Search results for ""author carrie"
University of Washington Press Calamity: The Heppner Flood of 1903
June 14, 1903, was a typical, hot Sunday in Heppner, a small farm town in northeastern Oregon. People went to church, ate dinner, and relaxed with family and friends. But late that afternoon, calamity struck when a violent thunderstorm brought heavy rain and hail to the mountains and bare hills south of town. When the fierce downpour reached Heppner, people gathered their children and hurried inside. Most everyone closed their doors and windows against the racket. The thunder and pounding hail masked the sound of something they likely could not have imagined: a roaring, two-story wall of water raging toward town. Within an hour, one of every five people in the prosperous town of 1,300 would lose their lives as the floodwaters pulled apart and carried away nearly everything in their path. The center of town was devastated. Enormous drifts of debris, tangled around bodies, snaked down the valley. The telegraph was down, the railroads were out, and the mayor was in Portland. Stunned survivors bent immediately to the dreadful tasks of searching for loved ones and carrying bodies to a makeshift morgue in the bank. By the next afternoon, thousands of individuals and communities had rushed to the town's aid, an outpouring of generosity that enabled the self-reliant citizens of Heppner to undertake the town's recovery. In Calamity, Joann Green Byrd, a native of eastern Oregon, carefully documents this poignant story, illustrating that even the smallest acts have consequences - good or bad. She draws on a wealth of primary sources, including a moving collection of photographs, to paint a rare picture of how a small town in the West coped with disaster at the turn of the twentieth century.
GIA Publications The Book of Children's Songtales: Revised Edition
Favorite American folk songs, filled with magic, wonder, and make-believe, come to life for today’s children with The Book of Children’s Songtales. Encouraging a child’s imagination to grow, storytelling combines with music to create some of the best-loved songs of childhood. Easy to learn and fun to sing, songtales are a wonderful way to engage children, while at the same time plant the seeds of musical sensitivity and imagination. This special book, for the first time, collects the most cherished of these songs (some in danger of being lost or forgotten), enabling your family to carry on the tradition of laughter and learning that songtales have inspired for generations!
Clavis Publishing Sarah at the Wedding
"A sweet addition to Pauline Oud’s collection" - Mom Read It blog Today is a special day. It’s a party. Not just a birthday party, but a really big party… a wedding! Aunt Olivia is getting married to William. Sarah and Ian are flower girl and ring bearer at Aunt Olivia’s wedding. Ian gets to wear a beautiful suit and Sarah got a new dress. They can carry the veil, hold the rings on a beautiful pillow and throw flowers. Will everything go as planned? A heartwarming picture book about a wedding and everything that happens on a special day. For children ages 3 and up. Guided Reading Level I
Stackpole Books Making Leather Bags, Wallets, and Cases: 20+ Projects with Contemporary Style
Grab your leather working tools and get started making yourself some great new leather items you'll be proud to carry! Well-crafted leather pieces are always in vogue. And minimalist modern styles are easy to make following the step-by-step instructions and templates provided in Making Leather Bags, Wallets, and Cases. From statement handbags to chic wallets, eyeglass cases, portfolios, and more, this book includes projects even a novice leather worker can make but that look so high-end people will be astonished if you tell them you made it yourself.
Hardie Grant Books Halliday Pocket Wine Companion 2023: The 2023 Guide to Australia's Best Value Wines
Compact and easy-to-navigate, the Halliday Pocket Wine Companion 2023 distils the key elements of the bestselling annual guide, curating the best-of-the-best both by value and rating across Australia's key wine regions. For almost 40 years, James Halliday has been the most trusted name in Australian wine, and his celebrated annual is the ultimate guide to what to drink now. The Halliday Pocket Wine Companion gives wine lovers access to his expert knowledge in a small package that is convenient to read, use and carry. You'll never drink a bad wine again.
HarperCollins Focus Famous Last Lines Final Sentences from 300 Iconic Books
Famous Last Lines features the final sentences from 300 works of literature, from Don Quixote to The Girl on the Train. The closing words of any text carry a lot of weight. Famous Last Lines unpacks more than 300 notable final lines, from classical epics to contemporary short stories. Spanning centuries of writing, each entry, whether for Don Quixote or The Girl on the Train, provides context for these notable last lines, making clear what makes them so memorable and lasting. Famous Last Lines provides readers with a comprehensive collection of brilliant conclusions.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd The Wrong Person to Ask
Winner of the James Berry Poetry Prize. Marjorie Lotfi’s award-winning debut collection is a book of two halves, each a meditation on the idea of home, both the places we start and end up in our lives. Spanning a childhood in Iran dislocated by revolution, through years as a young woman in America, to her current home in Scotland, these poems ask what it means to come from somewhere else, what we carry with us when we leave, and how we land in a new place and finally come to rest. Poetry Book Society Special Commendation.
Federico Veronesi Photography Ltd One Life
The book tells the story of a life from birth through childhood, independence, isolation, confrontation, desolation, a journey through deserts and across rivers and thunderstorms, in search for one’s place in the world. The characters carrying the story forward with each image are different, but the story is one. The story of life, of dreams, of struggle, of resilience, of making it through the hardness life throws on all of us. The book features images primarily from East Africa, the wide open spaces of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem and Amboseli. Also included are images from the Namib desert and the stunning enchanted forest of Mana Pools, in Zimbabwe.
Aurora Metro Publications Humane: A Play
1995: Brightlingsea, a small port in rural Essex. Two women, Alice and Linda, wake up to find lorries thundering through their town, carrying live animals in horrendous conditions for export. Although from very different worlds, the pair unite to try to stop the lorries. They become unlikely friends, facing arrest and police brutality amidst the protests, while also dealing with the pressures of motherhood. When one of their group dies, things start to unravel, as they are forced to face the differences between them. Timely and lyrical, Humane is a play about activism, friendship and motherhood and the values that unite and divide us.
Channel View Publications Ltd Tourism and Oil: Preparing for the Challenge
This book is the first to examine oil constraints and tourism, and addresses one of the key challenges for the tourism industry in the future. It provides an estimate of how much oil tourism consumes globally and summarises state-of-the-art information on oil resources, oil data and public discourse. The volume also offers an analysis of the economic implications of increasing oil prices for tourism and discusses key dimensions relevant for tourism in a post peak oil world. It will be useful for tourism stakeholders globally, postgraduate students in tourism and resource management, ecological economists and those researching issues of resource efficiency, carrying capacity and global environmental change.
University of Alberta Press There Are Not Enough Sad Songs
There is beauty in the teacup like dresses requiring crinoline or beaded purses too small to carry anything but anger. — from “Inheritance” Marita Dachsel’s third poetry collection explores parenthood, love, and the grief of losing those both close and distant. In the tradition of Karen Solie and Suzanne Buffam, and with a touch of Canadian Gothic, Dachsel’s poetic skills unfold in a variety of brief and expansive forms. Authentic and controlled, full of complexity and disorder, her poems offer release despite their painful twists and topics. Readers across generations will find kinship in Dachsel’s grief-fuelled and vulnerable words.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Antique Lamp Buyer's Guide: Identifying Late 19th and Early 20th Century American Lighting
Do you own an old lamp? Would you like to learn its approximate age, value, and history? Antique Lamp Buyer’s Guide is the reference book used by professionals and collectors alike. Dealers and appraisers often carry this paperback with them to quickly identify antique and collectible late 19th century and early 20th century lighting. Now in its third edition, with updated prices and additional photography, this book is a must-have for any antique or decorative arts reference library. Beautiful photographs plus catalogue illustrations in an easy-to-read format, make research a pleasure.
Join Chase and the PAW Patrol as they hunt for Chickaletta and fill their Easter baskets in this adorable Easter Basket book. How many eggs can you help the pups find? The Adventure Bay Easter egg hunt can’t go ahead until the PAW Patrol pups help find Chickaletta. Can the PAW Patrol find their friend and have some Easter fun along the way? Enjoy finding the special eggs on each page and help the pups find Chickaletta. With a handy carry handle, this Easter Basket book will delight young PAW Patrol fans everywhere!
Penguin Books Ltd Transparent Things
The darkly comic Transparent Things, one of Nabokov's final books, traces the bleak life of Hugh Person through murder, madness, prison and trips to Switzerland. One of these was the last journey his father ever took; on another, having been sent to ingratiate himself with a distinguished novelist, he met his future wife. Nabokov's brilliant short novel sinks into the transparent things of the world that surround this one Person, to the silent histories they carry.Remarkable even in Nabokov's work for its depth and lyricism, Transparent Things is a small, experimental marvel of memories and dreams, both sentimental and malign.
HarperCollins Publishers To Catch a King
July 1940. England prepares for invasion, all eyes focused on its borders. But such focus inevitably leaves gaps elsewhere, and Hitler sees an opportunity to carry out an audacious plot that would change the course of the war… The Duke of Windsor, brother to King George VI and former ruler of the United Kingdom in his own right, is a target. Hitler’s intention: to kidnap him and hold him ransom - the ultimate leverage against an embattled and beleaguered British government. But can it really be done? And who amongst the German secret services is audacious enough to set a trap to catch a king?
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Corona Transmissions: Alternatives for Engaging with COVID-19—from the Physical to the Metaphysical
A collection of new perspectives on COVID-19 from authoritative voices outside the mainstream• Includes contributions from 35 well-known authors, doctors, herbalists, First Nations teachers, economists, astrologers, and others, such as Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Annabel Lee, Matthew Wood, Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Rob Brezsny, and Robert Simmons • All royalties for this book go to the Land Peace foundation, serving First Nations tribes in Maine The pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the biggest event of our lifetimes. This global experience has affected human history, ecology, epidemiology, and supply chains with the suddenness of 9/11, yet with a far greater extent, duration, and toll--the end of which is not yet in sight. Exploring a broad spectrum of new perspectives on COVID-19, from the physical to the metaphysical, from ecological to political, from apocalyptic to proto-utopian, and from scientific facts and health tips to imaginings, visionings, poems, and awakenings, this anthology offers an antidote to the barrage of data and speculation from the mainstream. The 35 contributors, including Laura Aversano, Charles Eisenstein, Zoe Brezsny, Meryl Nass, M.D., Bobby Byrd, and Joel and Michelle Levey, address the virus as a fellow being, allowing it to speak to us and through us. They attempt to describe, understand, interpret, and decipher the virus at biological, serological, epidemiological, social, political, astrological, and ontological levels. The virus is explored in terms of cultural critique, divination, prophecy, warning, elucidation, and opportunity. Medical doctors, herbalists, naturopaths, indigenous healers, and homeopathic physicians tell us about coronavirus history, treatments, and prevention protocols; yoga teachers about cultivating inner balance and harmony; and economists, poets, psychotherapists, and First Nations teachers about the vast effects of the virus and the way forward. They explore how the disease speaks directly and how it meticulously addresses our relationship to Gaia, to its animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms, to each other, and to the economies and dystopia we have created. As a visionary whole, The Corona Transmissions asks you to respond, to engage your wisdom and creative imagination, to resist easy categorization and resolutions, and to participate in a collective dance and chant for healing, peace, equality, and a habitable future. Viruses do not live except by virtue of us carrying them. We are the living ones and our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits will prevail.
Running Press,U.S. The Blue Scarf
Layla lives in a beautiful blue world. One day, her mother gives her a gift-a blue scarf that Layla lovingly wears around her neck. But when a gust of wind carries the scarf away, Layla sets out to find it, traveling by boat to various worlds of different colors. But her scarf is nowhere to be found. Eventually, Layla lands at the shores of a Rainbow world and discovers the secret of her lost scarf while also finding a welcoming new home. A beautiful and poignant refugee story about identity, emigration, and acceptance told by Mohamed Danawi and brought to life in gorgeous color by illustrator Ruaida Mannaa.
John Blake Publishing Ltd Great Irish Heroes: Michael Collins, Billy the Kid, Teddy Roosevelt, Ned Kelly: Fifty True Stories of Irish Men and Women Who Changed the World
From Billy the Kid to President Roosevelt, this is a spectacular collection of true stories of Irish men and women who have changed the course of history: John Barry, the poor Irishman who made waves as the father of the US navy; William Brown, the Irish cabin boy who sank the invading Spanish fleet; Daniel Joseph Keogh, the young lad from County Longford who became the hero of the Korean war. They are all united in having carried the glory of the Irish to the four corners of the earth. This book perfectly displays the indomitable nature and good humour of all those who hail from the Emerald Isle.
Rowman & Littlefield Never to Return
Selected for the USCG Commandant's 2018 Reading List Never to Return is the harrowing tale of the torpedoing and sinking of a Coast Guard ship and the loss of 171 Coast Guardsmen off the coast of Iceland during WWII. The USS Leopold was a U.S. Coast Guard destroyer escort in a convoy of merchant ships carrying war materiel to England, on the lookout for the deadly U-boat wolf packs lurking in the North Atlantic. The Leopold was largely unarmored, lightly armed, and no match for the U-255’s torpedoes. Never to Return is the story of gunner Sparky Nersasian and his shipmates’ struggles to survive the Leopold’s sinking.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Key Maths 5
Key Maths is a series of graded activity books that reinforce children's mastery of important skills and concepts as required by the Primary National Strategy for maths at Key Stage 1. Areas covered include algebra, measures, money, fractions and data handling. Key Maths Book 5 is suitable for children in Key Stage 1 who are getting ready for the transition to Key Stage 2 and includes: vertical addition and subtraction with carrying and borrowing, hundreds/tens/units, counting in 2s and 5s, fractions (1/2 and 1/4), standard units of measurement (centimetre/gram), time in minutes and symmetry.
Walker Books Ltd The Puppets of Spelhorst
From master storyteller Kate DiCamillo comes an original fairy tale, enchantingly illustrated, in which five puppets confront circumstances beyond their control with patience, cunning and high spirits.Once, there was a king. And a wolf. And a girl with a shepherd’s crook. And a boy with a bow and arrow. And also, there was an owl... They were puppets, and they were waiting for a story to begin.In this new work of short fiction by twice winner of the Newbery Medal Kate DiCamillo, exquisitely illustrated in black and white by Governor General Literary Award Finalist Julie Morstad, five puppets who find themselves together in an abandoned trunk are carried off into the adventure of a lifetime.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood
Human blood performs many important functions including defence against disease and transport of biomolecules, but perhaps the most important is to carry oxygen – the fundamental biochemical fuel - and other blood gases around the cardiovascular system. Traditional therapies for the impairment of this function, or the rapid replacement of lost blood, have centred around blood transfusions. However scientists are developing chemicals (oxygen therapeutics, or “blood substitutes”) which have the same oxygen-carrying capability as blood and can be used as replacements for blood transfusion or to treat diseases where oxygen transport is impaired. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood links the underlying biochemical principles of the field with chemical and biotechnological innovations and pre-clinical development. The first part of the book deals with the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and toxicity of oxygen, including chapters on hemoglobin reactivity and regulation; the major cellular and physiological control mechanisms of blood flow and oxygen delivery; hemoglobin and myoglobin; nitric oxide and oxygen; and the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in ischemia/reperfusion Injury. The book then discusses medical needs for oxygen supply, including acute traumatic hemorrhage and anemia; diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhages in "non-surgical" patients; management of perioperative bleeding; oxygenation in the preterm neonate; ischemia normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for ischemic stroke and other neurological conditions; and transfusion therapy in β thalassemia and sickle cell disease Finally “old”and new strategies for oxygen supply are described. These include the political, administrative and logistic issues surrounding transfusion; conscientious objection in patient blood management; causes and consequences of red cell incompatibility; biochemistry of red blood cell storage; proteomic investigations on stored red blood cells; red blood cells from stem cells; the universal red blood cell; allosteric effectors of hemoglobin; hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers; oxygen delivery by natural and artificial oxygen carriers; cross-linked and polymerized hemoglobins as potential blood substitutes; design of novel pegylated hemoglobins as oxygen carrying plasma expanders; hb octamers by introduction of surface cysteines; hemoglobin-vesicles as a cellular type hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier; animal models and oxidative biomarkers to evaluate pre-clinical safety of extracellular hemoglobins; and academia – industry collaboration in blood substitute development. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood is an essential reference for clinicians, haematologists, medicinal chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, biotechnologists and blood substitute researchers.
Chronicle Books Why Are We Inside a Cloud?: An Activity Journal to Ease Flight Anxiety
The ultimate travel companion for nervous fliers, this guided journal quells flight anxiety through the power of creativity. Organized into three sections (Takeoff, In Flight, and Landing), this illustrated journal features writing and drawing prompts, activities like bingo and word search, and informative flight facts-all designed to distract, amuse, and soothe your nerves throughout your flight. Complete with a preflight checklist, flight log, and plenty of space to doodle the stress away, Why Are We Inside a Cloud? is a carry-on essential that you can use on multiple trips-whether you're a frequent flyer or the occasional traveler.
Ebury Publishing Life Undercover: My Life in the CIA
The instant New York Times Bestseller soon to be a major Apple TV series with Brie Larson.'Reads as if a John le Carré character landed in Eat Pray Love' - New York Times‘Best book of the year’ - Tom Marcus, author of Soldier, SpyDo you have what it takes to stand between us and the enemy?"I’m here to prevent a major and imminent attack. One that will kill children. I’m alone and operational in the country where my colleague was taken and beheaded, and every hour I’m delayed is another hour for something to go wrong - for an informant to disclose my location, for the source I’m meeting to cancel, for the attack to go boom. The fear injects my thoughts with venom."Amaryllis Fox was recruited by the CIA at the age of 21 in the aftermath of 9/11. After an intense training period – where she learns how to master a Glock, get out of flexicuffs while in the trunk of a car, withstand torture, and commit suicide in case of captivity – she is sent undercover to keep nuclear, biological and chemical weapons out of the hands of terror groups. Posing as an art dealer, she is sent on countless dangerous missions around the globe. Each time, the stakes become even higher and the risks more terrifying. Determined to stop the masterminds, Amaryllis’s quest will almost destroy her, until she realises that the only way to actually defeat the enemy is to have the courage to sit across from them… and listen. In this explosive first-hand account – filled with suspense and plot twists to rival Carrie Mathison in Homeland – Life Undercover is an edgy story of an undercover CIA operative, hunting the world’s most dangerous terrorists, using deception and disguises and dead drops in the night in order to protect our streets. Revealed in never-before-seen detail, Amaryllis offers compelling insight that can only come from having fought on the front lines.
Penguin Books Ltd When to Rob a Bank: A Rogue Economist's Guide to the World
This is the ultimate guide to the world of the Freak. Renegade thinkers and bestselling sensations Levitt and Dubner have carefully curated the very best of their blogs, conversations, wisecracks and advice from the last decade to reveal the outlandish truth about everything from lying to bankrobbing, fast food to sex taxes.'We are all Freakonomists now' Washington Post'A phenomenon ... their approach has won them a cult following' Observer'Lie back and let Levitt and Dubner's bouncy prose style carry you along from one peculiarity to the next' Sunday Telegraph'You are guaranteed a good time' Financial Times
University of Regina Press Owoacuteknage
Born out of a meticulous, well-researched historical and current traditional land-use study led by Cega̔ K´iɳna Nakoda Oyáté (Carry the Kettle Nakoda First Nation), Owóknage is the first book to tell the definitive, comprehensive story of the Nakoda people (formerly known as the Assiniboine), in their own words. From pre-contact to current-day life, from thriving on the Great Plains to forced removal from their traditional, sacred lands in the Cypress Hills via a Canadian 'Trail of Tears' starvation march to where they now currently reside south of Sintaluta, Saskatchewan, this is their story of resilience and resurgence.
Sports Publishing LLC Jail Blazers: How the Portland Trail Blazers Became the Bad Boys of Basketball
Kerry Eggers, who covered the Trail Blazers, goes back twenty years for the stories from the players, coaches, management, and those in Portland — during an era when the the local NBA stars were in the headlines for both their play and their off-court behaviour.In the late ’90s and early 2000s, the Portland Trail Blazers were one of the hottest teams in the NBA. For almost a decade, they won 60 percent of their games while making it to the Western Conference Finals twice. However, what happened off-court was just as unforgettable as what they did on the court.When someone asked Blazers general manager Bob Whitsitt about his team’s chemistry, he replied that he’d 'never studied chemistry in college.' And with that, the 'Jail Blazers' were born. Built in a similar fashion to a fantasy team, the team had skills, but their issues ended up being their undoing. In fact, many consider it the darkest period in franchise history.While fans across the country were watching the skills of Damon Stoudamire, Rasheed Wallace, and Zach Randolph, those in Portland couldn’t have been more disappointed in the players’ off-court actions. This, many have mentioned, included a very racial element—which carried over to the players as well. As forward Rasheed Wallace said, 'We’re not really going to worry about what the hell [the fans] think about us. They really don’t matter to us. They can boo us every day, but they’re still going to ask for our autographs if they see us on the street. That’s why they’re fans and we’re NBA players.'While people think of the Detroit Pistons of the eighties as the elite 'Bad Boys,' the 'Jail Blazers' were actually bad. Author Kerry Eggers, who covered the Trail Blazers during this controversial era, goes back to share the stories from the players, coaches, management, and those in Portland when the players were in the headlines as much for their play as for their legal issues.
Vintage Publishing The Time Machine
Brilliantly imaginative fiction or the shape of things to come? H.G. Wells's masterpiece still retains its power to provoke and enthral.In the Time Traveller's miraculous new machine, we will be carried from a Victorian dinner table to 802,701 AD, when the Earth is divided between the gentle, ineffective Eloi, and the ape-like Morlocks; forward again by a million years or so to glimpse a dying world of blood-red beaches and menacing shapes; and on again to the last days of our planet, a remote twilight where nothing moves but darkness and a cold wind.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Britannia Airways: The World's Largest Holiday Airline
Founded in 1961 as Euravia by British businessman Ted Langton and aviation consultant J.E.D. Walker, at a time of considerable turmoil for the independent sector of the British air operators' industry, Britannia Airways went on to become the world's largest holiday airline. Just as Court Line evolved from Autair, so Britannia Airways evolved from Euravia. Both UK airlines had strong links with the travel industry; Court Line with Clarksons Holidays, and Britannia with the Thomson Group, in particular the Sky Tours' brand. Both were innovative in their own ways, and both grabbed the UK travel industry by the scruff of the neck and shook it into the jet age - Court line travelling down the brasher cheap-and-cheerful road, while Britannia took the more staid, upmarket route. By 1972, Britannia had developed to such a degree that it was the biggest of the British independent charter airlines. It was also a ground-breaking operation - during the late 1960s, it became the first charter airline to offer assigned seating, as well as hot in-flight meals. Prior to the mid-1970s, Britannia, much like other British carter airlines of the era, had concentrated upon low-cost flights to Spain and the use of provincial airports to provide its services. The company's management, however, harboured ambitions to grow beyond this. As a result, for example, Britannia's 767s began regular charter flights between Britain and Australia in 1988, a route to New Zealand being added the following year. Between 1968 and 1984, Britannia carried nearly forty-two million passengers, while the company's fleet grew to include twenty-nine Boeing 737s and a pair of 767s. Drawing on the author's in-depth research and knowledge, as well as first-hand interviews with individuals such as Ted Langton, the original tour operator who wanted his own airline, and Jed Williams, who created Britannia, this the full story of one of the most important airlines in the history of civil aviation.
Kensington Publishing Pampered
After an interrupted dance performance, Radiance Alexander is literally picked up and carried away, kicking and screaming, from her job at a popular Atlanta gentlemen''s club. Sexy multimillionaire Eli Jamieson would prefer that she live in the lap of luxury than on the laps of strange and horny men. What begins as a goodwill gesture soon evolves into the most flammable romance under the heavens. Radiance and Eli are forced to deal with persistent outside forces that threaten to tear them apart. But when Eli''s health deteriorates, will their love survive in the face of death?
The Crowood Press Ltd Creating Back Scenes for Model Railways and Dioramas
A model railway layout is greatly enhanced by a good back scene. If a modeller is prepared to go to great lengths to achieve realism in the locomotives, rolling stock and buildings, this should be carried through to the scenics. This book is a comprehensive guide for both railway and diorama modellers to create convincing back scenes. It covers choosing the right materials; rural and urban back scenes; traditional painted back scenes; producing back scenes with camera and/or computer; the correct use of forced perspective and scale reduction; getting the transition from layout to back scene right and, finally, lighting and presentation.
Fonthill Media Ltd Liverpool Docks: A Short History
The book is about Liverpool docks and the dockland area its history, strategic importance in times of peace and war; the kinds of cargoes carried into the docks including slaves! The book provides a complete timeline from the very earliest days right up to the modern time a time when a new and even larger container dock is being built and the advent of the new cruise liner terminal this terminal having been at the center of a political and economic argument between Southampton, Liverpool and the EU. The book also speculates as to the future of Liverpool docks, and also, to a lesser extent, the city itself."
Trivent Publishing Set Me as a Seal upon Thy Heart: Constructions of Female Sanctity in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Early Modern Period
Set Me as a Seal Upon Thy Heart: Constructions of Female Sanctity in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Early Modern Period is a collection of essays focusing on saintly women's representations both in Eastern and Western Christianity starting from Late Antiquity to the High Middle Ages and Early Modernity. The volume discusses two different categories in relation to the conceptualization of female sanctity: the context of their construction in hagiographic sources and the emergent power rendered by their martyrdoms. It offers a transdisciplinary perspective on the present research carried out in the fields of hagiography, history, and art history.
Flame Tree Publishing Bodleian Libraries Set of 3 Midi Notebooks
The Bodleian Libraries Set of 3 Midi Notebooks features a collection of three midi, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design: High Jinks, Hobbies and Pastimes and Bookshelves. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Where better than the Bodleian Libraries collection to find a beautiful collection of classic book covers? Richly illustrated covers adorn the rows of shelves, featuring many classic titles and perfect for all book lovers! Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Flame Tree Publishing Angela Harding Set of 3 Standard Notebooks
A collection of three A5, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design from Angela Harding. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Angela Harding is a fine art painter and illustrator based in Rutland, UK. She specialises in lino prints and her work is inspired by British birds and countryside. ls in 1935 and her last Moomin book was published in 1970; but her stories live on and continue to be adapted and enjoyed by many generations. Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
University of Virginia Press The Poetics of Poesis: The Making of Nineteenth-Century English Fiction
Examining nineteenth-century novels and philosophical essays on the conception of fictional form, Felicia Bonaparte sees the novel in this period not as the continuation of eighteenth-century “realism” but as a genre unto itself. Determined to address the crises that had shattered the age, and drawing on the thought of the early German Romantics, these novelists created a form that would remake the world. They spoke of this process as poesis, with the purpose of embodying “the idealistic in the real” and the requirement of a “double plot” and a double language to convey it. The novel carried this double meaning in the language of mythical symbolism. Bonaparte argues that it is in such language that this fiction must be read.
Pearson Education Limited All Quiet on the Western Front
Little Albert Kropp; Muller who still carries his schoolbooks; Leer, with an eye for the girls and Paul Baumer missed by his sick mother—these are four classmates who have volunteered for the German army in 1914, with youthful optimism. This is the story of their First World War—theirs and millions like them. We read of carnage and shell-shock, but also of small comforts and jokes, tricks to get extra rations, stretches of boredom and banality. No novel has portrayed more universally what Owen, writing of the same period, called "the pity of war".
Harvest House Publishers,U.S. Bedtime on Noah's Ark
It’s Time to Catch Some ZZZ's on the Open Seas From aardvarks to zebras, the ark carried them all. And just like little boys and girls, animals need their rest too! Children will love this colorful and creative board book following the nighttime regimens of some of Noah’s most adorable shipmates. Little ones will learn how to scrub like monkeys, rinse off like elephants, wash behind their bunny ears, and so much more. This Bible-inspired story is a fun way to help children acclimate to their own bedtime routine and for you to send your cute little critters off to bed to sleep like leopards until tomorrow comes.
Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies A Californian Hymn to Homer
Much as an ancient hymnist carries a familiar subject into new directions of song, the contributors to A Californian Hymn to Homer draw upon Homeric scholarship as inspiration for pursuing new ways of looking at texts, both within the Homeric tradition and outside it. This set of seven original essays, accompanied by a new translation of the Homeric “Hymn to Apollo,” considers topics that transcend traditional generic distinctions between epic and lyric, choral and individual, performed and literary. Treating subjects ranging from Aeschylus’ reception of Homeric anger to the representation of mantic performance within Early Islamic texts, the collection presents a selection of imaginative critical work done on the West Coast by scholars of antiquity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rehabilitating and Resettling Offenders in the Community
Rehabilitating and Resettling Offenders in the Community is a significant examination of the historical development of work with offenders and their treatment by the state and society. It offers unique perspectives and a wealth of information drawn from numerous interviews with probation staff. Highlights how the work of probation staff has changed over time and the reasons behind these changes Includes discourse with probation staff carried out over many years for a comprehensive, 'insiders' view of the situation Focuses on contemporary issues, including the changes brought in by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition Written by a leading academic with extensive experience in the probation service
University of Alberta Press Heavy Burdens on Small Shoulders: The Labour of Pioneer Children on the Canadian Prairies
The phrase "child labour" carries negative undertones in today's society. However, only a century ago on the Canadian Prairies, youngsters laboured alongside their parents' working the land, cleaning stovepipes, and chopping wood. By shouldering their share of the chores, these children learned the domestic and manual labour skills needed for life on a Prairie family farm. Rollings-Magnusson uses historic research, photographs, and personal anecdotes to describe the kinds of work performed by children and how each task fit into the family economy. This book is a vital contribution to western Canadian history as well as family and gender studies.
Canelo Death Sentence: A nail-biting Scottish crime thriller
'Wow!!! What a read. Engrossing, fast-paced...A definite ☆☆☆☆☆ from me.' Angela MarsonsWhen revenge is everything, justice is nothingRetired teacher, Maggie Ramsay, is found dead outside her Perth home, the victim of a hit-and-run. An everyday tragedy – or so it seems. While DCI Hazel Todd and her squad look for the culprit, they’re called to attend the death of loner, Peter King, found stabbed to death in a squalid flat.Two very different victims, two very different deaths. But as Hazel investigates the cases, she finds that both Maggie and Peter are concealing their own crimes. Maggie’s drunk driving caused the death of a ten-year-old boy a year ago, while Peter has retreated from the world to hide his harmful past.As Hazel tries to find the link between the two victims before another murder takes place, information comes to light that throws the case wide open. It seems that someone will spill blood to take their revenge – and soon, Hazel is in the sights of a psychopath with nothing to lose.An absolutely unputdownable crime thriller that will thrill fans of Stuart MacBride and Peter Robinson.Praise for Death Sentence:'A fiendish central mystery told at a breathless pace and a brilliant final twist. DCI Todd has got it all. Classic tartan noir – a treat for fans of Val McDermid and LJ Ross' P.R. Black, author of The Winter House'A finely honed police procedural with sharply judged characters carrying an intriguing plotline to a satisfying conclusion.' Douglas Skelton, author of Where Demons Hide'Read this in one sitting, because you are on the edge of your seat the entire time.' ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘OH MY! ... so unputdownable with loads of twisty chapters… Absolutely brilliant.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘What a BRILLIANT gripping book…I love Hazel and her team’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘The plot was fast paced and the characters were believable. I raced through the book’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘Hazel is one feisty lady. The story pulls you in from the first page…so many twists and turns, I so recommend this series.’ Reader Review‘An atmospheric and compelling read’ Reader Review‘I'm loving this series and these characters! … Suspense, intrigue, action, great police work!’ Reader Review‘I like the dynamics within the team, very good characterisation…Overall, a very enjoyable read which I would recommend.’ Reader Review
Taylor & Francis Ltd Woodland Creatures
This exciting topic-based series offers early years practitioners collections of activities based on familiar themes. The activities can be easily implemented and readily incorporated into curriculum planning through links made to the Foundation Stage curriculumEach book incudes: activities that can be used on their own or as part of a themed program ideas for enjoying an all round curriculum approach guidance on expanding existing ideas and resources linked ideas to be carried out at home. Woodland Creatures includes rabbits, badgers, owls, mice, foxes: all much loved and written about in stories. It introduces themes of hibernation, co-dependence and predators.
Little, Brown Book Group The Lucky One
Do you believe in lucky charms?While in Iraq, U.S. Marine Logan Thibault finds a photo, half-buried in the dirt, of a woman. He carries it in his pocket, and from then on his luck begins to change.Back home, Logan is haunted by thoughts of war. Over time, he becomes convinced that the woman in the photo holds the key to his destiny. So he finds the vulnerable and loving Beth and a passionate romance begins.But Logan battles with the one secret he has kept from Beth: how he found her in the first place. And it is a secret that could utterly destroy everything they love . . .
Indiana University Press The Invention of Robert Bresson: The Auteur and His Market
Challenging the prevailing notion among cinephiles that the auteur is an isolated genius interested primarily in individualism, Colin Burnett positions Robert Bresson as one whose life's work confronts the cultural forces that helped shape it. Regarded as one of film history's most elusive figures, Bresson (1901–1999) carried himself as an auteur long before cultural magazines, like the famed Cahiers du cinéma, advanced the term to describe such directors as Jacques Tati, Alfred Hitchcock, and Jean-Luc Godard. In this groundbreaking study, Burnett combines biography with cultural history to uncover the roots of the auteur in the alternative cultural marketplace of midcentury France.
Indiana University Press The Invention of Robert Bresson: The Auteur and His Market
Challenging the prevailing notion among cinephiles that the auteur is an isolated genius interested primarily in individualism, Colin Burnett positions Robert Bresson as one whose life's work confronts the cultural forces that helped shape it. Regarded as one of film history's most elusive figures, Bresson (1901–1999) carried himself as an auteur long before cultural magazines, like the famed Cahiers du cinéma, advanced the term to describe such directors as Jacques Tati, Alfred Hitchcock, and Jean-Luc Godard. In this groundbreaking study, Burnett combines biography with cultural history to uncover the roots of the auteur in the alternative cultural marketplace of midcentury France.
Norvik Press Nils Holgersson's Wonderful Journey Through Sweden: The Complete Volume
Nils Holgersson's Wonderful Journey through Sweden (1906–07) is truly unique. Starting life as a commissioned school reader designed to present the geography of Sweden to nine-year-olds, it quickly won the international fame and popularity it still enjoys over a century later. The story of the naughty boy who climbs on the gander's back and is then carried the length of the country, learning both geography and good behaviour as he goes, has captivated adults and children alike, as well as inspiring film-makers and illustrators. The elegance of the present translation – the first full translation into English – is beautifully complemented by the illustrations specially created for the volume. Selma Lagerlöf was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1909.
University of Minnesota Press Art and Cosmotechnics
In light of current discourses on AI and robotics, what do the various experiences of art contribute to the rethinking of technology today?Art and Cosmotechnics addresses the challenge of technology to the existence of art and traditional thought, especially in light of current discourses on artificial intelligence and robotics. It carries out an attempt on the cosmotechnics of Chinese landscape painting in order to address this question, and further asks: What is the significance of shanshui (mountain and water) in face of the new challenges brought about by the current technological transformation? Thinking art and cosmotechnics together is an attempt to look into the varieties of experiences of art and to ask what these experiences might contribute to the rethinking of technology today.