Search results for ""wiley""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Topographical Tools for Filtering and Segmentation 1: Watersheds on Node- or Edge-weighted Graphs
Mathematical morphology has developed a powerful methodology for segmenting images, based on connected filters and watersheds. We have chosen the abstract framework of node- or edge-weighted graphs for an extensive mathematical and algorithmic description of these tools. Volume 1 is devoted to watersheds. The topography of a graph appears by observing the evolution of a drop of water moving from node to node on a weighted graph, along flowing paths, until it reaches regional minima. The upstream nodes of a regional minimum constitute its catchment zone. The catchment zones may be constructed independently of each other and locally, in contrast with the traditional approach where the catchment basins have to be constructed all at the same time. Catchment zones may overlap, and thus, a new segmentation paradigm is proposed in which catchment zones cover each other according to a priority order. The resulting partition may then be corrected, by local and parallel treatments, in order to achieve the desired precision.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Professionals Facing the Energy Efficiency Challenge
The aim of this book is to deepen the knowledge of dynamic evolution of professional practices (recomposition of knowledge and know-how, inter-relations, strategic positioning) taking place at the time of the injunction to energy efficiency in the design field, construction and management of real estate. From their experience feedback, the challenge of this book is to question the logic of innovation, to enlighten the dynamic learning and renewal of professional skills.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Analog Electronics for Measuring Systems
Many instrumentation engineers and scientists often deal with analog electronic issues when approaching delicate measurements. Even if off-the-shelf measuring solutions exist, comprehension of the analog behavior of the measuring system is often a necessity. This book provides a concise introduction to the main elements of a low frequency analog acquisition chain. It aims to be sufficiently general to provide an introduction, yet specific enough to guide the reader through some classical problems that may be encountered in the subject. Topics include sensors, conditioning circuits, differential and instrumentation amplifiers, active filters (mainly for anti-aliasing purposes) and analog to digital converters. A chapter is devoted to an introduction to noise and electronic compatibility.This work is intended for people with a general background in electronics and signal processing, who are looking for an introduction to classical electronic solutions employed in measuring instruments involving low frequency analog signal processing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Management: USGAAP and IFRS Standards, Volume 6
This book combines the fundamentals of finance with relevance and effectiveness. It allows for the practice of this subject and covers all the programs of business schools, universities' finance courses, and engineering schools. This book is a relevant tool to acquire all the knowledge required for examination success and the achievement of proven practical competences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Signal Processing (DSP) with Python Programming
The parameter estimation and hypothesis testing are the basic tools in statistical inference. These techniques occur in many applications of data processing., and methods of Monte Carlo have become an essential tool to assess performance. For pedagogical purposes the book includes several computational problems and exercices. To prevent students from getting stuck on exercises, detailed corrections are provided.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Earthquake Occurrence: Short- and Long-term Models and their Validation
Earthquake Occurrence provides the reader with a review of algorithms applicable for modeling seismicity, such as short-term earthquake clustering and pseudo-periodic long-term behavior of major earthquakes. The concept of the likelihood ratio of a set of observations under different hypotheses is applied for comparison among various models. In short-term models, known by the term ETAS, the occurrence space and time rate density of earthquakes is modeled as the sum of two terms, one representing the independent or spontaneous events, and the other representing the activity triggered by previous earthquakes. Examples of the application of such algorithms in real cases are also reported. Dealing with long-term recurrence models, renewal time-dependent models, implying a pseudo-periodicity of earthquake occurrence, are compared with the simple time-independent Poisson model, in which every event occurs regardless of what has occurred in the past. The book also introduces a number of computer codes developed by the authors over decades of seismological research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Baidu SEO: Challenges and Intricacies of Marketing in China
SEO practices for Baidu and other Chinese search engines are little known in the Western world. However, in order for a company to promote itself successfully in the Middle Kingdom, it is absolutely necessary to go online in China. Chinese SEO is not only about working on the on-site and off-site aspects of a site, there are also many administrative tasks to take into account: the creation of a site in China can pose governmental problems (obtaining a Chinese mobile line, applying for an ICP license, proving that the company is well established in China, etc.) In order for readers to understand how SEO and web-marketing works in China, tips, advice and case studies are presented throughout this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Building 21st Century Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship develops around the world in accordance to the different cultural, political, economic and social contexts. Governments promote entrepreneurship as a way to improve economic growth. As capitalism changes, entrepreneurship also changes. This book describes some of the new profiles of entrepreneurs that are creating the entrepreneurial economy of the 21st Century. It presents entrepreneurship in a theoretical and pragmatic way in order to help readers to understand what entrepreneurship means today. Illustrated by socio-economic information and case studies of an international scope, two main questions are explicitly studied in this book: who are the new figures of entrepreneurs and how are they creating the companies of the future? The book is based on academic literature and serves as a reference to researchers interested in the evolution of entrepreneurship.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Big Data for Insurance Companies
This book will be a "must" for people who want good knowledge of big data concepts and their applications in the real world, particularly in the field of insurance. It will be useful to people working in finance and to masters students using big data tools. The authors present the bases of big data: data analysis methods, learning processes, application to insurance and position within the insurance market. Individual chapters a will be written by well-known authors in this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art and Science of NFC Programming
NFC is a world standard since 2004 which is now within every smartphone on the market. Such a standard enables us to do mobile transactions (mobile payment) in a secure way along with many other information- based tap’n play operations. This book has a double role for computer scientists (from bachelor students in CS to IT professionals).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Theory and Statistical Applications of Stochastic Processes
This book is concerned with the theory of stochastic processes and the theoretical aspects of statistics for stochastic processes. It combines classic topics such as construction of stochastic processes, associated filtrations, processes with independent increments, Gaussian processes, martingales, Markov properties, continuity and related properties of trajectories with contemporary subjects: integration with respect to Gaussian processes, Itȏ integration, stochastic analysis, stochastic differential equations, fractional Brownian motion and parameter estimation in diffusion models.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Chemostat: Mathematical Theory of Microorganism Cultures
Invented by J. Monod, and independently by A. Novick and L. Szilard, in 1950, the chemostat is both a micro-organism culturing device and an abstracted ecosystem managed by a controlled nutrient flow. This book studies mathematical models of single species growth as well as competition models of multiple species by integrating recent work in theoretical ecology and population dynamics. Through a modeling approach, the hypotheses and conclusions drawn from the main mathematical results are analyzed and interpreted from a critical perspective. A large emphasis is placed on numerical simulations of which prudent use is advocated. The Chemostat is aimed at readers possessing degree-level mathematical knowledge and includes a detailed appendix of differential equations relating to specific notions and results used throughout this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Traffic Safety
Transport systems are facing an impossible dilemma: satisfy an increasing demand for mobility of people and goods, while decreasing their fossil-energy requirements and preserving the environment. Additionally, transport has an opportunity to evolve in a changing world, with new services, technologies but also new requirements (fast delivery, reliability, improved accessibility). The subject of traffic is organized into two separate but complementary volumes: Volume 3 on Traffic Management and Volume 4 on Traffic Safety. Traffic Safety, Volume 4 of the Research for Innovative Transports Set, presents a collection of updated papers from the TRA 2014 Conference, highlighting the diversity of research in this field. Theoretical chapters and practical case studies address topics such as road safety management and policies, accident analysis and modeling, vulnerable road users' safety, road infrastructure safety, ITS and railway safety.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Towards Innovative Freight and Logistics
Freight transport faces a dual challenge: it must satisfy the demands of globalized trade and meet environmental requirements. In this context, innovation is a crucial topic to enable the transition from the current transportation and logistics system to a sustainable system. This book provides an overview of the latest technological innovations in Europe and worldwide, based on ICT and new vehicle concepts, for all modes and all scales (urban, regional, national or international). The authors consider innovation supply, the process of innovation and innovative business models. Some perspectives and solutions are proposed on the deployment of innovation, specifically concerning the transformation of the organization of the system and the relationships between industry, governmental players, operators and users.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites: Effect of Thermo-oxidative Ageing
The book focuses on the effect of ageing (thermo-oxidation, humid ageing) on the mechanical properties of organic matrix composite materials, covering: Bibliographic issues and a detailed state-of-the-art; phenomenological and experimental issues; modelling issues and models parameter identification; illustration and interpretation of experimental tests and proposal for novel test design in the light of the model predictions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries
Technological innovations, sociological and consumer trends, and growing internationalization are transforming the cultural and creative industries (CCIs). These changes present new challenges for CCIs that require original and inventive answers. Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries analyzes the powerful strategies put in place by CCI organizations such as Nintendo, the Lascaux Cave and Daft Punk. The case studies presented in this book cover video games, books, music, museums, fashion, film and architecture. Each chapter is organized around five key points: a theoretical framework that focuses on a specific concept, a description of the methodological mechanism mobilized, a presentation of the industry concerned, the analysis of the innovative strategy and a recap of the lessons and best practices demonstrated by the case.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Games with a Purpose (GWAPS)
Human brains can be seen as knowledge processors in a distributed system. Each of them can achieve, conscious or not, a small part of a treatment too important to be done by one. These are also "hunter / gatherers" of knowledge. Provided that the number of contributors is large enough, the results are usually better quality than if they were the result of the activity of a single person, even if it is a domain expert. This type of activity is done via online games.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Basic Stochastic Processes
This book presents basic stochastic processes, stochastic calculus including Lévy processes on one hand, and Markov and Semi Markov models on the other. From the financial point of view, essential concepts such as the Black and Scholes model, VaR indicators, actuarial evaluation, market values, fair pricing play a central role and will be presented. The authors also present basic concepts so that this series is relatively self-contained for the main audience formed by actuaries and particularly with ERM (enterprise risk management) certificates, insurance risk managers, students in Master in mathematics or economics and people involved in Solvency II for insurance companies and in Basel II and III for banks.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Patents: Prompting or Restricting Innovation?
The patent system is criticized today by some practitioners and economists. In fact, there is a partial disconnection between patent demographics and productivity gains, but also the development of actors who do not innovate and who develop business models that their detractors equate with a capture of annuities or a dangerous commodification of patents. This book provides a less Manichaean view of the position of patents in the system of contemporary innovation. It first recalls that these criticisms are not new, before arguing that if these criticisms have been revived, it is because of a partial shift from an integrated innovation system to a much more fragmented and open system. This shift accompanied the promotion of a more competitive economy. The authors show that this movement is coherent with a more intensive use of patents, but also one that is more focused on their signal function than on their function of direct monetary incentive to innovation.
SAGE Publications Inc A Fresh Look at Phonics, Grades K-2: Common Causes of Failure and 7 Ingredients for Success
"In most instances, there isn’t one main cause of a systematic breakdown in phonics instruction. Rather, a combination of causes can create a perfect storm of failure." —Wiley Blevins Picture a class of kindergarteners singing the alphabet song, and teaching phonics seems as easy as one-two, three, A, B, C, right? In a Fresh Look at Phonics, Wiley Blevins explains why it can get tricky, and then delivers a plan so geared for success, that teachers, coaches, and administrators will come to see owning this book as a before and after moment in their professional lives. In this amazing follow up to his renowned resource Phonics From A-Z, Wiley uses the data he has collected over two decades to share which approaches truly work, which have failed, and how teachers can fine-tune their daily instruction for success. You will learn to focus on the seven critical ingredients of phonics teaching that produce the greatest student learning gains— readiness skills, scope and sequence, blending, dictation, word awareness, high frequency words, and reading connected texts. Then, for each ingredient, Wiley shares: Activities, routines, word lists, and lessons that develop solid foundations for reading Ideas for differentiation, ELL, and advanced learners to ensure adequate progress for all learners Help on decodable texts, what not to over-do, and what you can’t do enough of for your students’ achievement Interactive "Day Clinic" activities that facilitate teacher self-reflection and school wide professional learning In a final section, Wiley details the ten common reasons instruction fails and shows teachers how to correct these missteps regarding lesson pacing, transitions, decodable texts, writing activities, assessment and more. A Fresh Look at Phonics is the evidence-based solution you have been seeking. Wiley Blevins, Ph.D., is a world-renowned expert on early reading, and author of the seminal book Phonics From A-Z among many other works. He has taught in both the United States and South America, and regularly trains teachers throughout Asia. He holds a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University, and has worked with numerous educational scholars, including Jeanne Chall, Isabel Beck, Marilyn Adams, Louisa Moats, and Dianne August, and others.
Indiana University Press Work, Social Status, and Gender in Post-Slavery Mauritania
Although slavery was legally abolished in 1981 in Mauritania, its legacy lives on in the political, economic, and social discrimination against ex-slaves and their descendants. Katherine Ann Wiley examines the shifting roles of Muslim arāīn (ex-slaves and their descendants) women, who provide financial support for their families. Wiley uses economic activity as a lens to examine what makes suitable work for women, their trade practices, and how they understand and assert their social positions, social worth, and personal value in their everyday lives. She finds that while genealogy and social hierarchy contributed to status in the past, women today believe that attributes such as wealth, respect, and distance from slavery help to establish social capital. Wiley shows how the legacy of slavery continues to constrain some women even while many of them draw on neoliberal values to connect through kinship, friendship, and professional associations. This powerful ethnography challenges stereotypical views of Muslim women and demonstrates how they work together to navigate social inequality and bring about social change.
Faber & Faber When Ghosts Come Home
An abandoned plane. A dead body. A small town threatening to explode.'A searing, thunderous, heartbreaking thriller. Wiley Cash has talent to burn.' Chris WhitakerWinston did not hear it so much as feel it as it passed over their house and into the trees across the waterway.The sheriff struggling for re-election and haunted by his past.The mystery plane which crash-lands on his island.The daughter returning home to hide from her troubles.The FBI pilot sent in to help.As the mystery of the abandoned plane and the dead body stokes long-simmering racial tensions, a moment of reckoning draws ever closer for the town of Oak Island. When Ghosts Come Home is the thrilling new page-turner from prize-winning novelist Wiley Cash.'An unputdownable knock-out.' Lauren Wilkinson, author of American Spy
Bellevue Literary Press Tacoma Stories
“Richard Wiley is one of our best writers. These stories satisfy in the way that brilliant short fiction always satisfies; one feels as if one has absorbed the expansive vision and drama of a novel. Read slowly, and I bet you’ll want to read again.” —Richard Bausch, author of Peace and Living in the Weather of the World“It’s a strange and winsome feeling I have, reading Tacoma Stories, the blue sensation that Richard Wiley has made me homesick for a place I’ve never been, mourning the loss of friends I never had, in a life where each and every one of us is loved, however imperfectly. Think Sherwood Anderson inhabiting Raymond Carver’s Northwest and you’ll have a clear picture of Wiley’s accomplishment.” —Bob Shacochis, author of Easy in the Islands and The Woman Who Lost Her SoulOn St. Patrick’s Day in 1968, sixteen people sit in Pat’s Tavern, drink green beer, flirt, rib each other, and eventually go home in (mostly) different directions. In the stories that follow, which span 1958 to the present, Richard Wiley pops back into the lives of this colorful cast of characters—sometimes into their pasts, sometimes into their futures—and explores the ways in which their individual narratives indelibly weave together. At the heart of it all lies Tacoma, Washington, a town full of eccentricities and citizens as unique as they are universal. The Tacoma of Tacoma Stories might be harboring paranoid former CIA operatives and wax replicas of dead husbands, but it is also a place with all the joys and pains one could find in any town, anytime and anywhere.Richard Wiley is the author of eight novels including Bob Stevenson; Soldiers in Hiding, winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction and the Washington State Book Award; and Ahmed’s Revenge, winner of the Maria Thomas Fiction Award. Professor emeritus at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, he divides his time between Los Angeles, California, and Tacoma, Washington.
Louisiana State University Press The Life of Johnny Reb: The Common Soldier of the Confederacy
In this companion to The Life of Johnny Reb, Bell Irvin Wiley explores the daily lives of the men in blue who fought to save the Union. With the help of many soldiers' letters and diaries, Wiley explains who these men were and why they fought, how they reacted to combat and the strain of prolonged conflict, and what they thought about the land and the people of Dixie. This fascinating social history reveals that while the Yanks and the Rebs fought for very different causes, the men on both sides were very much the same. ""This wonderfully interesting book is the finest memorial the Union soldier is ever likely to have.... [Wiley] has written about the Northern troops with an admirable objectivity, with sympathy and understanding and profound respect for their fighting abilities. He has also written about them with fabulous learning and considerable pace and humor.
Bellevue Literary Press Bob Stevenson
"A witty, roller-coaster ride of uncertain identity set against the gritty certainties of New York City. In compelling, unadorned prose, Richard Wiley gives us a bewitching and ultimately moving tale." --Caryl Phillips, author of A Distant Shore and The Lost Child Dr. Ruby Okada meets a charming man with a Scottish accent in the elevator of her psychiatric hospital. Unaware that he is an escaping patient, she falls under his spell, and her life and his are changed forever by the time they get to the street. Who is the mysterious man? Is he Archie B. Billingsly, suffering from dissociative identity disorder and subject to brilliant flights of fancy and bizarre, violent fits? Or is he the reincarnation of Robert Louis Stevenson, back to haunt New York as Long John Silver and Mr. Edward Hyde? Her career compromised, Ruby soon learns that her future and that of her unborn child depend on finding the key to his identity. With compelling psychological descriptions and terrifying, ineffable transformations, Bob Stevenson is an ingenious tale featuring a quirky cast of characters drawn together by mutual fascination, need, and finally, love. Richard Wiley is the author of eight novels including Soldiers in Hiding, winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and Ahmed's Revenge, winner of the Maria Thomas Fiction Award. Professor emeritus at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, he divides his time between Los Angeles, California and Tacoma, Washington.
Harvard University Press Noise Matters: The Evolution of Communication
Noise, as we usually think of it, is background sound that interferes with our ability to hear more interesting sounds. In general terms, though, it is anything that interferes with the reception of signals of any sort. It includes extraneous energy in the environment, degradation of signals in transit, and spontaneous random activity in receivers and signalers. Whatever the cause, the consequence of noise is error by receivers, and these errors are the key to understanding how noise shapes the evolution of communication.Noise Matters breaks new ground in the scientific understanding of how communication evolves in the presence of noise. Combining insights of signal detection theory with evidence from decades of his own original research, Haven Wiley explains the profound effects of noise on the evolution of communication. The coevolution of signalers and receivers does not result in ideal, noise-free communication, Wiley finds. Instead, signalers and receivers evolve to a joint equilibrium in which communication is effective but never error-free. Noise is inescapable in the evolution of communication.Wiley’s comprehensive approach considers communication on many different levels of biological organization, from cells to individual organisms, including humans. Social interactions, such as honesty, mate choice, and cooperation, are reassessed in the light of noisy communication. The final sections demonstrate that noise even affects how we think about human language, science, subjectivity, and freedom. Noise Matters thus contributes to understanding the behavior of animals, including ourselves.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Non Sequitur 2025 DaytoDay Calendar
Award-winning cartoonist Wiley Miller truly broke the cartoon mold when he created Non Sequitur. And for over thirty years, this beloved, groundbreaking strip has been bringing laughs to millions of fans worldwide with its wry look at the absurdities of modern existence. Each daily page of this desktop calendar features a new, humorous comic from Non Sequitur. Features include: Page size: 5.354 x 4.488 No single-use plastic Recyclable chipboard easel backer for desk or tabletop display Printed on FSC certified paper with soy-based ink Full-color tear-off pages Includes Daily Extra! Bonus content on the back of each day''s page Day/Date reference on each page Combined weekend pages Official major world holidays and observances Features a new color comic on each daily page
Skyhorse Publishing A Target on my Back: A Prosecutor's Terrifying Tale of Life on a Hit List
Murders don?t happen in Kaufman County, Texas, a sleepy community where people raise their kids quietly and drive into Dallas for work and entertainment. In 2013, murder came to town when two professional prosecutors were slain in cold blood, simply for doing their jobs: one in broad daylight in plain view of the courthouse, and one in his home, along with his wife. Eric Williams is responsible for all the bloodshed?and he has a list of who to kill next.A Target on My Back is the first-person true story of Erleigh Wiley, an accomplished lawyer who accepted the job as the new district attorney?after the death of her predecessors?which turned her into the next target on the killer's hit list. This is her story of how she and her family endured the storm of the press, the array of Homeland Security agents assigned to protect them 24/7, and the weight of knowing she was someone?s prey. Though fearing for her life, she served as the prosecution's final witness against the murderer, sealing his fate on death row. This chilling account of how she survived the hit list is a terrifying cat and mouse tale.
Autumn House Press Skull Cathedral – A Vestigial Anatomy
In Skull Cathedral, Melissa Wiley pulls stories from the vestigial remnants of the creatures we were or could have become. The appendix, pinky toes, tonsils, male nipples, wisdom teeth, and coccyx are starting points through which Wiley explores exaltation, eroticism, grief, and desire. Using the slow evolution and odd disintegration of vestigial organs to enter the braided stories of the lives we establish for ourselves, the people we grieve, and the mysteries of youth, memory, and longing, Wiley’s lens is deeply feminist and compassionate. Turning to these mysterious anatomical remnants, she finds insight into the lingering questions of loss and the nagging sensations of being incomplete. For instance, in considering the appendix, Wiley finds herself working through her grief after the loss of her father, a sensation that again resurfaces in the face of the moon as she looks to the sky. Testing the boundaries of genre and fighting to expand the limits of perception, the stylized essays of Skull Cathedral embrace the strangeness of life through the lingering peculiarities of the human body. Skull Cathedral, Wiley’s second book of nonfiction, won the 2019 Autumn House Nonfiction Prize.
Indiana University Press Work, Social Status, and Gender in Post-Slavery Mauritania
Although slavery was legally abolished in 1981 in Mauritania, its legacy lives on in the political, economic, and social discrimination against ex-slaves and their descendants. Katherine Ann Wiley examines the shifting roles of Muslim arāīn (ex-slaves and their descendants) women, who provide financial support for their families. Wiley uses economic activity as a lens to examine what makes suitable work for women, their trade practices, and how they understand and assert their social positions, social worth, and personal value in their everyday lives. She finds that while genealogy and social hierarchy contributed to status in the past, women today believe that attributes such as wealth, respect, and distance from slavery help to establish social capital. Wiley shows how the legacy of slavery continues to constrain some women even while many of them draw on neoliberal values to connect through kinship, friendship, and professional associations. This powerful ethnography challenges stereotypical views of Muslim women and demonstrates how they work together to navigate social inequality and bring about social change.
Tuttle Publishing Filipino Stick Fighting Techniques
Filipino Stick Fighting Techniques is the authoritative guide to Cabales Serrada Escrima a stick fighting art with its roots in Escrima, the national martial art of the Philippines. The popularity of these techniques has dramatically increased since they were used extensively by Matt Damon in action-packed fight scenes in the Jason Bourne films. Developed by Grandmaster Angel Cabales when he came to the U.S., Cabales Serrada Escrima is a distinct system emphasizing close-quarter combat using highly effective stick-fighting moves in unarmed as well as knife fighting situations. This book offers a clear presentation of the basic strikes, blocks, counters, and disarms unique to this style of martial art as well as explaining how and why the techniques work and when to use them. Angel Cabales was a pioneer in the Filipino Martial Arts and the first teacher of Escrima in the U.S. He trained and certified Mark V. Wiley, the author of this book. Darren G. Tibon, an Escrima Grandmaster, was also trained by Cabales and has contributed a new foreword to the book. This book contains: Personal accounts of Grandmaster Angel Cabales and how he developed his system The dynamics of body positioning, distance control, and both single-stick and empty-hand defensive methods A comprehensive set of training drills for practitioners at different levels. Extensively illustrated with over 300 photos and detailed step-by-step instructions, this book lays the foundation for not just learning the system of Cabales Serrada Escrima, but understanding the traditions and philosophy of the art.
Taylor Trade Publishing Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind: A Bestseller's Odyssey from Atlanta to Hollywood
Ellen F. Brown is a rare book dealer and freelance writer specializing in stories about antiquarian books and the rare book industry. She lives in Richmond, Virginia. John Wiley, Jr. owns one of the largest collections of Gone With the Wind memorabilia in private hands, including every American edition of the novel and over 600 foreign editions. He writes a quarterly newsletter, The Scarlett Letter, for GWTW fans and collectors.
Rowman & Littlefield The Scarlett Letters: The Making of the Film Gone With the Wind
One month after her novel Gone With the Wind was published, Margaret Mitchell sold the movie rights for fifty thousand dollars. Fearful of what the studio might do to her story—“I wouldn’t put it beyond Hollywood to have . . . Scarlett seduce General Sherman,” she joked—the author washed her hands of involvement with the film. However, driven by a maternal interest in her literary firstborn and compelled by her Southern manners to answer every fan letter she received, Mitchell was unable to stay aloof for long. In this collection of her letters about the 1939 motion picture classic, readers have a front-row seat as the author watches the Dream Factory at work, learning the ins and outs of filmmaking and discovering the peculiarities of a movie-crazed public. Her ability to weave a story, so evident in Gone With the Wind, makes for delightful reading in her correspondence with a who’s who of Hollywood, from producer David O. Selznick, director George Cukor, and screenwriter Sidney Howard, to cast members Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland and Hattie McDaniel. Mitchell also wrote to thousands of others—aspiring actresses eager to play Scarlett O’Hara; fellow Southerners hopeful of seeing their homes or their grandmother’s dress used in the film; rabid movie fans determined that their favorite star be cast; and creators of songs, dolls and Scarlett panties who were convinced the author was their ticket to fame and fortune. During the film’s production, she corrected erring journalists and the producer’s over-the-top publicist who fed the gossip mills, accuracy be damned. Once the movie finished, she struggled to deal with friends and strangers alike who “fought and trampled little children and connived and broke the ties of lifelong friendship” to get tickets to the premiere. But through it all, she retained her sense of humor. Recounting an acquaintance’s denial of the rumor that the author herself was going to play Scarlett, Mitchell noted he “ungallantly stated that I was something like fifty years too old for the part.” After receiving numerous letters and phone calls from the studio about Belle Watling’s accent, the author related her father was “convulsed at the idea of someone telephoning from New York to discover how the madam of a Confederate bordello talked.” And in a chatty letter to Gable after the premiere, Mitchell coyly admitted being “feminine enough to be quite charmed” by his statement to the press that she was “fascinating,” but added: “Even my best friends look at me in a speculative way—probably wondering what they overlooked that your sharp eyes saw!” As Gone With the Wind marks its seventy-fifth anniversary on the silver screen, these letters, edited by Mitchell historian John Wiley, Jr., offer a fresh look at the most popular motion picture of all time through the eyes of the woman who gave birth to Scarlett.
Monacelli Press This Land: An Epic Postcard Mural on the Future of a Country in Ecological Peril
David Opdyke's massive collage This Land (as elucidated in this book by award-winning author Lawrence Weschler) presents a slow-burning satire of the American Dream as it blunders into the reality of climate change. This Land is an epic mural fashioned by New York artist David Opdyke out of vintage American postcards which he then treated with disconcerting painted interventions. What at first reads as a panoramic bird's-eye view of an idyllic alpine valley reveals itself, upon closer examination, to be an array of connected scenes and vignettes. Across more than five hundred postcards, each one portraying a distinct slice of idealized Americana (town squares, mountain highways, main streets and county seats), Opdyke's acerbic, emotionally jarring alterations gradually become evident. In this prophetic refashioning, forests are aflame, tornadoes torque from one card into the next, a steamboat gets swallowed up whole by some sort of new megafauna, frogs fall like Biblical hail from the sky. The human responses form a cacophony of desires and demands, panic and denial. Biplanes trail banners urging Repent Now!, others insist Legislative Action Would Be Premature, while still others advertise seats on an actual Ark. The book This Land affords readers a closer and closer viewing of Opdyke’s devastatingly sardonic take on our impending ecological future, one in turn enlivened by Lawrence Weschler's vividly sly blend of artist profile and critical interpretation. Featuring introductory essays providing background on the artist and the project as a whole, This Land also divides the sprawling mural into eight sections to allow for a more intimate viewing. Interspersed among the detailed visual sections are insightful thematic essays by Lawrence Weschler and an afterword that serves as a stirring call to action by civil rights attorney Maya Wiley. Additionally, the book's jacket is printed on both sides, folding out to reveal the work in its full grandeur.
SAGE Publications Inc Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact
Teacher be nimble, teacher be quick—the routines in this book make phonics learning stick.Author Wiley Blevins is renowned for changing the way educators think about teaching children to read, helping thousands of teachers implement effective phonics instruction. Now, Blevins gets us to think in powerful new ways about differentiating whole-class phonics lessons, so students at every skill level can engage. With Blevins’ trademark clarity, Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact provides: High-impact routines that focus on the skills known to develop students’ literacy best. Differentiated application of these routines—with fun multi-modal games and variations—for students working on- below-, and above grade-level expectations, and for multilingual learners Guidelines for creating skills-based small groups for more intensive work “
APress Beginning R 4: From Beginner to Pro
Learn how to use R 4, write and save R scripts, read in and write out data files, use built-in functions, and understand common statistical methods. This in-depth tutorial includes key R 4 features including a new color palette for charts, an enhanced reference counting system (useful for big data), and new data import settings for text (as well as the statistical methods to model text-based, categorical data). Each chapter starts with a list of learning outcomes and concludes with a summary of any R functions introduced in that chapter, along with exercises to test your new knowledge. The text opens with a hands-on installation of R and CRAN packages for both Windows and macOS. The bulk of the book is an introduction to statistical methods (non-proof-based, applied statistics) that relies heavily on R (and R visualizations) to understand, motivate, and conduct statistical tests and modeling.Beginning R 4 shows the use of R in specific cases such as ANOVA analysis, multiple and moderated regression, data visualization, hypothesis testing, and more. It takes a hands-on, example-based approach incorporating best practices with clear explanations of the statistics being done.You will: Acquire and install R and RStudio Import and export data from multiple file formats Analyze data and generate graphics (including confidence intervals) Interactively conduct hypothesis testing Code multiple and moderated regression solutions Who This Book Is For Programmers and data analysts who are new to R. Some prior experience in programming is recommended.
Casemate Publishers D-Days in the Pacific: The Us Coast Guard in World War II
The images of soldiers and marines coming ashore on hostile beaches are embedded in our collective memory of World War II. But what of the sailors who manned the landing craft, going back and forth under fire with nowhere to take cover?In this book, Ken Wiley, a coast guardsman on an attack-transport ship in the Pacific, relates the extraordinary story of how the United States projected its power across 6,000 miles of ocean, despite fierce Japanese resistance. The author describes each invasion, detailing a swirl of moving parts, from frogmen to fire support, transport mother ships to attack-transports, the smaller Higgins boats (LCVPs) and, during the last terrifying stage, the courageous men who stormed the beaches.The author participated in the campaigns for the Marshall Islands, the Marianas, the Philippines and Okinawa, and, with a precise eye for detail, he relates numerous aspects of landing-craft operations, such as ferrying wounded, that are often discounted. He conveys the terror and horror of war, without neglecting the humour and cameraderie of wartime life.D-Days in the Pacific is an exciting book, full of harrowing combat action, which also provides a valuable service in explaining exactly how World War II’s massive amphibious operations were undertaken.
Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art Seth Price 2000 Words
Pebble Books Let's Find Wedges
Pebble Books Over or Under
Dzanc Books The Book of Important Moments
Capstone Classroom Amazing Magnets
Pro Lingua Learning A to Z Picture Activities for Literacy: Phonics and Vocabulary for Emerging Readers
This beginning literacy practice book gives students an enjoyable way to improve phonics and vocabulary skills from A to Z. Whimsical illustrations highlight simple sentences, beginning grammar, and 888 high-frequency words in exercises that appeal to emerging readers of all ages. The labeled drawings on each A to Z scene are similar to those in a picture dictionary that students can use as a daily reference for writing and spelling. Each unit begins with facing pages that show words beginning with the letter and explore their meanings. Then the unit explores the phonics of the letter – the sounds it makes. Next, each alphabetic unit presents vocabulary in topic areas (lexical sets) which begin with that particular letter – Animals, the Body, Colors, Days, Eating, Fruit, Groceries, Holidays, I&/BJobs, the Kitchen, and so on. Applications of these units can be useful for helping to meet Common Core Standards, including instruction that develops foundational skills in English, opportunities for classroom discourse and interaction, and ongoing assessment and feedback. There is also a Pronunciation Index for all the words in the picture activities.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Oregon Trail: Hit the Trail! (Two Books in One): The Race to Chimney Rock and Danger at the Haunted Gate
Go west, young pioneer - your journey begins here! Inside you'll find two books in one: The Race to Chimney Rock and Danger at the Haunted Gate. In these first two legs of your trek on the Oregon Trail, you need to find your way to prominent landmarks Chimney Rock and Devil's Gate - but not without unpredictable challenges ahead. Natural disasters, disease, and dishonest people are challenges you'll face in the wild frontier. Make the right choices and make it halfway to your final destination in Oregon Territory! AGES: 7 to 10
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Oregon Trail: Calamity in the Cold
In this choose-your-own-trail experience, you're traveling all the way from Florida, heading West to the Oregon Trail. See if you can make it to Oregon City! It's 1845 and your family is fleeing Florida with hopes of starting fresh out west. You'll encounter sudden snowstorms that will overwhelm your wagon train en route to the Oregon Trail. Food will become scarce - and you'll get lost. Can you survive the unseasonably cold climates? If you make the right choices, you could find the Lewis-Clark Trail, which would lead back to the Oregon Trai - though it will take longer than you'd planned. Do you have the supplies to last? Can you survive the harsh cold and sickness, pioneer? Choose right and blaze a trail to Oregon City! Includes a map and useful tips on how to survive the Trail. AGES: 7 to 10
Knaur Taschenbuch In jedem Augenblick ein Wir
Knaur Taschenbuch In jedem Atemzug nur Du
Canongate Books Ltd Second Skin
An intriguing mystery featuring homicide detective Daniel Turner in the second of this atmospheric crime noir series, following Blue Avenue.When one of her students is found dead, English teacher Lillian Turner and her husband, Navy war veteran Johnny Bellefleur, are drawn into the investigation. Having made a macabre discovery which throws a disturbing new light on the case, Johnny and Lillian find themselves involved in something darker and more dangerous than they could have imagined.With their marriage cracking under the strain and Johnny's sanity under threat, the pair is warned to stay out of the case by Lillian's brother, homicide detective Daniel Turner. Just what is Daniel's connection to the dead girl? Does he know more than he's letting on? Can Lillian trust her own brother?