Search results for ""author jean""
The University of Chicago Press Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages
Focusing on medieval women with a wide range of occupations and life-styles, the interdisciplinary essays in this collection examine women's activities within the patriarchal structures of the time. Individual essays explore women's challenges to a sexual ideology that confined them strictly to the roles of wives, mothers, and servants. Also included are sections on women and work, cultural production and literacy, and religious life. These essays provide a greater understanding of the ways in which gender has played a part in determining relations of power in Western cultures. This volume makes a vital contribution to the current scholarship about women in the Middle Ages.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Dermatology Essentials
Edited by world authorities Drs. Jean L. Bolognia, Julie V. Schaffer, Karynne O. Duncan, and Christine J. Ko, Dermatology Essentials, 2nd Edition, provides the fast answers you need on every important aspect of dermatology and guidance on their application in your day-to-day practice. Derived from the renowned authoritative reference work Dermatology, 4th Edition, this on-the-go reference distills the essential information needed to quickly diagnose and manage a wide range of dermatologic disorders-without the need for any additional resources. It's an ideal reference for family medicine and internal medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other health care professionals who diagnose, treat, and refer patients with dermatological conditions. Features a highly user-friendly, "easy-in-easy-out" format and a wealth of tables and schematics for instant visual comprehension. Helps you visualize more of the conditions you see in practice with over 1,800 typical clinical images, illustrations, and line drawings. Includes numerous practical tables, intuitive artworks, and logical algorithms to help you avoid diagnostic pitfalls. Expedites decision making with easily recognizable DDx and Rx sections that provide rapid, direct reference to current guidance and treatment recommendations. Downloadable worksheets are also available. Features unique introductory chapters that cover the basic principles of dermatology, bedside diagnostics, and clinical approach to a fever and rash-extremely helpful information for the beginner. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Peeters Publishers Debat Et Ecritures Sous La Revolution
Fonde sur un echange rationnel et contradictoire, le debat s'impose, des les premiers jours de la Revolution francaise, comme l'expression de la liberte, la manifestation des droits des citoyens et une efficace voie d'acces a la comprehension d'une societe et d'un monde en pleine mutation. Des lors, la litterature et les arts deviennent le lieu d'une prise de parole sur l'histoire en train de s'ecrire.Ce volume exploratoire invite a poser un regard nouveau sur ce qui s'ecrit ou se dessine sous la Revolution : il tente de saisir ce moment particulier ou la force de la parole tend a bouleverser le champ litteraire et artistique, mais ou elle peine a le redefinir, en un problematique ecartelement entre l'ancien et le nouveau qui multiplie, notamment au theatre et dans le roman, les representations allegoriques des debats et des tensions politiques. On trouvera ici des apercus inedits, des perspectives problematiques sur une litterature " mal aimee " qui, bouleversant les conditions de sa pratique, semble imposer une remise en cause de ses fins, mais se heurte a une difficile renovation de ses formes.Issu pour l'essentiel d'un colloque organise par le CAER 18 (Centre aixois d'etudes et de recherches sur le XVIIIe siecle), ce recueil reunit les contributions de Valerie ANDRE, Jean-Claude BONNET, Isabelle BROUARD-ARENDS, Peggy DAVIS, David DENBY, Beatrice DIDIER, Julia DOUTHWAITE, Eric FRANCALANZA, Genevieve GOUBIER, Martial GUEDRON, Huguette KRIEF, Francois MOUREAU, Ourida MOSTEFAI, Jean-Noel PASCAL, Marie-Emmanuelle PLAGNOL, Pierre TESTUD, Raymond TROUSSON et Catriona SETH.
Peeters Publishers L'apocalypse De Paul (NH V, 2)
Notion essentielle au croisement de la psychologie, de l'ethique et de l'esthetique de la tradition occidentale, la "phantasia" des Grecs, devenue "imaginatio" dans le monde latin avant d'etre traduite dans les differentes langues europeennes, a connu un echo considerable tout au long de l'histoire de la pensee philosophique.Les etudes rassemblees dans le present volume sont issues d'un seminaire et d'une journee d'etudes qui se sont tenus en 2001 a l'Universite catholique de Louvain et aux Facultes Notre-Dame de la Paix de Namur. Elles visent a eclairer l'evolution du sens et du role de la notion au travers d'etapes historiques particulieres, surtout anciennes, s'echelonnant du VIe siecle avant Jesus-Christ au XVIIe siecle de notre ere.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider La Castellina a Sud Di Civitavecchia: Origini Ed Eredita: Origines Protohistoriques Et Evolution d'Un Habitat Etrusque
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Slavica Perkovic: Vertigo
Editions Heimdal The Imperial Guard of the First Empire. Volume 3: From the Mounted Troops to the Royal Guard
“The Guard charges” Napoleon gave special attention to this splendid unit – the Imperial Guard – and it became a sort of little army within the “Grande Armée”. This study of its organisation is here at its most erudite, like the one on the uniforms and equipment. Discover the uniforms, the equipment, and the weapons used by all those “Grognards”, who were launched into a battle as a last resort, at the decisive moment. Explaining how the Guard was organised into Old, Middle and Young Guards, in this volume, the illustrator-researcher André Jouineau shows the colonel-generals, the grenadiers, the chasseurs à pied, fusiliers, velites, flanqueurs, wards, workmen, sappers, doctors, magistrates and foot gunners; in the second volume he shows the centaurs of the Guard’s cavalry. This small practical, clear, concise, logical and visual tool is a real vade mecum, intended for imperial history buffs as well as figurine makers. The third volume – a compilation of two dossiers published in the fifth and sixth issues of the magazine ”Soldat” – is the new, improved, entirely revised and re-drawn larger version (more than fifty per cent more characters) than the previous work published several years ago now by the authors. In this volume : the last mounted units of the Guard, the follow-up units, the Horse Artillery, the Artillery trains and teams, the Health Service, the Guard HQ Staff but also the Emperor’s Household, the Emperor and the first uniforms of the Royal Guard.
Editions Heimdal Les Marins FrançAis Du Jour J: Fnfl - Normandie 44
4 juin 1944, 18h30, sud de l'Angleterre. Des officiers de liaison montent à bord de vingt-deux bâtiments français. Enfermés avec les commandants, ils leur remettent une grande enveloppe cachetée. Dès le départ des Anglais, les « pachas » découvrent leur mission dans l'opération « Neptune » (nom de code donné au débarquement des troupes alliées en Normandie). Les équipages sont réunis. Les hommes découvrent qu'ils seront les premiers Français à contribuer au débarquement. Beaucoup parmi ces marins venus de France qui vont participer à la plus vaste opération navale de tous les temps ont rejoint de Gaulle en Grande-Bretagne. En revanche certains, à commencer par leur chef l'Amiral Jaujard, sont plus réticents à l'égard du général. C'est l'histoire de ces bateaux et de ces hommes qui forme le coeur du livre. Parmi eux, Querville avec son sous-marin la Junon qui a débarqué en Norvège un commando chargé de faire sauter une usine d'eau lourde; ou Levasseur avec l'Aconit qui a coulé deux U-Boote en douze heures. La participation des marins français est rarement, voire jamais, évoquée lorsqu'on célèbre les anniversaires du débarquement en Normandie. Il n'est que temps de réparer l'injustice faite à ces hommes, à leurs bâtiments et à la Marine Nationale.
Classiques Garnier L'Annee 1855: La Litterature a l'Age de l'Exposition Universelle
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Lumieres de la Ville (Charlie Chaplin, 1931). Analyse d'Une Oeuvre
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin King Vidor
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Philosophie Analytique de l'Art
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Lecon de Vie Dans Le Cinema Hollywoodien
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Avenir de la Raison Devenir Des Rationalites
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Fichte La Philosophie de la Maturite (1804-1814): Reflexivite, Phenomenologie, Philosophie Appliquee
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Servante Et La Consolatrice: La Philosophie Dans Ses Rapports Avec La Theologie Au Moyen Age
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Philosophie Autrichienne de Bolzano a Musil: Histoire Et Actualite
Classiques Garnier Les Jeus Poetiques: (1610)
Classiques Garnier Paris Et Londres En Miroir: Lettres de Voyage Extraites Du Babillard de Jean-Jacques Rutlidge
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes. Tome VII: La Droite Imposition Des Noms (de Recta Nominum Impositione)
Classiques Garnier Ce Que Publier Signifie: Une Revolution Par l'Encre Et Le Papier, Nice (1847-1850)
Classiques Garnier La Modernisation de l'Etat: Une Promesse Trahie ?
Classiques Garnier Les Exposicions Sur Verite Mal Prise Le Dit de Verite
Editions Xavier Barral The Comet: The Journey of Rosetta
Les Belles Lettres de la Restitution: La Pensee Juridico-Politique Et Juridico-Economique de Duns Scot
Les Belles Lettres Erich Maria Remarque, Le Dernier Romantique
Les Belles Lettres Isidore de Seville, Etymologies VII: Dieu, Les Anges, Les Saints/ de Deo, Angelis Et Sanctis
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, de la Divination. Tome I: Livre I
Clever Publishing On the Farm: Book of Sounds
SelfMadeHero Best of Enemies: A History of US and Middle East Relations: Part One: 1783-1953
Filiu and David B. draw striking parallels between ancient and contemporary political history in this look at the US-Middle East conflict. The reader is transported to the pirate-choked Mediterranean sea, where Christians and Muslims continue the crusades, only this time on water. As the centuries pass, the traditional victims of the Muslim pirates--the British, French, and Spanish--all become empire-building powers whose sights lie beyond the Mediterranean.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering
Many approaches to creating Software Product Lines have emerged that are based on Model-Driven Engineering. This book introduces both Software Product Lines and Model-Driven Engineering, which have separate success stories in industry, and focuses on the practical combination of them. It describes the challenges and benefits of merging these two software development trends and provides the reader with a novel approach and practical mechanisms to improve software development productivity.The book is aimed at engineers and students who wish to understand and apply software product lines and model-driven engineering in their activities today. The concepts and methods are illustrated with two product line examples: the classic smart-home systems and a collection manager information system.
Baraka Books Waswanipi
“Jean-Yves Soucy’s story and encounter with my Dad provides a charming glimpse into a changing world, for us all.”- Romeo Saganash.It’s 1963, Jean-Yves Soucy is 18 and dreams of being a fire warden scanning the boreal forest from a fire tower. But he ends up at an equipment depot between Val-d’Or and Chibougamau. To his delight, he is located near the Cree community of Wawanipi. With two Cree guides, including a man named William Saganash, he will be canoeing through the lakes and rivers of the region.On each encounter with the Crees, Jean-Yves expects to see a new world. Instead, he meets a different civilization, as different from his own as Chinese civilization. Yet he knows nothing about it.He wrote Waswanipi because Romeo Saganash, son of William, insisted: “You have to write that, Jean-Yves. About your relationship with my father and the others, how you saw the village. You got to see the end of an era.”Provides a Cree-English glossary.
Baraka Books Electric Baths
Alfred Music Humoresque No. 4: Conductor Score
Europa Editions The Hanged Man of Conakry
Europa Editions The Dream Maker
Ignatius Press Illustrated Gospel for Children
Dalkey Archive Press Awakening to the Great Sleep War
One of the loveliest riddles of Austrian literature is finally available in English translation: Gert Jonke’s 1982 novel, Awakening to the Great Sleep War, is an expedition through a world in constant nervous motion, where reality is rapidly fraying—flags refuse to stick to their poles, lids sidle off of their pots, tram tracks shake their stops away like fleas, and books abandon libraries in droves. Our cicerone on this journey through the possible (and impossible) is an “acoustical decorator” by the name of Burgmüller—a poetical gentleman, the lover of three women, able to communicate with birds, and at least as philosophically minded as his author: “Everything has suddenly become so transparent that one can’t see through anything anymore.” This enormously comic—and equally melancholic—tale is perhaps Jonke’s masterwork.
Simon & Schuster Truman
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Douglas County
Harry N. Abrams Not Everybody Lives the Same Way
Cengage Learning, Inc Student Activities Manual for Valette/Valette's Contacts: Langue et culture fran��aises, 9th
This essential component follows the organization of the main text and provides additional out-of-class practice. "R��vision" tests appear after Unit��s 3, 6, 9, and 11.
Maryland Historical Society The Diary of William Faris – The Daily Life of an Annapolis Silversmith
Lavishly designed with many full color illustrations, the Faris Diary offers a craftsman's view of early America with daily entries from 1792 to 1804, matched with extensive notes, that bring to life the "golden age" of Annapolis.
Rizzoli International Publications Hennessy: A Toast to the World's Preeminent Spirit
Lavishly illustrated, this is the first book on the world s most famous cognac producer. Considered a benchmark of excellence, its blends have become icons of refinement and luxury. In Pass the Henny, renowned writer Glenn O Brien invites the reader to discover the history of cognac. The highly entertaining text, filled with extraordinary events and O Brien s irresistible humour, is married with classic cocktail recipes and evocative imagery that conveys the lifestyle of the Hennessy connoisseur through the ages, including the Mad Men of the 1960s and today s stars of hip-hop. Featuring contributions from such cultural luminaries as Shepard Fairey, Nas, Futura, Fab 5 Freddy, and Todd Selby as well as never-before-seen images from the Hennessy archive, Pass the Henny is an informative and engaging account of the world s most revered brandy and a book that belongs on every cognac enthusiast s shelf.
Vida Publishers Mujeres de la Biblia: Un Devocional de Estudio Para Un Año Sobre Las Mujeres de la Escritura
Fordham University Press On the Commerce of Thinking: Of Books and Bookstores
Jean-Luc Nancy's On the Commerce of Thinking concerns the particular communication of thoughts that takes place by means of the business of writing, producing, and selling books. His reflection is born out of his relation to the bookstore, in the first place his neighborhood one, but beyond that any such "perfumery, rotisserie, patisserie," as he calls them, dispensaries "of scents and flavors through which something like a fragrance or bouquet of the book is divined, presumed, sensed." On the Commerce of Thinking is thus not only something of a semiology of the specific cultural practice that begins with the unique character of the writer's voice and culminates in a customer crossing the bookstore threshold, package under arm, on the way home to a comfortable chair, but also an understated yet persuasive plea in favor of an endangered species. In evoking the peddler who, in times past, plied the streets with books and pamphlets literally hanging off him, Nancy emphasizes the sensuality of this commerce and reminds us that this form of consumerism is like no other, one that ends in an experience-reading-that is the beginning of a limitless dispersion, metamorphosis, and dissemination of ideas. Making, selling, and buying books has all the elements of the exchange economy that Marx analyzed--from commodification to fetishism--yet each book retains throughout an absolute and unique value, that of its subject. With reading, it gets repeatedly reprinted and rebound. For Nancy, the book thus functions only if it remains at the same time open and shut, like some Moebius strip. Closed, it represents the Idea and takes its place in a canon by means of its monumental form and the title and author's name displayed on its spine. But it also opens itself to us, indeed consents to being shaken to its core, in being read each time anew.