Search results for ""author christian""
Duke University Press World Revolution, 1917–1936: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International
Originally published in 1937, C. L. R. James's World Revolution is a pioneering Marxist analysis of the history of revolutions during the interwar period and of the fundamental conflict between Trotsky and Stalin. James, who was a leading Trotskyist activist in Britain, outlines Russia's transition from Communist revolution to a Stalinist totalitarian state bureaucracy. He also provides an account of the ideological contestations within the Communist International while examining its influence on the development of the Soviet Union and its changing role in revolutions in Spain, China, Germany, and Central Europe. Published to commemorate the centenary of the Russian Revolution, this definitive edition of World Revolution features a new introduction by Christian Høgsbjerg and includes rare archival material, selected contemporary reviews, and extracts from James's 1939 interview with Trotsky.
Springer International Publishing AG Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R
Now in its second edition, this introductory statistics textbook conveys the essential concepts and tools needed to develop and nurture statistical thinking. It presents descriptive, inductive and explorative statistical methods and guides the reader through the process of quantitative data analysis. This revised and extended edition features new chapters on logistic regression, simple random sampling, including bootstrapping, and causal inference.The text is primarily intended for undergraduate students in disciplines such as business administration, the social sciences, medicine, politics, and macroeconomics. It features a wealth of examples, exercises and solutions with computer code in the statistical programming language R, as well as supplementary material that will enable the reader to quickly adapt the methods to their own applications.
The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit Sharing the Fire: The Igniting Role of Transformational Leadership on the Relationship Between Public Managers' & Employees' Organizational Commitment
Channel View Publications Ltd Implementing Educational Language Policy in Arizona: Legal, Historical and Current Practices in SEI
This volume is a unique contribution to the study of language policy and education for English Learners because it focuses on the decade long implementation of “English Only” in Arizona. How this policy influences teacher preparation and classroom practice is the central topic of this volume. Scholars and researchers present their latest findings and concerns regarding the impact that a restrictive language policy has on critical areas for English Learners and diverse students. If a student's language is sanctioned, do they feel welcome in the classroom? If teachers are only taught about subtractive language policy, will they be able to be tolerant of linguistic diversity in their classrooms? The implications of the chapters suggest that Arizona's version of Structured English Immersion may actually limit English Learners' access to English.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Closing Chapters of Long Lives: Results from the 10-Year Swilsoo Study on the Oldest Old
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Elisabeth von Samsonow / Jurgen Teller: The Parents' Bedroom Show (Creating Time)
JOVIS Verlag Chongqing Grand Theater in China
Exploration of the unique architectural design of the Chongqing Grand Theater in China. The Grand Theater is not a building with a typical façade with wall and window surfaces, but is contained within a well-positioned curtain of frosted glass panels. The magazine Baumeister comments: "The light penetrating from the inside to the outside, as well as the reflection of sun, clouds, and water on the multi-layered and staggered glass surfaces, present the building in ever-changing, mystical lighting moods." In this volume, the architects responsible present the design by means of texts, images, and plans, and there is an essay by the architecture journalist Dirk Meyhöfer in which he discusses the Grand Theater. Text in English and German.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Europa Jenseits Des Konvergenzparadigmas: Divergenz - Dynamik - Diskurs
Logos Verlag Berlin 15. Leipziger Insolvenzrechtstag: Dokumentation Des Symposiums Vom 03. Marz 2014
Logos Verlag Berlin 14. Leipziger Insolvenzrechtstag: Dokumentation Des Symposiums Vom 11.02.2013
Universitatsverlag Winter American Studies/Shifting Gears: A Publication of the Dfg Research Network 'the Futures of (European) American Studies'
Universitatsverlag Winter Europe and America: Cultures in Translation
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Journal of Byzantine Studies, Vol. 72/2022 / Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik, Band 72/2022
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik / Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik 69/2019
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Der Gesundheits-Survey Der Klosterstudie Daten- Und Methodenbericht Zu Welle I
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Fragmente: Der Umgang Mit Luckenhaften Quellenuberlieferungen in Der Mittelalterforschung
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mathematik für Informatiker für Dummies
Ist der Mathematik-Schein auch für Sie die größte Hürde im Studium? Dabei brauchen Sie als Informatiker solide mathematische Grundkenntnisse, um Algorithmen zu verstehen und mit Anwendern aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik auf Augenhöhe zu kommunizieren. Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen auf verständliche Weise und immer mit Querbezügen zur Informatik die mathematischen Grundlagen, die alle Informatiker benötigen: Aussagenlogik, Rekursion, Induktion, Relationen, Analysis, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Statistik und lineare Algebra. Keine Sorge: Es werden lediglich Schulkenntnisse in Mathematik vorausgesetzt.
Harrassowitz Graber Des 3. Jahrtausends V. Chr. Im Syrischen Euphrattal - 4. Der Friedhof Von Abu Hamed
Duncker & Humblot Gedachtnisschrift Fur Herbert Trondle
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Geboren, um zu herrschen?: Gefährdete Dynastien in historisch-interdisziplinärer Perspektive
Zu allen Zeiten und in ganz unterschiedlichen Regionen der Welt haben Menschen dazu tendiert, Besitz, Macht, Ämter und Status an die nächste Generation weiterzugeben, um sich selbst und ihr eigenes Wirken in eine Linie der Kontinuität zu stellen. Ob in deutscher oder internationaler Politik und Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft oder sogar im Sport ‒ dynastische Kontinuitäten bestimmen auch unsere Gegenwart mehr, als sich auf den ersten Blick vermuten lässt. Was Dynastien ausmacht, zeigt sich besonders in solchen Momenten, in denen sie in ihrem Fortbestand unmittelbar bedroht sind: Wenn Nachkommen fehlen, sterben oder aus anderen Gründen als Erben ausfallen, wenn die Nachfolge umstritten ist und diese Situation von Konkurrenten herausgefordert oder ausgenutzt wird. Dieser Band versammelt erstmals Vertreter verschiedener Disziplinen, die sich mit der Bedrohung dynastischer Ordnungen in verschiedenen zeitlichen, räumlichen und kulturellen Kontexten beschäftigen.
Classiques Garnier Modernite Et Academies Scientifiques Europeennes
Archaeopress Places of Memory: Spatialised Practices of Remembrance from Prehistory to Today
Places of Memory takes a new look at spatialised practices of remembrance and its role in reshaping societies from prehistory to today, gathering researchers representing diverse but complementary fields of expertise. This diachronic outlook provides important insights into the great variety of human and social reactions examining memory, encompassing aspects of remembering, the loss of memory, reclaiming memories, and remembering things that may not have happened. The contributions to this volume expand upon Pierre Nora’s concept of lieux des memoire (places of memory) and the notion that memory is not just stored in these places but activated through human engagement. The volume presents a reflection on the creation of memories through the organisation and use of landscapes and spaces that explicitly considers the multiplicity of meanings of the past. Thus, social identities were created, reaffirmed, strengthened, and transformed through the founding, change, and reorganization of places and spaces of memory in the cultural landscape.
Aspen Art Museum,US Restless Empathy
Restless Empathy examines the complex process of projecting into the interior world of another—whether artist, viewer or object—and seeking to make a connection. For the exhibition, the Aspen Art Museum has invited eight artists—Allora & Calzadilla, Pawel Althamer, Marc Bijl, Lara Favaretto, Geof Oppenheimer, Lars Ramberg, Frances Stark and Mark Wallinger—to propose projects sited throughout the museum and town of Aspen. While diverse in practice, these artists create and explore empathy in unexpected ways. With recent works grouped under Relational Aesthetics, the viewer becomes instrumentalized within the work itself. Rather than use people as a medium, however, the artists in Restless Empathy make generous gestures toward the public, marked by a deep sincerity and moments of intimate surprise. Subverting expectations of permanence and monumentality in art that addresses the public, Restless Empathy broadly explores relationships between aesthetics, space, locality and modes of address.
Steyler Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH Zurück zur Freude. Studien zur chinesischen Literatur und Lebenswelt und ihrer Rezeption in Ost und West: Festschrift für Wolfgang Kubin
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Strasburger − Lehrbuch der Pflanzenwissenschaften
Seit 120 Jahren liegt die Stärke des STRASBURGERs in der ausgewogenen Darstellung aller Teilgebiete der Pflanzenwissenschaften. In der vorliegenden 38. Auflage sind besonders die Teile Struktur und Entwicklung stark überarbeitet worden. • Der Teil Struktur beschreibt den pflanzlichen Aufbau ausgehend von der Ebene der Zelle über die Gewebe bis hin zur Ebene der Organe. Bei der Neufassung dieser Kapitel war es ein besonderes Anliegen, Struktur als Ausdruck von Funktion sichtbar zu machen. Neben einer Beschreibung der Formen wurde versucht, die Erklärung dieser Formen stärker zu gewichten. Der Teil Genetik wurde neustrukturiert und aktualisiert. • Der Teil Genetik wurde neustrukturiert und aktualisiert. Insbesondere die Bereiche Epigenetik und Gentechnik wurden erweitert. Hier spielen Weiterentwicklungen der Gentechnik zur gezielten Genomveränderung eine Rolle. Die methodischen Hintergründe werden im neuen Abschnitt Genomeditierung beschrieben.Der ebenfalls neu gestaltete Teil Entwicklung spiegelt die im Teil Strukturbehandelten Ebenen (Zelle, Gewebe, Organ, Organismus) wider, wobei das Werden dieser Ebenen im Mittelpunkt steht. Es werden zentrale Konzepte der Entwicklungsbiologie an Beispielen aus dem Pflanzenreich geschildert. In den anschließenden Kapiteln geht es dann um die Steuerung dieser Vorgänge durch Phytohormone und den Einfluss endogener und exogener regulatorischer Faktoren.• Im Teil Physiologie werden ausgehend von der Beschreibung grundlegender Transport- und Stoffwechselprozesse die Anpassung des pflanzlichen Stoffwechsels an entwicklungs- und umweltbedingte Veränderungen betrachtet. Die Abschnitte zum Primärstoffwechsel wurden ergänzt und überarbeitet und die übrigen Teile aktualisiert.• Der evolutionäre Prozess, die Phylogenie und Systematik der Pflanzen und anderer photoautotropher Eukaryoten sowie die Geschichte der Vegetation der Erde sind Inhalt des Teils Evolution und Systematik. • Im Ökologie-Teil wird die Pflanze in Beziehung zu den Lebensbedingungen am Wuchsort gesetzt. Pflanzliche Reaktionen auf Klima und Bodenfaktoren, Prozesse in Populationen und Artengemeinschaften sowie die großen Vegetationszonen der Erde werden erklärt. In dieser neu überarbeiteten Auflage wurden einige Abbildungen und Textstellen hinzugefügt sowie die Literatur aktualisiert.Der Tradition dieses einzigartigen Standardwerkes entsprechend soll es Studierenden als vierfarbig bebildertes Lehrbuch und Dozenten aller bio-, umwelt- und agrarwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen als verlässliches Nachschlage- und Referenzwerk dienen.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Medizinische Physik: Grundlagen – Bildgebung – Therapie – Technik
Das vorliegende Werk bietet eine im deutschsprachigen Raum einzigartige, umfassende und aktuelle Darstellung der Medizinischen Physik. Es liefert damit das Fundament für die Anwendung physikalischer Methoden in der Medizin, der Entwicklung neuer oder verbesserter Verfahren zur Untersuchung und Behandlung von Patienten sowie für die Bereitstellung und den Einsatz physikalischer Methoden in der klinischen Anwendung. Es unterstützt als Lehrbuch den Bedarf nach einer systematischen medizinphysikalischen Aus- und Weiterbildung von Physikern, die an medizinischen Einrichtungen tätig sind.Das Buch orientiert sich am Stoffkatalog der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP) und legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Medizinische Physik in der Radiologie und Radioonkologie. Das Werk ist in fünf Teile unterteilt:· In Teil I werden die Grundlagen der Strahlenphysik, der biostatistischen Methoden, der Medizinischen Informatik, der organisatorischen und rechtlichen Aspekte sowie des Strahlenschutzes abgehandelt. · Teil II behandelt die radiologische Diagnostik und umfasst die bildgebenden Verfahren der Röntgendiagnostik, der Röntgen-Computertomographie, der Magnetresonanztomographie sowie des Ultraschalls. · Teil III beschreibt die Methoden der nuklearmedizinischen Diagnostik und Therapie. · In Teil IV wird die Medizinische Physik der Strahlentherapie in vertiefter Form dargestellt. · Teil V beschreibt ausgewählte Themen aus dem Gebiet der Medizintechnik. Zu allen Teilen werden Übungsaufgaben und Kontrollfragen angeboten, mit denen der Leser das Gelernte überprüfen kann. Ergänzend werden auf einer Website Musterlösungen, zusätzliches vertiefendes Text- und Bildmaterial sowie Animationen und Videos zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Buch versteht sich als Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk, das begleitend zu Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen und Studiengängen oder auch zum Selbststudium auf dem Gebiet der Medizinischen Physik eingesetzt werden kann. Es basiert auf dem Heidelberger Weiterbildungskurs „Medizinische Physik für Physiker“ und richtet sich vornehmlich an Physik-Absolventen und Naturwissenschaftler mit grundlegenden physikalischen Kenntnissen. Die Herausgeber sind als Wissenschaftler am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum (dkfz) tätig und lehren als Professoren für Medizinische Physik an der Universität Heidelberg.
Campus Verlag Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes: Trajectories of a New Research Program
The acquisition and deployment of resources—natural and otherwise—will always be at the forefront of geopolitical discourse. At a time when the finite nature of these resources becomes clearer every day, that’s especially true. This book uses a humanities-influenced lens to examine how ideas of weakness affect the stockpiling and usage of resources, delving into the question of self-assessments by people and states alike can influence their handling of resources.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends
Embedded systems are ubiquitous. They appear in cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators, consumer electronics, cars, and jets. Some of these embedded s- tems are safety- or security-critical such as in medical equipment, nuclear plants, and X-by-wire control systems in naval, ground and aerospace transportation - hicles. With the continuing shift from hardware to software, embedded systems are increasingly dominated by embedded software. Embedded software is complex. Its engineering inherently involves a mul- disciplinary interplay with the physics of the embedding system or environment. Embedded software also comes in ever larger quantity and diversity. The next generation of premium automobiles will carry around one gigabyte of binary code. The proposed US DDX submarine is e?ectively a ?oating embedded so- ware system, comprising 30 billion lines of code written in over 100 programming languages. Embedded software is expensive. Cost estimates are quoted at around US$15– 30 per line (from commencement to shipping). In the defense realm, costs can range up to $100, while for highly critical applications, such as the Space Shuttle, the cost per line approximates $1,000. In view of the exponential increase in complexity, the projected costs of future embedded software are staggering.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Forgotten Forbidden America (Book 4): Revolution
Indie Blue Publishing LLC We Are Not Okay
Rudolf Steiner Press The Holy Grail: The Quest for the Renewal of the Mysteries
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception. With his philosophical and scientific training, Steiner brought a new systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, allowing for fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries. Samples of his work are to be found in this book of edited texts, which brings together excerpts from his many talks and writings on the subject of the Holy Grail. This volume also features an editorial introduction, commentary and notes by Dr Andrew Welburn. Chapters: From the Mysteries to Christianity; Death and Resurrection in Ancient Egypt – the Miracle of Initiation; The Mystery of Golgotha; The Mystery of the Higher Ego – the Holy Grail; The Grail and the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity; The Gnostic Crisis and the Loss of the Mysteries; Stages of Evolution – Archaic Clairvoyance; The Role of the Mysteries; The Secret of Evolution – the Holy Grail.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trends in Infrastructure Regulation and Financing: International Experience and Case Studies from Germany
This book provides a balanced presentation of international trends in infrastructure regulation and financing. Based on recent developments in microeconomic theory, it comprehensively discusses the role of the state and the private sector in infrastructure provision. As well as a thorough overview of the relevant theoretical issues, the authors carefully examine national experiences of private participation in infrastructure. In particular, they explore sectoral restructuring in the electricity, telecommunications, water and transport sectors. The book includes case studies from both Argentina and the UK, and places a particular focus on Germany which, for a developed country, is a peculiar latecomer in terms of infrastructure sector reform.Well argued and rich in new insights, this book offers a meticulous and informative analysis of current trends in infrastructure privatization and deregulation. Among the authors are well-known specialists as well as younger researchers who provide a fresh perspective on the issue. The book will be of interest and relevance to researchers, academics, policymakers and international organizations interested in regulation and the modernization of infrastructure both in developed and developing countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honour of Fabio Canova
Both parts of Volume 44 of Advances in Econometrics pay tribute to Fabio Canova for his major contributions to economics over the last four decades. Throughout his long and distinguished career, Canova’s research has achieved both a prolific publication record and provided stellar research to the profession. His colleagues, co-authors and PhD students wish to express their deep gratitude to Fabio for his intellectual leadership and guidance, whilst showcasing the extensive advances in knowledge and theory made available by Canova for professionals in the field. Advances in Econometrics publishes original scholarly econometrics papers with the intention of expanding the use of developed and emerging econometric techniques by disseminating ideas on the theory and practice of econometrics throughout the empirical economic, business and social science literature. Annual volume themes, selected by the Series Editors, are their interpretation of important new methods and techniques emerging in economics, statistics and the social sciences.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 43
The leading scholarly publication on Brecht; volume 43 contains a wealth of articles on diverse topics and a reconstruction of the two-chorus version of The Exception and the Rule. Published for the International Brecht Society by Camden House, the Brecht Yearbook is the central scholarly forum for discussion of Brecht's life and work and of topics of interest to him, especially the politics of literature and theater in a global context. It encourages a wide variety of perspectives and approaches and, like Brecht, is committed to the use value of literature, theater, and theory. Volume 43 opens with a reconstruction of Brecht's two-chorus version of The Exception and the Rule (Reiner Steinweg) and continues with a selection of Helmut Heißenbüttel's reviews of Brecht's work. Four articles (by Christine Künzel, Carsten Mindt, Judith Niehaus,and Sebastian Schuller) address Brechtian aspects of Gisela Elsner's novels. The next two essays (by Hunter Bivens and Friedemann Weidauer) revisit Brecht's reflections on affect and empathy. Also included are papers from the 2016IBS "Recycling Brecht" Symposium: on Brecht's recycling of Lenin in his "neue Dramatik" (Joseph Dial), on Paul Celan as a reconfiguration of Brecht (Paul Peters), on Brecht's adaptation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus (MartinRevermann), and on Hilary Mantel's Brechtian reconfiguration of Thomas Cromwell (Markus Wessendorf). The volume features Richard Schröder's farewell lecture on Brecht's Life of Galileo and an essay by Ulrich Plass on BerndStegemann's allegedly Brechtian reclamation of critical realism. It concludes with Zhang Wei's interview with the Chinese dramaturg, playwright, and Brecht translator Li Jianming. Editor Markus Wessendorf is a Professorin the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa in Honolulu.
Stanford University Press Trust, but Verify: The Politics of Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Cold War Order, 1969-1991
Trust, but Verify uses trust—with its emotional and predictive aspects—to explore international relations in the second half of the Cold War, beginning with the late 1960s. The détente of the 1970s led to the development of some limited trust between the United States and the Soviet Union, which lessened international tensions and enabled advances in areas such as arms control. However, it also created uncertainty in other areas, especially on the part of smaller states that depended on their alliance leaders for protection. The contributors to this volume look at how the "emotional" side of the conflict affected the dynamics of various Cold War relations: between the superpowers, within the two ideological blocs, and inside individual countries on the margins of the East–West confrontation.
Harvard University Press Amar Akbar Anthony: Bollywood, Brotherhood, and the Nation
A Bollywood blockbuster when it was released in 1977, Amar Akbar Anthony has become a classic of Hindi cinema and a touchstone of Indian popular culture. Delighting audiences with its songs and madcap adventures, the film follows the heroics of three Bombay brothers separated in childhood from their parents and one another. Beyond the freewheeling comedy and camp, however, is a potent vision of social harmony, as the three protagonists, each raised in a different religion, discover they are true brothers in the end. William Elison, Christian Lee Novetzke, and Andy Rotman offer a sympathetic and layered interpretation of the film’s deeper symbolism, seeing it as a lens for understanding modern India’s experience with secular democracy.Amar Akbar Anthony’s celebration of an India built on pluralism and religious tolerance continues to resonate with audiences today. But it also invites a critique of modernity’s mixed blessings. As the authors show, the film’s sunny exterior only partially conceals darker elements: the shadow of Partition, the crisis of Emergency Rule, and the vexed implications of the metaphor of the family for the nation. The lessons viewers draw from the film depend largely on which brother they recognize as its hero. Is it Amar, the straight-edge Hindu policeman? Is it Akbar, the romantic Muslim singer? Or is it Anthony, the Christian outlaw with a heart of gold? In this book’s innovative and multi-perspectival approach, each brother makes his case for himself (although the last word belongs to their mother).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Improvement of Buildings' Structural Quality by New Technologies: Proceedings of the Final Conference of COST Action C12, 20-22 January 2005, Innsbruck, Austria
Launched in May 2000, the aims of the COST C12 cooperative action were: to develop, combine and disseminate new technical engineering technologies to improve the quality of urban buildings to propose new technical solutions to architects and planners to reduce the disturbance caused by construction in urban areas and improve urban quality of life. This volume contains the proceedings of the COST C12 final conference held in Innsbruck, Austria from January 20-22 2005. The book reflects not only the outcome of the four years’ work of the cooperative, but also the contributions made by other international experts at the conference, focused on three broad themes: mixed building technology; structural integrity under exceptional actions; and urban design.
Spector Books Christian Borchert. The Tectonics of Remembrance
Peter Lang AG Islam Auf Dem Balkan: Muslimische Traditionen Im Lokalen, Nationalen Und Transnationalen Kontext
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Entangled Worlds: Religious Confluences between East and West in the Roman Empire: The Cults of Isis, Mithras, and Jupiter Dolichenus
This collective volume, originating from an interdisciplinary conference at Heidelberg University, deals with the expansion of the so-called oriental cults in the Roman Empire. The concept of 'oriental cults' itself has come under discussion in recent years because it has been questioned whether the cults in question really formed a coherent group and to what degree they might be called 'oriental' at all. This discussion is reflected throughout the papers of the volume which focus on the three cults of Isis (and Osiris), Mithras and Jupiter Dolichenus. Of special interest are the (alleged) origins of these cults in Egypt, Persia and Northern Syria, their expansion and adaptation within the Roman Empire (through some sort of 'religious flows'), their linguistic and visual expressions as well as the architecture and decoration of sanctuaries and the rituals connected with them.
Osmos OSMOS Magazine: Issue 19
Essays on Ellie Ga, Joanna Piotrowska, Walter Pfeiffer, Steve Reinke, Anna Papier and more, in the latest issue of Osmos As founder and editor Cay Sophie Rabinowitz (formerly of Parkett and Fantom) explains, Osmos Magazine is “an art magazine about the use and abuse of photography.” The magazine is divided into thematic sections—some traditional, and others more idiosyncratic. Osmos Magazine issue 19 features Oliver Chanarin in conversation with Rafal Milach about the Magnum photographer’s book In Nearly Every Rose …, plus essays by Tom McDonough on Ellie Ga; Lucy Gallun on Joanna Piotrowska; Walter Pfeiffer introduced by Swiss Institute curator Daniel Merritt; Kenta Murakami on Steve Reinke's The Hundred Videos; Anna Papier on the Dutch photographer Bart Julius Peters; Christian Rattemeyer on Levan Mindiashvili; Drew Sawyer on Erin Jane Nelson; Ksenia Nouril on Rafael Soldi; and Leon Dish Becker's reportage, ESL Political Clickbait, on memes designed by YouTubers infiltrating and promoting paranoia.
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 19 - School for Life
What we want for schools reveals what we value as a society. “What’s the point of school?” Parents have a stock set of responses, but the question remains unsettled, even two centuries after the Prussians invented compulsory education. The Prussian idea of what a school is for – to mold the populace to serve the state – seems unacceptable today. In vogue, instead, are slogans like “acquiring marketable skills” and “realizing your full potential.” These ideas powerfully shape our culture. Ultimately, they boil down to pursuing one supreme value: individual success in a competitive world. Schools are a mirror of our society as a whole; what we want for schools makes plain what and whom we value in our common life. In the Christian tradition, the life of discipleship is also a school. In this educational community, under the instruction of our one Teacher, we learn not to seek empowerment, but to find strength in weakness; not to out-achieve others, but to serve them; not to pursue our passion, but to obey a call. Also in this issue: poetry by Christian Wiman; reviews of new books by Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris, Francisco Cantú, Leif Enger, Carol Anderson, Stephanie Land, and Susan Wise Bauer; and art by Margaret McWethy, Albrecht Dürer, Raphael, Gérard David, Jackie Morris, Gustaf Tenggren, Sergey Dushkin, Anja Percival, Dmitry Samofalov, Christoph Wetzel, Sherrie York, Cathleen Rehfield, Paweł Kuczyński, and Jason Landsel. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
O'Reilly Media Network Programmability and Automation: Skills for the Next-Generation Network Engineer
Network engineers are finding it harder than ever to rely solely on manual processes to get their jobs done. New protocols, technologies, delivery models, and the need for businesses to become more agile and flexible have made network automation essential. The updated second edition of this practical guide shows network engineers how to use a range of technologies and tools, including Linux, Python, APIs, and Git, to automate systems through code. This edition also includes brand new topics such as network development environments, cloud, programming with Go, and a reference network automation architecture. Network Programmability and Automation will help you automate tasks involved in configuring, managing, and operating network equipment, topologies, services, and connectivity. Through the course of the book, you'll learn the basic skills and tools you need to make this critical transition. You'll learn: Programming skills with Python and Go: data types, conditionals, loops, functions, and more How to work with Linux-based systems, the foundation for modern networking and cloud platforms Data formats and models: JSON, XML, YAML, and YANG Jinja templating for creating network device configurations The role of application programming interfaces (APIs) in network automation Source control with Git to manage code changes during the automation process Cloud-native technologies like Docker and Kubernetes How to automate network devices and services using Ansible, Salt, and Terraform Tools and technologies for developing and continuously integrating network automation
University of Pennsylvania Press Democracy in Crisis: The Neoliberal Roots of Popular Unrest
Liberal democracies on both sides of the Atlantic find themselves approaching a state of emergency, beset by potent populist challenges of the right and left. But what exactly lies at the core of widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo? And how can the challenge be overcome? In Democracy in Crisis, Christian Lammert and Boris Vormann argue that the rise of populism in North Atlantic states is not the cause of a crisis of governance but its result. This crisis has been many decades in the making and is intricately linked to the rise of a certain type of political philosophy and practice in which economic rationality has hollowed out political values and led to an impoverishment of the political sphere more broadly. The process began in the 1980s, when the United States and Great Britain decided to unleash markets in the name of economic growth and democracy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, several countries in Europe followed suit and marketized their educational, social, and healthcare systems, which in turn increased inequality and fragmentation. The result has been a collapse of social cohesion and trust that the populists promise to address but only make worse. Looking to the future, Lammert and Vormann conclude their analysis with concrete suggestions for ways politics can once again be placed in the foreground, with markets serving social relations rather than the reverse.