Search results for ""author lauren"
Nova Science Publishers Inc Life Transitions: Theory, Strategies & Practice
Siruela Aventuras de dos gemelos diferentes Adventure of the Unidentical Twins
Una auténtica novela picaresca narrada con enorme suspense. Una lectura fascinante por sus numerosos malentendidos.Neue Westfählische ZeitungLos gemelos Laurenzo y Giacomo son como dos gotas de agua. Allá por donde van provocan malentendidos. En la escuela aprovechan su enorme parecido físico para suplantarse mutuamente y hacer creer que son sólo uno: Laucomo. La confusión será aún mayor cuando Laurenzo decida trabajar en el taller de un orfebre y Giacomo convertirse en un maestro ladrón. En doce capítulos, inspirados en cuentos y narraciones populares, Dragt nos narrará la historia de estos gemelos físicamente idénticos pero con una forma de ser muy diferente, que los llevará a elegir caminos totalmente opuestos...
Hansib Publications Limited Foreign Body: What if it happens to you?
Emerald Publishing Limited Followership: What is it and Why Do People Follow?
This book provides a collection of new insights on the increasingly popular topic of Followership. Leadership has been written about and studied for centuries, more often than not addressing how those in leadership roles influence their followers. This represents a very leader-centric view of the leadership phenomenon, where followers are considered as passive recipients of leaders' influence. However, peoples' attempts to exercise leadership cannot be successful if there are no other people who recognize and support their leadership. In other words, effective leadership cannot exist without some form of followership. The book offers a collection of chapters written by thought leaders on the topic of followership. Together, they provide answers to two fundamental questions: What is followership, and why do people follow? They elucidate how answers to these questions can inform management theory, practice, and education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Water Law
This research collection examines writings from leading water law experts in the world to assess the law applicable to the uses, management and protection of water resources. Exploring the diverse aspects of this, from human rights to international economic law and peace and security, International Water Law comprehensively covers the multi-level facets of water resource management and protection in its wider scope.
Taylor & Francis Inc MicroRNAs in Cancer
The book explores the role of miRNAs in the development, progression, invasion, and metastasis of diverse types of cancer. It reviews their potential for applications in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic targets. In addition it discusses the potential use in translational medicine. Chapters present comprehensive and expert perspectives on the roles of miRNAs in most common cancers from bench to bedside applications and are written by an international team of renowned experts in the field. This book is a landmark work providing up-to-date research on miRNAs and their important roles in cancer translational research.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Landlord's Legal Kit For Dummies
Howdy, landlord! Get on the right side of the law with Dummies Landlord's Legal Kit For Dummies contains all the resources landlords need to unpack the legal side of renting properties. Inside you'll find worksheets, templates, and friendly explanations that will help you find success. Once you have your property and your tenants, you'll need to make sure you operate within your rights, complete all the necessary admin, and handle taxes in an accurate and timely way. This book can help you do just that, with the latest paperwork, helpful details and examples, and a breakdown of taxes and laws. Plus, you can go beyond the book by accessing online documents that take your learning to the next level. Understand all the latest housing laws that pertain to your specific rental situation Find drafts of all the legal forms you’ll need as a landlord Access easy-to-use tax worksheets and clear descriptions of tax rules without legal jargon Recognize your rights as a landlord and understand your tenants' rights This is the perfect Dummies guide for both new and experienced landlords who need a hands-on legal reference for all the laws surrounding rent, rental properties, and tenants.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Frontiers of Modern Asset Allocation
Innovative approaches to putting asset allocation into practice Building on more than 15 years of asset-allocation research, Paul D. Kaplan, who led the development of the methodologies behind the Morningstar Rating(TM) and the Morningstar Style Box(TM), tackles key challenges investor professionals face when putting asset-allocation theory into practice. This book addresses common issues such as: How should asset classes be defined? Should equities be divided into asset classes based on investment style, geography, or other factors? Should asset classes be represented by market-cap-weighted indexes or should other principles, such as fundamental weights, be used? How do actively managed funds fit into asset-class mixes? Kaplan also interviews industry luminaries who have greatly influenced the evolution of asset allocation, including Harry Markowitz, Roger Ibbotson, and the late Benoit Mandelbrot. Throughout the book, Kaplan explains allocation theory, creates new strategies, and corrects common misconceptions, offering original insights and analysis. He includes three appendices that put theory into action with technical details for new asset-allocation frameworks, including the next generation of portfolio construction tools, which Kaplan dubs "Markowitz 2.0."
MIT Press Ltd Macroeconomics: An Integrated Approach
Abrams J C Leyendecker
One of the most prolific and successful artists of the Golden Age of American Illustration, J. C. Leyendecker captivated audiences throughout the first half of the 20th century. Leyendecker is best known for his creation of the archetype of the fashionable American male with his advertisements for Arrow Collar. These images sold to an eager public the idea of a glamorous lifestyle, the bedrock upon which modern advertising was built. He also was the creator instantly recognizable icons, such as the New Year’s baby and Santa Claus, that are to this day an integral part of the lexicon of Americana and was commissioned to paint more Saturday Evening Post covers than any other artist. Leyendecker lived for most of his adult life with Charles Beach, the Arrow Collar Man, on whom the stylish men in his artwork were modeled. The first book about the artist in more than 30 years, J. C. Leyendecker features his masterworks, rare paintings, studies, and other artwork, including the 322 covers he did for the Post. With a revealing text that delves into both his artistic evolution and personal life, J. C. Leyendecker restores this iconic image maker’s rightful position in the pantheon of great American artists.
Classiques Garnier La Premiere Querelle de la Musique Italienne: 1702-1706
RVB Books Cathedrales
Combre Tours de cles Vol 1
These notebooks, based on the reading of notes, rhythms and hearing development, offer a large number of exercises. You will progress step by step in the learning process. A theory page completes each lesson and the application exercises will validate in writing the successive achievements of the pupil. Singing and listening are left to the initiative of each teacher.
Combre Tours de cles Vol 2
These notebooks, based on the reading of notes, rhythms and hearing development, offer a large number of exercises. You will progress step by step in the learning process. A theory page completes each lesson and the application exercises will validate in writing the successive achievements of the pupil. Singing and listening are left to the initiative of each teacher.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes
This book provides a novel approach to governance relating to biodiversity and human well-being in complex tropical landscapes, including forests and protected areas. It focuses attention at the interface between communities and the landscape level, building on interdisciplinary research conducted in five countries (Cameroon, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar and Tanzania). In each country, the research was set within the framework of a major national policy thrust. The book improves our understanding of and ability to manage complex landscapes – mosaics of differing land uses – in a more adaptive and collaborative way that benefits both the environment and local communities. It includes both single country and cross-site analyses, and focuses on themes, such as resettlement, land use planning, non-timber forest product use and management, the disconnect between customary and formal legal systems, and the role of larger scale policies in local level realities. Chapters also analyze experience with monitoring and a local governance assessment tool. The work also provides guidance for those interested in management and governance at lower and intermediate levels (village, district), scales likely to grow in importance in the global effort to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Classiques Garnier Essay d'Une Parfaite Grammaire de la Langue Francoise (1659)
Nova Science Publishers Inc Violence in Schools, Colleges & Universities
Orion Publishing Co Under the Sea: An Ocean Memory Game
A FUN, SIMPLE GAME of matching pairs, suitable for ages 6+. In the format of a classic memory game, Under the Sea will have you pairing up ocean animals from dolphins to sea urchins.50 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED CARDS featuring diverse wildlife from the world's oceansLEARN ABOUT THE ANIMALS in the accompanying full-colour booklet with text from acclaimed nature writer Mike UnwinTHE PERFECT GIFT for budding marine biologists, animal lovers, or anyone looking for a beautiful family gameLAURENCE KING PUBLISHING has been capturing imaginations and inspiring creativity in new and unexpected ways for over 30 years, with playful and eye-catching games, gifts and booksCan you find a pair of puffins? A couple of clownfish? A duo of dolphins? Remember where the animals are hiding and match them up to win this fun family game for ocean adventurers.Learn about the fish, mammals and crustaceans from the game in the accompanying booklet as you play. Play as a memory game with the cards face down and collect the most pairs to win!Other matching games from Laurence King Publishing include: Match a Track, Match a Pair of Birds, Who Did This Poo?, Pick a Flower, Match These Bones, Match a Mummy, Match a Leaf, Dogs & Puppies, Cats & Kittens, Do You Look Like Your Dog?, Do You Look Like Your Cat?
ISTE Ltd. Mechanics of Living Tissues Imaging Characterization and Modeling Towards the Study Soft Tissues
Atlantic Books Remember My Name
SHORTLISTED FOR THE IRISH BOOK AWARDS' CRIME FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR** A NO. 1 IRISH TIMES BESTSELLER **___________________________If she'd turned off her phone, instead of listening in, perhaps no one would have died...When Cressida Howard catches her entrepreneur husband playing away from home, she hires security expert Brioni O'Brien to get the evidence she needs for a speedy and financially rewarding divorce.But what Brioni uncovers goes beyond simple infidelity. Because Laurence Howard is also in bed with some very dangerous people. Bribery and blackmail are the least of his worries as someone comes after the women in his life - someone who is out to destroy Laurence and his empire, whatever the cost. And Cressida and her teenage daughter could soon be collateral damage, if she and Brioni don't act fast.
Penguin Books Ltd The Nazi Mind
Atlantic Books Dragonwings
Newbery Honor Book Dragonwings by Lawrence Yep takes readers on an adventure-filled journey across the world. Inspired by the story of a Chinese immigrant who created a flying machine in 1909, Dragonwings touches on the struggles and dreams of Chinese immigrants navigating opportunity and prejudice in San Francisco. Moon Shadow only knows two things about his father, Windrider: he lives in San Francisco and used to craft beautiful kites.One day shortly after his eighth birthday, Cousin Hand Clap arrives with a letter from Windrider asking Moon Shadow to join him in San Francisco. When Moon Rider arrives in America he learns that his father makes a living doing laundry and dreams of building a flying machine just like the Wright Brothers. But making this fantastical dream a reality proves to be no easy task, as intolerance, poverty, and even an earthquake stand in their way.
Peeters Publishers La Phonologie Du Japonais
On trouvera dans ce livre une presentation generale de la phonologie du japonais a partir d'une synthese de deux grands courants: celui de la phonologie theorique actuelle, et celui de la linguistique japonaise d'inspiration traditionnelle, largement meconnue en Occident.Les six chapitres de l'ouvrage couvrent l'ensemble des grands champs de la discipline. Apres l'introduction, sont successivement presentes les voyelles (chapitre 2), les consonnes (chapitre 3) et les segments dits speciaux (chapitre 4). Le chapitre 5, consacre aux unites prosodiques, fournit l'occasion d'un examen en profondeur de la problematique de la more, de la syllabe et du pied. L'auteur propose une analyse originale, qui refute la pertinence de la syllabe en japonais, demontrant que le recours a la more et au pied suffit a rendre compte de l'ensemble des phenomenes prosodiques du japonais.Sur le plan typologique, le japonais est connu pour posseder un accent musical ("pitch accent"): la richesse de son donne empirique et les prolongements theoriques que genere son analyse en font un phenomene du plus grand interet pour la linguistique. Le chapitre final, le plus long du livre, lui est consacre. Celui-ci se termine sur une analyse de l'accent des emprunts occidentaux et de l'accent des mots composes dans le cadre de la theorie de l'optimalite, mettant en evidence le role central de la more et du pied dans la langue, au detriment de la syllabe.L'ouvrage se veut tout a la fois une synthese critique de la discipline et un terrain d'exploration theorique orientee vers la description et l'analyse. Bien que portant principalement sur le japonais standard, il fait egalement reference a la langue ancienne et aux dialectes. Il interessera a la fois les phonologues, auxquels il cherche a presenter de maniere precise et documentee des donnees et des analyses nouvelles ou peu connues, et les japanologues non specialistes de phonologie qui souhaiteraient s'initier a la discipline.
Ediciones Kraken Lucky Luke Los tos Dalton
Nueva aventura del vaquero más veloz, Lucky Luke.
Todo respuestas 100 preguntas sobre los dinosaurios
Los cocodrilos son más antiguos que los dinosaurios? Por qué el T-Rex tiene las patas de delante tan cortas? Los dinosaurios veían bien? Sabían nadar?Diviértete descubriendo y respondiendo a las 100 preguntas de este juego con la ayuda de un adulto!
Atico de Los Libros El Amor Solo
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Las habichuelas mágicas
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Colección: Cuentos clásicos con texturas.Edad: A partir de 3 años.
Planeta Publishing Hitler Y Stalin
btb Taschenbuch Vorgefhl der nahen Nacht Roman
Classiques Garnier La Judeite Dans l'Oeuvre de Marguerite Duras: Un Imaginaire Entre Ethique Et Poetique
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Couleur Du Gout: Psychologie Et Esthetique Au Siecle de Hume
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Pieter Bruegel Le Tableau Ou La Sphere Infinie: Pour Une Reforme Theologico-Politique de l'Entendement
Classiques Garnier La Liberte Dans Les Memoires Feminins Au Xviie Siecle
Les Belles Lettres Agostino Nifo, Le Livre de la Solitude / de Solitudine Liber
Les Belles Lettres Du Beau Et de l'Amour / de Pulchro Et Amore. Livre I
Roaring Brook Press Magellan: Over the Edge of the World: Over the Edge of the World
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc A Traveller's Companion to Moscow
PublicAffairs The Holocaust: A New History
University of Texas Press Official Guide to Texas State Parks and Historic Sites
Thorndike Press Large Print Capote's Women: A True Story of Love, Betrayal, and a Swan Song for an Era
Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Co. West Side Story Suite For Violin and Piano
Bridge-Logos Publishing The Practice of the Presence of God
CABI Publishing Amenity Migrants: Seeking and Sustaining Mountains and Their Cultures
Places with perceived high environmental quality and distinctive culture are globally attracting amenity migrants. Today this societal driving force is particularly manifest in mountain areas, and while beneficial for both the new comers and locals, is also threatening highland ecologies and their human communities. This book describes and analyses the challenges and opportunities of amenity migration and its management, and offers related recommendations.The book's chapters cover the subject through case studies at international, regional and local levels, along with overarching themes such as environmental sustainability and equity, mountain recreation users, housing, and spiritual motivation. A crucial issue addressed is the relationship of amenity migration to tourism, and migration motivated by economic gain. The introduction and concluding chapters bring all of the information and analyses together strategically, summarising in a manner of theoretical and practical value for both academics and practitioners.
McClelland & Stewart Inc. The Fire-Dwellers: Penguin Modern Classics Edition
HarperCollins Publishers Inc All About Passion