Search results for ""author lauren"
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Philosophes Et Le Futur
Classiques Garnier La Revue Des Lettres Modernes: Le Yalou: Lectures Critiques Et Genetiques
Candlewick Press,U.S. Mi Casa Is My Home
SelfMadeHero Terra Australis
Just over 225 years ago, one of the most incredible odysseys in human history took place. 1,500 men and women were crammed aboard 11 ships and transported to the other side of the planet. They were criminals, outcasts, renegades: the scum of England. Having travelled over 24,000km, across three oceans, they arrived at a country that did not yet exist. For some, it was a one-way trip to hell; for others, it proved an unexpected chance of a new life. Bollée and Nicloux’s 500-page masterpiece is an accurate, perceptive and sympathetic account of the birth of Australia.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Patients, Caregivers and Doctors: Devices, Issues and Representations
This book studies the way chronic and long-term illnesses are represented in media, and the issues and structures associated with them. It also examines the way in which patients define themselves, the relationships they form with their carers and the experiences of these carers themselves.The way in which the figure of the caregiver can be portrayed as a necessary support for the patient is also discussed. Testimonies from digital platforms, fictional universes, examples from everyday life and from public and private organizations provide insight into the relationships between patients, caregivers and carers.
Fordham University Press Flight of the Gods: Philosophical Perspectives on Negative Theology
Contemporary continental philosophy approaches metaphysics with great reservation. A point of criticism concerns traditional philosophical speaking about God. Whereas Nietzsche, with his question “God is dead; who killed Him?” was, in his time, highly ‘unzeitgemäß’ and shocking, the twentieth century by contrast, saw Heidegger’s concept of ‘onto-theology’ and its implied problematization of the God of the metaphysicians quickly become a famous term. In Heidegger’s words, to a philosophical concept or ‘being’ we can neither pray, nor kneel. Heidegger did not, however, return to the God of Christian faith. He tried to initiate a new way of speaking about God—a way that reveals the limits of philosophical discourse. Derrida, Marion, Bataille, Adorno, Taubes and Bakhtin, each in their own way, continue this exploration begun by Nietzsche and Heidegger. This book takes a fresh look at these developments. The ‘death of God’ as the editors say in an introductory study, announces not so much the death of the ‘old God’—the God of philosophers, theologians and believers—but rather the death of the god who put himself on His throne: autonomous human reason. In listening to the reactions to this dethronement of autonomous reason, the editors believe they hear the echoes of an experience of an embarrassment rooted partly in an old medieval tradition: negative theology. With the death of this ‘new god’, might a sensitivity reappear for transcendence? Here the editors want to offer a platform where contemporary philosophers of culture can again pose the question of speaking about God.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Nanostructures unidimensionnelles en carbure de silicium
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dust: Sources, Environmental Concerns & Control
Orion Publishing Co Match a Track Near You: Match 25 Animals To Their Paw Prints
MATCHING GAME FOR NATURE LOVERS: You might not be on safari but you can still go on an adventure with this matching and memory game that brings the wild to youINDOOR AND OUTDOOR FUN: Play the game inside or take the cards outside to learn about animal tracks in the wild near you!BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED: Marcel George's stunning watercolour illustrations bring to life 25 animals and their tracks that children can find near homeTHE PERFECT GIFT: Design-led, high-spec illustrated game for hours of fun and maximum gifting potentialSEQUEL TO BESTSELLING GAME: Follow-up to bestselling Match a TrackCan you match the 25 tracks to their animal owners? Show off your best animal-tracking skills in this brilliant matching game, a sequel to the bestselling Match a Track. Where the original game featured leopards and lemurs for an armchair safari, this version is full of animals you can actually look for in the wild near you!
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle: 20 Octobre 1754-30 Juin 1755 v. 8
Indiana University Press The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church: A Chain Linking Two Traditions
This unique collaboration by academic historians, Oneida elders, and Episcopal clergy tells the fascinating story of how the oldest Protestant mission and house of worship in the upper Midwest took root in the Oneida community. Personal bonds that developed between the Episcopal clergy and the Wisconsin Oneidas proved more important than theology in allowing the community to accept the Christian message brought by outsiders. Episcopal bishops and missionaries in Wisconsin were at times defenders of the Oneidas against outside whites attempting to get at their lands and resources. At other times, these clergy initiated projects that the Oneidas saw as beneficial—a school, a hospital, or a lace-making program for Oneida women that provided a source of income and national recognition for their artistry. The clergy incorporated the Episcopal faith into an Iroquoian cultural and religious framework—the Condolence Council ritual—that had a longstanding history among the Six Nations. In turn, the Oneidas modified the very form of the Episcopal faith by using their own language in the Gloria in Excelsis and the Te Deum as well as by employing Oneida in their singing of Christian hymns.Christianity continues to have real meaning for many American Indians. The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church testifies to the power and legacy of that relationship.
Oxford University Press Leonardo Da Vincis Codex Leicester A New Edition
Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester is the most important of Leonardo's scientific manuscripts. This scholarly edition demonstrates Leonardo's influence on later scientific study, including issues from geology to the science of water, from astronomy to technology.
Peeters Publishers Epistulae Antiquae V: Actes du ve Colloque International "L'epistolaire Antique et Ses Prolongements Europeens" (Universite Francois-Rabelais, Tours, 6-7-8 Septembre 2006)
Le present volume, Epistulae antiquae V, contient les communications presentees a l'occasion du Ve Colloque tourangeau sur " L'epistolaire antique et ses prolongements europeens ", qui s'est tenu a l'Universite Francois-Rabelais de Tours les 6, 7 et 8 novembre 2006. Il s'inscrit dans la ligne des quatre precedents ouvrages de la serie, qui donnent une suite ecrite a des rencontres bi-annuelles entre universitaires francais et etrangers reunis par ce sujet d'etude commun. Fidele a ses perspectives pluridisciplinaire, diachronique et synchronique a la fois, il regroupe des interventions portant sur la lettre, ses formes et ses contenus. Le contexte historique, ancre dans l'Antiquite classique, nous met en contact avec les differentes facettes du genre epistolaire au sein des cultures grecque et romaine, mais egalement a des epoques plus recentes dont notre Europe est l'heritiere. Les sujets abordes, divers et complementaires, portent aussi bien sur le discours et ses modalites que sur la specificite de certains epistoliers et de leur temps.
Combel Ediciones Editorial Esin, S.A. Gala Y Patitas En El Parque de Atracciones
Urano Simplificarse La Vida
Classiques Garnier La Revue Des Lettres Modernes 2023-11: Sylvain Prudhomme, Nomadisme Du Roman
Classiques Garnier Lectures Russes de Pascal: Hier Et Aujourd'hui
Astra Publishing House The Secret Life of the Skunk
Discover the secret behaviors of a notoriously stinky mammal--the skunk--by following a family as the kits grow from infancy to adulthood.The celebrated Secret Life series continues with a determined mother skunk and her five kits. Young readers will learn about their hidden lives as the skunk kits grow and explore their world, escape predators, and hunt for food. Here is a story of family and survival packed with science terminology, depictions of skunk behavior, and information about skunks' habitats, diets, and sounds. And stunning illustrations invite readers to get closer than they ever could in reality to these skunks' secret lives.
Europa Editions Salina: The Three Exiles
Picador USA The Seventh Function of Language
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Not Fade Away: A Short Life Well Lived
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Blockchain für Dummies
Die Blockchain-Technologie verspricht, den Finanzmarkt, die Versicherungsbranche, das Supply-Chain-Management und andere Branchen zu revolutionieren. Aber Sie müssen kein Tech-Nerd sein, um die Blockchain zu verstehen. Dieses Buch erklärt die Grundlagen und wichtige Anwendungen wie Kryptowährungen und Smart Contracts. Reale Beispiele machen deutlich, wie Blockchains funktionieren und wo ihr Mehrwert liegt. Erstellen Sie eine eigene Blockchain, schauen Sie sich die wichtigsten Blockchain-Anbieter an, erkennen Sie das Disruptionspotenzial für eingesessene Industrien und vieles mehr.
Editions Flammarion The Spirit of Cognac: Rémy Martin: 300 Years of Savoir Faire
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Application Integration: EAI B2B BPM and SOA
Application integration assembles methods and tools for organizing exchanges between applications, and intra- and inter-enterprise business processes. A strategic tool for enterprises, it introduces genuine reactivity into information systems facing business changes, and as a result, provides a significant edge in optimizing costs. This book analyzes various aspects of application integration, providing a guide to the alphabet soup behind EAI, A2A, B2B, BAM, BPM, ESB and SOA. It addresses the problems of choosing between the application integration solutions and deploying them successfully. It supplies guidelines for avoiding common errors, exploring the differences between received wisdom and the facts on the ground. The overview of IT urbanization will help introduce English-speaking audiences to a powerful approach to information system flexibility developed in France. A key chapter approaches the analysis and interoperation of service levels in integration projects, while the discussion on deployment methodologies and ROI calculation anchors the theory in the real world. Application Integration: EAI, B2B, BPM and SOA relies on concrete examples and genuine experiences to demonstrate what works – and what doesn’t – in this challenging, topical and important IT domain.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke Vol. 78: The Dalton Uncles
Once again, Luke is called to the penitentiary, though for once the Daltons haven't escaped. They have, however, just learned that their cousin Emmett, last survivor of the original Dalton gang, has a son - and that Averell was chosen as his godfather! Now Lucky Luke has to accompany the dumbest bandits in the West to the young boy's house, as Averell has been temporarily entrusted with his education. A job that his brothers see as an excellent opportunity to get rich...
University of Toronto Press Doctors beyond Borders: The Transnational Migration of Physicians in the Twentieth Century
The transnational migration of health care practitioners has become a critical issue in global health policy and ethics. Doctors beyond Borders provides an essential historical perspective on this international issue, showing how foreign-trained doctors have challenged - and transformed - health policy and medical practice in countries around the world. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, from immigration records and medical directories to oral histories, the contributors study topics ranging from the influence of South Asian doctors on geriatric medicine in the United Kingdom to the Swedish reaction to the arrival of Jewish physicians fleeing Nazi Germany and the impact of the Vietnam War on the migration of doctors to Canada. Combining social history, the history of health and medicine, and immigration history, Doctors beyond Borders is an impressive selection of essays on a topic that continues to have global relevance.
American Psychological Association Red Yellow Blue
Red loves being red! Sometimes, he's too focused on red. Through the unconditional kindness of the other colors, he sees that he is part of a whole, and the best things come from working together. Red loves being red! Apples, wagons, fire trucks — he thinks all the best things are red! Yellow admires Red’s roses, but Red just wants to be left to mind his own business — why can’t Yellow mind hers? But when Yellow and Blue go off to make frogs, shamrocks, and caterpillars, Red realizes that he may be missing out. The possibilities are endless when the colors work together! Includes a Note to Parents and Caregivers with more information on encouraging empathy and cooperation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Operational Risk Modeling in Financial Services: The Exposure, Occurrence, Impact Method
Transform your approach to oprisk modelling with a proven, non-statistical methodology Operational Risk Modeling in Financial Services provides risk professionals with a forward-looking approach to risk modelling, based on structured management judgement over obsolete statistical methods. Proven over a decade’s use in significant banks and financial services firms in Europe and the US, the Exposure, Occurrence, Impact (XOI) method of operational risk modelling played an instrumental role in reshaping their oprisk modelling approaches; in this book, the expert team that developed this methodology offers practical, in-depth guidance on XOI use and applications for a variety of major risks. The Basel Committee has dismissed statistical approaches to risk modelling, leaving regulators and practitioners searching for the next generation of oprisk quantification. The XOI method is ideally suited to fulfil this need, as a calculated, coordinated, consistent approach designed to bridge the gap between risk quantification and risk management. This book details the XOI framework and provides essential guidance for practitioners looking to change the oprisk modelling paradigm. Survey the range of current practices in operational risk analysis and modelling Track recent regulatory trends including capital modelling, stress testing and more Understand the XOI oprisk modelling method, and transition away from statistical approaches Apply XOI to major operational risks, such as disasters, fraud, conduct, legal and cyber risk The financial services industry is in dire need of a new standard — a proven, transformational approach to operational risk that eliminates or mitigates the common issues with traditional approaches. Operational Risk Modeling in Financial Services provides practical, real-world guidance toward a more reliable methodology, shifting the conversation toward the future with a new kind of oprisk modelling.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Closed-form Solutions for Drug Transport through Controlled-Release Devices in Two and Three Dimensions
Provides solutions for two- and three-dimensional linear models of controlled-release systems Real-world applications are taken from used to help illustrate the methods in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems Covers the modeling of drug-delivery systems and provides mathematical tools to evaluate and build controlled-release devices Includes classical and analytical techniques to solve boundary-value problems involving two- and three-dimensional partial differential equations Provides detailed examples, case studies and step-by-step analytical solutions to relevant problems using popular computational software
CABI Publishing Thysanoptera: An Identification Guide, 2nd Edition
A number of species of Thysanoptera (thrips) are increasingly important crop pests in many parts of the world, as well as in some cases being vectors of plant disease. Communicating the known information about a species of organism is dependent on our ability to recognise or identify it accurately. This book is a completely revised and rewritten edition of the standard, widely used manual on these minute flying insects written by J M Palmer, L A Mound and G J du Heaume and published in 1989 as CIE Guides to Insects of Importance to Man 2. Thysanoptera, which provides a practical identification guide on a worldwide scale. The previous version posed problems for students in terms of fluency in English & knowledge of dichotomous keys. However, this thoroughly updated edition incorporates a new set of pictorial keys, which have been developed and used very successfully for training courses at the International Institute of Entomology and which will greatly enhance the ability of the non-specialist to identify thrips to species. Individuals of these insects can usually be identified only by examination under a microscope, often at high power. Within each species, individuals can vary in size, colour and shape and their appearance can be altered by techniques used in preparation. This booklet describes techniques used in the preparation of thrip specimens onto slides for identification and the means of identifying slide-mounted specimens most commonly encountered. It also introduces students to the biological diversity that is found amongst the Thysanoptera, their economic importance in terms of both damaging and beneficial effects, new identification techniques, additional information and taxa, glossary of technical terms, notes on each genus (described alphabetically within their families and subfamilies). Supplementary keys to species are also given within four genera that include several pest species (Caliothrips, Frankliniella, Scirtothrips and Thrips) along with new distribution records which have occurred since the publication of the first edition. It is an essential tool for applied entomologists and crop protection specialists involved in the control of crop pest thrips, and thrip taxonomists.
University of Pennsylvania Press War Letters of Fallen Englishmen
More than eight million young men perished during the First World War—a staggering figure. The natural reaction to such a great loss of humanity was to forget the individuals and recast the conflict into one of faceless armies and battles commemorated in stone and metal monuments. War Letters of Fallen Englishmen was published following the war in order to remind the living of those who were lost in the name of the British crown—brothers, husbands, fathers, sons. This collection provides, in the very words of those who participated and died in combat, the closest approximation possible to the experience of war. Carefully selected from thousands of letters, those in this collection are poignant, powerful, and graphic and were chosen for their depth of perception, the intensity of their descriptions, and their messages to future generations. This edition contains a new foreword by the distinguished World War I historian Jay Winter.
SIME Books Venezia in Cucina: 80 Ricette Della Tradizione (e Non) - 80 Traditional and Non-Traditional Recipe
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gottinger Handel-beitrage: Jahrbuch/Yearbook 2016
The number of eponymous female characters in Handel's work is remarkable, from the first opera Almira (1705) to the last melodramma Deidamia (1740), supplemented by Esther, Deborah and Athalia. In the contributions of the GHB 2016, the female figure is traced in the music of Handel's time, guided by the central aesthetic terms 'sensitive', 'heroic' and 'sublime'. In addition, there are studies by Hans Joachim Marx and Ton Koopman, in addition to the usual bibliography and communications from the Göttinger Handel Society. V.
Film & Video Umbrella Jerwood / FVU Awards: Borrowed Time: 2016
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Nanosystèmes électromécaniques
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Fiabilité des matériaux et des structures: Analyse de risques et fiabilité des systèmes dans leur environnement
Spokesman Books Social and Economic Writings
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Faster, Please!: Vehicles on the Go
Faster by bike, boat, motorcycle! I will always go faster to find you so we have plenty of time to play! Pages unfold to create a play mat over 4 feet long to use with all of your vehicle toys.
Figure 1 Publishing Apples, etc.: An Artist's Memoir
Gathie Falk is one of Canada’s most heralded visual artists: she has won the Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts, the Audain Prize for Lifetime Achievement in the Visual Arts, and the Gershon Iskowitz Prize; she has been honoured with the Order of British Columbia and the Order of Canada; and her work is featured in major galleries across the country. From performance works involving eggs and bird feathers, to paintings of flower beds and night skies, to celebrated sculptures of fruit, men’s shoes, and dresses, Falk’s chronicles of the everyday span more than four decades and a variety of media. Apples etc. is Gathie Falk’s memoir, a lively, personal, and yet unsentimental reflection on nearly ninety years of art and life. Falk tells of growing up in small Mennonite communities in the 1930s and ’40s. These were hard years, as her Russian immigrant father died just ten months after she was born. While the family struggled financially, Falk recalls cabbage rolls made by hand, a backyard skating rink, and music lessons paid for by an anonymous donor. Her apprenticeship, she says, was a long one. After working a series of menial jobs, she trained as a public school teacher, which led her back to the art classes she’d given up as a child. It has now been fifty years since Falk’s art career was launched, and her “veneration of the ordinary” has sustained her through the deaths of beloved friends and relatives, a short-lived marriage, broken bones, and debilitating pain. Interweaving stories about her community, her family, and her daily rituals with anecdotes about her major artworks, Falk paints a portrait of a life well lived.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship
Globe Pequot Press Broadway: The American Musical
A comprehensive companion to the six-part Emmy-winning PBS documentary series, Broadway: The American Musical is the gold standard of musical theater history books, tracing the roots of the art form at the turn of the twentieth century through the smashing successes of the new millennium. The in-depth text is lavishly illustrated with a treasure trove of photographs, scenic renderings, production stills, and rehearsal shots, many previously unpublished. With a foreword by Julie Andrews, this edition is revised and updated, with brand-new material on all the Broadway musicals through the 2018–2019 season, including The Book of Mormon, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and more. Called by Playbill "an epic tome—handsomely produced and intensely researched," this five hundred-page volume is a must-have for theater fans, casual enthusiasts, and students of all ages.
Tuttle Publishing The First 100 Chinese Characters: Traditional Character Edition: The Quick and Easy Way to Learn the Basic Chinese Characters
This book is a quick and easy way to learn basic Chinese Characters.All beginning Chinese language learners struggle to memorize and learn to write Chinese characters. The First 100 Chinese Characters adopts a structural approach which helps students to quickly master the basic characters that are fundamental to this language. This character book is intended for beginning Chinese students and features characters that have been carefully selected for rapid and effective learning. The English meanings, pronunciations in hanyu pinyin and alternate forms (if any) for each Chinese character are presented along with a stroke order guide and spaces for writing practice. The stroke order guides are printed with gray guidelines, designed to be traced over to teach students the standard sequence of strokes used to write the character. Related compounds and phrases are given to assist in vocabulary building. Three indexes at the back allow the characters to be looked up by their English meanings, hanyu pinyin pronunciations, or radicals. Extra practice sheets are also provided. This Chinese character book contains: Step-by-step stroke order diagrams show you how to write each character. Special boxes with grid lines help you practice writing them correctly. Compounds and sample sentences provide easy vocabulary building. Hanyu pinyin romanizations identify and help you pronounce every word.
Tuttle Publishing Learning Chinese Characters: (HSK Levels 1-3) A Revolutionary New Way to Learn the 800 Most Basic Chinese Characters; Includes All Characters for the AP & HSK 1-3 Exams: Volume 1
This user-friendly book is aimed at helping students of Mandarin Chinese learn and remember Chinese characters.At last—there is a truly efficient and enjoyable way to learn Chinese characters! This book helps students to learn and remember both the meanings and the pronunciations of over 800 characters. This otherwise daunting task is made more accessible by the use of techniques based on the psychology of learning and memory. Fundamental principles include the use of visual imagery, the visualization of short "stories," and the systematic building up of more complicated characters from basic building blocks. Although Learning Chinese Characters is a comprehensive book intended for students, it can be used by anyone with an interest in Chinese characters, without any prior knowledge of Chinese. It can be used alongside (or after, or even before) a course in the Chinese language. All characters are simplified (as in mainland China) but traditional characters are also given, when available. Key features: Specially designed pictures and stories are used in a structured way to make the learning process more enjoyable and effective, reducing the need for rote learning to the absolute minimum. The emphasis throughout is on learning and remembering the meanings and pronunciations of the characters. Tips are also included on learning techniques and how to avoid common problems. Characters are introduced in a logical sequence, which also gives priority to learning the most common characters first. Modern simplified characters are used, with pronunciations given in pinyin. Key information is given for each character, including radical, stroke-count, traditional form, compounds, and guidance on writing the character. This is a practical guide with a clear, concise and appealing layout, and it is well-indexed with clear lookup methods. The 800 Chinese characters and 1,033 compounds specified for the original HSK 1-3 proficiency tests are covered.