Search results for ""Fly!""
Scholastic Zoom to the Moon! (Set 5) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 05 Non-fiction Title: Zoom to the Moon! Focus: igh oo oo the to and they was pull Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic A Year on the Farm (Set 6) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 06 Non-fiction Title: A Year on the Farm Focus: ar or ow ear er Tricky Words: my the he are go and Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Choc Chip Muffins (Set 4) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 04 Non-fiction Title: Choc Chip Muffins Focus: qu ch sh th Tricky words: go to the put is Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic A Pet Dog is Fun! (Set 2) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 02 Non-fiction Title: A Pet Dog is Fun! Focus: g o c k ck u r b Tricky words: the I Book Band: Pink B This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Dip It, Tip It! (Set 1) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 01 Non-fiction Title: Dip It, Tip It! Focus: s a t p i n d Tricky words: is I Book Band: Pink A This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Sit, Tap, Tip! (Set 1) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 01 Non-fiction Title: Sit, Tap, Tip! Focus: s a t p i n Tricky words: I Book Band: Pink A This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Tilbury House,U.S. Well Out to Sea: Year-Round on Matinicus Island
Eva Murray moved to Matinicus in 1987 to teach in its one-room school. She married an island man and stayed to raise their family there. Over the years she's written a number of lively columns and articles for mainland publications. But, as she says, she doesn't do lobster wars:"If you're looking for a rabid, swashbuckling tell-all account of maritime outlaws or cut-throat lobstermen, you won't be very impressed. Yes, a rough side of this community exists, but in order to live here happily, I avoid cultivating fear. The same boys who might sprinkle roofing nails in a man's driveway, if they get mad enough, will rush to the same fellow's aid when he's in real danger, and that's the truth. Likewise, if you hope to relive an idyllic summer vacation or read an escape-to-Maine fantasy with the call of the loon and long walks on the beach, you might feel a bit short-changed. Astonishing natural beauty certainly exists on Matinicus Island, but I'm not working too hard to promote this place to visitors. The rare treat of an outer-island sunrise is a privilege for the deserving, which means for those who have endured the six months of gales or the six weeks of fog or the six days of waiting for the weather to break so the airplane can fly and they can get here. In the twenty-three years I have lived here, it's true there have been bullets. One, I think, flew right over my head a few years back. There has been vandalism, drunk driving, sabotage, theft, abuse of power, and people just acting like general-purpose jerks. Those things happen everywhere. There have also been heroic rescues, valiant searches for lost mariners, hospice care, fires fought, electricity restored, boats rescued, spontaneous celebrations and heartfelt acts of support, and graves dug by hand. In those things, we may be different from most places, and here's why: It is not strictly the certified professionals who fight the fires or care for the sick or save the drowning. It's just us."These are the stories of that unique community, of an interdependence that is all too rare these days but necessary for this island's survival. Murray writes with a keen eye and sharp wit, sharing stories that are sometimes poignant, sometimes mind-boggling, and often hilarious. She lives in a place where, "You love it, absolutely love it here, 51 percent of the time. That is enough to make you stay."
Universe Publishing Baseball: How To Play The Game: The Official Playing and Coaching Manual of Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball has compiled the definitive instruction manual on learning to play the game. Fully illustrated with action photos of MLB stars illustrating key points and drills for each defensive position, this book also includes special tips from MLB players on batting, base running, the rules of the game, and coaching. Easy-to-follow instructions and diagrams of all the skills beginning players need to master the game--how to throw, hit, and field all the positions--while also promoting good sportsmanship. Each skill and position is presented separately, with photographs and drawings of a player executing the specific skill, advice on how to perform it, and when to use it, and the most common mistakes. Written and compiled by the best baseball instructors, coaches, and players in the world, this comprehensive how-to is informative enough to help even the brightest young stars shine brighter. With keen insights from instruction and developmental coaches, the need to create a positive environment in practice and encourage creativity as well as technical correctness is stressed. Most importantly, the coaches understand that kids are not just small adults--and they back up their understanding with advice on how to help kids fall in love with "America's pastime." Model training sections construct excellent practice sessions--from warm-up through cool-down exercises and hundreds of drills and games to reinforce--this is an essential tool for all coaches as a guide to improving performance and enjoyment of practice and playing the game. This must-have resource covers it all: Batting, Pitching, Base running and sliding, Specific drills for playing all defensive positions, Coaching and rules, Offensive and defensive strategy. Partial list of Big League tips on How to Play the Game: Tony Gwynn (hitting), Sammy Sosa (judging fly balls), Bernie Williams (playing the outfield), Mark Grace (approach to hitting), Alex Rodriguez (fielding ground balls), Jeff Bagwell (hitting), Roberto Alomar (fielding ground balls), Jaret Wright (pitching mechanics), Edgar Renteria (how to play SS), John Lackey (improving your pitching), Carlos Delgado (mastering 1B), Rocco Baldelli (basic approach at plate), Cristian Guzman (fielding ground balls), Danny Kolb (good approach on the mound), Dontrelle Willis (pitching strategies), Torii Hunter (playing the outfield), Jason Marquis (pitching with control), Chone Figgins (sliding), Orlando Cabrera (improving your game), Gary Bennett (becoming a better catcher), Ervin Santana (pitching under pressure), Mark Teixeira (playing 1B), Ryan Howard (hitting), Joey Gathright (playing the OF), Troy Tulowitzki (succeeding at the plate), Joel Zumaya (pitching with poise), Josh Johnson (pitching with confidence)
Cornell University Press Chicago Aviation: An Illustrated History
From the dawn of flight, Chicago has played a vital role in the development of aviation. Favored by geography and a superb network of railroads, the Windy City rapidly became the nation's crossroad. Young's richly illustrated history portrays the inventors, entrepreneurs, and aviators who conquered the skies and made Chicago the nation's premier hub for air travel and transport. Aviation's colorful figures come to life as Young recounts tales of the pilots, patrons, and passengers who sparked public interest in the early days of flight. Beginning with Chicago's first aviation event—a balloon ascension on July 4, 1855—Young traces the local personalities and technologies that helped make the dream of flight a reality. He offers the most complete account to date of pioneer Chicago aviator Octave Chanute, whose series of daring glider experiments led to international attention and a friendship with the Wright brothers, who sought his advice before their landmark flight at Kitty Hawk. The Windy City's golden age of aviation began in 1910, when a group of wealthy flying enthusiasts formed the Aero Club of Illinois. Fascinated audiences flocked to see the club's spectacular aviation shows and to visit Cicero Field, the place where many of America's first aviators learned to fly. Prominent public figures of the day included Harold McCormick, the millionaire patron of early aviation; Charles "Pop" Dickinson, who gained fame as the nation's oldest pilot; and Katherine Stinson, who at Cicero Field became the first woman to perform the loop-the-loop maneuver. Dozens of devastating air crashes over the years fueled America's early fear of flying. Chicago witnessed its share of air tragedies, from the Wingfoot blimp disaster of 1919 that caused the city to consider a ban on flying over its borders to the 1979 crash of a DC-10 jumbo jet at O'Hare that helped doom the career of that airplane. As Young investigates these crashes—as well as the mysterious legend of the "Great Lakes Triangle"—he sheds light on the evolution of airline safety. Aviation progress in a major city inevitably involves the continuous, often contentious, campaign for bigger and better airports. Young analyzes Midway's birth, death, and rebirth as well as the city's decision in the late 1960s to build a new runway at O'Hare, which caused a political furor over noise in the suburbs. At the end of the twentieth century, statewide controversy erupted again over the decision to reconfigure O'Hare, renewing the debate over airport expansion. Engagingly written and strikingly illustrated, Chicago Aviation is the only comprehensive history of the city's crucial contributions to the first century of powered flight.
Scholastic Good Food (Set 7) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 07 Non-fiction Title: Good Food Focus: Adjacent consonants and short vowel sounds Tricky Words: have some when you the put to be Book Band: Yellow This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Fun at the Park (Set 6) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 06 Non-fiction Title: Fun at the Park Focus: ar oi air Tricky Words: are full of go the to Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Will You Need a Coat? (Set 5) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 05 Non-fiction Title: Will You Need a Coat? Focus: ai ee igh oa oo you she her the Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Get Fit! (Set 3) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 03 Non-fiction Title: Get Fit! Focus: ff ss j z zz Tricky words: is we go and the to Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc You Can Draw Comic Book Characters: A step-by-step guide for learning to draw more than 25 comic book characters: Volume 4
Learn to draw comic book characters with fun and easy, step-by-step drawing projects, and then design your own superheroes and villains. Are you an aspiring cartoonist or comic book artist? Then You Can Draw Comic Book Characters is just for you! Following the simple step-by-step projects in this fun and exciting book, beginning artists—both the young and the young at heart—will learn to draw a range of original heroic and villainous comic characters, each with their own background story and superpower! Tips, techniques, and easy-to-understand instructions for drawing faces, hair, costumes, and poses will help you create your own unique characters in no time. You’ll not only learn how to design characters from scratch, but you’ll also discover how to add dialog and tell a story using panels. The book opens with helpful sections on tools and materials, essential drawing techniques, and color. This information ensures that you know the basics before getting started on the step-by-step projects that follow. Get to know and draw more than 25 fun characters, including: Jinx Tagget, whose discovery of the Star Stone allows her to control gravity with energy pulses from her hands (and therefore fly!) Tazu the Terror, whose greatest power is not his magical staff, but his ability to accurately predict the actions of his foes Monsclara, a powerful but clumsy alien race from the planet Marumei Battle Model KR-E2, fully sentient robots that want to wake up other KR robots Alleyne, the smallest person from a planet full of giants, who accidentally ended up on Earth after being zapped through a warp tunnel Cordy Seacliff, child genius, who created a jet-pack inspired by the old sci-fi movies he loves Babsti, professor and expert Egyptologist who discovered the secrets the cat goddess Bastet, whose powers she is now able to yield The Vortexer, an anti-hero consumed by jealousy who wears a technologically enhanced super suit with wrist-mounted vortex cannons And many more! Throughout the book, in between the drawing projects, are closer looks at how to create a complete comic book, including developing interesting heroes and villains, writing a story, adding dialog, and using panels. And included at the end of the book are templates to scan or photocopy and practice on over and over again. Drawing a character standing, running, flying, or zapping is easy with the included tips, techniques, and templates. Cleverly written and beautifully illustrated by professional artist Spencer Brinkerhoff III, You Can Draw Comic Book Characters is the perfect introduction to comic book character illustration for cartoon artists-in-training!
South Dakota State Historical Society American Ace: Joe Foss, Fighter Pilot
From the time he was four years old, Joseph Jacob "Joe" Foss (1915–2003) found flight fascinating. As an adolescent, he followed the career of flyer Charles Lindbergh and could hardly wait to get into the air himself. In college, he took private flying lessons, and as war broke out across Europe in 1939 and 1940, he joined the South Dakota National Guard, preparing himself for combat by earning more flight time on weekends. After graduation, he joined the United States Marines Corps' flight training program. Finally, in 1942, Joe was ready to be a fighter pilot, just as he had always dreamed of being. But he was now twenty-six years old, and the military deemed him too old for combat. Instead, the Marine Corps assigned Joe to teach men eighteen to twenty-three years old how to fly.Joe accepted his role but also volunteered for special assignments. He became an aerial reconnaissance photographer, hoping the job might lead him to the battle front. He pestered his superiors until he was allowed to take combat training in the Grumman F4F Wildcat, the carrier-based dogfighter of the Pacific theater. Still, he found himself stateside rather than at the front. He continued to volunteer for dangerous assignments, and his determination eventually won him a spot in a fighting unit just as the war in the Pacific heated up.Joining the Marine Corps' VMF-121 fighter squadron as executive officer, Capt. Joe Foss and his unit shipped out to Guadalcanal, code-named "Cactus," in the Solomon Islands. They arrived in early October 1942, just weeks after the Allies had taken Henderson Field on Guadalcanal from the Japanese. By mid-October, Joe had shot down five enemy airplanes, which officially made him a flying ace. With his leadership and his pilots' daredevil tactics, the VMF-121 became known as Foss's Flying Circus, the heart of the Cactus Air Force. Shooting down a total of twenty-six enemy planes between October 10, 1942, and January 25, 1943, Foss became America's Number One Ace and earned the Congressional Medal of Honor for his role in Guadalcanal. He was a hero known around the world for his prowess in the skies.Using pen and ink, Hector Curriel draws readers into his subject's triumphs and trials as Joe Foss overcomes difficult and dangerous situations. He is shot down twice, contracts malaria, and loses his friends and comrades in battle. American Ace places action at the forefront, using the escapades of Foss during World War II to showcase the experience of many fighter pilots, while highlighting the perseverance that made this man unique.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Into the Black: The electrifying true story of how the first flight of the Space Shuttle nearly ended in disaster
On 12th April 1981 a revolutionary new spacecraft blasted off from Florida on her maiden flight. NASA’s Space Shuttle Columbia was the most advanced flying machine ever built – the high watermark of post-war aviation development. A direct descendant of the record-breaking X-planes the likes of which Chuck Yeager had tested in the skies over the Mojave Desert, Columbia was a winged rocket plane, the size of an airliner, capable of flying to space and back before being made ready to fly again. She was the world’s first real spaceship.On board were men with the Right Stuff. The Shuttle’s Commander, moonwalker John Young, was already a veteran of five spaceflights. Alongside him, Pilot Bob Crippen was making his first, but Crip, taken in by the space agency after the cancellation of a top secret military space station programme in 1969, had worked on the Shuttle’s development for a decade. Never before had a crew been so well prepared for their mission.Yet less than an hour after Young and Crippen’s spectacular departure from the Cape it was clear that all was not well. Tiles designed to protect Columbia from the blowtorch burn of re-entry were missing from the heatshield. If the damage to their ship was too great the astronauts would be unable to return safely to earth. But neither they nor mission control possessed any way of knowing. Instead, NASA turned to the National Reconnaissance Office, a spy agency hidden deep inside the Pentagon whose very existence was classified. To help, the NRO would attempt something that had never been done before. Success would require skill, pinpoint timing and luck …Drawing on brand new interviews with astronauts and engineers, archive material and newly declassified documents, Rowland White, bestselling author of Vulcan 607, has pieced together the dramatic untold story of the mission for the first time. Into the Black is a thrilling race against time; a gripping high stakes cold-war story, and a celebration of a beyond the state-of-the-art machine that, hailed as one of the seven new wonders of the world, rekindled our passion for spaceflight.*With a foreword by Astronaut Richard Truly*‘Beautifully researched and written, Into the Black tells the true, complete story of the Space Shuttle better than it’s ever been told before.’ Colonel Chris Hadfield, former Astronaut and Space Station Commander‘Brilliantly revealed, Into the Black is the finely tuned true story of the first flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia. Rowland White has magnificently laid bare the unknown dangers and unseen hazards of that first mission … Once read, not forgotten.’Clive Cussler
BBC Worldwide Ltd Just a Minute: Through the Years: 12 classic episodes of the much-loved BBC Radio comedy game
Ten archive editions of the the much-loved BBC Radio 4 panel game plus two very special programmes, chaired by Nicholas Parsons.Seasons come and go, and years fly by, but Just a Minute has been a constant ray of sunshine on Radio 4 for over 50 years. Now, in this new collection of programmes, ten previously unpublished editions — from the 1970s to the 2010s — are presented alongside two very special half hours: Just a Minute: 50 Years in 28 Minutes and 50 Years of Just a Minute: Paul Merton in Conversation with Nicholas Parsons. Among the many guest performers attempting to speak for 60 seconds without hesitation, repetition or deviation from the subject are Kenneth Williams, Clement Freud, Derek Nimmo, Peter Jones, Paul Merton, Andrée Melly, Patrick Moore, Kenny Everett, Tim Rice, Wendy Richard, Richard Murdoch, Jenny Eclair, Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Stephen Frost, Gyles Brandreth, Sue Perkins and Frank Skinner.Who will win enough points to take a commanding lead, who will find themselves trailing a little, and who will finish in a strong fourth place? Find out as we play Just a Minute!1. 12 October 1971: Featuring Clement Freud, Peter Jones, Andrée Melly, Kenneth Williams2. 18 April 1978: Featuring Clement Freud, Patrick Moore, Derek Nimmo, Kenneth Williams3. 5 February 1980: Featuring Kenny Everett, Clement Freud, Peter Jones, Kenneth Williams4. 16 June 1984: Featuring Clement Freud, Peter Jones, Tim Rice, Kenneth Williams5. 16 June 1988: Featuring Clement Freud, Derek Nimmo, Wendy Richard, Kenneth Williams6. 28 April 1990: Featuring Peter Jones, Paul Merton, Richard Murdoch, Wendy Richard7. 2 August 1999: Featuring Jenny Eclair, Stephen Frost, Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Peter Jones 8. 19 January 2004: Featuring Clement Freud, Paul Merton, Graham Norton, Linda Smith9. 9 January 2006: Featuring Clement Freud, Stephen Fry, Paul Merton, Tim Rice 10. 18 August 2014: Featuring Gyles Brandreth, Paul Merton, Sue Perkins, Frank Skinner11. 25 December 2017: Just a Minute: 50 Years in 28 Minutes. Featuring panellists from across the years12. 1 January 2018: 50 Years of Just a Minute - Paul Merton in conversation with Nicholas ParsonsDevised by Ian MessiterChaired by Nicholas ParsonsEpisode selection by Michael StevensMusic: The Minute Waltz (Waltz in D Flat Major, Op. 64) by ChopinDuration: 5 hours 50 mins approx.Please note: The humour in these programmes sometimes reflects the era in which they were first broadcast. Contains strong language and mild innuendo. Due to the archive nature of some of the episodes, sound quality may vary.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet India Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's India Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Indian phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Eat like a Maharaja, bargain through markets and chat with locals; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's Indian Phrasebook and Dictionary: Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Indian Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at and join our community of followers on Facebook (, Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (, and TikTok (@lonelyplanet). 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Bunker Hill Publishing Inc Brain Volume 2: A 21st Century Look at a 400 Million Year Old Organ
Brain: A 21st Century Look at a 400 Million Year Old Organ (Bunker Hill Publishing; available: October 2010) is the companion volume to the highly acclaimed Bones, Brains and DNA, and is based on a new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History that opens November 3rd, 2010. Is the brain something that works the way it is supposed to like a computer or something that works not quite as well as it is supposed to like a Rube Goldberg contraption? Brains have different purposes depending on whether you are a mouse (it's useful to smell well) or a human (you need to walk on two feet) or a whale (you need to know where you are in the ocean) and for all these purposes and others you need a brain. What kind of a brain does a fruit fly have? Do plants need brains or can they get by without one? Does a pea have a brain? What animal had the first brain? Does brain-size matter and what makes the human brains different from those of other species? Then there are the chemical questions and the electrical questions and how messages are sent around your body from the brain and signals are sent back from the nerve cells to the brain along multi-lane highways full of neurotransmitters which cope with the impulses you have sensed from the outside world. Wallace and Darwin show you how 21st century science works with CATS (No not cats!) and MRIs and all that Brain Imaging that can explore the brain in action. How we sleep, how we perceive things, how we dream, how we (and other animals) remember things, even how we think! Brain takes a 21st Century Look at the major concepts that will help the reader understand the complex structure and function of the brain, whether plants have brains and what the brains of small animals like flies and worms look like and if size matters. Brain looks at the structure of neural cells and what a synapse looks like and does as well as examine the chemical nature of how nerves work and how some molecules like dopamine work to influence the way our nervous systems work. It also looks at how the brain works and what parts of the brain might control what functions and how FMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) looks at the brain. This lavishly illustrated book examines how our brain works when we sleep, see things, perceive and remember things.
Scholastic River Otters (Set 6) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 06 Non-fiction Title: River Otters Focus: or ur ear er Tricky Words: you the and are Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic In the Tin (Set 1) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 01 Non-fiction Title: In the Tin Focus: a t p i n Tricky words: the Book Band: Pink A This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Warfighters 2: The Story of the U.S. Marine Corps Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1)
In this second installment in the Warfighters series, author/photographers Rich Llinares and Chuck Lloyd provide an in-depth look at the United States Marine Corps aviation organization and its specialized training unit the Marine Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1). The squadron, located at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, trains both fixed and rotary wind aircrews in the "Six Functions of Marine Ari." Twice a year, the fines aviators in the Marine Corps attend the intense WEapons and Tactics Insturctor (WTI) course under the direction of some of the best pilots in the world. Take to the skies over the Arizona desert in the Marines most advanced aircraft. Join the amazing AV-8B Harrier vertical short/takeoff and landing jet as it conducts close air support missions in support of Marine ground troops. Strap in to the advanced F/A-18 Hornet strike fighter on deep strike escort missions with EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare jets. Join the crews of the rugged KC-130 Hercules while they conduct demanding low altitude aerial refueling missions. Marine aviation is more than just fast jets; over half the Corps aircraft are helicopters. Fly in the massive CH-53 Stallion helicopter on air combat maneuvering training missions against the Marine Corps dedicated adversary tactics squadron, the Snipers in their nimble F-5E Tiger II jets. Get down low in the weeds with Marine CH-46E and UH-1N helicopters as they conduct assault support missions with the devastating AH-1W Cobra gunship. Through extensive research, and access to many of the key personnel, both past and present, the authors tell the complete story of Marine aviation and how it serves America's 911 force - the U.S. Marine Corps. In rich detailed text and spectacular full color photos the history of this amazing military organization is described along with its force structure and air wings. Hear directly from the Marines who planned and executed the daring rescue of USAF Captain Scott O'Grady from war torn Bosnia. Take a first hand look at how the unique MAWTS-1 unit teaches Marine airmen to be experts in their aircraft and missions. Warfighters 2 also contains a first hand look at the unique HMX-1 squadron which fulfills a number of key requirements from flying the President to conducting the operations test and evaluation of all rotary aircraft flown in the Marine Corps. Each of the aircraft operated by the Marines are examined through words and pictures. Join the aviation combat element of the few, the proud, the Marines - the first to fight the last to leave.
Sunflower Books Madeira Walk and Eat Sunflower Guide: Walks, restaurants and recipes
Pocket-sized, full-colour guide to Madeira, ideal for an active short break Madeira Sunflower Walk and Eat pocket guide is designed to add another dimension to your walking holiday in Madeira. This pocket-sized full-colour guide to walking in Madeira is designed for visitors who would like to combine some enticing walks with the best local cooking. Many of the walks are along the ‘levada’ paths so beloved of visitors. Levadas are watercourses that carry rainfall from the mountains to irrigate the cultivated terraces. But even ‘non-walkers’ will appreciate the recommendations for eating out in Madeira. For each suggested restaurant there is a photograph of the décor and one of their dishes, plus sample menu, price guide, opening times and a recipe for one of their specialities. Whether you fly out for a weekend, week or a fortnight, with this book you’ll have in your hand enough walks, excursions, restaurants and recipes to last throughout — so you can choose the most appealing. For each suggested restaurant there is a photograph of the décor and one of their dishes, plus sample menu, price guide, opening times and a recipe for one of their specialities. All recipes have been tried, tested and enjoyed by the authors so we think you’ll enjoy them too! In Madeira Sunflower Walk and Eat guide you’ll find: * Detailed, easy-to-follow descriptions of fairly straightforward walks with large-scale maps * Excursion to Monte by cable car and a ‘round the island’ tour using public buses.suitable for all holidaymakers * Recommended restaurants en route serving local dishes with sample menus included * Essential holiday information including planning your trip, logistics on arrival, local markets and specialities, glossary of local food terms and a restaurant mini-vocabulary * Advice on natural local foods suitable for those with food intolerances * Street map of Funchal, information on markets, Portuguese wines and locally produced food – as well as free downloadable GPS tracks If you like to walk and you like to eat … you are going to love this book — the best guide to Madeira that we have used in our two trips to the island. (PVB, Amazon) Excellent guide to build your holiday around. (Gourmethiker, Amazon) All the walks feature places where you can find a good meal. Overall this is the perfect walking guide for the visitor who may want to do a walk or two but is not visiting specifically for this purpose. More ambitious walkers may prefer Sunflower’s Landscapes guide to Madeira. (ASM, Amazon)
Scholastic Lots of Fish (Set 4) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 04 Non-fiction Title: Lots of Fish Focus: sh th ng Tricky words: has is the and of Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Born to be Wild: How Baby Animals Survive and Thrive
Discover how adorable baby animals survive in the wild with this entertaining read for children aged 9+ all about the animal kingdom!Have you ever wondered what it's like for baby animals to learn how to roar, swim or fly for the first time? Well, now you can! Born To Be Wild explores the vast complexities of growing up in the animal kingdom, where everything feels like new. This unique read goes where no book has gone by delving into the countless ways baby animals survive in the wild. Jam-packed with awe-inspiring facts about baby animals across the entire animal kingdom, from chimpanzees to cheetahs, hippos to humpback whales and more. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they soar into the pages of this fascinating animal book to explore: -Packed with amazing facts about babies from across the animal kingdom -Beautiful double-page images of adorable cubs, chicks, kits, and calves -Covers subjects such as animal behaviour, interaction with siblings and parents, learning, feeding, and hunting -Explores the perilous hazards that animals must face to mature into independent adults -Diagrams and illustrations explain the biology of how animals are adapted to their habitats -Extensive information and step-by-step features on "firsts" e.g. a tiger cub taking its first steps- Feature spreads hone in on unique animals, e.g. male seahorses that give birth to and look after their babiesThe only book on the market for children aged 9+ to focus on young animals and how they are adapted to survive in the wild, Born To Be Wild comprises gorgeous photographs of baby bears, lions and tigers, marsupials, birds and marine mammals, whilst charting the stages of development for baby animals, from dependency to independence, and looks at why some animals cling to their mothers for many months, while others must learn to fend for themselves almost as soon as they are born.Calling all animal lovers aged 9+, this informative step-by-step encyclopaedia explores the particular stages of learned animal behaviour, such as how a lion cub learns to stalk its prey. Further encompassing the key themes in a young animal's life: from birth and the very first days of life, to learning to hunt and feed, senses and communication, habitat and adaptation, as well as the fun-filled playtime.A perfect balance between learning and fun, parents can also join the journey to the animal kingdom, and read this beautiful and informative book alongside little ones!
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Mexican Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's Mexican Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Latin American Spanish phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs.Order Mexican delicacies at restaurants, bargain for the best price at markets, and discuss Mayan history with the locals; all with your trusted travel companion.Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation!Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meaningsOrder with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoderSave time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertipsNever get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionaryBe prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminologyMeet friends with conversation starter phrasesGet your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guidesInside Lonely Planet's Mexican Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary:Full-color throughoutUser-friendly layout organized by travel scenario categoriesSurvival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cuesConvenient features5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go10 Ways to Start a Sentence10 Phrases to Sound like a LocalListen For - phrases you may hearLook For - phrases you may see on signsShortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrasesQandA - suggested answers to questions askedCoversBasics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rulesPractical - travel with kids, disabled travelers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transportSocial - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weatherSafe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, pharmacist, dentist, symptoms, conditionsFood - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredientsThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Mexican Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travelers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Scholastic Pet Rabbits (Set 8) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Non-fiction Title: Pet Rabbits Focus: Adjacent consonants and long vowel sounds Tricky Words: you the they are like love to be some do of Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Transport Today (Set 8) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Non-fiction Title: Transport Today Focus: Adjacent consonants and long vowel sounds Tricky Words: of we have to today there are some the by when were they little be do push so what Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Brazilian Portuguese phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Order feijoada, ask for directions to Carnaval in Rio and converse with locals; all with your trusted travel companion.Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation!Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meaningsOrder with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoderSave time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertipsNever get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionaryBe prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminologyMeet friends with conversation starter phrasesGet your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guidesInside Lonely Planet's Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook and Dictionary:Full-color throughoutUser-friendly layout organized by travel scenario categoriesSurvival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cuesConvenient features5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go10 Ways to Start a Sentence10 Phrases to Sound like a LocalListen For - phrases you may hearLook For - phrases you may see on signsShortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrasesQandA - suggested answers to questions askedCoversBasics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rulesPractical - travel with kids, disabled travelers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transportSocial - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weatherSafe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, pharmacist, dentist, symptoms, conditionsFood - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredientsThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travelers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Hodder & Stoughton The Rest of Me: the uplifting new novel from the bestselling author of My Everything: the unmissable uplifting novel from the bestselling author of My Everything
**Pre-order Katie Marsh's emotional new love story Unbreak Your Heart** 'I laughed, I identified, I shed a tear. A lovely story that deserves to fly. I loved it.' Amanda Jennings'Vividly written and packed with emotional punches The Rest Of Me is devastating yet uplifting.' Daily Express*******Alex Fox knows there are lots of things she should be. She should be the perfect wife to her chronically ill husband Sam, and the perfect mother to their two daughters. She should be excelling in her high-stress job. And she should be completing the demanding to-do lists she makes to keep herself on track. Even if, just sometimes, she doesn't have time to breathe.When Sam's condition worsens and Alex donates a kidney to save his life, her carefully scheduled existence starts to unravel - eventually forcing her to face up to a past that she has buried for years.As the family she has fought so hard for threatens to fall apart, can Alex finally confront the mistakes that have shaped her - and rediscover what is most important in life?***The Rest of Me is an emotional and uplifting story which will make you laugh, cry and hug the people you love a little bit tighter. Perfect for fans of Jojo Moyes, Lucy Dillon and Amanda Prowse. Readers and authors can't stop praising The Rest of Me:'Reading The Rest of Me felt like the equivalent of watching back-to-back episodes of Cold Feet - funny, heartwarming and thoroughly entertaining. A joyous, page-turning read.' Fiona Mitchell'A deeply emotional and utterly relatable tale of family life and modern motherhood. I fell quite in love with Alex and her family, and loved every word of this beautifully written book.' Kelly Rimmer'This heart-wrenching tale was one of the best I've come across. A beautiful book, an un-put-downable one, which will stay with me awhile.' Goodreads, 5 stars'Sensitive and thought-provoking... I adored it' - Netgalley, 5 stars'This book is amazing from the start...beautifully written with real life issues that I could relate to. I definitely recommend this is a top read.' - Netgalley, 5 stars'Katie's best book yet - I absolutely LOVED it!' - Goodreads, 5 stars'A proper tear jerker. [It] showed that family, love and pulling together in times of trouble really does help you pull through almost any crisis. Tissues needed throughout.' - Amazon, 5 stars'A really engaging and emotive book, which kept me hooked. Highly recommended read.' - Netgalley, 5 stars'Another excellent book from Katie Marsh. A thought-provoking and emotional read. Thoroughly recommended.' Netgalley, 5 stars'An uplifting book which had me gripped throughout' - Netgalley
John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Visualization with Excel Dashboards and Reports
Large corporations like IBM and Oracle are using Excel dashboards and reports as a Business Intelligence tool, and many other smaller businesses are looking to these tools in order to cut costs for budgetary reasons. An effective analyst not only has to have the technical skills to use Excel in a productive manner but must be able to synthesize data into a story, and then present that story in the most impactful way. Microsoft shows its recognition of this with Excel. In Excel, there is a major focus on business intelligence and visualization. Data Visualization with Excel Dashboards and Reports fills the gap between handling data and synthesizing data into meaningful reports. This title will show readers how to think about their data in ways other than columns and rows. Most Excel books do a nice job discussing the individual functions and tools that can be used to create an "Excel Report". Titles on Excel charts, Excel pivot tables, and other books that focus on "Tips and Tricks" are useful in their own right; however they don't hit the mark for most data analysts. The primary reason these titles miss the mark is they are too focused on the mechanical aspects of building a chart, creating a pivot table, or other functionality. They don't offer these topics in the broader picture by showing how to present and report data in the most effective way. What are the most meaningful ways to show trending? How do you show relationships in data? When is showing variances more valuable than showing actual data values? How do you deal with outliers? How do you bucket data in the most meaningful way? How do you show impossible amounts of data without inundating your audience? In Data Visualization with Excel Reports and Dashboards, readers will get answers to all of these questions. Part technical manual, part analytical guidebook; this title will help Excel users go from reporting data with simple tables full of dull numbers, to creating hi-impact reports and dashboards that will wow management both visually and substantively. This book offers a comprehensive review of a wide array of technical and analytical concepts that will help users create meaningful reports and dashboards. After reading this book, the reader will be able to: Analyze large amounts of data and report their data in a meaningful way Get better visibility into data from different perspectives Quickly slice data into various views on the fly Automate redundant reporting and analyses Create impressive dashboards and What-If analyses Understand the fundamentals of effective visualization Visualize performance comparisons Visualize changes and trends over time
Scholastic Is It Rubbish? (Set 5) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 05 Non-fiction Title: Is It Rubbish? Focus: ee igh oa the I put you full of and into Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic My Wool Pet (Set 5) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 3 Scholastic Set: 05 Non-fiction Title: My Wool Pet Focus: ee oo oo Tricky words: you to the all and my of Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic The Job of a Vet (Set 4) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 04 Non-fiction Title: The Job of a Vet Focus: qu ch th ng nk Tricky words: is he the has and Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Jet to the Sun (Set 3) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 2 Scholastic Set: 03 Non-fiction Title: Jet to the Sun Focus: ff ll j v w Tricky words: push to the go we Book Band: Red This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Yellen: The Trailblazing Economist Who Navigated an Era of Upheaval
“A vivid portrait of an exceptional woman and a lively history of the economic and financial crises that helped make the treasury secretary and former Fed chair who she is today.” —Sylvia Nasar, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Beautiful Mind“Captivating. . . . Part biography, part history of ideas, the book provides a fascinating window into the ways thinking on economic policy has evolved in the last 25 years. . . . A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the current economic challenges we face.” —Liaquat Ahamed, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Lords of FinanceAn engrossing and deeply human chronicle of the past fifty years of American economic and social upheaval, viewed through the consequential life of the most powerful woman in American economic history, Janet Yellen, and her unconventional partnership in marriage and work with Nobel Laureate George Akerlof.At the dawn of the 21st century, many of America’s leaders believed that free trade, modern finance, technology, and wise government policy had paved the way for a new era of prosperity. Then came a cascade of disasters—a bursting tech bubble, domestic terror attacks, a housing market implosion, a financial system crisis, a deadly global pandemic. These events led to serial recessions, deepened America’s political fractures and widened the divide between those best off and everyone else.Award-winning economics writer Jon Hilsenrath examines what happened, viewing events through the experiences of two historic figures: Janet Yellen was Treasury Secretary, Federal Reserve Chairwoman and Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Her husband, George Akerlof, was an imaginative Nobel prize–winning economist.Long before the upheaval of the past two decades, Akerlof warned of flaws in modern economic thinking; then Yellen had to fix the economy on the fly as it cracked.In telling their story, Hilsenrath explores long-running intellectual battles over the fragile balance between unruly democratic government and unpredictable markets. He introduces readers to the cast of modern intellectuals and policy makers who deciphered, shaped, and steered these systems through prosperity, chaos, and reformation. And he explains what went wrong, why, and what might happen next.What emerges is an absorbing examination of how humans think and behave, and how those actions shape markets, inform economic policy, and could determine the future of a now-deeply divided nation.Hilsenrath reminds us that economics is neither science nor ideology, as some once wished or promised.Economics is an endeavor.Most good love stories are, too.
Scholastic US Bob Books: Sight Words - Year 1
Box Set: 10 Books Ages: 5 to 6 Stage 2: Emerging Readers Sight words are common words that appear again and again in your children's reading material. Knowing these words 'by sight' is essential for reading fluency. This set provides more practice at the beginning reading level and introduces some of the most common easy sight words. Our method makes the process of learning to recognize sight words very simple for the young reader. Consistent short vowels and simple stories mean children sound out (decode) the story, and must memorize only three sight words per book. With plenty of repetition and context clues, your young reader will quickly master early sight words with the Sight Words Year 1 (Kindergarten) box set. Inside the box you'll find: 10 easy-to-read, hilarious small books, 12 pages each All stories told in three and four letter words, plus sight words Consistent short vowels mean easy decoding in the rest of the story Three new sight words introduced in each book 30 two-sided, sight words flash cards Sight words introduced: a, as, can, did, do, down, fly, get, go, goes, had, has, home, in, is, jump, look, not, off, on, over, ran, saw, she, some, they, to, was, went, who ABOUT BOBS BOOKS Bob Books is America's no.1, award-winning, learning-to-read series trusted for over 40 years. Bob Books is a true first reader series, designed to make helping children learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet. Companion workbooks extend children's reading journey by allowing them to practice the skills learned in the books. Bob Books is designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words. The award-winning beginning reader book sets start slowly and progress from books with three letter words, to books with more than one sentence per page. By meeting children at the right level, parents are often amazed at how quickly their child is able to sound out words when reading their first Bob Book. Bob Books covers four reading stages... Pre-Readings Skills Recognize shapes, patterns, and other pre-reading skills Stage 1: Starting to Read From learning the alphabet to sounding out your first words Stage 2: Emerging Readers Sentences become longer and sight words are introduced Stage 3: Developing Readers Words and sentences become longer, and new rules are introduced
Dialogue Diamond Hill: Totally unputdownable and evocative literary fiction
'A rapid-fire debut with a cinematographer's eye for detail... Fan strikes a deft balance between agile set-pieces and lingering beauty.' Naoise Dolan 'A vivid, powerful portrait of a vanishing world.' David Nicholls'Do you know what it was like here? You wouldn't believe the glamour. We had our own film studio, redbrick houses for the stars, even Jackie Chan. Now look at us - the Hollywood of the Orient will soon be gone altogether.'1987, Hong Kong. Trying to outrun his demons, a young man who calls himself Buddha returns to the bustling place of his birth. He moves into a small Buddhist nunnery in the crumbling neighbourhood of Diamond Hill, where planes landing at the nearby airport fly so close overhead that travellers can see into the rooms of those below.As Buddha begins to care for the nuns and their neighbours, this pocket of the old city is vanishing. Even the fiery Iron Nun cannot prevent the frequent landslides that threaten the nunnery she fights for, and in the nearby shanty town, a faded film actress who calls herself Audrey Hepburn is hiding a deep secret and trying to survive with her teenage daughter who has a bigger fish to fry.But no one arrives in Diamond Hill by accident, and Buddha's ties to this place run deeper than he is willing to admit. Can he make peace with his past and survive in this disappearing city?Beautifully written and utterly compelling, Diamond Hill is a gorgeous love letter that perfectly captures a lost place, filled with unforgettable characters. If you love books by Hanya Yanagihara, Colm Tóibín and Ocean Vuong, you'll adore this haunting and evocative novel.What people are saying about Diamond Hill:'The best debut I've read in ages... A glorious luminosity to the writing and the reading experience is rather like looking into a kaleidoscope and giving it several twirls.' Cathy Rentzenbrink 'A gripping and highly accomplished debut... A thoroughly enjoyable and profound exploration of powerlessness, identity and the evolution of a city.' Guardian'Fan is an exuberant chronicler of a lost time and place... It's a timely consideration of Hong Kong's recent past.' The Times'An exhilarating and original tale, Diamond Hill marks award-winning Fan as a writer to watch.' Cosmopolitan 'Fan creates a textured, unsettled portrait of a territory facing a decisive ending... The dark drama that unfolds is an elegy to that vanished vanishing world.' The Wall Street Journal'Gleams with pleasurable insights... Memorable moments are sketched by a poet's hand.' South China Morning Post
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet South Pacific Phrasebook
Lonely Planet's South Pacific Phrasebook is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Spanish phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Chat over dinner with a local family in Fiji, understand the hula in Hawaii, and join a traditional umukai feast in Rarotonga,; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's South Pacific Phrasebook : Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's South Pacific Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Hodder & Stoughton Anthem
'Epic... Apart from being the Emmy award-winning creator of the superb television series Fargo, the American author Noah Hawley is a talented deviser of high-class literary thrillers... It's a fabulous worst-of-all-fears scenario... Hawley attacks his narrative from a broad, TV drama-ish viewpoint, assembling a large, intercutting cast of characters' - The Sunday Times'Noah Hawley taps into our existential anxiety- and transforms it into a hefty page-turner that's equal parts horrific, catastrophic and, at times, strangely entertaining' - New York Times'Terrifyingly good... Hawley is such an experienced storyteller...this book is nothing if not art imitating life' - Irish Sunday Independent From the visionary bestselling author of Before the Fall and The Good Father, an epic literary thriller set where America is right now . . . and the world will be tomorrow.America spins into chaos as the last remnants of political consensus break apart. Against a background of environmental disaster and opioid addiction, debate descends into violence and militias roam the streets - while teenagers across the world seem driven to self-destruction, communicating by memes only they can understand.Yet the markets still tick up and the super-rich, like Ty Oliver, fly above the flames in private jets.After the death of his daughter, Ty dispatches his son Simon to an Anxiety Abatement Center. There he encounters another boy called the Prophet. And the Prophet wants him to join a quest.Before long, Simon is on the road with a crew of new comrades on a rescue mission as urgent as it is enigmatic. Suddenly heroes of their own story, they are crossing the country in search of a young woman held in a billionaire's retreat - and, just possibly, the only hope of escape from the apocalypse bequeathed to them by their parents' generation.Noah Hawley's epic literary thriller, full of unforgettably vivid characters, finds unquenchable lights in the darkest corners. Uncannily topical and yet as timeless as a Grimm's fairy tale, this is a novel of excoriating power, raw emotion and narrative verve, confirming Hawley as one of the most essential writers of our time.'Hawley makes this sing by combining the social commentary of a Margaret Atwood novel with the horrors of a Stephen King book' - Publishers Weekly* * *PRAISE FOR NOAH HAWLEY:'He has an intuitive understanding of human behaviour and an instinctive grasp of plot that make him a master storyteller'Guardian'An addictive thriller whose thematic richness is reminiscent of Franzen'The Sunday Times'Hawley's sublime prose glows on every page'Daily Mail'A thriller of masterful precision'Independent'High-class entertainment' Mail on Sunday'One of the year's best suspense novels'New York Times
Scholastic Train for the Top (Set 8) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Non-fiction Title: Train for the Top Focus: Adjacent consonants and long vowel sounds Tricky Words: to be the you have they of when by so all are Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Canelo Summer on the Turquoise Coast
It's never too late to start living your life...Nina likes her life exactly as it is. Happy(ish) in her teaching job, and with no love interests on the horizon, she knows she can’t get hurt if she doesn’t rock the boat. But Nina’s octogenarian grandmother, Flossie, has plans to drag Nina kicking and screaming from her comfort zone.When the two of them arrive in Turkey, Nina’s plans for a quiet holiday are blown out of the water by Flossie’s antics. And that’s before Nina meets lovely and handsome Leo on a trip to the ancient ruins of Ephesus. Despite her grandmother determined to play matchmaker, Nina knows that holiday romances are not built to last. But there’s something about the turquoise coast – and Flossie’s shenanigans – that compels Nina to loosen up and have some fun… Perfect for fans of Mandy Baggot and Tilly Tennant, join Nina and Flossie as they learn to let go, enjoy the time they have and maybe even find love in the process.What readers are saying about Summer on the Turquoise Coast:'Oh I absolutely LOVED this book! Lilac Mills has such a fabulous lyrical writing style that she magically sweeps us away to picturesque Turkey in her latest novel.' Reader Review'Great summer read. Hilarious and a surprise at the end. Would recommend.' Reader review'Brilliant I haven't read a book that's made me laugh like this did for aeons. Well written great story and lots of ahhh moments.' Reader review'This was an absolute laugh a minute. Lilac Mills certainly makes this one gripping story and you just want to keep turning the page. Fantastic descriptions throughout. I was so sad to see this end and it was over before I realised it... I am looking forward to the next one from this author.' Reader review'Perfect summer holiday reading, this book is so so funny and incredibly easy to read. I was transported on Flossie and Nina's holiday as a fly on the wall, laughing at their various antics... My only regret is that the book isn't longer, I finished it far too quickly, for it only took me a morning of sitting in the sun to read. I was devouring it with a massive grin on my face and think it's a brilliant romantic comedy.' Reader review'Witty writing that had me giggling along especially at the inappropriate bits and it definitely put me in a fabulous mood.Then factor in a gorgeous romance that just made this story all the more perfect. Before I knew it I was nearing the end and it was such a shame as I was having so much fun... makes you want to step out of your comfort zone and embrace life!' Reader review
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Greek Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's Greek Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Greek phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Ask about the best beaches, directions to the most historic sites, and order specialties like a local; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's Greek Phrasebook and Dictionary: Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Greek Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Humanix Books DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America
"Read this disturbing but vital book." — Tucker CarlsonFrom the New York Times bestselling BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win author and leading conservative thinker comes DARK AGENDA, an extraordinary look into the left’s calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society — and how these efforts must be stopped.And it is written by David Horowitz, a Jew.In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Horowitz warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans — including Jews like himself. The liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished, Horowitz argues. He says that Judeo-Christian values are at the very root of America’s democracy. Kill off such values and all of our freedoms could perish.Horowitz examines how our elites — increasingly secular and atheist — are pushing a radical agenda: How the left trashes Christian doctrines critical to the American Republic, much like radical Islam’s war on “infidel” cultures like ours. Why the left fights to keep prayer and religion out of public schools, and how those efforts fly in the face of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s intentions. How fanatical liberals helped create the religious right by targeting evangelicals and believing Catholics and other conservatives. How Barack Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda galvanized the anti-God, anti-religious left. The violent and shocking manifesto of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who advocated the use of dynamite to promote “revolutionary solidarity.” Filled with stories that demonstrate the mind-numbing reasons behind the secular Left’s smug disdain for Christianity, Horowitz traces the history of religious liberty from the Founding Fathers to now. He shows how the Founding Fathers put aside their own skepticisms about God and religion to write The Declaration of Independence.Today, he writes Donald Trump’s “genuine love for his country” has galvanized Christians to fight the secular war waged against them — as the president has become a lightning rod for the radical left.David Horowitz’s powerful new book brings vital insights into the war against Christianity and names the global radicals, leftist Democrats, and money-hungry fat cats of Hollywood and Wall Street responsible for it. Finally, a clear and sensible American voice — one that is not Christian but Jewish — stands up to the twisted rantings of those who want to tear down faith and bedrock of American values. David Horowitz delivers an impassioned plea for the restoration of political sanity in America, a perspective that made America great by respecting the faiths of our fathers and mothers.“One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity’s role in America." — Gov Mike HuckabeeThe Best Book on Politics for Christians in 2019 — The Stream
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet French Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's French Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful French phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Order tasty cheeses, talk wine with the locals and seek out hidden villages; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's French Phrasebook and Dictionary: Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's French Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
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Simon & Schuster Ltd The Ghost of Ivy Barn: The Witches of Woodville 3
'Beautiful and engaging and clever' Manda Scott, bestselling author of A Treachery of Spies 'A young witch to rival Tiffany Aching. Magic!' FMA Dixon August 1940. In a quiet village in rural Kent, the enemy is at the gates . . . The Battle of Britain rages and Faye Bright encounters the ghost of a pilot who won't give up the fight. Before she can help him, Faye is whisked away to join a motley crew of witches to perform a top secret ritual on the White Cliffs of Dover that could repel the invaders. But there's a catch. The ritual must be executed in the nuddy. Mrs Teach threatens mutiny. Miss Charlotte is intrigued. And Faye wants to call the whole thing off when she suspects there's a spy in their midst. It's up to Faye Bright to uncover the traitor, all while dealing with the ghost haunting Ivy Barn who may hold the key to the truth. But first, Faye has to learn to fly . . . ***For fans of Lev Grossman and Terry Pratchett comes the third novel in this delightful series of war, mystery and a little bit of magic . . .Don't miss the other magical books in the WITCHES OF WOODVILLE series! #1 The Crow Folk #2 Babes in the Wood #3 The Ghost of Ivy Barn #4 The Holly King Praise for The Witches of Woodville series 'I so enjoyed The Crow Folk. Set in an endearingly odd village in deepest Kent, it's full of engaging characters and weird, witchy goings-on. Fast-paced, entertainingly creepy and at times laugh-out-loud funny, it's also genuinely moving' Michelle Paver, author of Wakenhyrst 'ACE. Smart and funny and written so warmly. It's an absolutely smashing read' Pernille Hughes, author of Probably the Best Kiss in the World 'Swept me straight back to days of losing myself in Diana Wynne Jones novels, and getting lost in truly absorbing, sometimes scary, sometimes emotive adventure with its roots in folklore and history. A story that is full of magic and delight that will thrill readers of any age' Rowan Coleman, author of The Girl at the Window 'A delightful mash-up of Dad’s Army and Charmed. An absolute treat' CK McDonnell, author of Stranger Times 'Warm, witty, witchy wartime fun. With Mark Stay as writer you're always guaranteed a magical read' Julie Wassmer, author of the Whitstable Pearl Mysteries 'You'll love it: Doctor Who meets Worzel Gummidge' Lorna Cook, author of The Forgotten Village 'A jolly romp with witches, demons, and bellringing. Pratchett fans will enjoy this, and Faye is a feisty and fun hero. Dad's Army meets Witches of Eastwick' Ian W Sainsbury
HarperCollins Publishers An Invitation to Seashell Bay
‘A lovely, sunshiney story, bursting with wit and joy’ – MILLY JOHNSON ‘Has the Bella Osborne hallmark combination of wit, wonderful characters and meaningful conflicts … a fantastic read’ – SUE MOORCROFT The brand-new summery rom com from Bella Osborne, full of laughter, love and life’s twists and turns! ***An Invitation to Seashell Bay was originally published as a four-part serial. This is the complete story in one package.*** One ambitious businesswoman. One irresponsible heir. A deal that will turn both their lives upside down… To grow her craft business, Nancy is in desperate need of two things: help and money. So when a potential investor she’s looking to impress recommends an assistant, she jumps at the chance to secure both. Freddy Astley-Davenport is a notorious playboy with zero work experience. He’s poised to inherit his family’s estate in sunny Seashell Bay – but only if he can hold down a job for six months first. His plan is to take the assistant role in name only, then do the least work he possibly can. Nancy has other ideas, though, and the pair butt heads from day one. However, as they argue, sparks begin to fly, and they soon discover exactly why opposites attract… An absolutely escapist, funny, feel-good summer romance. Fans of Cathy Bramley, Katie Fforde and Milly Johnson will adore Bella Osborne. Everyone is loving An Invitation to Seashell Bay!: ‘A lovely, sunshiney story, bursting with wit and joy’ bestselling author Milly Johnson ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Not your typical romance book … I laughed a lot as the sparring between Nancy and Freddie was wonderfully written.’NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘(Bella) never fails to provide a fantastic read’ Sue Moorcroft ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A lovely book full of warmth, humour and a naughty peacock!’NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Sparkling and laugh out loud’ Phillipa Ashley ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Great characters and well-crafted dialogue. Everything you want in a romance book.’NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Another gorgeous page turner of a story’ Jules Wake ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘This is a really positive, uplifting and relaxing read which I sped through in no time.’NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘The summer invite you need to accept … a funny, warm and gloriously uplifting romance’ Cressida McLaughlin ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘There are some hilarious action scenes that would look great in a movie. I definitely recommend this book!’NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Pure joyous escapism bursting with sunshine! An absolute delight to read!’ Christie Barlow ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A contemporary romance novel perfect to pack in your suitcase’My Weekly ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐