Search results for ""austin macauley publishers""
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Sexpert
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Sexpert
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Trapped in Heavens
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Rearview
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Basic Decimals
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC DAMN An Emotional and Physical Journey Through the Corridors of the Justice System
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC I Was...
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Poetry Collection
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Baseball Confidential
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Chaplin River Letters
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Verses
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Changing Time
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Militiaman
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Sweet Pain of Being Alive
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Illustrated Book of Medicine Joey and the Cough
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Picketts Dream
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Reincarnation
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Close Enough
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The God Squad
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Futurecide
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC A Boy Scout Goes to Spain... and Other Stories
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Just Hedgie and Me
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Three Americans
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC When the Stars Aligned
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Six Feet from the Edge
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Horse Racing An Opinion
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Horse Racing An Opinion
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Soldiers Poems
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Bridge of Stones
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Broken Designs
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Columbus Slave Trader
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Tyler Goes to School
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC They Died on My Watch
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Journey Across Time
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Bus Trip
This poetry collection shares stories of trauma and attempts of healing. The poems are inspired by the Arabic poetry of Hija and popular nursery rhymes re-envisaged through tainted eyes. The poems are a mixture of voices that both express pain and speak with the gentleness of having found their catharsis.
Arthur and Martha dont want to do chores. Arthur wants all his toysto beleft on the floor. Martha just wants to spend her time with Freddie, so thinks up a spell one, two, three, are you ready? Then she shouts the spell out loud to make their mother disappear.But will their mother ever reappear?
I know its not mine To ask for a minute of your time, But if you can find it to be fine Then this may be deemed a worthy rhyme. I wont take hours From you, I promise. Yet, I gave hours For you, I wrote this. Because its ours, The life, the lows The blows and the bliss
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE Magic McFee and the Legend of the Sorcerer
Things aren't looking so good for Magic McFee at her new school. Firstly, her new English teacher, Marcus Slay, doesn't seem to be up to any good. How can somebody hate her so much before even knowing her? Secondly, her new friend, Katie Harrow, is in deep trouble. Magic's fears are confirmed when one day, Katie goes missing during school, her bizarre disappearance unexplained. She soon finds out that Katie's disappearance isn't just an innocent day off school. A series of other strange events take a toll on Magic as the school year turns into an almost unbearable nightmare. Her worries escalate after overhearing a terrifying exchange between Slay and her History teacher, Remy Lockwood. With the help of her other friends, can Magic escape the horrors she's begun to uncover, and save Katie Harrow from what she's learned could be a terrible fate?
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE 27 Years Just a Piece of Meat
Many women find themselves trapped in a cycle of abuse, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or financial. It can be easy to believe promises and hold onto hope for change, especially when love and trust are involved. But staying in a toxic marriage, whether for the sake of children or fear of the unknown, can have unseen consequences. This book is about learning to trust in God and recognizing the blessings in hardship, even when it feels like a punishment. It's about embracing the change and having the strength to let go when things are at their worst. This is a journey towards finding gratitude in the trials and tribulations of life.
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE The Tides of The Past
The Tides Of The Past is a suitable title for a touching, suspenseful and insightful novel. Yes, the tides of the past always return to us. We are to be judged, punished, and mistreated because of it. This novel shows us the Miraculous way of Menology, where Nature found love after all with Sir Malik, and they both found a way to heal each other from the wounds of the past.
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE You Are Not Alone
The words of poems are the butterfly in the garden and the scent of flowers in orchards. It passes by us so it catches our eyes and our hearing rejoices. We smell from it the beauty and we see in it our and others' deep thoughts. Poetry is not distributed letters, nor flowery words, nor tones and harmonious scale. Poetry is a moments in our lives, the spirit harmonizes with ideas so it expresses that with words: ink on paper. Words that express our feelings and our thoughts and our lives. Yet it differs from others (normal words) because it stays, and it is embossed in the soul and in the ears and the hearing for a long time. The most beautiful meaning of poetry is like a pearl hidden in an oyster: no one can see it except those who tries to open it. In this book I reflect my journey in university and outside it through poetry categorized in mental health, feelings, and relationships. And I added a poet's manifesto to provide a context for my readers about my background and experience
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE Nubepollis
Nubepollis is a land unheard, unseen, and unnoticed by many. What secrets does this great city have? Have you ever wondered how we get dreams when we sleep? This city wields magic which its inhabitants have mastered. The city above clouds waits for its story to be told. Perhaps, you may learn that clouds have a reason for resembling your pets or other familiar things. Follow Josh, who loves to dream and is a big fan of the starry sky. With him let century old secrets be unveiled. You are in for an adventure that is too surreal to be forgotten.
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE Happiness Is a Butterfly
A collection of words set aside, moving from darkness to light in an earnest battle despite bitterness, rattle of bones, and aches. To battle and finally sail homeward, to further victories, from a battered poet. Happiness is a Butterfly is Athira Kamal's debut poetry collection about her life as a patient and poet with Lupus, an autoimmune disease. She seeks to inspire and spread awareness.
Austin Macauley Publishers FZE TAMs Thrilling Tales
TAM's Thrilling Tales are fun and amazing with its different varied plots and characters. The humor aspect is clearly portrayed in these stories which makes it a pure joy to read for children and young adults. Mixing and balancing between adventure and comedy is not something that can easily be done, and this collection of short stories has managed to do so. All these stories are in the third person with no perspectives from the character so the reader can have an overview while still maintaining the spotlight on the main character or 'heroes' that are undergoing a serious or hysterical adventure. These stories are solely aimed at entertaining the reader and leading to a joyful experience! From greedy boys with radioactive donuts, to crazed mutated gorillas, to devilish story books and exploding extra-terrestrial turkeys, you're sure to have a lovely time reading TAM's Thrilling Tales!
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Full Moon Witch
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC I am
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Through the Eyes of a Little Village