that reviews the crucial sociological literature on social determinants and health disparities, papers in this volume go on to cover key themes including ageing, barriers to care, ethnicity, social inequalities, the views of parents on their children's care, and doctor/patient relationships.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Harvard Medical School Guide to Suicide Assessment and Intervention
This vital resource--edited by Harvard Medical School's DouglasJacobs, a nationally recognized expert on suicide anddepression--is the definitive guide for helping mental healthprofessionals determine the risk for suicide and appropriateinterventions for suicidal or at-risk patients. Created primarilyfor mental health clinicians (with several chapters directed towardprimary care physicians), the book is a hands-on guide for thosewho are often the first line of defense for assessing if a patientor client is suicidal. Comprehensive in scope, the book offers a wealth of informationabout such useful topics as inpatient and outpatient issues,psychopharmacology, and advice about working with specialpopulations. Most importantly, the book's contributors detaileffective techniques for intervention and offer a model of suicideassessment that focuses on predisposing conditions, potentiatingconditions, and specific suicide inquiries. As a special feature,the book also includes a helpful section on contracts--agreementsmade with the patient not to harm themselves--and useful factsabout the subsequent liability issues. In addition, there is acompelling analysis of the controversial issues surroundingassisted suicide as well as an honest personal account ofsuicidality from a professional who has experienced it for herself.
University of California Press In the Studio: Visual Creation and Its Material Environments
Studios are, at once, material environments and symbolic forms, sites of artistic creation and physical labor, and nodes in networks of resource circulation. They are architectural places that generate virtual spaces—worlds built to build worlds. Yet, despite being icons of corporate identity, studios have faded into the background of critical discourse and into the margins of film and media history. In response, In the Studio demonstrates that when we foreground these worlds, we gain new insights into moving-image culture and the dynamics that quietly mark the worlds on our screens. Spanning the twentieth century and moving globally, this unique collection tells new stories about studio icons—Pinewood, Cinecittà, Churubusco, and CBS—as well as about the experimental workplaces of filmmakers and artists from Aleksandr Medvedkin to Charles and Ray Eames and Hollis Frampton.
Fagbokforlaget Organizational Change and Change Management
Nova Science Publishers Inc China's Political System: Features, Institutions & Leaders
ME - Fordham University Press Philosophizing the Americas
Emerald Publishing Limited Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health Concerns: Impacts on Patients, Providers and Policy
This volume contains papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving provision of health care as related to major health problems or population health concerns. In the first chapter, the topic of population health is reviewed and examined, looking at relationships between social structure, including socioeconomic status, and health. A number of papers examine social, demographic and structural problems, and a wide variety of major health problems including chronic illnesses, mental illness, serious acute health problems, and disabilities that require health care. Some of the specific health problems covered include major chronic health problems such as coronary heart diseases and arthritis, as well as HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases, obesity and how to deal with obesity, mental health concerns, poverty, homelessness and health care problems with a focus on urban contexts within the United States. The last two papers in the volume extend the focus to look at more international concerns. One paper focuses on urban slum prevalence as a key factor in shaping population level rates of social well being in developing countries, and another on medical tourism. This volume includes papers that focus on the perspectives of patients, providers, and also the relevant links with health policy.
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Beneath Storm Mountain
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health Care
This volume features papers on the theme of issues in health and health care for special groups, social factors and disparities. This includes papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving special groups, social factors and disparities linked to issues in health and health care. The volume also contains an examination of health and health care issues of patients and providers of care especially those related to special groups and social factors including education, family, income, government, neighborhoods, social networks, health beliefs and attitudes. This includes a focus on links to policy, population concerns and patients and providers of care as ways to meet health care needs of people both in the US and in other countries.
Harvest House Publishers,U.S. The Ultimate Bible Quiz Book
Who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron?Who was Jeremiah’s secretary?What was Peter’s father’s name?These questions and countless more fill this entertaining book of Bible quizzes. Everyone loves a good-natured contest, and Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, and Bible study facilitators will find plenty of material here to keep their groups scurrying through the pages of Scripture. Questions come from all 66 books of the Bible. Most quizzes are just one page long, with answers on the following page. The quizzes are grouped into categories: important people in the Bible, books of the Bible, and many others.Seasoned Bible readers will enjoy testing their own knowledge, and newer students of the Scriptures will appreciate the way these questions create a structure for their reading and study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Descent Map From Automorphic Representations Of Gl(n) To Classical Groups, The
This book introduces the method of automorphic descent, providing an explicit inverse map to the (weak) Langlands functorial lift from generic, cuspidal representations on classical groups to general linear groups. The essence of this method is the study of certain Fourier coefficients of Gelfand-Graev type, or of Fourier-Jacobi type when applied to certain residual Eisenstein series. This book contains a complete account of this automorphic descent, with complete, detailed proofs. The book will be of interest to graduate students and mathematicians, who specialize in automorphic forms and in representation theory of reductive groups over local fields. Relatively self-contained, the content of some of the chapters can serve as topics for graduate students seminars.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Juden Und Christen Unter Romischer Herrschaft: Selbstwahrnehmung Und Fremdwahrnehmung in Den Ersten Beiden Jahrhunderten N.Chr.
American Bar Association Legal Ethics and Social Media: A Practitioner's Handbook, Second Edition
While technology has improved the speed and efficiency for providing legal services, one aspect that may be overlooked is how the rapid growth of social media has affected the landscape of almost everything a lawyer may touch—for better or for worse.Legal Ethics and Social Media: A Practitioner’s Handbook, Second Edition covers all areas of social media from both the attorney’s perspective as well as that of the attorney’s clients. Topics include: Being digitally competent Representing and advising clients in this digital age Judges, courts and legal ethics Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Attorney advertising and social media Preservation and spoliation of digital evidence "Facebooking" a jury Ethically filtering a response to a negative online comment or review Digital assets and much more In addition, the book includes references to Legal Ethics Advisory Opinions and a Table of Cases. Any lawyer, judge, law student or legal professional who uses social media or has faced obstacles in court with client’s social media activity will find this an invaluable—and essential—tool for their practice or firm.
New World Library Let It Shine: The 6,000-Year Story of Solar Energy
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Secrets of College Success
Are you among the 22 million students now enrolled in college? Or a high school student thinking of joining them shortly? Or perhaps a parent of a college-bound junior or senior? Then this book is just for you. Written by college professors and successfully used by tens of thousands of students, The Secrets of College Success combines easy-to-use tips, techniques, and strategies with insider information that few professors are willing to reveal. The over 800 tips in this book will show you how to: pick courses and choose a major manage your time and develop college-level study skills get good grades and manage the “core” requirements get motivated and avoid stress interact effectively with the professor or TA prepare for a productive and lucrative career New to this third edition are high-value tips about: undergraduate and collaborative research summer internships staying safer on campus diversity and inclusion disabilities and accommodations …with special tips for international students at US colleges. Winner of the 2010 USA Book News Award for best book in the college category, The Secrets of College Success makes a wonderful back-to-college or high-school-graduation gift –or a smart investment in your own college success.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Enigma of Divine Revelation: Between Phenomenology and Comparative Theology
This volume explores the possibilities and pressures of the language of revelation on human understanding. How can we critically account for divine self-disclosure in the linguistically mediated world of human concerns? Does the structure of interpretation limit the language of revelation? Does revelation open up new horizons of critical interpretation? The volume brings together theologians who approach the interactions of revelation and hermeneutics with different perspectives, including various forms of phenomenology and comparative theology. It approaches the theme of revelation – central as it is to the theological endeavour – from several angles rather than a single methodological program. Dealing as it does with revelation and understanding, the volume addresses the foundational issues at stake in the challenges around change, identity, and faithfulness currently facing the church.
The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit Sharing the Fire: The Igniting Role of Transformational Leadership on the Relationship Between Public Managers' & Employees' Organizational Commitment
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Shakespeare by Stages: An Historical Introduction
In this engaging text, Arthur Kinney introduces students to Shakespeare’s plays in the context of Elizabethan and Jacobean theater. Introduces students to Shakespeare's plays in the context of Elizabethan and Jacobean theater. Focuses on the material conditions of playing and of playgoing. Covers venues, audiences, actors, society, government and regulation. Each topic is considered in relation to a selection of Shakespeare's plays. Shows students how the plays and the context in which they were produced illuminate one another.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Shakespeare by Stages: An Historical Introduction
In this engaging text, Arthur Kinney introduces students to Shakespeare’s plays in the context of Elizabethan and Jacobean theater. Introduces students to Shakespeare's plays in the context of Elizabethan and Jacobean theater. Focuses on the material conditions of playing and of playgoing. Covers venues, audiences, actors, society, government and regulation. Each topic is considered in relation to a selection of Shakespeare's plays. Shows students how the plays and the context in which they were produced illuminate one another.
Nick Hern Books Cyrano de Bergerac
The nineteenth-century French classic about the swordsman-poet with the nose too large to be taken seriously, in an acclaimed English translation by Anthony Burgess. This translation of Edmond Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac was first performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Barbican Theatre, London, in July 1983, with Derek Jacobi as Cyrano. Burgess's translation was subsequently used as the basis of the sub-titles for the 1990 film version of Cyrano de Bergerac starring Gérard Depardieu.
Little, Brown Book Group Killing For England: Number 4 in series
Chief Inspector Jacobson and DS Kerr had been on leave when the body of a young black man, Darren McGee, had been fished out of the River Crow. The autopsy had pointed to suicide by drowning. But now Darren's cousin, Paul Shaw, is in town: a top-notch investigative journalist with an axe to grind and a claim that Darren had really been the victim of a racially-motivated murder. Jacobson isn't convinced. But when Paul Shaw turns up as dead and as terminally-wet as his cousin, Jacobson and Kerr are faced with a baffling double-murder to investigate. And a dangerous confrontation lies ahead with the murky world of the Far Right.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Shakespeare's Theater: A Sourcebook
Shakespeare's Theater: A Sourcebook brings together in one volume the most significant Elizabethan and Jacobean texts on the morality of the theater. A collection of the most significant Elizabethan and Jacobean texts on the morality of the theater. Includes attacks on the stage by moralists, defences by actors and playwrights, letters by magistrates, mayors and aldermen of London, and extracts from legislation. Demonstrates just how heated debates about the theater became in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. A general introduction and short prefaces to each piece situate the writers and debates in the literary, social, political and religious history of the time. Brings together in one volume texts that would otherwise be hard to locate. Student-friendly - uses modern spelling and includes vocabulary glosses and annotation.
Aarhus University Press Discursive Fight Over Religious Texts in Antiquity
Aschendorff Verlag Christ - The Teacher of Salvation: A Study on Origen's Christology and Soteriology
Pixel+Ink Twig and Turtle 2: Toy Store Trouble
McGraw-Hill Education Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management The CPIM Reference Third Edition
Your definitive guide to MPC as it relates to supply chainsâfully updated for the latest version of the CPIM exam Maximize supply chain efficiency, productivity, and profitabilityâas well as customer satisfactionâusing the hands-on information contained in this thoroughly revised resource. Written by a team of recognized experts, the book contains new coverage of Cloud-based systems, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.Designed for both professional and classroom use, Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management: The CPIM Reference, Third Edition, features hundreds of practice questions, examples, and case studies. The book arms you with the knowledge you need to pass the current version of the exam and obtain the coveted Certified in Planning and Inventory Management (CPIM) designation. The book can also serve as an invaluable desk reference for managers new to the field. For the experienced manager, the book of
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Classics for the Developing Pianist Bk 5 Core Repertoire for Study and Performance
Hentrich & Hentrich Haus der Ewigkeit
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Blake und Mortimer Bibliothek 5 SOS Meteore
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Die Abenteuer von Blake und Mortimer 10 Der Fall Francis Blake
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Johann Gottlieb Fichte Eine Einfhrung
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Basis Beruf Betreuen und Pflegen Grundlagen fr die Praxis Schlerbuch mit Audiokomponente
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer 3 - The Mystery of the Great Pyramid Pt 2
Captain Blake seems to have lost the first round in Part 1, having been assassinated at Athens airport. But a furious Mortimer swears that he'll never stop trying to avenge his friend. He goes on the hunt, but information is scarce. Strange happening occur when he comes under the protection of Sheik Abdel Razek and Mortimer soon feels like he's losing his way in his investigation which will lead him to the darkest depths of the Great Pyramid...