Search results for ""author anne""
Bristol University Press Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: The Victim Journey
Throughout the world, vulnerable people are being deceived into entering abusive journeys. Whether in the organ trade, exploitative labour businesses or forced criminality, their lives will never be the same. This book traces the journey of victims/survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking into and within the UK, from recruitment to representation to (re)integration. Using global comparative case studies, it discusses recruitment tactics and demand, prevention in supply chains, issues with effective legal protection and care services and vulnerability to re-trafficking. It also examines the ideological misrepresentation of vulnerable migrants and victims/survivors in media, the film industry, legislation and more. Rooted in diverse practitioner experience, disciplines and empirical research, this book bridges the experience-research-practice-policy gap by bringing to the fore survivors’ voices. In doing so, it offers crucial suggestions for better public awareness, policies and practices that will impact interventions in the UK and beyond.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Based on research in the Inquisitorial archives of Northern Italy, The Night Battles recounts the story of a peasant fertility cult centered on the benandanti, literally, "good walkers." These men and women described fighting extraordinary ritual battles against witches and wizards in order to protect their harvests. While their bodies slept, the souls of the benandanti were able to fly into the night sky to engage in epic spiritual combat for the good of the village. Carlo Ginzburg looks at how the Inquisition's officers interpreted these tales to support their world view that the peasants were in fact practicing sorcery. The result of this cultural clash, which lasted for more than a century, was the slow metamorphosis of the benandanti into the Inquisition's mortal enemies-witches. Relying upon this exceptionally well-documented case study, Ginzburg argues that a similar transformation of attitudes-perceiving folk beliefs as diabolical witchcraft-took place all over Europe and spread to the New World. In his new preface, Ginzburg reflects on the interplay of chance and discovery, as well as on the relationship between anomalous cases and historical generalizations.
Scholastic Professional Everyone Wins!: The Evidence for Family-School Partnerships and Implications for Practice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd TNM Supplement: A Commentary on Uniform Use
The Union for International Cancer Control�s (UICC) TNM classification system is the most widely used cancer classification and staging system in the world. It is used to describe the anatomical extent of disease and it is essential to patient care, research and cancer control. This fifth edition of the TNM Supplement: A Commentary of Uniform Use offers practitioners a wealth of material intended to complement the system�s day-to-day use. The volume features: Updated definitions of terms used in cancer staging. New sections on carcinomas of the thymus, sarcomas of the spine and pelvis and soft tissue sarcomas of the head and neck, and comprehensive updates to the head and neck carcinomas, carcinomas of the lung and neuroendocrine tumours sections. Frequently asked questions from the UICC helpdesk. The Supplement may be treated as a companion text to the recent eighth edition of the TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours (978-1-119-26357-9), supporting the correct and uniform application of the TNM classification system. The TNM Supplement can also be utilised as a standalone book, providing explanations and examples to answer many questions that arise during the daily use of the TNM cancer classification and staging system, particularly in unusual cases.
Frederick Buechner Center Buechner 101: Essays and Sermons by Frederick Buechner
Fordham University Press Being Nude: The Skin of Images
What does it mean to be nude? What does the nude do? In a series of constantly surprising reflections, Jean-Luc Nancy and Federico Ferrari encounter the nude as an opportunity for thinking in a way that is stripped bare of all received meanings and preconceived forms. In the course of engagements with twenty-six separate images, the authors show how the nudes produced by painters and photographers expose this bareness of thought and leave us naked on the verge of a sense that is always nascent, always fleeting, on the surface of the skin, on the surface of the image. While the nude is a symbol of truth in philosophy and art alike, what the nude definitively and uniquely reveals is unclear. In Being Nude: The Skin of Images, the authors argue that the nude is always presented as both vulnerable in its exposure and shy of conceptualization, giving a sense of the ultimate ineffability of the meaning of being. Although the nude represents the revealed nature of truth, nude figures hold a part of themselves back, keeping in reserve the reality of their history, parts of their present selves, and also their future possibilities for change, development, and demise. Skin is itself a type of clothing, and stripping away exterior layers of fabric does not necessarily lead to grasping the truth. In this way, the difference between being clothed and being nude is diminished. The images that inspire the authors to contemplate the nudity of being show many ways in which one can and cannot be nude, and many ways of being in relation to oneself and to others, clothed and unclothed.
Stanford University Press Being Singular Plural
This book, by one of the most innovative and challenging contemporary thinkers, consists of an extensive essay from which the book takes its title and five shorter essays that are internally related to “Being Singular Plural.” One of the strongest strands in Nancy’s philosophy is his attempt to rethink community and the very idea of the social in a way that does not ground these ideas in some individual subject or subjectivity. The fundamental argument of the book is that being is always “being with,” that “I” is not prior to “we,” that existence is essentially co-existence. Nancy thinks of this “being-with” not as a comfortable enclosure in a pre-existing group, but as a mutual abandonment and exposure to each other, one that would preserve the “I” and its freedom in a mode of imagining community as neither a “society of spectacle” nor via some form of authenticity. The five shorter essays impressively translate the philosophical insight of “Being Singular Plural” into sophisticated discussions of national sovereignty, war and technology, identity politics, the Gulf War, and the tragic plight of Sarajevo. The essay “Eulogy for the Mêlée,” in particular, is a brilliant discussion of identity and hybridism that resonates with many contemporary social concerns. As Nancy moves through the exposition of his central concern, being-with, he engages a number of other important issues, including current notions of the “other” and “self” that are relevant to psychoanalytic, political, and multicultural concepts. He also offers astonishingly original reinterpretations of major philosophical positions, such as Nietzsche’s doctrine of “eternal recurrence,” Descartes’s “cogito,” and the nature of language and meaning.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hunter's Diseases of Occupations
Winner of the 2011 BMA book awards: medicine categoryIn the five decades since its first publication, Hunter's Diseases of Occupations has remained the pre-eminent text on diseases caused by work, universally recognized as the most authoritative source of information in the field. It is an important guide for doctors in all disciplines who may encounter occupational diseases in their practice, covering topics as diverse as work and stress, asbsetos-related disease, working at high altitude and major chemical incidents, many of which are highly topical. The Tenth Edition of Hunter's Diseases of Occupations has been fully revised and updated, presenting all practitioners considering an occupational cause for a patient's condition with comprehensive coverage of work-related diseases as they present in modern and developing industralised societies. It draws on the wide-ranging and in-depth clinical knowledge and experience, and acadmic excellence, of top experts in the field.
HarperCollins Publishers Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency – It Could Be Worse: Fluency 2
Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It consists of a range of chapter books with increasing word counts across 10 fluency levels aimed at children in Year 2 and 3. Each book builds reading confidence, stamina and speed and nurtures a love for reading. Fluency 2 books have a word count of 3360 words with an expected reading rate of 70 words per minute. Mum and Dad are off on a trip, so Jamie has to stay with Granny for the night. But he’s never stayed away by himself before. His imagination runs wild! What are those strange noises, and silver lights?
HarperCollins Publishers Scared of a Rainbow: Band 13/Topaz (Collins Big Cat)
Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Levelled for guided and independent reading, each book includes ideas to support reading. Teaching and assessment support and eBooks are also available. When sisters Tasha and Ellie hear a noise in a bush, they don’t expect to find a furious bogo hiding from a rainbow. Will they be able to rescue the strange creature – and does it even want to be helped? Topaz/Band 13 books offer longer and more demanding reads for children to investigate and evaluate. Text type: A humorous story Ideas for reading in the back of the book provide practical support and stimulating activities.
HarperCollins Publishers Thin Ice: Band 03 Yellow/Band 17 Diamond (Collins Big Cat Progress)
Captain Scott travelled to the Antarctic in 1901 – the first man in the world ever to go there. Join one man as he follows in Scott’s footsteps and understands why the Antarctic is so important to us in this evocative book by Anne Curtis. Collins Big Cat Progress builds confidence, helping struggling pupils not only to read, but to love reading Dual-banded books provide age-appropriate interest level material matched with a lower reading ability level Every book is levelled by reading expert Cliff Moon to ensure precise, systematic, measurable progression to help close the ability gap The books use a range of reading strategies: phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual to build confident, accurate, fluent readers Designed to build speaking and listening skills, as well as reading skills, the books are highly visual and include incredible illustrations and photographs Every book has a Key Stage 2 look-and-feel to engage older pupils and avoid stigmatisation Topics are relevant for children in years 3-6 and connected to the curriculum and framework objectives for these years to support inclusion Progress titles contain a Reader Response page to encourage the pupil to respond to and recall what they have read. This offers an ideal opportunity to check comprehension Ideas for Reading, written by primary literacy expert Gill Howell are included in the back of every book to help you support the reading needs of each child This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Rizzoli International Publications Summer Wheat: Forager
The Future (and the past) is Female: Summer Wheat’s whimsical, often tongue-in-cheek tableaux in rich jewel tones punctuated with bright neons, teem with fantastical figures that imagine tribes of women hunting, collaborating, celebrating, and ultimately replacing millennia of images of male rulers and warriors.Summer Wheat’s unique formative experiences with art growing up in Oklahoma were shaped by the aesthetic and conceptual drive of the images that surrounded her from the rich textures Native American weavings to the brilliant hues of Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers. Bridging those early influences with the canon of Western art (from ancient sculpture to medieval tapestries) and popular references such as astrology and music videos, the artist’s work centers female archetypes 0in her expansive practice of painting, sculpture, and large-scale installation.For the artist’s first monograph, curator Jen Sudul Edwards discusses the wide range of subjects that inform Wheat’s work and positions her use of materials in the context of alchemy. Curator Anne Ellegood in conversation with the artist traces Wheat’s transition from painting to sculptural work, large-scale installations ,and first foray into building a freestanding architectural space. Jennifer Krasinski explores Wheat’s unique approach to painting, with her large panels seemingly a cross between intricate beadwork and the pixel-like structure of a digital image. Artist Diedrick Brackens speaks with Wheat about lines—from one that is drawn by hand to the ones that define spaces between art and craft, and the ones defined by a single thread.
Fundacion Mapfre Alvin Langdon Coburn
A key American Pictorialist and a crucial innovator in abstract photography, Alvin Langdon Coburn is a fascinating but often neglected figure in the history of American modernism. As early as 1909, Coburn was making futuristic depictions of New York and Pittsburgh, anticipating modernist architectural photography's classic "bird's-eye" view. In 1912, in New York, working with the Cubist artist-poet Max Weber, he developed this idiom a step further, photographing New York from the pinnacles of skyscrapers. The following year he published Men of Mark, which featured portraits of authors, artists and statesmen, including Henri Matisse, Henry James, Mark Twain and Theodore Roosevelt. In 1914 Coburn relocated to London, participating in the British Vorticist movement, led by Wyndham Lewis and Ezra Pound; Coburn's series of multiple exposures and "Vortographs" were the first truly abstract photographs. So why is Coburn not better known today? After 1920 he deliberately withdrew from the photo world (though he never gave up photography) and retired to rural Wales, where he immersed himself in painting, music composition and Freemasonry. In the 1950s he was rediscovered and championed by Beaumont and Nancy Newhall of George Eastman House, to which he bequeathed almost 20,000 prints and negatives along with cameras, correspondence and ephemera. This beautiful volume, published to accompany a show at George Eastman House and drawing on a wide range of public and private collections, reveals his work and legacy for a new generation. Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882–1966) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1882. He was given his first camera at the age of eight, and quickly developed a precocious talent for both visual composition and technical proficiency. He exhibited frequently in both America and Europe from early on in his career, and published several photobooks, including New York (1912), by which time his international reputation was at its peak (George Bernard Shaw even called him "the greatest photographer in the world"). He died in Wales in 1966.
Haute ecole d'art et de design - Geneve Ways to Leave Earth: 3: Manifestes
Blum & Poe Alexander Tovborg: Sacrificial Love Beyond Devotion
Recent works from the Danish artist transmuting religious archetypes into imaginative new scenarios This monograph highlights the recent work of Copenhagen-based artist Alexander Tovborg (born 1983). Documenting Tovborg’s work across painting, drawing and sculpture from the last two years, this publication illuminates the artist’s deep knowledge of religious symbolism and archetypes—concepts that inform his multidisciplinary art, personal life and ideology. His research into the origins and contemporary iterations of symbology, mysticism and religious archetypes has yielded varied bodies of work that span subjects such as the hallucinogenic and erotic first meeting of Adam and Eve; the lost adolescence of Jesus Christ; and a wedding procession of paintings representing the marriage of heaven and hell, among others. Through newly commissioned texts, including a critical essay, poem, a short story and an interview with the artist, this volume introduces readers to Tovborg’s rigorously researched, imaginative art.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – An Animal Park Keeper: Band 02B/Red B
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Find out all about the job of an animal park keeper across one day in this non-fiction book. Red B/Band 2B books offer simple but varied text with familiar objects and actions, combined with simple story development and a satisfying conclusion. The focus sounds in this book are: /ee/ /igh/ /oa/ /oo/ /ar/ /ur/ /ow/ /air/ /er/ Pages 14 and 15 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Persephone Books Ltd The Runaway
Hardie Grant Books (UK) In Love with Paris: Recipes & Stories From The Most Romantic City In The World
In Love with Paris is an irresistible combination of 50 mouth-watering sweet and savoury recipes and heart-melting love stories.Take a culinary walk through the city of love and its most romantic spots, and enjoy classic French cuisine, from croque madame and coq au vin, to madeleines and lemon tarts.Immerse yourself in the city that inspired writers and photographers like Victor Hugo, Ernest Hemingway, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Victor Doisneau, and visit the iconic locations of films like The Lovers on the Bridge and Amélie.In Love with Paris will make you fall in love with Paris - again and again.
Die Gestalten Verlag Explore the Ocean: Adventures Under the Sea with Emma and Louis
Die Gestalten Verlag Explore the Rainforest: Emma and Louis in the Jungle
Clickety Books Sally the Sea Lion
Clickety Books Flo the Flamingo
Alma Books Ltd The Garden Square
A young woman, who works as a maid for a living, takes her charge out to play in a Parisian garden square. Sitting on a bench, she starts talking to a stranger, a travelling salesman, and their conversation gradually turns into an exchange of confidences, as she speaks of her desire for a more stable future and he of his feelings of rootlessness and disillusionment. As the afternoon wears on, the two sense an increasing connection between them. Understated and impressionistic, and consisting almost entirely of dialogue, The Garden Square is one of Marguerite Duras’s finest novels, which she also adapted for the stage.
Princeton University Press Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe
A captivating historical look at the cultural and artistic significance of shells in early modern EuropeAmong nature’s most artful creations, shells have long inspired the curiosity and passion of artisans, artists, collectors, and thinkers. Conchophilia delves into the intimate relationship between shells and people, offering an unprecedented account of the early modern era, when the influx of exotic shells to Europe fueled their study and representation as never before. From elaborate nautilus cups and shell-encrusted grottoes to delicate miniatures, this richly illustrated book reveals how the love of shells intersected not only with the rise of natural history and global trade but also with philosophical inquiry, issues of race and gender, and the ascent of art-historical connoisseurship.Shells circulated at the nexus of commerce and intellectual pursuit, suggesting new ways of thinking about relationships between Europe and the rest of the world. The authors focus on northern Europe, where the interest and trade in shells had its greatest impact on the visual arts. They consider how shells were perceived as exotic objects, the role of shells in courtly collections, their place in still-life tableaus, and the connections between their forms and those of the human body. They examine how artists gilded, carved, etched, and inked shells to evoke the permeable boundary between art and nature. These interactions with shells shaped the ways that early modern individuals perceived their relation to the natural world, and their endeavors in art and the acquisition of knowledge.Spanning painting and print to architecture and the decorative arts, Conchophilia uncovers the fascinating ways that shells were circulated, depicted, collected, and valued during a time of remarkable global change.
Oxford University Press Spanish Vocabulary Builder
The Spanish Vocabulary Builder is an excellent guide for students, helping them to build up their Spanish vocabulary, as well as preparing them for written and oral examinations.
Penguin Books Ltd The Rainbow
With its frank portrayal of human passion and sexual desire, D.H. Lawrence's The Rainbow was banned as 'obscene' in Britain shortly after first publication. Set in the rural Midlands, The Rainbow chronicles the lives of three generations of the Brangwen family over a period of more than 60 years, setting them against the emergence of modern England. When Tom Brangwen marries a Polish widow, Lydia Lensky, and adopts her daughter Anna as his own, he is unprepared for the conflict and passion that erupts between them. All are seeking individual fulfilment, but it is Ursula, Anne's spirited daughter, who in her search for self-knowedge, becomes the focus of Lawrence's examination of relationships and the conflicts they bring, and the inextricable mingling of the physical and the spiritual. Suffused with Biblical imagery, The Rainbow addresses searching human issues in a setting of precise and vivid detail.In his introduction James Wood discusses Lawrence's writing style and the tensions and themes of The Rainbow. This Penguin edition reproduces the Cambridge text, which provides a text as close as possible to Lawrence's original. It also includes suggested further reading, a fragment of 'The Sisters II' from his first draft, and chronologies of Lawrence's life and of The Rainbow's Brangwen family.Edited with an introduction by James Wood. 'A brave and important book, passionate and wildly ambitious'Independent on Sunday
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Selections from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Features more than 148 highlights selected by the curators and staff of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. This volume includes works from the ancient Mediterranean, Byzantine, ancient American, Asian, African, European painting, European sculpture and decorative arts, modern and contemporary art, and more.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Control motor. De la investigación a la práctica clínica
Universitatsverlag Winter Gender and Disease in Literary and Medical Cultures
Classiques Garnier Journal de Voyage En Alsace Et En Suisse: (1580-1581)
Les Belles Lettres Un Pelican a Blandings
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to American Women's History
The most important collection of essays on American Women's History This collection incorporates the most influential and groundbreaking scholarship in the area of American women's history, featuring twenty-three original essays on critical themes and topics. It assesses the past thirty years of scholarship, capturing the ways that women's historians confront issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. This second edition updates essays related to Indigenous women, slavery, the American Revolution, Civil War, the West, activism, labor, popular culture, civil rights, and feminism. It also includes a discussion of laws, capitalism, gender identity and transgender experience, welfare, reproductive politics, oral history, as well as an exploration of the perspectives of free Blacks and migrants and refugees. Spanning from the 15th through the 21st centuries, chapters show how historians of women, gender, and sexuality have challenged established chronologies and advanced new understandings of America's political, economic, intellectual and social history. This edition also features a new essay on the history of women's suffrage to coincide with the 100th anniversary of passage of the 19th Amendment, as well as a new article that carries issues of women, gender and sexuality into the 21st century. Includes twenty-three original essays by leading scholars in American women's, gender and sexuality history Highlights the most recent scholarship on the key debates and future directions of this popular and contemporary field Substantially updates the first edition with new authors and topics that represent the expanding fields of women, gender, and sexuality Engages issues of race, ethnicity, region, and class as they shape and are shaped by women's and gender history Covers the breadth of American Women's history, including Native women, colonial law and religion, slavery and freedom, women's activism, work and welfare, culture and capitalism, the state, feminism, digital and oral history, and more A Companion to American Women's History, Second Edition is an ideal book for advanced undergraduates and graduate students studying American/U.S. women's history, history of gender and sexuality, and African American women's history. It will also appeal to scholars of these areas at all levels, as well as public historians working in museums, archives, and historic sites.
University of Pittsburgh Press Collected Poems Of Muriel Rukeyser
Muriel Rukeyser held a visionary belief in the human capacity to create social change through language. She earned an international reputation as a powerful voice against enforced silences of all kind, against the violence of war, poverty, and racism. Her eloquent poetry of witness-of the Scottsboro Nine, the Spanish Civil War, the poisoning of the Gauley Bridge laborers-split the darkness covering a shameful world.In addition to the complete texts of her twelve previously published books, this volume also features new poems discovered by the editors; Rukeyser's translations, including the first English translations of Octavio Paz's work; early work by Rukeyser not previously published in book form; and the controversial book-length poem Wake Island. An introduction by the editors traces Rukeyser's life and literary reputation and complements discerning annotations and textual notes to the poems.
Arcadia Publishing Dobbs Ferry
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Public Choice and Public Law
Public choice theory sheds light on many aspects of legislation, regulation, and constitutional law and is critical to a sophisticated understanding of public policy. The editors of this landmark addition to the law and economics literature have organized the Handbook into four main areas of inquiry: foundations, constitutional law and democracy, administrative design and action, and specific statutory schemes. The original contributions, authored by top scholars in the field, provide helpful introductions to important topics in public choice and public law while also exploring the institutional complexity of American democracy. Beginning with a critical introduction to the core tenets of public choice theory and concluding with comprehensive analyses of drug safety, energy regulation, and environmental law, the Handbook provides differing points of view on the foundations of these and a range of related subjects, including: direct democracy and its financial implications, the functioning of electoral processes, judicial behavior, and the structural differences between presidential and parliamentary systems. The Handbook's knowledgeable contributors offer a rich, realistic view of how public policy is made that is accessible to a broad range of readers. Summarizing much of the key literature in a range of major topics and framing that literature for open debates and further research, the Handbook is ideal for students and scholars of law, political science, and economics. Contributors: D. Carpenter, S. Croley, D.A. Farber, E. Garrett, J.E. Gersen, T. Ginsburg, R.M. Hills, Jr, S. Issacharoff, T. Jacobi, J. Mashaw, L. Miller, A.J. O'Connell, B.D. Richman, J. Rossi, C.H. Schroeder, M.L. Stearns, M.C. Stephenson, J.B. Wiener
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Can I tell you about Adoption?: A guide for friends, family and professionals
Meet Chelsea - a young girl who was adopted. Chelsea invites you to learn about adoption from her perspective and introduces us to two friends of hers who were also transracially adopted. Chelsea and her friends help children understand what it means to be adopted, the experiences and challenges that follow the adoption process, and how they can help. Accessible and informative, this illustrated book is an ideal introduction to adoption for children aged 7-11 and is a great tool for encouraging discussions for families, teachers and professionals working with adopted children.
Taylor & Francis Inc Office Ergonomics: Ease and Efficiency at Work, Second Edition
Office ergonomics – whether we realize it or not – directly or indirectly affects every one of us. It is the study of the work we do, the environment we work in, and the tools we use to successfully perform our jobs. Office ergonomics helps us be comfortable and safe at work, which reduces the risk of injury, lowers stress, increases personal engagement, and raises overall work performance. This book embraces and addresses the new reality of the traditional ‘office’ work, which is ever changing and evolving, and offers tactical recommendations on how to make non-traditional office settings more comfortable.This book suggests how to Set up the office, wherever that may be – at a company site, at home, at a corner café, on a commuter train Interact with colleagues Organize and pace work Select and arrange equipment and furniture Maintain the physical climate – lighting, sound, heating and cooling The book is a practical one, based on sound theory and solid research. Written for non-engineers as well as those in the industry, it has a conversational tone, reflects true-life situations that office workers face, and is adaptable to multiple office settings. While budding ergonomists will find it educational, office managers and designers will benefit from it as well. You will find ten fast-paced chapters, augmented with brief case studies and illustrations, and capped off with a series of practical design recommendations. Three appendices delve into ergonomic topics with more thorough details.This book suggests how best to achieve a harmonious work scenario by optimizing the ‘fit’ between the person and his or her environment. This, in a nutshell, is what ergonomics is all about: working with ease and efficiency.
University of Toronto Press Between Orders and Heresy: Rethinking Medieval Religious Movements
Between Orders and Heresy foregrounds the dynamic, creative, and diverse late medieval religious landscapes that flourished within the spaces of social and ecclesiastical structures. This collection reconsiders the arguments put forward in Herbert Grundmann’s monumental book, Religious Movements in the Middle Ages, and challenges his traditional interpretive binary, recognized as the shared origins of many medieval religious movements. The contributors explore the social relationships fostered between secular clergy members, including parish priests, local canons, and aristocratic confessors, and examine the ways in which laypeople inspired and engaged in devotion beyond religious orders. Each essay in the volume considers a major theme in medieval religious history, such as the implementation of apostolic ideals, pastoral relationships, crusade connections, vernacular traditions, and reform. Organized to historicize and challenge the deeply embedded historiographical tendencies that have long distorted the complex dynamics of the late medieval world, Between Orders and Heresy is a major assessment of medieval religious belief and activity beyond and between the binary of orders and heresies
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Fashion Business Reader
The Fashion Business Reader is the first comprehensive anthology of classic and cutting-edge writings on the global fashion business, from production to consumption. Bringing together a rich interdisciplinary and international range of writings in one volume, this essential text encompasses creative, theoretical, and practical approaches from scholarship spanning business, the social sciences, arts, and humanities. As well as extracts from ground-breaking journal articles, book chapters, and other key writings, the reader includes several newly commissioned articles on contemporary themes and methodological approaches. Each section of the volume contains an introduction by an expert scholar plus a guide to further reading, and each individual extract is introduced so that readers can place important writings in context. This is an essential course text for students on a wide range of fashion and business courses and a one-stop authoritative reference for scholars and professionals.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomics and Proteomics for Biomedical Engineers
Illustrates the Complex Biochemical Relations that Permit Life to ExistIt can be argued that the dawn of the 21st century has emerged as the age focused on molecular biology, which includes all the regulatory mechanisms that make cellular biochemical reaction pathways stable and life possible. For biomedical engineers, this concept is essential to their chosen profession. Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomics, and Proteomics for Biomedical Engineers hones in on the specialized organic molecules in living organisms and how they interact and react. The book’s sound approach to this intricately complex field makes it an exceptional resource for further exploration into the biochemistry, molecular biology, and genomics fields. It is also beneficial for electrical, chemical, and civil engineers as well as biophysicists with an interest in modeling living systems. This seminal reference includes many helpful tools for self study, including— 143 illustrations, 32 in color, to bolster understanding of complex biochemical relations 20 tables for quick access to precise data 100 key equations Challenging self-study problems within each chapter Conveys Human Progress in the Manipulation of Genomes at the Molecular LevelIn response to growing global interest in biotechnology, this valuable text sheds light on the evolutionary theories and future trends in genetic medicine and stem cell research. It provides a broader knowledge base on life-permitting complexities, illustrates how to model them quantitatively, and demonstrates how to manipulate them in genomic-based medicine and genetic engineering. Consequently, this book allows for a greater appreciation among of the incredible complexity of the biochemica
Tilbury House,U.S. Talking Walls: Discover Your World
In this book walls really do talk, and oh, the stories they tell. This new edition combines the beloved children's books Talking Walls and Talking Walls: The Stories Continue. Together, those titles sold more than 170,000 copies. This new edition, thoroughly revised by the author, makes the text more accessible to young readers and English Language Learners and produces a book that is ideal for reading aloud. The back matter includes a world map that helps readers locate the many walls described, as well as additional information about the walls, the places, and the people. The Talking Walls books have been much honored, including: Top 25 Non-Fiction Children's Books Boston Globe Children's Books of Distinction Hungry Minds Review Noteworthy Book from Parallel Cultures: Horn Book Paperback Plum Booklinks Notable Children's Trade Book in the Social Studies: Children's Book Council/National Council on the Social Studies Winner of a Mom's Choice Gold Award -- Picture Books category Pick of the Lists, American Bookseller Best Multicultural Book, Publisher's Weekly "Cuffie Award" Fountas & Pinnell Level T
Africa World Press Mapping Intersections: African Literature and Africa's Development Vol. 2
Princeton University Press Complexities: Women in Mathematics
Sophie Germain taught herself mathematics by candlelight, huddled in her bedclothes. Ada Byron Lovelace anticipated aspects of general-purpose digital computing by more than a century. Cora Ratto de Sadosky advanced messages of tolerance and equality while sharing her mathematical talents with generations of students. This captivating book gives voice to women mathematicians from the late eighteenth century through to the present day. It documents the complex nature of the conditions women around the world have faced--and continue to face--while pursuing their careers in mathematics. The stories of the three women above and those of many more appear here, each one enlightening and inspiring. The earlier parts of the book provide historical context and perspective, beginning with excursions into the lives of fifteen women born before 1920. Included are histories of collective efforts to improve women's opportunities in research mathematics. In addition, a photo essay puts a human face on the subject as it illustrates women's contributions in professional associations. More than eighty women from academe, government, and the private sector provide a rich melange of insights and strategies for creating workable career paths while maintaining rewarding personal lives. The book discusses related social and cultural issues, and includes a summary of recent comparative data relating to women and men in mathematics and women from other sciences. First-person accounts provide explicit how-tos; many narratives demonstrate great determination and perseverance. Talented women vividly portray their pleasure in discovering new mathematics. The senior among them speak out candidly, interweaving their mathematics with autobiographical detail. At the beginning of a new century, women at all stages of their careers share their outlooks and experiences. Clear, engaging, and meticulously researched, Complexities will inspire young women who are contemplating careers in mathematics and will speak to women in many fields of endeavor and walks of life.
University of Notre Dame Press Suspicious Moderate: The Life and Writings of Francis à Sancta Clara (1598–1680)
The historiography of English Catholicism has grown enormously in the last generation, led by scholars such as Peter Lake, Michael Questier, Stefania Tutino, and others. In Suspicious Moderate, Anne Ashley Davenport makes a significant contribution to that literature by presenting a long overdue intellectual biography of the influential English Catholic theologian Francis à Sancta Clara (1598–1680). Born into a Protestant family in Coventry at the end of the sixteenth century, Sancta Clara joined the Franciscan order in 1617. He played key roles in reviving the English Franciscan province and in the efforts that were sponsored by Charles I to reunite the Church of England with Rome. In his voluminous Latin writings, he defended moderate Anglican doctrines, championed the separation of church and state, and called for state protection of freedom of conscience. Suspicious Moderate offers the first detailed analysis of Sancta Clara's works. In addition to his notorious Deus, natura, gratia (1634), Sancta Clara wrote a comprehensive defense of episcopacy (1640), a monumental treatise on ecumenical councils (1649), and a treatise on natural philosophy and miracles (1662). By carefully examining the context of Sancta Clara's ideas, Davenport argues that he aimed at educating English Roman Catholics into a depoliticized and capacious Catholicism suited to personal moral reasoning in a pluralistic world. In the course of her research, Davenport also discovered that "Philip Scot," the author of the earliest English discussions of Hobbes (a treatise published in 1650), was none other than Sancta Clara. Davenport demonstrates how Sancta Clara joined the effort to fight Hobbes's Erastianism by carefully reflecting on Hobbes's pioneering ideas and by attempting to find common ground with him, no matter how slight.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Handbook of Social Interactions in the 21st Century
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Laughter is the Best Weapon: The Remarkable Adventures of an Unconventional Soldier
“An army may march on its stomach but it leans on its funny bone.” So says Brigadier Charles Ritchie, and he should know. Postings to the Yemen, Northern Ireland, Bosnia and other far-away trouble spots gave him many opportunities to demonstrate that the ability to laugh – and make others laugh – is an invaluable skill in an officer’s kitbag. In Laughter is the Best Weapon – the Remarkable Adventures of an Unconventional Soldier, Charles abandons the popular trend for military heroism and angst-ridden confessions. Instead he leads the reader on a forthright yet light-hearted and self-deprecating journey through his 38 years’ service as a Royal Scot. In the process we witness his sometimes significant, but often comedic, participation in a wide range of recent British military operations. If you prefer your military history more entertainingly honest than earnestly intellectual and your soldiers hilariously slapstick rather than heroically stoic, then this is the book for you. Liberally sprinkled with career-limiting cock-ups, bizarre near-death experiences and the clatter not of gunfire but shameless name-dropping, these delightfully varied anecdotes deliver a hugely entertaining glimpse into the extraordinary life of one of the British Army’s most spirited and loveable characters.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Europa Jenseits Des Konvergenzparadigmas: Divergenz - Dynamik - Diskurs