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John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Australian Politics For Dummies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd General Practice at a Glance
Awarded First Prize, in the Primary health care category, at the 2013 BMA Medical Book Awards. Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, this brand new title provides a highly illustrated introduction to the full range of essential primary care presentations, grouped by system, so you’ll know exactly where to find the information you need, and be perfectly equipped to make the most of your GP attachment. General Practice at a Glance: Is comprehensively illustrated throughout with over 60 full-page colour illustrations Takes a symptoms-based approach which mirrors the general practice curriculum Offers ‘one-stop’ coverage of musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, reproductive, urinary, endocrine and digestive presentations Highlights the interrelations between primary and secondary care Includes sample questions to ask during history taking and examination Features ‘red flags’ to highlight symptoms or signs which must not be missed This accessible introduction and revision aid will help all medical students and junior doctors develop an understanding of the nature and structure of primary care, and hit the ground running on the general practice attachment.
Globe Law and Business Ltd The AIPN Joint Operating Agreement: A Practical Guide
The Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) model form joint operating agreement (JOA) was first issued in 1990 and has undergone a number of subsequent revisions. It is the most widely-used (although not always the most liked) joint operating agreement in international conventional oil and gas projects today. This book offers a pragmatic, detailed clause-by-clause review of the most recent (2012) version of the conventional petroleum AIPN JOA. Each clause is analysed in depth by reference to: (1) a statement of what the clause says; (2) a summary of the intended meaning of the clause; and (3) observations on how the clause tends to be modified in practice and might be improved. The book also analyses the major appendices of the AIPN JOA, including the accounting procedure and the lifting procedures. This book is written by experienced practitioners who together have many years of knowledge and understanding in redrafting, negotiating and applying the AIPN JOA. It will be invaluable to legal representatives, financiers, commercial managers, operational personnel and government parties who are dealing with the AIPN JOA, whether for the first time or from a position of relative familiarity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications
Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications critically evaluates the basic concepts and methodologies of conventional biomarkers as well as current state-of-the-art assays for measuring antioxidant activity/oxidative stress and their practical applications. . Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications will be of a great interest to scientists who are involved in basic research on oxidation, applied scientists evaluating the effects of nutraceuticals or pharmaceutical compounds on antioxidant activity/oxidative stress, and physicians who want to understand the degree of oxidative damage in patients with certain chronic diseases. Discovering sensitive and specific biomarkers for systemic oxidative damage is essential to understand the role of oxidative stress in human disease. Once these roles are clearly understood, we are able to identify novel drug and nutraceutical targets. This volume goes beyond conventional analytical methods of measuring overall antioxidant activity and provides insight to the discovery of biomarkers that reveal information on specific areas of oxidative stress. Contributed by an international list of experts, Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage: Principles and Practical Applications describes both conventional biomarkers and recent developments in this area. Special Features: Discusses conventional biomarkers as well as recent advances for measuring antioxidants and oxidative stress Biomarkers for lipid peroxidation: isoprostane, hydroxyloctadecaenoic acid, oxysterols, and reactive carbonyl species from lipid peroxidation Biomarkers for protein oxidation: carbonylation, tyrosine oxidation, ubiquitin-conjugation Biomarkers for DNA oxidative damage: comet assay, hydroxylated nucleotides, and exocylcic DNA adducts Recently developed biomarkers from cutting-edge technology
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice
Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice looks at the contribution that occupational therapists make to the lives of clients living with mental illness. It examines current practice developments and the innovative research that is shaping occupational therapy within the mental health arena, nationally and internationally. The book employs a distinctive and engaging narrative approach, bringing to life key issues in practice and research. It introduces the reader to the mental health context, opening with a historical overview and then exploration of the current developments in occupational therapy before moving on to discuss the cultural context and the need for cultural sensitivity in practice. Service users and expert clinicians offer their narratives, through which the clinical utility and cultural appropriateness of existing occupational therapy concepts, assessments and outcome measures are discussed and the associated implications for practice highlighted. Advancing Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Practice introduces and explores a variety of specialised work contexts from practicing in acute inpatient settings to crisis intervention, home treatment, forensic mental health settings and the specialist role of occupational therapy in community mental health and social services. Chapters are enriched with case stories, personal narratives and guided reflection.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Atlantic Salmon: Genetics, Conservation and Management
Atlantic Salmon is a cultural icon throughout its North Atlantic range; it is the focus of probably the World’s highest profile recreational fishery and is the basis for one of the World’s largest aquaculture industries. Despite this, many wild stocks of salmon are in decline and underpinning this is a dearth of information on the nature and extent of population structuring and adaptive population differentiation, and its implications for species conservation. This important new book will go a long way to rectify this situation by providing a thorough review of the genetics of Atlantic salmon. Sponsored by the European Union and the Atlantic Salmon Trust, this book comprises the work of an international team of scientists, carefully integrated and edited to provide a landmark book of vital interest to all those working with Atlantic salmon.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Feminist Art
Original essays offering fresh ideas and global perspectives on contemporary feminist art The term ‘feminist art’ is often misused when viewed as a codification within the discipline of Art History—a codification that includes restrictive definitions of geography, chronology, style, materials, influence, and other definitions inherent to Art Historical and museological classifications. Employing a different approach, A Companion to Feminist Art defines ‘art’ as a dynamic set of material and theoretical practices in the realm of culture, and ‘feminism’ as an equally dynamic set of activist and theoretical practices in the realm of politics. Feminist art, therefore, is not a simple classification of a type of art, but rather the space where feminist politics and the domain of art-making intersect. The Companion provides readers with an overview of the developments, concepts, trends, influences, and activities within the space of contemporary feminist art—in different locations, ways of making, and ways of thinking. Newly-commissioned essays focus on the recent history of and current discussions within feminist art. Diverse in scope and style, these contributions range from essays on the questions and challenges of large sectors of artists, such as configurations of feminism and gender in post-Cold War Europe, to more focused conversations with women artists on Afropean decoloniality. Ranging from discussions of essentialism and feminist aesthetics to examinations of political activism and curatorial practice, the Companion informs and questions readers, introduces new concepts and fresh perspectives, and illustrates just how much more there is to discover within the realm of feminist art. Addresses the intersection between feminist thinking and major theories that have influenced art theory Incorporates diverse voices from around the world to offer viewpoints on global feminisms from scholars who live and work in the regions about which they write Examines how feminist art intersects with considerations of collectivity, war, maternal relationships, desire, men, and relational aesthetics Explores the myriad ways in which the experience of inhabiting and perceiving aged, raced, and gendered bodies relates to feminist politics in the art world Discusses a range practices in feminism such as activism, language, education, and different ways of making art The intersection of feminist art-making and feminist politics are not merely components of a unified whole, they sometimes diverge and divide. A Companion to Feminist Art is an indispensable resource for artists, critics, scholars, curators, and anyone seeking greater strength on the subject through informed critique and debate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Murder and Violence in Modern Latin America
Written by leading scholars from the Americas and Europe, this is a thorough assessment of state-supported murder and violence in Latin America. Examines the trajectory of murder and violence in the region over the past two centuries and elucidates theories and trends regarding violence since the end of colonial rule Covers topics such as “the disappeared,” the rise of drug cartels and narco-violence, physical violence against wives, the judging and sentencing of violent crimes, genocide, and state terrorism Explains and applies macro-level theories regarding the rise of civilization, state building, and violence to contemporary Latin America Demonstrates the complexity of an issue at the forefront of life and politics in the region today
John Wiley and Sons Ltd CBT for Appearance Anxiety: Psychosocial Interventions for Anxiety due to Visible Difference
This clinical manual provides a CBT-based psychosocial intervention for use with individuals distressed about their appearance due to a disfigurement from birth, accident or illness, or those coping with another visible difference. Contains a wealth of case material with specific relevance to physical health conditions that affect appearance, practical advice on assessment, and session-by-session guidance for addressing common issues Written by leading academics and clinicians working in the management of disfigurement and rational appearance anxiety Uses a flexible stepped-care model that allows for use by experienced CBT practitioners as well those wishing to deliver a more basic psychological intervention Identifies the psychological factors involved in appearance anxiety while also addressing the practical concerns of living with a visible difference, such as managing the reactions of others
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Aesthetics
This volume of lectures on aesthetics, given by Adorno in the winter semester of 1958–9, formed the foundation for his later Aesthetic Theory, widely regarded as one of his greatest works. The lectures cover a wide range of topics, from an intense analysis of the work of Georg Lukács to a sustained reflection on the theory of aesthetic experience, from an examination of works by Plato, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Benjamin, to a discussion of the latest experiments of John Cage, attesting to the virtuosity and breadth of Adorno's engagement. All the while, Adorno remains deeply connected to his surrounding context, offering us a window onto the artistic, intellectual and political confrontations that shaped life in post-war Germany. This volume will appeal to a broad range of students and scholars in the humanities and social sciences, as well as anyone interested in the development of critical theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modern Literatures in Spain
Jo Labanyi and Luisa Elena Delgado provide the first cultural history of modern literatures in Spain. With contributors Helena Buffery, Kirsty Hooper, and Mari Jose Olaziregi, they showcase the country’s cultural richness and complexity by working across its four major literary cultures – Castilian, Catalan, Galician, and Basque – from the eighteenth century to the present. Engaging critically with the concept of the “national”, Modern Literatures in Spain traces the uneven institutionalization of Spain’s diverse literatures in a context of Castilian literary hegemony, as well as examining diasporic and exile writing . The thematically organized chapters explore literary constructions of subjectivity, gender, and sexuality; urban and rural imaginaries; intersections between high and popular culture; and the formation of a public sphere. Throughout, readings are attentive to the multiple ways in which literature serves as a barometer of cultural responses to historical change. An introduction to major cultural debates as well as an original analysis of key texts, this book is essential reading for students and scholars with an interest in the literatures and cultures of Spain.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Hadriana in All My Dreams
Set during Carnival in Haiti 1938, a young and beautiful woman named Hadriana drinks a mysterious potion on her wedding day and collapses at the altar. She is buried and later resurrected by an evil sorcerer and, as a zombie, enters the collective memory of her town of Jacmel. Hadriana's conversion serves as the inciting incident into an exploration of the strange and esoteric on the island, where Voodoo and Catholicism keep a symbiotic relationship, young women turn into zombies, young men turn into lascivious butterflies and nothing is quite what it seems. Hadriana in All my Dreams is a frolic through mystery and eroticism that reveals vital truths about the nature of humanity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Studying Shakespeare's Contemporaries
Studying Shakespeare’s Contemporaries is an accessible guide to non-Shakespearian English drama of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Featuring works of prestigious playwrights such as Kyd, Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and Middleton, Lars Engle describes the conditions under which Renaissance plays were commissioned, written, licensed, staged, and published. Plays are organized by theme and explored individually, creating a text that can be read as a complete overview of English Renaissance drama or used as an indexed reference resource.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marx in Movement: Operaismo in Context
This first volume in a new trilogy of books by Antonio Negri examines and develops the Italian tradition of radical Marxist thought known as operaismo or ‘autonomist Marxism’ – the tradition to which Negri himself adheres and in which he is a leading figure. The tradition of operaismo emphasizes the role of the worker in capitalism and the primacy of class struggle. Within this framework, Negri’s key contribution has been to theorize the transition from the ‘mass worker’ to the ‘social worker’ – that is, to broaden the concept of living labour and liberate it from the theoretical cages that locked it into the factory. It was only by moving beyond the ideology and political practice of the mass worker that the revolutionary character of the Marxist concept of class could be updated for our times and developed in relation to the exploitation and socialization of living labour, including networks of cognitive work, reproductive work and care work, networks which also have the potential to become the bases for new forms of resistance to capitalist exploitation. By bringing together Negri’s key contributions to the reconceptualization of the worker and class struggle, this volume demonstrates the vitality of the Marxist tradition of operaismo and its continued relevance for understanding the key social and political struggles of our time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manufacturing Happy Citizens: How the Science and Industry of Happiness Control our Lives
The imperative of happiness dictates the conduct and direction of our lives. There is no escape from the tyranny of positivity. But is happiness the supreme good that all of us should pursue? So says a new breed of so-called happiness experts, with positive psychologists, happiness economists and self-development gurus at the forefront. With the support of influential institutions and multinational corporations, these self-proclaimed experts now tell us what governmental policies to apply, what educational interventions to make and what changes we must undertake in order to lead more successful, more meaningful and healthier lives. With a healthy scepticism, this book documents the powerful social impact of the science and industry of happiness, arguing that the neoliberal alliance between psychologists, economists and self-development gurus has given rise to a new and oppressive form of government and control in which happiness has been woven into the very fabric of power.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Normativity, Volume 15
This volume of Philosophical Issues, on normativity, has unusually broad scope, and should have correspondingly broad appeal both because of its issues and because of its contributors. This volume includes pieces on moral psychology, theory of reasons and rationality, political philosophy, ethics, metaethics, and epistemology. Includes a book symposium on Brad Hooker's Ideal Code, Real World, with contributions by Richard Arneson and Alison McIntyre, along with Brad Hooker's response.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Realism and Relativism, Volume 12
This volume gathers papers by many of the best-known philosophers now at work on issues of realism and relativism across the field of philosophy. The result is representative of the best cutting-edge work in the area. Includes work both on the ontology and epistemology of the normative as well as on more general metaphysical and epistemological issues of relativism and realism Essays include discussions of relativism and the first-person perspective, underdetermination and realism, and mathematical realism and epistemic relativism, plus many other points of reflection
The Self-Publishing Partnership Ltd 10 Countries 10 Women 10 Lives
10 Countries, 10 Women, 10 Lives is an inspiring and strong recital of true-life stories from women around the world who have overcome adversity and achieved success. From the United States to India, from Europe to Australia, these stories offer diverse perspectives and showcase the resilience and courage of women in the face of challenges. Readers will be inspired by these women’s personal growth and empowerment, and gain insight into the importance of diversity and inclusion. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and a global perspective on women's stories of triumph over obstacles. In this their first book, these two women are boldly supporting modern enlightened feminism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Visualizing The Lifespan
This text is an unbound, three hole punched version. Visualizing the Lifespan, Binder Ready Version will allow students to learn effectively by understanding the world around them and interpreting what they see in a meaningful and accurate way. The content, design, and layout of the title takes advantage of the full capacity in which students process information visual as well as verbal.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Boron Proxies in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions do not only warm our planet but also acidify our oceans. It is currently unclear to which degree Earth’s climate and marine life will be impacted by these changes but information from Earth history, particularly the geochemical signals of past environmental changes stored in the fossil remains of marine organisms, can help us predict possible future changes. This book aims to be a primer for scientists who seek to apply boron proxies in marine carbonates to estimate past seawater carbonate chemistry and atmospheric pCO2. Boron proxies (δ11B and B/Ca) were introduced nearly three decades ago, with subsequent strides being made in understanding their mechanistic functioning. This text reviews current knowledge about the aqueous systematics, the inorganic and biological controls on boron isotope fractionation and incorporation into marine carbonates, as well as the analytical techniques for measurement of boron proxies. Laboratory and field calibrations of the boron proxies are summarized, and similarities between modern calibrations are explored to suggest estimates for proxy sensitivities in marine calcifiers that are now extinct. Example applications illustrate the potential for reconstructing paleo-atmospheric pCO2 from boron isotopes. Also explored are the sensitivity of paleo-ocean acidity and pCO2 reconstructions to boron isotope proxy systematics that are currently less well understood, including the elemental and boron isotopic composition of seawater through time, seawater alkalinity, temperature and salinity, and their collective impact on the uncertainty of paleo-reconstructions. The B/Ca proxy is based on the same mechanistic principles as the boron isotope proxy, but empirical calibrations suggest seawater pH is not the only controlling factor. B/Ca therefore has the potential to provide a second carbonate parameter that could be paired with δ11B to fully constrain the ocean carbonate system, but the associated uncertainties are large. This text reviews and examines what is currently known about the B/Ca proxy systematics. As more scientists embark on characterizing past ocean acidity and atmospheric pCO2, Boron in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology provides a resource to introduce geoscientists to the opportunities and complications of boron proxies, including potential avenues to further refine them.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bacterial Population Genetics in Infectious Disease
This book is a unique synthesis of the major concepts and methods in bacterial population genetics in infectious disease, a field that is now about 35 yrs old. Emphasis is given to explaining population-level processes that shape genetic variation in bacterial populations and statistical methods of analysis of bacterial genetic data. A "how to" of bacterial population genetics, which covers an extremely large range of organisms Expanding area of science due to high-throughput genome sequencing of bacterial pathogens Covers both fundamental approaches to analyzing bacterial population structures with conceptual background in bacterial population biology Detailed treatment of statistical methods
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Michael Rees: Synthetic Cells: Site and (Para)site
Contemporary artist Michael Rees is an acknowledged leader in the field of cutting-edge digital art. This volume documents a compelling group of Rees's colourful inflatable sculptures that incorporate brilliant structural elements and dynamic interventions of augmented reality. Commissioned for an exhibition at Grounds For Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey (open until January 2021), these objects, alongside augment works by six other contemporary artists, illuminate how digital thinking and its rich visual vocabulary are at the forefront of the future of art. Synthetic Cells features augmented reality artworks by Michael Rees, Claudia Hart, Chris Manzione, Will Pappenheimer, John Craig Freeman, Carla Gannis and Tamiko Thiel.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cancer Prevention and Screening: Concepts, Principles and Controversies
Winner of the Council Chair's Choice Award at the 2019 British Medical Association Awards.Cancer Prevention and Screening offers physicians and all clinical healthcare professionals a comprehensive, useful source of the latest information on cancer screening and prevention with both a global and a multidisciplinary perspective. Includes background information on epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer screening, for quick reference Offers the latest information for clinical application of the most recent techniques in prevention and screening of all major and many lesser cancer types Emphasises the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork in cancer screening Highlights frequent dilemmas and difficulties encountered during cancer screening Provides clear-cut clinical strategies for optimal patient education, communication, and compliance with cancer prevention techniques
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Immunotherapy in Translational Cancer Research
A guide to state-of-the-art cancer immunotherapy in translational cancer research A volume in the Translational Oncology series, Immunotherapy in Translational Cancer Research explores the recent developments in the role that immunotherapy plays in the treatment of a wide range of cancers. The editors present key concepts, illustrative examples, and suggest alternative strategies in order to achieve individualized targeted therapy. Comprehensive in scope, Immunotherapy in Translational Cancer Research reviews the relevant history, current state, and the future of burgeoning cancer-fighting therapies. The book also includes critical information on drug development, clinical trials, and governmental resources and regulatory issues. Each chapter is created to feature: development of the immunotherapy; challenges that have been overcome in order to scale up and undertake clinical trials; and clinical experience and application of research. This authoritative volume is edited by a team of noted experts from MD Anderson Cancer Center, the world’s foremost cancer research and care center and: Offers a comprehensive presentation of state-of-the-art cancer immunotherapy research that accelerates the pace of clinical cancer care Filled with the concepts, examples, and approaches for developing individualized therapy Explores the breath of treatments that reflect the complexity of the immune system itself Includes contributions from a panel international experts in the field of immunotherapy Designed for physicians, medical students, scientists, pharmaceutical executives, public health and public policy government leaders and community oncologists, this essential resource offers a guide to the bidirectional interaction between laboratory and clinic immunotherapy cancer research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals
This fully revised new edition of the classic reference on domestic animal physiology provides detailed descriptions of animal function and dysfunction, with an emphasis on clinical relevance and pedagogical features to enhance learning. • Presents in-depth, comprehensive descriptions of domestic animal function and dysfunction • Emphasizes clinical relevance, with clinical correlations, notes of relevance, and self-assessment questions featuring situations likely to be faced in practice • Offers pedagogical features, including chapter outlines and introductions, key terms throughout the book, additional images, questions to enhance learning, and self-assessment exercises • Distills the most useful information for ease of use, with improved continuity and reduced repetition • Includes a companion website offering review questions and answers and the figures from the book in PowerPoint
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wetlands Handbook
Forty-two chapters by international experts from a wide range of disciplines make The Wetlands Handbook the essential tool for those seeking comprehensive understanding of the subject. A departure from more traditional treatises, this text examines freshwater wetland ecosystem science from the fundamentals to issues of management and policy. Introductory chapters address the scope and significance of wetlands globally for communities, culture and biodiversity. Subsequent sections deal with processes underpinning wetland functioning, how wetlands work, their uses and values for humans and nature, their sensitivity to external impacts, and how they may be restored. The text is illustrated by numerous examples, emphasising functional and holistic approaches to wetland management, including case studies on the wise use and rehabilitation of wetlands in farmed, urban, industrial and other damaged environments, highlighting the long-term benefits of multiple use. The Wetlands Handbook will provide an invaluable reference for researchers, managers, policy-makers and students of wetland sciences.
HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd The Big Balloon Race: I Can Read Book
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Synchrotron Radiation and Structural Proteomics
This book presents an overview of the current state of research in both synchrotron radiation and structural proteomics from different laboratories worldwide. The book presents recent research results in the most advanced methods of synchrotron radiation analysis, protein micro- and nano crystallography, X-ray scattering and X-ray optics, coherent X-Ray diffraction, and laser cutting and contactless sample manipulation are described in details. The book focuses on biological applications and highlights important aspects such as radiation damage and molecular modeling.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Counselling Children with Chronic Medical Conditions
This book explores the child's understanding of their body and illness. How to communicate with children, prepare them for treatment and tackle problems relating to the child's care are covered in depth.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Lineages of the Feminine: An Outline of the History of Women
We are experiencing an anthropological revolution. We see it in the #MeToo movement, in the denunciation of femicide and in an increasingly vociferous critique of patriarchal domination. Why this sudden rise of an antagonistic conception of the relationship between men and women, at the very moment when progress is accelerating and when the goals of first- and second-wave feminism seem on the verge of being achieved? In this book, the anthropologist and historian Emmanuel Todd, while not underestimating the importance of crucial inequalities that remain, argues that the emancipation of women has essentially already taken place but that it has given rise to new tensions and contradictions. As women gain more freedom, they also gain access to traditional male social pathologies: economic anxiety, the disorientation of anomie, and individual and class resentment. But because they remain women, with the ability to bear children, their burden as human beings, although richer, is now more difficult to bear than that of men. In order to understand our current condition, Todd retraces the evolution of the male/female relationship through the long history of the human species, from the emergence of Homo sapiens a hundred thousand years ago to the present. He also conducts a broad empirical study of the convergence between men and women today and of the differences that still separate them – in education, in employment and in relation to longevity, suicide and homicide, electoral behaviour and racism. He explores the relations between women’s liberation and other changes in contemporary societies such as the collapse of religion, the decline of industry, the decline of homophobia, the rise of bisexuality and the transgender phenomenon, and the decline in a sense of the collective life. And he shows how and why Western countries – and especially the Anglo-American world, Scandinavia and France – are, in their new feminist revolution, perhaps less universal than they think.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Institution
The pandemic has brought into sharp relief the fundamental relationship between institution and human life: at the very moment when the virus was threatening to destroy life, human beings called upon institutions – on governments, on health systems, on new norms of behavior – to combat the virus and preserve life. Drawing on this and other examples, Roberto Esposito argues that institutions and human life are not opposed to one another but rather two sides of a single figure that, together, delineate the vital character of institutions and the instituting power of life. What else is life, after all, if not a continuous institution, a capacity for self-regeneration along new and unexplored paths? No human life is reducible to pure survival, to “bare life.” There is always a point at which life reaches out beyond primary needs, entering into the realm of desires and choices, passions and projects, and at that point human life becomes instituted: it becomes part of the web of relations that constitute social, political, and cultural life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Fatigue: From the Middle Ages to the Present
“Stress,” “burn out,” “mental overload”: the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have witnessed an unrelenting expansion of the meaning of fatigue. The tentacles of exhaustion insinuated themselves into every aspect of our lives, from the workplace to the home, from our relationships with friends and family to the most intimate aspects of our lives. All around us are the signs of a “burn-out society,” a society in which fatigue has become the norm. How did this happen? This pioneering book explores the rich and little-known history of fatigue from the Middle Ages to the present. Vigarello shows that our understanding of fatigue, the words used to describe it, and the symptoms and explanations of it have varied greatly over time, reflecting changing social mores and broader aspects of social and political life. He argues that the increased autonomy of people in Western societies (whether genuine or assumed), the positing of a more individualized self, and the ever expanding ideal of independence and freedom have constantly made it more difficult for us to withstand anything that constrains or limits us. This painful contradiction causes weariness as well as dissatisfaction. Fatigue spreads and becomes stronger, imperceptibly permeating everything, seeping into ordinary moments and unexpected places. Ranging from the history of war, religion and work to the history of the body, the senses and intimacy, this history of fatigue shows how something that seems permanently centered in our bodies has, over the course of centuries, also been ingrained in our minds, in the end affecting the innermost aspects of the self.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Critical Phenomenology: An Introduction
Phenomenology is one of the leading movements in twentieth-century philosophy and continues to exert a strong influence on many contemporary philosophical traditions and investigations. In recent years, phenomenological insights have been increasingly developed in relation to philosophy of illness, disability, race, gender, sexuality, and politics, leading to the emergence of critical phenomenology as a new, prominent field for interdisciplinary research. Magrì and McQueen's Critical Phenomenology: An Introduction is the first book of its kind, addressing the critical questions at the core of both classical and contemporary phenomenology. This book provides a concise, accessible introduction to key areas of phenomenological research, such as intersubjectivity, bodily experience, race, gender, social experience, and political action. In doing so, it demonstrates both the rich history of phenomenology and its continuing philosophical and ethical importance. This textbook will be essential reading for undergraduate philosophy students and academics interested in critical phenomenology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd For a Politics of the Common Good
This volume of conversations between Alain Badiou and Peter Engelmann focuses on the concrete political situation in the world of today. Here the validity and applicability of Badiou’s ideas are tested in relation to the great social and political problems of our time, including terrorism, migration, the surge in support for nationalist and populist parties and the growing gap between rich and poor. Badiou argues that in the age of today’s globalized capitalism, with its division of labour on a global scale and the worldwide interconnection of information through the Internet, there are no longer any national solutions. Because nations and states lose meaning in favour of transnational corporations in globalized capitalism, resistance to capitalism must by definition be global too. Only a politics that defines itself as a politics for all and does not act in the interests of one particular group – whether a nation, religion or community of shared values – can lead the world out of the current crisis of globalized capitalism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modernity and "Whiteness"
Bolívar Echeverría was one of the leading philosophers and critical theorists in Latin America and his work on capitalism and modernity offers a distinctive account, informed by the experiences of Latin American societies, of the social and historical forces shaping the modern world. For Echeverría, capitalism and modernity do not coincide: modernity is a long-term historical phenomenon that involved a new set of relations between human beings and nature and between the individual and the collective, while capitalism is a particular form in which modernity has been realized. As Marx showed, capitalism is a mode of reproduction that involves the growing commodification of social life – everything, even human labor power itself, is turned into a commodity. Echeverría introduces the notion of blanquitud or “whiteness” to capture the new form of identity that is brought into being by the totalizing and homogenizing character of capitalism. While blanquitud includes certain ethnic features, it is not so much an ethnic category as an ethical and cultural one, referring to a type of human being, homo capitalisticus, which threatens to spread throughout the world, overcoming and integrating identities that might otherwise resist it. But capitalism is not the only form of modernity – there are alternative modernities. In the final part of the book Echeverría explores the baroque as a characteristic of Latin American identity and sees it as a way of theatricalizing and transforming reality that takes some distance from Eurocentric paradigms and resists the homogenizing forces of capitalism. Echeverría’s analysis of the dynamics of capitalism and modernity represents one of the most important contributions to critical theory from a Latin American perspective. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of critical theory and postcolonial theory and anyone concerned with the global impact of capitalism on social and cultural life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Against Hate
Racism, extremism, anti-democratic sentiment – our increasingly polarized world is dominated by a type of thinking that doubts others’ positions but never its own. In a powerful challenge to fundamentalism in all its forms, Carolin Emcke, one of Germany’s leading intellectuals, argues that we can only preserve individual freedom and protect people’s rights by cherishing and celebrating diversity. If we want to safeguard democracy, we must have the courage to challenge hatred and the will to fight for and defend plurality in our societies. Emcke rises to the challenge that identitarian dogmas and populist narratives pose, exposing the way in which they simplify and distort our perception of the world. Against Hate is an impassioned call to fight intolerance and defend liberal ideals. It will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the darkening politics of our time and searching for ways forward.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Children's Learning in a Digital World
Children's Learning in a Digital World presents exciting and challenging new ideas from international scholars on the impact of computers, the Internet, and video games on children's learning. Features exciting new research which reassesses the threats posed by technology to the social, emotional, and physical development of children Examines the impact of technology in both formal and informal learning contexts, covering a range of technologies relevant to students and researchers, as well as professional educators Presents key information on the social and cultural issues that affect technology use, in addition to the impact on children’s learning Includes research from an international range of contributors
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Surgery: Clinical Cases Uncovered
Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations. Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered Packed full with over 120 cases, this comprehensive title on the surgical management of conditions will be your core revision text. Featuring everything you need to know on surgery, Professor Harold Ellis and Christopher Watson have left nothing out. Whether it's a gastric ulcer or an intercranial mass shown up on an MR scan, you can work your way through with Clinical Cases Uncovered. For further information, visit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Public Health Skills: A Practical Guide for nurses and public health practitioners
Nurses and other public health practitioners have a crucial role to play in helping to improve the collective well being of society and so developing skills in public health - preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health – is key to this process. Public Health Skills: A practical guide for nurses and public health practitioners covers the complete spectrum of public health practice: the effective assessment and management of need, understanding policy and how to affect its implementation; before moving on to explore practical issues and themes surrounding the facilitation of public health. Within the four sections of the book, the text is organised around the ten core public health skills outlined in the National Occupational Standards for the practice of public health, covering skills including surveillance and assessment, collaborative working, working with communities, strategy development, risk management, leadership and ethics. Public Health Skills: A practical guide for nurses and public health practitioners provides the fundamental, essential knowledge and skills required to provide safe and effective practice and is an invaluable resource for all those connected to this vital, challenging and rapidly expanding aspect of health provision.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Settings
INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL IN HEALTHCARE SETTINGS In Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Settings, a team of distinguished researchers deliver an accessible and authoritative introduction to infection control and prevention in hospital and community settings. This is a key resource as professionals deal with the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and require the latest and most up-to-date information. Central topics are discussed at the individual and population levels, with direct links to lessons learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The book is written from an evidence-based perspective that utilises modern approaches, reflecting current decision-making methods like GRADE and WHO Evidence to Decision Frameworks. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to the chain of infection and the main groups of micro-organisms causing infection Comprehensive explorations of the application of evidence-based practice principles to infection prevention and control Practical discussions of immunity, microbiology laboratories, antimicrobial drugs, and policies and protocols for infection prevention and control The role of epidemiology and public health in the prevention and control of infectious disease Perfect for student nurses and students of allied health professions, Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Settings will also benefit practitioners and managers in the health services seeking to update their knowledge of infection control and prevention in healthcare settings.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Lecture Notes is a comprehensive yet easy-to-read overview of luminal gastroenterology and hepatology. Covering the epidemiology, causes, clinical features, investigation, treatment and prognosis of all the main gut and liver conditions, it is ideal for both exam preparation and fact finding.Key features include:• A full range of new illustrations, including clinical photographs and scans, that clearly demonstrate signs and symptoms• Sections on anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and epidemiology – written to enhance understanding of clinical features• Essential information highlighted throughout the text• Case-based self-assessment for each chapter helps retention of knowledge and puts it in its clinical context• A new section of “best answer” MCQs• New chapters on inflammatory bowel disease and different diagnosis of the upper GI tract• Includes a companion website at featuring 16 in-depth case studiesWhether learning the basics of the gastrointestinal system, starting a general medical or gastroenterological placement, or looking for a quick-reference overview to revise key concepts, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Lecture Notes is an ideal resource for medical students, MRCP or FRACP candidates, and junior doctors.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities
The Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities is a first-rate collection of social science scholarship on inequalities, emphasizing race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, and nationality. Highlights themes that represent the scope and range of theoretical orientations, contemporary emphases, and emerging topics in the field of social inequalities. Gives special attention to debates in the field, developing trends and directions, and interdisciplinary influences in the study of social inequalities. Includes an editorial introduction and suggestions for further reading.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding the City: Contemporary and Future Perspectives
This cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary analysis looks ahead to the direction which urban studies is likely to take during the twenty-first century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to World Philosophies
This outstanding volume offers students, teachers and general readers a complete introductory survey of the major non-western philosophical traditions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What is Cognitive Science?
Written by an assembly of leading researchers in the field, this volume provides an innovative and non-technical introduction to cognitive science, and the key issues that animate the field.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Soccer Transition Training: Moving Between Attack and Defence
The 2018 soccer World Cup highlighted the increasing emphasis on transitional awareness and tactics. From elite domestic leagues worldwide to local youth coaching clinics, there is a pronounced effort to help coaches and players recognize and seize the advantages gleaned through controlling transitional moments. Pep Guardiola (Manchester City), Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool), and Mauricio Pochettino (Tottenham Hotspurs), among many others, have climbed to forefront of the coaching ranks in recent years, espousing various pressing, counter-pressing, and counterattacking schemes that have made their teams so difficult to play against. Though coaches worldwide have focused on transitional moments as the next tactical revolution in soccer, there has been a remarkable lack of written coaching material on the subject. Transition in Soccer is the first complete study of critical transition moments in the beautiful game. This book offers everything coaches at any level need to help their teams dominate in transition, including: detailed, ground-breaking analysis of the phases of transition and terminology, including pressing, counter-pressing, and counterattacking; comprehensive examination of defending and attacking transition, emphasizing tactical considerations and opportunities; 100 distinctive exercises and dozens of additional progressions and variations to assure that coaches of every level have all the tools needed to train their teams to control transitional situations; and additional material which includes coaching instruction on how to condition teams for situations not always considered in transition discussions--from set-pieces to movement through time phases in the match. Written by two leading soccer educators with decades of experience coaching at the highest levels from youth to professional, Transition in Soccer is the book that soccer coaches have been waiting for, both as a discussion of the nature of transition in the ever-evolving game and as a teaching tool to help their teams dominate on both sides of the ball!
Hall and Stott Publishing Ltd Criminal Procedure and Punishment
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada The Bootleggers Lady: Tribulations of a Pioneer Woman