Search results for ""wiley""
University of California Press Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint
Lawrence O. Gostin's seminal Public Health Law is widely acclaimed as the definitive statement on public health law at the turn of the twenty-first century. In this bold third edition, Gostin is joined by Lindsay F. Wiley to analyze major health threats of our time such as chronic diseases, emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, bioterrorism, natural disasters, opiod overdose, and gun violence. The authors draw on constitutional law, administrative law, local government law, and tort law to develop their conception of law as a tool for protecting the public's health. The book creates an intellectual framework for modern public health law and supports that framework with illustrations of the scientific, political, and ethical issues involved. In proposing innovative solutions for the future of the public's health, Gostin and Wiley's essential study provides a blueprint for public and political debates to come. New issues covered in this edition: corporate personhood rights raised in response to regulations of tobacco, food and beverages, alcohol, firearms, prescription drugs, and marijuana; local government authority to protect the public's health; deregulation and harm reduction as modes of public health law intervention; taxation, spending, and alteration of the socioeconomic environment as modes of public health law intervention; access to health care as a strategy for protecting the public's health; taxation, spending, licensing, zoning, and shared-use strategies for chronic disease prevention; the public health law perspective on violence and injury prevention; and health justice as a framework for reducing health disparities and protecting the public's health.
Red Chair Press The Snake Prince's Secret
Simon Spotlight Inch and Roly Make a Wish: Ready-To-Read Level 1
Penguin Young Readers Mad Libs Workbook: Grade 3 Reading: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc A New Friend
Penguin Young Readers World of Eric Carle Preschool Workbook
The first-ever Eric Carle preschool workbook, featuring letters, sounds, numbers, counting, and patterns!Preschool children will love the interactive activities within this workbook, and fans of The Very Hungry Caterpillar will delight in exploring and learning through a world of popular characters.With material that aligns with national Common Core Standards, and is vetted by a top educational consultant, this workbook is designed to build and reinforce preschool skills in an accessible way for young learners everywhere. This vibrant woorkbook contains: Interactive activities: Have hands-on fun with basic concepts and objects such as colors, shapes, days of the week, food, and animals. Learning through play: Make educational material more engaging and allow young learners to apply the skills they''ve been practicing in an exciting and creative way! Key Readiness Skills:
Random House Children's Books Fox and Crow Are Not Friends Step Into Reading Level 3 Quality Step Into Reading 3 Step Into Reading Step 3
Fox and Crow can agree on two things: their love of cheese and loathing of each other. These cagey animals will do whatever they can to outwit their sworn enemy and claim sole possession of the prized cheese they keep finding. But they are too caught up in their plotting and planning to realize they've picked the wrong house to steal from—since the mother of the house is one fed up Mama Bear who knows exactly how to contend with freeloaders.
Red Chair Press The Witch and the Nightingale
Penguin Young Readers Mad Libs Workbook: Grade 2 Reading: World's Greatest Word Game
Red Chair Press Dinner of Doom
Penguin Young Readers Mad Libs Workbook: Grade 4 Reading: World's Greatest Word Game
Penguin Putnam Inc Max Has a Fish
Max loves his pet fish--it can swim, eat, and even blow bubbles. But Max is incredibly disappointed to learn that his fish can't dance. Is there another animal that can dance with Max? Find out at the end of this fun and fast-paced Level 1 story!
1517 Media Sarah Rising
Maverick Arts Publishing Off Beat (Graphic Reluctant Reader)
Plural Publishing Inc Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems: A Pre-Vocational Training Manual for Ages 17+
Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems: A Pre-Vocational Training Manual for Ages 17+ includes more than 140 activities to promote success in the workplace and in the community. The AASIP Pre-Vocational Training Program provides a comprehensive yet practical approach to teaching social communication skills needed in the workplace and across the life span to individuals with moderate to high functioning autism spectrum disorder and other diagnoses that result in social communication deficits. The book brings added value by including activities that address three additional core clusters of skills: personal development, social skills for life, and daily living.The Pre-Vocational Training Program has been described as "unique and fresh" and approaches vocational training with a primary focus on the social skills needed to be effective in the workplace. Topics presented in this program include sexting-texting and TMI (too much information), workplace idioms, social white lies, shades of "no," the workplace bully, and unwritten rules of society.These engaging activities, which include interactive videos, deviate from the typical approach to teaching by challenging the participants to explore, develop rules, and generate strategies. This approach takes into consideration their unique strengths and learning styles. Our teen and young adult participants are left asking for more.This program, while developed for speech-language pathologists, can also be easily used by high school and college counselors, special educators, job coaches, and parents who express an interest in this type of program.The AASIP program offers three additional books for children ages 4-9, 10-12, and the teen years.Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems: A Therapy Manual Targeting Social Skills in Children 4-9Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems: A Therapy Manual Targeting Social Skills in Children 10-12Autism: Attacking Social Interaction Problems: A Therapy Manual Targeting Social Skills in Teens
White Dog Press C Is for Chickasaw
Taylor Trade Publishing Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind: A Bestseller's Odyssey from Atlanta to Hollywood
Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind: A Bestseller's Odyssey from Atlanta to Hollywood presents the first comprehensive overview of how this iconic novel became an international phenomenon that has managed to sustain the public's interest for seventy-five years. Various Mitchell biographies and several compilations of her letters tell part of the story, but, until now, no single source has revealed the full saga. This entertaining account of a literary and pop culture phenomenon tells how Mitchell's book was developed, marketed, distributed, and otherwise groomed for success in the 1930s—and the savvy measures taken since then by the author, her publisher, and her estate to ensure its longevity.
Princeton University Press Wildlife of the Caribbean
This is the first comprehensive illustrated guide to the natural world of the Caribbean islands. It contains 600 vivid color images featuring 451 species of plants, birds, mammals, fish, seashells, and much more. While the guide primarily looks at the most conspicuous and widespread species among the islands, it also includes rarely seen creatures--such as the Rhinoceros Iguana and Cuban Solenodon--giving readers a special sense of the region's diverse wildlife. Each species is represented by one or more color photos or illustrations; details regarding its identification, status, and distribution; and interesting aspects of its life history or relationship to humans. In addition, an introductory section focuses on the unique characteristics of the Caribbean's fauna and flora, the threats faced by both, and some of the steps being taken to sustain the area's extraordinary natural heritage. Wildlife of the Caribbean is the essential field guide for learning about the living wonders in this area of the world. * The only guide of its kind for the Caribbean islands*600 detailed color images feature 451 amazing species* Straightforward descriptions suitable for general audience* Compact size makes the guide easy to carry
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - The Looking Glass - Yellow: Rocket Phonics
When a terrible monster lands in the marsh, the king summons champions from far and wide, but none of them seem to be able to help! Princess Flora is not keen on being the monster’s breakfast, so she sails into the wet marsh with a looking glass, and a plan. Can Flora defeat the monster and save the kingdom? The Looking Glass is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Nova Science Publishers Inc Implications of Climate Change on Russia
Stone Arch Books A Star Like Jesse Owens
Oxford University Press Inc Medical Anthropology: A Biocultural Approach
Medical Anthropology: A Biocultural Approach, Fourth Edition, offers an accessible and contemporary overview of this rapidly expanding field. For each health issue examined in the text, the authors first present basic biological information and then expand their analysis to include evolutionary, historical, and cross-cultural perspectives on how these issues emerged and are understood. Medical Anthropology considers how a biocultural approach can be applied to more effective prevention and treatment efforts and underscores medical anthropology's potential to improve health around the world.
The Westbourne Press Smashing It: Working Class Artists on Life, Art and Making It Happen
Smashing It celebrates the exceptional works and words of 31 leading working-class artists in Britain. Featuring writing, lyrics and images by Wiley, Maxine Peake, Malorie Blackman, Riz Ahmed and many more, it also includes reflections from artists on how class has impacted their working lives. Come behind the scenes to find out how they overcame obstacles - from the financial to the philosophical - to forge careers in the arts and get inspiration to launch your own project. Smashing It empowers those who will be a part of tomorrow's bigger picture. Contributors: Riz Ahmed, Sabeena Akhtar, Travis Alabanza, Anthony Anaxagorou, Raymond Antrobus, Malorie Blackman, Michaela Coel, Emma Dennis-Edwards, Maureen Duffy, Jenni Fagan, Marvell Fayose, Salena Godden, Hassan Hajjaj, Omar Hamdi, Kerry Hudson, Rabiah Hussain, Fran Lock, David Loumgair, Lisa Luxx, Paul McVeigh, Bridget Minamore, Courttia Newland, Aakash Odedra, Maxine Peake, Rebecca Strickson, Chimene Suleyman, Joelle Taylor, Monsay Whitney, Wiley, Madani Younis
Pearson Education Statistics The Art and Science of Learning from Data Global Edition MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText
Alan Agresti is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. He taught statistics there for 38 years, including the development of e-courses in statistical methods for social science students and three courses in categorical data analysis. He is the author of more than 100 refereed articles and six texts, including Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (Pearson, 5th edition, 2018) and An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (Wiley, 3rd edition, 2019). Alan has also received teaching awards from the University of Florida and an Excellence in Writing award from John Wiley & Sons. Christine Franklin is the K-12 Statistics Ambassador for the American Statistical Association and elected ASA Fellow. She has retired from the University of Georgia as the Lothar Tresp Honoratus Honors Professor and Senior Lecturer Emerita in Statistics. She is the co-author of two textbooks a
White Dog Press Funny Fani'
Arcadia Publishing Penn State Abington and the Ogontz School
University of Texas Press Rebel Private Front and Rear
Rebel Private Front and Rear is a line soldier’s account of the Civil War without heroics. Private Fletcher tells how at Gettysburg he was overcome by a “bad case of cowardly horror” when an order came on the third day to get ready to charge. “I tried to force manhood to the front, but fright would drive it back with a shudder,” he confessed. The attack of jitters lasted about fifteen minutes, and then he fell asleep while awaiting the order to advance. But Fletcher could be brave to a fault. He was restless and venturesome and during the lulls between fighting would sometimes ask for permission to go on dangerous scouts into enemy territory. Once, just before Fredericksburg, he slipped out to a haystack in the no-man’s-land near the Rappahannock so that he could watch the Yankees build a bridge. And in his last fight at Bentonville he risked his life on a rash and futile impulse to capture a whole squad of Federals. At Second Manassas, Fletcher was struck by a bullet that grazed his bowels and lodged in his hip. His detailed description of his subsequent sensations and experiences is one of the most interesting portions of his narrative. He begged the surgeons to operate, but when they started cutting he howled so profanely that they threatened to abandon him. His reply was: “It don’t hurt as badly when I am cursing.” Wounded again at Chickamauga, Fletcher was incapacitated for further infantry service and was transferred to Company E, Eighth Texas Cavalry, and served with Terry’s Rangers until the end of the war. In north Georgia he participated in a number of thrilling skirmishes with mounted forces of Sherman’s command, and in one of these encounters he lost his horse. A short time later, in a daring effort to capture a mount from the Yankees, he was taken prisoner. The story of the forming and execution of his plan to escape by jumping from a moving boxcar is full of suspense and excitement. Rebel Private also reveals Fletcher as something of a philosopher. The narrative is sprinkled with dissertations on unexpected subjects, such as God, justice, and war. He reflects on the rightness and the necessity of “foraging,” in home as well as enemy territory, but he tells with evident relish how he and his “pard” of the occasion “pressed” whiskey, honey, and chickens. Fletcher set down his experiences some forty years after the close of the Civil War. His story is told with the artlessness of the natural raconteur. Though the style is unpolished, the memoir makes lively reading because of the author’s eye for detail, his straightforward language, and his sense of humor. One of the most frequently cited narratives written by soldiers of Lee’s army, it derives its value as a historical source mainly from Fletcher’s honesty, his close observations, the richness and variety of his experiences, and the sharpness of his memory.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was? Workbook: Grade 2 Language/Reading
It's fun to learn the Who Was? way! Introducing a new series of workbooks that explore language arts topics in Phonics, Writing: Spelling and Grammar, and Vocabulary for curious kids and Who Was? fans alike.Fans of the Who Was? series are sure to love this workbook filled with reading passages based on their favorite historical figures! The interactive writing prompts at the end of each passage make the educational material more engaging, and allow young learners to apply the skills they've been practicing in an exciting, and creative way.This workbook also includes stand-alone activities like crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank word games, and word searches that readers can solve for extra Who Was? fun!With material that aligns with national Common Core Standards and is vetted by a top educational consultant, Who Was? Workbooks are designed to reinforce language arts lessons introduced in the classroom in an accessible way for young learners everywhere.
Hodder & Stoughton Those Beyond the Wall
Faced with a coming apocalypse, a woman must reckon with her past to solve a series of sudden and inexplicable deaths in a searing sci-fi thriller from the author of The Space Between Worlds.Revolution is a spark, and rage is the fire.In the harsh desert realm of Ashtown, the Emperor reigns with an iron fist, guarding against the relentless hostility of Wiley City. Scales, a skilled mechanic and fierce warrior, is the Emperor''s trusted confidante. When a mysterious murder shatters the fragile peace, Scales, with an unlikely team, must uncover the killer plaguing both Ashtown and Wiley City. As she delves into the secrets hidden beneath the city''s pristine exterior, Scales unravels startling truths, forcing her to confront a past she''d rather forget.To save the world, she must break her silence, even if it means sacrificing everything.''Those Beyond the Wall shows us the extent to which evil will avoid accountability.'' <
Eliot Werner Publications Inc Excuses: Masquerades in Search of Grace
'In the two decades since this book was first published, excuse making has flourished—both as a practice and as a process inviting investigation and theory. Indeed, how could it be otherwise?' So write the authors in their new introduction. But they also maintain that excuse making is a critical element in what social psychologists refer to as 'reality negotiation.' Originally published by John Wiley in 1983.
Cassava Republic Press Princess Arabella At the Museum
Princess Arabella and her friends go to the museum. There are works of different artists exhibited: some are big and others are small. In some works you can lose yourself and others make you smile. Then the children want to go home. Why? Because they want to make their own work of art! Featured artists include Kehinde Wiley, Yayoi Kusama, Grayson Perry, Yayoi Kusama and Marlene Dumas.
Princeton University Press Birds of the West Indies Second Edition
An updated edition of the acclaimed field guide to the spectacular birds of the West IndiesBirds of the West Indies is the first field guide that covers and depicts all birds known to occur in the region, including infrequently occurring and introduced forms. Now fully updated and expanded, this stunningly illustrated book features detailed accounts of more than 600 species, describing identification field marks, range, status, voice, and habitat. There are more than 100 beautiful color plates that depict plumages of all species—including those believed to have recently become extinct—as well as distribution maps, a color code for endemic birds, and an incisive introduction that discusses avifaunal changes in the West Indies in the past fifteen years and the importance of conservation. Covers more than 60 new species, including vagrants, introductions, and taxonomic splits Updates the status of every species Features illustrations for all new species and improved artwork for warblers and flycatchers Color codes endemic species confined to one or just a few islands Includes many new and enhanced maps Provides bird weights for each species Compact and easy to use in the field
Daylight Books Real Pictures: Tales of a Badass Grandma
Real Pictures is the result of many decades of photographs recording the day- to- day workings of a large family. As Chris Wiley of the New Yorker says “there is a tenderness and a sensitivity in these pictures of family that cannot be faked. Nolan is not embedded with her subjects, she is entwined. As such, the pictures not only show that she has an eye, but also a heart.”
Rowman & Littlefield Bringing Down High Blood Pressure
Bringing Down High Blood Pressure offers readers straightforward solutions they can incorporate into their lives both immediately and long term. The authors focus on factors readers can change, including diet and nutrition, weight loss, exercise, binge eating, alcohol, tobacco and drug use, emotional wellness and stress management. Additionally, the book provides in-depth discussion of the risks and benefits of medications and when lifestyle changes may allow an individual to reduce or eliminate medication. Dr. Rhoden also weighs in on alternative therapies for reducing blood pressure. Sarah Schein brings her dietary expertise to the table with practical advice on nutrition, tips for healthy food selection and preparation, and 70 tantalizing recipes, each with its own nutritional breakdown.
MQ - University of Nebraska Press The Banana Empires Trade Wars and Globalization
The banana is the world's most important fresh fruit commodity. Little more than a century old, the global banana industry began in the late 1880s. The Banana demystifies the banana trade and its path toward globalization. It reviews interregional relationships in the industry and the changing institutional framework governing global trade and assesses the roles of major players.
Pebble Books Let's Find Wheels and Axles
Pebble Books Let's Find Pulleys
Pebble Books Let's Find Levers
Pebble Books Behind or in Front of
Vesuvian Books Southern Gothic
Aspiring author Meredith Harper owns the hottest bookstore in Savannah.Michael Black is her favorite writerlong thought deaduntil he mysteriously approaches Meredith with a new manuscript, and a most unusual offer. Meredith can keep the manuscript to herself, or publish it under her own name.Her decision results in a bestseller, but the novel contains a coded secret; one that will put her on trial for murder and in hiding from the blood stalker, proving too late that making a deal with the devil comes at a heavy price.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Oregon Trail: Race to Chimney Rock
Go west, young pioneer - your journey begins here! In this first leg of your trek on the Oregon Trail, you need to find your way to Chimney Rock - but not without unpredictable challenges ahead. This is the first installment of four books that will take you all the way to Oregon Territory - if you make the right choices. In book one of this exciting choose-your-own-adventure series, it's 1850 and your first goal is to get your family, covered wagon full of supplies, and oxen to Chimney Rock on time. But hurry - you'll need to make it through the rugged mountains before winter snow hits. Plus, there are wild animals, natural disasters, unpredictable weather, fast-flowing rivers, strangers, and sickness that will be sure to stand between you and your destination! Which path will get you safely across the prairie? With twenty-two possible endings, choose wrong and you'll never make it to Chimney Rock on time. Choose right and blaze a trail that gets you closer to Oregon City! AGES: 7 to 10
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Oregon Trail: Calamity in the Cold
In this choose-your-own-trail experience, you're traveling all the way from Florida, heading West to the Oregon Trail. See if you can make it to Oregon City! It's 1845 and your family is fleeing Florida with hopes of starting fresh out west. You'll encounter sudden snowstorms that will overwhelm your wagon train en route to the Oregon Trail. Food will become scarce - and you'll get lost. Can you survive the unseasonably cold climates? If you make the right choices, you could find the Lewis-Clark Trail, which would lead back to the Oregon Trai - though it will take longer than you'd planned. Do you have the supplies to last? Can you survive the harsh cold and sickness, pioneer? Choose right and blaze a trail to Oregon City! Includes a map and useful tips on how to survive the Trail. AGES: 7 to 10
Knaur Taschenbuch Cliffworth Academy Between Lies and Love
Knaur Taschenbuch Cliffworth Academy Between Shadows and Light
Capstone Global Library Ltd Let's Find Wheels and Axles
Did you ride a bike today? Then you’ve used wheels and axles! These simple machines are all around. Take a look inside and discover 13 different ways we use wheels and axles.
St Martin's Press Homegrown
A touching and stunningly illustrated ode to the homes-and loved ones-that raise us, perfect for fans of Black Is a Rainbow Color, Saturday, and Last Stop on Market Street. While her mother puts the finishing touches on her twists, a young girl asks what it means to be "homegrown". Touring precious memories and lively rooms warmed by family, Mama and Granny explain that home isn't just a place, but rather a reflection of people who support and love one another. With lush, cozy illustrations, Homegrown is a beautiful author-illustrator debut picture book that reminds us to lift up the places-and people-we call home.
Faber & Faber This Dark Road To Mercy
STAR PICK IN THE SUNDAY TIMES CRIME CLUBWINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER, FROM THE AUTHOR OF WHEN GHOSTS COME HOME'Terrific.' JESS WALTER'Mesmerizing.' O, the Oprah Magazine____________Wade disappeared on us when I was nine years old, and then he showed up out of nowhere the year I turned twelve...After their mother unexpectedly dies, Easter Quilby and her six-year-old sister, Ruby, are stolen away from their foster home by the father they haven't seen in years.Brady Weller, their court-appointed guardian, goes after them, suspecting Wade of having taken part in a recent high-profile robbery. But he's not the only one on their tail, as Robert Pruitt, a mercurial and deadly hunter, is determined to get to them first and claim his due.'Exciting and suspenseful as well as moving, with a captivating heroine, this is a tremendous book.' Laura Wilson, Guardian'Fast moving and grippingly suspenseful.' Irish Independent