Search results for ""Wiley""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Peak Libido: Sex, Ecology, and the Collapse of Desire
What is the carbon footprint of your libido? In this highly original book, Dominic Pettman examines the mutual influence and impact of human desire and ecological crisis. His account is premised on a simple but startling observation: the decline of libido among the world’s population, the loss of the human sex drive, closely tracks the destruction of environments worldwide. The advent of the Anthropocene leads to the decline of eros, the weakening of the link between sexual pleasure and human reproduction, and thus, potentially, to human extinction. Our capacity to care for one another in any meaningful way is being replaced by a restless, technologically-enhanced zombie drive. The environmental crisis of our time is also, and simultaneously, a crisis of human reproduction and of interpersonal intimacy. What Freud called ‘libidinal economy’ has morphed into libidinal ecology. Drawing on the work of a wide range of thinkers from Georges Bataille to Donna Haraway, Pettman explores the implications of peak libido, linking this development to the new cultural interest in eco-sexuality, polyamory, and other cases of the ‘greening of the libido’. Peak Libido is a forceful reminder that our hearts and loins are primarily ecological organs, beholden to their wider environments, and, as such, they share the same fate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manufacturing Happy Citizens: How the Science and Industry of Happiness Control our Lives
The imperative of happiness dictates the conduct and direction of our lives. There is no escape from the tyranny of positivity. But is happiness the supreme good that all of us should pursue? So says a new breed of so-called happiness experts, with positive psychologists, happiness economists and self-development gurus at the forefront. With the support of influential institutions and multinational corporations, these self-proclaimed experts now tell us what governmental policies to apply, what educational interventions to make and what changes we must undertake in order to lead more successful, more meaningful and healthier lives. With a healthy scepticism, this book documents the powerful social impact of the science and industry of happiness, arguing that the neoliberal alliance between psychologists, economists and self-development gurus has given rise to a new and oppressive form of government and control in which happiness has been woven into the very fabric of power.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender and Political Theory: Feminist Reckonings
Western political theory typically incorporates certain assumptions about sex and gender as natural, unvarying and “pre-political.” This book critically examines these assumptions and shows how recent scholarship undermines the illusion that bodies exist outside politics and beyond the reach of the state. Leading political theorist Mary Hawkesworth’s cutting-edge intersectional account demonstrates how popular conceptions of human nature, public and private, citizenship, liberty, the state, and injustice relegate women, people of color, sexual minorities, and gender-variant people to inferior status despite constitutional guarantees of equality before the law. Hawkesworth argues that traditional political theory has contributed to the perpetuation of pernicious forms of injustice by masking the state’s role in the creation of subordinated and stigmatized subjects. The book draws insights from critical race, feminist, postcolonial, queer, and trans* theory to give a compelling, original, and highly readable introduction to historical and contemporary debates on gender and political theory for students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Silence: From the Renaissance to the Present Day
Silence is not simply the absence of noise. It is within us, in the inner citadel that great writers, thinkers, scholars and people of faith have cultivated over the centuries. It characterizes our most intimate and sacred spaces, from private bedrooms to grand cathedrals – those vast reservoirs of silence. Philosophers and novelists have long sought solitude and inspiration in mountains and forests. Yet despite the centrality of silence to some of our most intense experiences, the transformations of the twentieth century have gradually diminished its value. Today, raucous urban spaces and a continual bombardment from different media pressure us into constant activity. We are losing a sense of our inner selves, a process that is changing the very nature of the individual. This book rediscovers the wonder of silence and, with this, a richer experience of life. With his predilection for the elusive, Corbin calls us to listen to another history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Geobiology
2012 PROSE Award, Earth Science: Honorable Mention For more than fifty years scientists have been concerned with the interrelationships of Earth and life. Over the past decade, however, geobiology, the name given to this interdisciplinary endeavour, has emerged as an exciting and rapidly expanding field, fuelled by advances in molecular phylogeny, a new microbial ecology made possible by the molecular revolution, increasingly sophisticated new techniques for imaging and determining chemical compositions of solids on nanometer scales, the development of non-traditional stable isotope analyses, Earth systems science and Earth system history, and accelerating exploration of other planets within and beyond our solar system. Geobiology has many faces: there is the microbial weathering of minerals, bacterial and skeletal biomineralization, the roles of autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolisms in elemental cycling, the redox history in the oceans and its relationship to evolution and the origin of life itself.. This book is the first to set out a coherent set of principles that underpin geobiology, and will act as a foundational text that will speed the dissemination of those principles. The chapters have been carefully chosen to provide intellectually rich but concise summaries of key topics, and each has been written by one or more of the leading scientists in that field.. Fundamentals of Geobiology is aimed at advanced undergraduates and graduates in the Earth and biological sciences, and to the growing number of scientists worldwide who have an interest in this burgeoning new discipline. Additional resources for this book can be found at:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Human Evolution: An Illustrated Introduction
The brief length and focused coverage of Human Evolution: An Illustrated Introduction have made this best-selling textbook the ideal complement to any biology or anthropology course in which human evolution is taught. The text places human evolution in the context of humans as animals, while also showing the physical context of human evolution, including climate change and the impact of extinctions. Chapter introductions, numerous drawings and photographs, and an essential glossary all add to the accessibility of this text.The fifth edition has been thoroughly updated to include coverage of the latest discoveries and perspectives, including: · New early hominid fossils from Africa and Georgia, and their implications · New archaeological evidence from Africa on the origin of modern humans · Updated coverage of prehistoric art, including new sites · New perspectives on molecular evidence and their implications for human population history. An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at for more information.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Family Therapy: Concepts, Process and Practice
Now in its third edition, this highly regarded and well-established textbook includes up-to-date coverage of recent advances in family therapy practice and reviews of latest research, whilst retaining the popular structure and chapter features of previous editions. Presents a unique, integrative approach to the theory and practice of family therapy Distinctive style addresses family behaviour patterns, family belief systems and narratives, and broader contextual factors in problem formation and resolution Shows how the model can be applied to address issues of childhood and adolescence (e.g. conduct problems, drug abuse) and of adulthood (e.g. marital distress, anxiety, depression) Student-friendly features: chapters begin with a chapter plan and conclude with a summary of key points; theoretical chapters include a glossary of new terms; case studies and further reading suggestions are included throughout
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide
Veterinary Medical Education Practical yet complete reference to all aspects of veterinary medical education?? Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide, Second Edition offers a comprehensive reference to all aspects of veterinary medical education, providing concrete guidance for instructors in a variety of settings. The book gives real-world, practical, veterinary-specific advice on all aspects of designing and implementing a veterinary curriculum. This Second Edition includes new and expanded information on widening access on admissions, competency-based veterinary education, academic advising and student support, eLearning, transition to practice and career opportunities, educational leadership and global veterinary education. This revised edition has been significantly enhanced and updated, featuring twelve new chapters and many expanded chapters. It includes diagrams, figures, and informational boxes that highlight key points, clarify concepts, provide helpful tips and evidence from the literature, and examples of educational innovations that could be adopted in veterinary programs. Veterinary Medical Education covers: Student selection, including widening access Curricular innovations and competency-based veterinary education Learning theories, eLearning, and their application in the classroom Teaching in clinical and non-clinical settings and creating safe, inclusive learning environments Programmatic and technology-enhanced assessment, academic advising and study skills, coaching, and mentoring Professionalism and professional identity, cultural humility, and transition to practice Program evaluation, educational leadership, and global trends With comprehensive coverage of the field and a wealth of new and updated information, the Second Edition of Veterinary Medical Education is an indispensable resource for anyone involved with veterinary education, including instructors and faculty at veterinary colleges, continuing education instructors, veterinary technology instructors, and veterinarians training in internships and residencies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals
Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals Essential reading for dental professionals and other healthcare workers wanting to build emotional resilience and positive mental health Dentistry is a high-stress profession with elevated rates of anxiety, depression, burnout, suicidal thoughts and self-harm. Chronic workplace stress is a growing concern as it can severely damage the mental health of dental professionals and negatively impact their ability to provide appropriate care. Psychological interventions have been shown to greatly benefit the well-being and emotional resilience of the medical and healthcare community, yet resources that provide preventative tools are limited. Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals, is designed not only to combat occupational hazards in Dentistry, such as burnout and compassion fatigue, but also to build resilience, engagement at work and nurture positive mental health through a variety of evidence-based tools. This invaluable guide helps readers utilise tools from the science of well-being (Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), to create happier, thriving careers. It includes: Tools from resilience interventions to help dental professionals implement preventative habits and take steps towards positive mental health Focus on self awareness in recognizing burnout early Positive psychology and well-being exercises, customised for dental professionals, to help you meld together research and application: from journaling and creative exercises to nature-based and activities at work Measure and track well-being using psychological scales Manage difficult emotions, practice mindfulness and self-compassion, develop a culture of kindness and gratitude at work, utilise a growth mindset when upskilling, harness positive leadership and use strengths, with patients and at home Create habits that stick through applying the psychology of goal setting, behaviour change, motivation psychology, work-life harmony and happiness Written by a Positive Psychologist, and Dentist, with more than 12 years’ clinical dentistry experience within a stressful NHS environment, Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals is a must-have resource for all dental students, hygienists, therapists, dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians, specialists and allied healthcare workers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Life of the Author: Jane Austen
A fresh approach to building the life of Jane Austen through her letters, demonstrating that a well-known life can be reframed by being grounded in evidence of that life The Life of the Author: Jane Austen takes readers on a literary-biographical journey through Austen's life in letters. Using a unique non-linear approach, author Catherine Delafield explores three frames for Austen's literary life—family, correspondents, and fiction—to suggest new pathways for the interpretation of life writing about one of the most popular and influential English novelists of all time. Delafield addresses multiple aspects of Austen's epistolary practice and the ways in which her letters, juvenile writings, and unpublished novels have been overlaid on both biography and fiction. Throughout the text, special attention is paid to the changing view of women’s correspondence as personal record and to Cassandra Austen's role as editor of her sister’s surviving letters. The book opens with selected readings from Austen's letters and a review of the family treatment of the life. Subsequent chapters discuss the female circle of correspondents in both extant and missing letters, the letter content and structure of Austen's novels, the use of letters as representations of places and spaces based on Austen's own lived experience of epistolary communication, and more. Discusses how the letters, correspondents, and novels supplement Jane Austen’s fiction and substantiate her life Highlights Austen's use of the letter as a conversation on paper, rather than as an autobiographical tool Explores the letters within Austen's fictional writing as well as recipes, accounts, and needlework with links to the letters Features a select chronology using letters as landmarks, tables representing surviving letters by correspondent, and family trees tracing names and relationships The Life of the Author: Jane Austen is an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate courses on the novel, women's writing, British writing, and life writing, as well as for general readers with interest in gaining new perspectives on Austen's chronological life and literary output.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Mindfulness-based Strategic Awareness Training Comprehensive Workbook: New Approach Based on Free Energy and Active Inference for Skillful Decision-making
A comprehensive training program to navigate skillfully in this disruptive, uncertain time This comprehensive workbook provides a mind training based on new findings in neuroscience that will enhance your decision-making skills. Skillful, strategically aware decisions in professional and private life are key for sustainable well-being and flourishing in life. Part 1 provides a conceptual introduction into understanding the brain as a predicting organ, actively inferring, and constantly trying to optimize energy. Part 2 leads you through a systematic training program of 8 sessions to enhance strategic awareness and improve decision-making skills by increasing the precision of our perception and mental processing. The practices are designed to fit in a busy schedule with a focus on the challenges we all grapple with in daily life. While thorough and well-grounded in scientific research this workbook is also pleasant and inspiring to read. It is filled with practical examples and the author’s own life experience. Numerous hand-drawn illustrations inspire also visually. The MBSAT methodology has been tested by practitioners for over 10 years and is widely acclaimed. The government of Singapore, known for its outstanding commitment to education and investment in the human resources of its population, has included MBSAT in its official skill-building program and heavily subsidizes participation in MBSAT training. It is one of the testimonials to the efficacy of MBSAT.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Crisis Communication: Second Edition
The revised and updated new edition of the comprehensive guide to crisis communication research and practice The Handbook of Crisis Communication provides students, researchers, and practitioners with a timely and authoritative overview of the dynamic field. Contributions by an international team of 50 leading scholars and practitioners demonstrate various methodological approaches, examine how crisis communication is applied in a range of specific contexts, discuss the role of culture and technology in crisis communication, and present original research of relevance to the development and evaluation of crisis communication theory. Now in its second edition, the Handbook covers the latest advances in global crisis communication technology, current trends in research and practice, social media in crisis communication, and more. Each of the 38 chapters incorporate new material offering fresh insights into existing areas of crisis communication and explore new and emerging lines of research. A wealth of new case studies, practical scenarios, and in-depth analyses of recent crises are integrated throughout. Examines traditional applications, recent advances, and emerging areas in crisis communication Discusses communication approaches for organizational crises, disasters, political crises, and public health crises Provides up-to-date coverage of the latest terminology, methods, and research trends in the field Highlights how crisis communication theory and research can inform real-world practice Features detailed analyses of crisis communication in major events such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, industrial accidents, and global pandemics The Handbook of Crisis Communication, Second Edition is an excellent textbook for advanced students in public relations and strategic communication programs, and a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in fields such as crisis communication, public relations, and corporate communication.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine
Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine Comprehensive resource offering practical and accessible guidance on managing behavior problems in cats Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine provides a complete, easy-to-use reference to practical information on identifying, diagnosing, and treating behavior problems in cats. Designed to offer streamlined access to concrete guidance for managing feline behavior, the book offers diagnostic plans organized by clinical sign. Normal behavior is thoroughly described, to provide a better understanding of the abnormal, with the heart of the book devoted to advice for identifying, diagnosing, and treating specific behavior problems. The book describes the diagnostic process and covers treatment options for each problem. A companion website offers client education handouts to enhance compliance and video clips depicting presenting complaints. Sample topics covered in Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine include: Normal feline social behavior, covering body language and other social communication, feline social structure, interactions with humans and other species, and social/behavioral development in the kitten Preventing behavior problems, covering feeding, litter box availability and care, scratching options, toys, and grooming Elimination problems, including the differentiation between urine marking and toileting, deducing the underlying causes, and elements of effects treatment plans Senior cats, covering feline cognitive decline, increased vocalization, sleep-wake cycle disturbances, disorientation, litterbox problems, and repetitive behaviors With its specific topical focus of behavior in felines, Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine is a targeted and highly useful resource for any veterinarian seeing feline patients, assisting through all stages of treatment with easily accessible and understandable information.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules
EVIDENCE-BASED EMERGENCY CARE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND CLINICAL DECISION RULES THIRD EDITION Improve and streamline the diagnostic decision-making process in emergency care The newly revised third edition of Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules offers an updated review of the evidence and expert discussion of relevant issues in diagnostic testing in the everyday practice of emergency medicine. This book also provides a detailed overview of the science of diagnostic testing and reviews the process behind the development of clinical decision rules. The focus is asking and answering practical questions using original research studies, while commenting on the best available evidence for relevant clinical topics. Readers will also find: Comprehensive explorations of COVID-19, telemedicine, trauma, cardiology, infectious disease, and surgical and abdominal complaints Practical discussions of urology, neurology, hematology, ophthalmology, pulmonology, rheumatology, and geriatric medicine Exploration of practice and policy considerations of testing in an era of limited resources The book is perfect for emergency medicine physicians, nurses, and other allied health professionals. Readers of Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules, Third Edition will also earn a place in the libraries of administrators and managers in healthcare settings seeking to optimize the use of scarce resources while maintaining the highest standards of care.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Counseling About Cancer: Strategies for Genetic Counseling
Counseling About Cancer A key resource for all genetic counselors and other healthcare providers, this comprehensive reference has been completely updated and reorganized for its fourth edition Over 50 hereditary cancer predisposition genes have now been identified. Genetic testing can be a powerful tool in assessing individual cancer risk and creating robust medical plans, but can also be a complex process, with personal and familial factors carrying real emotional weight. As such, genetic counseling for patients and their families during the process of genetic testing is critical. Counseling about Cancer: Strategies for Genetic Counseling is the only comprehensive resource available for clinicians who want to understand and apply these dimensions of patient care. This updated and reorganized edition provides detailed information designed to be incorporated in a variety of clinical and health-care contexts. Updated with the latest guidance and research, it promises to continue as the indispensable guide to this challenging subject. Readers of the fourth edition of Counseling about Cancer will also find: New chapters analyzing pediatric cancer syndromes, genetic testing technology, and more Increased focus on gynecological cancer syndromes and related genes Detailed case studies to reinforce themes of each chapter Counseling about Cancer is a useful reference for genetic counselors and other healthcare providers looking to familiarize themselves with best practices of patient counseling and care.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics
The fully updated new edition of the essential single-volume reference, covering the full fields of linguistics and phonetics Now in its seventh edition, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics remains the definitive resource work for students of linguistics and phonetics. Originally created by David Crystal and revised for the new seventh edition with Alan C. L. Yu, this dictionary features a wealth of new entries by a team of experts in phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. Throughout the text, most pre-existing entries have been updated to reflect the current body of knowledge in the areas of linguistics and phonetics. Covering more than 5,100 terms, the new seventh edition reflects the latest state of the field and accounts for evolutions in research and theory since the publication of the prior edition. The entries provide clear and authoritative definitions of each term and are supported by additional information such as the historical context in which a term was used or the relationship between a term and others from associated fields. This useful work: Features new and updated entries reflecting the way established terms are now perceived in light of changes in the field Integrates ideas from the minimalist program, situating linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences Includes tables of abbreviations, symbols, and the International Phonetic Alphabet Offers unique insights into the historical development of linguistics Identifies major lexical variants as separate headwords, enabling readers to quickly find the location of a term Provides word-class identifiers and usage examples for single-word headwords, especially useful for non-native English speakers A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Seventh Edition is an invaluable reference work for professionals, students, and general readers alike, and remains an essential resource for anyone studying linguistics or phonetics at the university level.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Assessing Essential Skills of Veterinary Technology Students
Assessing Essential Skills of Veterinary Technology Students, Third Edition provides students and instructors with clear guidance on how to evaluate student performance of skills required to enter the veterinary technology profession. Provides students with clear guidance on the capabilities they are expected to demonstrate and how they will be evaluated Gives instructors a standardized framework for assessing students’ performance Offers tools for comparing standards of competency Covers management, pharmacology, medical nursing, anesthesia and analgesia, surgical nursing, laboratory procedures, radiography, laboratory animal care, and exotic animal nursing Includes access to a companion website with a downloadable log for recording progress
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd The Ultimate Book of Influence: 10 Tools of Persuasion to Connect, Communicate, and Win in Business
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Prophet: The Spiritual Classic
Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics Series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon, this collectible, hard-back edition of The Prophet provides an accessible and insightful introduction to this timeless spiritual work The Prophet is an inspirational book of 26 poetry fables written in English by Lebanese-American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran. One of the most translated books in history, Gibran’s famous work has been translated into over 100 different languages since its first publication in 1923. The book provides timeless spiritual wisdom on universally-shared aspects of life, such as giving, buying and selling, beauty and friendship, eating and drinking, crime and punishment and spirituality and religion. The book follows Almustafa, a man who has waited for twelve years for a ship to take him from the island of Orphalese back to his home. He has come to know the people on the island, who consider him a wise and insightful man. On the day Almustafa’s ship finally arrives, he feels a deep sadness. The local elders ask him not to leave. Almustafa speaks of his philosophy of life and the truths he has discovered to the gathered crowd. His words have an almost magical quality to them. As he prepares to board his ship, it becomes clear that Almustafa’s words do not refer to his journey home, but rather to the world he came from before he was born. The Prophet is a metaphor for the mystery of life and an exploration of the human condition. Inspirational and extremely readable for modern audiences, this classic text teaches us: We should be glad of the experience of coming into the world The separation you feel from other people is not real True marriage gives both people space to develop their individuality Enjoying your work is expressing your love for whoever benefits from it Sorrow makes space for more joy in another season of life Featuring an insightful introduction from the editor, The Prophet: The Spirituality Classic is a must-read book for anyone interested in exploring the undeniable truths of life we all share.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Germans: Power Struggles and the Development of Habitus in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
This is Elias's last great work in which he used his key ideas to analyse the development of the particular features of German personality, social structure and behaviour.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Identity Politics in the United States
In 2017, a white supremacist rally at the University of Virginia forced many to consider how much progress had been made in a country that, nine years prior, had elected its first Black president. Beyond these racial flashpoints, the increasingly polarized nature of US politics has reignited debates around the meaning of identity, citizenship, and acceptance in America today. In this pioneering book, Khalilah L. Brown-Dean moves beyond the headlines to examine how contemporary controversies emanate from longstanding struggles over power, access, and belonging. Using intersectionality as an organizing framework, she draws on current tensions such as voter suppression, the Me Too movement, the Standing Rock protests, marriage equality, military service, the rise of the Religious Right, protests by professional athletes, and battles over immigration to show how conflicts over group identity are an inescapable feature of American political development. Brown-Dean explores issues of citizenship, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, and religion to argue that democracy in the United States is built upon the battle of ideas related to how we see ourselves, how we see others, and the mechanisms available to reinforce those distinctions. Identity Politics in the United States will be an essential resource for students and engaged citizens who want to understand the link between historical context, contemporary political challenges, and paths to move toward a stronger democracy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Islam in Europe
This vigorously argued book reveals the central role that Islam has played in European history. Following the movement of people, culture and religion from East to West, Goody breaks down the perceived opposition between Islam and Europe, showing Islam to be a part of Europe's past and present. In an historical analysis of religious warfare and forced migration, Goody examines our understanding of legitimate violence, ethnic cleansing and terrorism. His comparative perspective offers important and illuminating insights into current political problems and conflicts. Goody traces three routes of Islam into Europe, following the Arab through North Africa, Spain and Mediterranean Europe; the Turk through Greece and the Balkans; and the Mongol through Southern Russia to Poland and Lithuania. Each thrust made its mark on Europe in terms of population and culture. Yet this was not merely a military impact: especially in Spain, but elsewhere too, Europe was substantially modified by this contact. Today it takes the form of some eleven million immigrants, not to speak of the possible incorporation of further millions through Bosnia, Albania and Turkey.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming
The discussions about the ethical, political and human implications of the postmodernist condition have been raging for longer than most of us care to remember. They have been especially fierce within feminism. After a brief flirtation with postmodern thinking in the 1980s, mainstream feminist circles seem to have turned their back on the staple notions of poststructuralist philosophy. Metamorphoses takes stock of the situation and attempts to reset priorities within the poststructuralist feminist agenda. Cross-referring in a creative way to Deleuze's and Irigaray's respective philosophies of difference, the book addresses key notions such as embodiment, immanence, sexual difference, nomadism and the materiality of the subject. Metamorphoses also focuses on the implications of these theories for cultural criticism and a redefinition of politics. It provides a vivid overview of contemporary culture, with special emphasis on technology, the monstrous imaginary and the recurrent obsession with 'the flesh' in the age of techno-bodies. This highly original contribution to current debates is written for those who find changes and transformations challenging and necessary. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy, feminist theory, gender studies, sociology, social theory and cultural studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cities: Reimagining the Urban
This book develops a fresh and challenging perspective on the city. Drawing on a wide and diverse range of material and texts, it argues that too much contemporary urban theory is based on nostalgia for a humane, face-to-face and bounded city. Amin and Thrift maintain that the traditional divide between the city and the rest of the world has been perforated through urban encroachment, the thickening of the links between the two, and urbanization as a way of life. They outline an innovative sociology of the city that scatters urban life along a series of sites and circulations, reinstating previously suppressed areas of contemporary urban life: from the presence of non-human activity to the centrality of distant connections. The implications of this viewpoint are traced through a series of chapters on power, economy and democracy. This concise and accessible book will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, geography, urban studies, cultural studies and politics. .
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Feminism and Ecology
The relationship between feminism and ecology has grown in importance in recent years. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecofeminist movement and its history, as well as an extended analysis of the main perspectives within it. Mellor examines the connections between feminism and the green movement, and outlines the contributions of the major participants, while contextualizing them within a wider range of debates. She re-examines classic feminist texts from an ecofeminist perspective, and explores the relationship between ecofeminism and other ecological movements, such as 'deep' ecology, social ecology and ecosocialism. Mellor discusses the association of women with biology and 'nature', and argues that the relationship between women and the environment can help us to understand the relationship between humanity and the natural world. Against the trends towards radical economic liberalism, global capitalism and postmodernist pluralism, she argues that there is within the feminist and green movements the basis of a new radical movement which draws on the principles of both. A useful and engaging account of feminist perspectives on ecology, the book will be welcomed by students and researchers in feminism and gender studies, sociology and political theory.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Changing the Game: The Playbook for Leading Business Transformation
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology
This substantial anthology is a comprehensive, authoritative collection of the classical and contemporary readings in the philosophy of religion, providing a survey and analysis of the key issues, figures and concepts. Comprises the most comprehensive and authoritative collection of the classical and contemporary readings in the philosophy of religion. Provides a survey and analysis of the key issues, figures and concepts. Examines religious identity, theism and divine attributes, explanations of religion, and theistic arguments. Includes readings concerned with nontheistic religions, evils and goods, religious values, personal identity, and death.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Acoustics
The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wavelets and their Applications
The last 15 years have seen an explosion of interest in wavelets with applications in fields such as image compression, turbulence, human vision, radar and earthquake prediction. Wavelets represent an area that combines signal in image processing, mathematics, physics and electrical engineering. As such, this title is intended for the wide audience that is interested in mastering the basic techniques in this subject area, such as decomposition and compression.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Protection of Electrical Networks
This book, designed for engineers, technicians, designers and operators working with electrical networks, contains theoretical and practical information on the design and set-up of protection systems. Protection of Electrical Networks first discusses network structures and grounding systems together with problems that can occur in networks. It goes on to cover current and voltage transformers, protection functions, circuit breakers and fuses. Practical explanations of how protection systems function are given, and these, together with tables of settings, make this book suitable for any reader, irrespective of their initial level of knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 2: Transfer Laws
A porous medium is composed of a solid matrix and its geometrical complement: the pore space. This pore space can be occupied by one or more fluids. The understanding of transport phenomena in porous media is a challenging intellectual task. This book provides a detailed analysis of the aspects required for the understanding of many experimental techniques in the field of porous media transport phenomena. It is aimed at students or engineers who may not be looking specifically to become theoreticians in porous media, but wish to integrate knowledge of porous media with their previous scientific culture, or who may have encountered them when dealing with a technological problem. While avoiding the details of the more mathematical and abstract developments of the theories of macroscopization, the author gives as accurate and rigorous an idea as possible of the methods used to establish the major laws of macroscopic behavior in porous media. He also illustrates the constitutive laws and equations by demonstrating some of their classical applications. Priority is to put forward the constitutive laws in concrete circumstances without going into technical detail. This second volume in the three-volume series focuses on transport and transfer from homogeneous phases to porous media, and isothermal transport in the pore space.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Functional Service Economy: A Networked Innova tion Model
This book outlines out the features of a Functional Service Economy. It describes the required social and economic changes to shift from a production-oriented economy to a functional and service-oriented economy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Phase Type Distribution: Theory and Application wi th Tool Support
The topic of the book is phase type distributions that have been recognized as an important tool in the quantitative analysis of systems (such as communication networks, logistic networks, manufacturing plants, etc.). The book provides up-to-date and comprehensive guide to phase type distributions. The complete theoretical background, including definitions and characteristics of phase type distributions, is provided in a way that is accessible to a wide range of readers. Throughout the book, theory is accompanied by detailed application examples that illustrate the practical usage of phase type distributions. The application examples are developed using a software tool, called BuTools, which is freely available for all interested readers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flexible Robotics: Applications to Multiscale Manipulations
The objective of this book is to provide those interested in the field of flexible robotics with an overview of several scientific and technological advances in the practical field of robotic manipulation. The different chapters examine various stages that involve a number of robotic devices, particularly those designed for manipulation tasks characterized by mechanical flexibility. Chapter 1 deals with the general context surrounding the design of functionally integrated microgripping systems. Chapter 2 focuses on the dual notations of modal commandability and observability, which play a significant role in the control authority of vibratory modes that are significant for control issues. Chapter 3 presents different modeling tools that allow the simultaneous use of energy and system structuring notations. Chapter 4 discusses two sensorless methods that could be used for manipulation in confined or congested environments. Chapter 5 analyzes several appropriate approaches for responding to the specific needs required by versatile prehension tasks and dexterous manipulation. After a classification of compliant tactile sensors focusing on dexterous manipulation, Chapter 6 discusses the development of a complying triaxial force sensor based on piezoresistive technology. Chapter 7 deals with the constraints imposed by submicrometric precision in robotic manipulation. Chapter 8 presents the essential stages of the modeling, identification and analysis of control laws in the context of serial manipulator robots with flexible articulations. Chapter 9 provides an overview of models for deformable body manipulators. Finally, Chapter 10 presents a set of contributions that have been made with regard to the development of methodologies for identification and control of flexible manipulators based on experimental data. Contents 1. Design of Integrated Flexible Structures for Micromanipulation, Mathieu Grossard, Mehdi Boukallel, Stéphane Régnier and Nicolas Chaillet. 2. Flexible Structures’ Representation and Notable Properties in Control, Mathieu Grossard, Arnaud Hubert, Stéphane Régnier and Nicolas Chaillet. 3. Structured Energy Approach for the Modeling of Flexible Structures, Nandish R. Calchand, Arnaud Hubert, Yann Le Gorrec and Hector Ramirez Estay. 4. Open-Loop Control Approaches to Compliant Micromanipulators, Yassine Haddab, Vincent Chalvet and Micky Rakotondrabe. 5. Mechanical Flexibility and the Design of Versatile and Dexterous Grippers, Javier Martin Amezaga and Mathieu Grossard. 6. Flexible Tactile Sensors for Multidigital Dexterous In-hand Manipulation, Mehdi Boukallel, Hanna Yousef, Christelle Godin and Caroline Coutier. 7. Flexures for High-Precision Manipulation Robots, Reymond Clavel, Simon Henein and Murielle Richard. 8. Modeling and Motion Control of Serial Robots with Flexible Joints, Maria Makarov and Mathieu Grossard. 9. Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Manipulators, Frédéric Boyer and Ayman Belkhiri. 10. Robust Control of Robotic Manipulators with Structural Flexibilities, Houssem Halalchi, Loïc Cuvillon, Guillaume Mercère and Edouard Laroche. About the Authors Mathieu Grossard, CEA LIST, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Nicolas Chaillet, FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France. Stéphane Régnier, ISIR, UPMC, Paris, France.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Architecture and Governance for Communication Services
Communication services are evolving at an unprecedented rate. No longer limited to interpersonal vocal communication, they now integrate functions such as address books, content sharing and messaging. The emergence of social networks – which may also include these features – is an important element of this transformation. Content services are becoming flagship services themselves, and are sometimes paired up with conversation services. The boundaries between different services are becoming less and less distinct. This book meets the need for a better understanding of communication services, and for a general framework of their description. A detailed overview on service architecture in the Telco, Web and IT worlds is presented, offering a roadmap with explanations on how to improve the architecture and governance of communication service architectures by exploiting the syntax and semantics that are common to different services is clearly outlined. This book also responds to recurring questions about service design, such as the functional scope of enablers or SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) services, the relevance of service composition to the user and collaboration between different services in a converged environment. Many concrete examples from telecoms service providers’ operations illustrate these concepts. Contents 1. Describing Service Architectures. 2. Convergence of Service. 3. Building an Architectural Framework for Telecom Services. 4. Modeling and Case Study. 5. Organizational and Software Applications. About the Authors Emmanuel Bertin is senior service architect at Orange Labs in France. He is the author of more than 40 research papers, and holds more than 10 patents in the area of communication services. Noël Crespi worked at Bouygues Telecom, France Telecom R&D, and then at Nortel Networks where he led the Telephony Programme. He is currently Professor and Head of the Service Architecture Laboratory at Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis in France and is the author/co-author of more than 160 research papers and 140 contributions in standardization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc 3D Video: From Capture to Diffusion
While 3D vision has existed for many years, the use of 3D cameras and video-based modeling by the film industry has induced an explosion of interest for 3D acquisition technology, 3D content and 3D displays. As such, 3D video has become one of the new technology trends of this century. The chapters in this book cover a large spectrum of areas connected to 3D video, which are presented both theoretically and technologically, while taking into account both physiological and perceptual aspects. Stepping away from traditional 3D vision, the authors, all currently involved in these areas, provide the necessary elements for understanding the underlying computer-based science of these technologies. They consider applications and perspectives previously unexplored due to technological limitations. This book guides the reader through the production process of 3D videos; from acquisition, through data treatment and representation, to 3D diffusion. Several types of camera systems are considered (multiscopic or multiview) which lead to different acquisition, modeling and storage-rendering solutions. The application of these systems is also discussed to illustrate varying performance benefits, making this book suitable for students, academics, and also those involved in the film industry.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge Needs and Information Extraction: Towards an Artificial Consciousness
This book presents a theory of consciousness which is unique and sustainable in nature, based on physiological and cognitive-linguistic principles controlled by a number of socio-psycho-economic factors. In order to anchor this theory, which draws upon various disciplines, the author presents a number of different theories, all of which have been abundantly studied by scientists from both a theoretical and experimental standpoint, including models of social organization, ego theories, theories of the motivational system in psychology, theories of the motivational system in neurosciences, language modeling and computational modeling of motivation. The theory presented in this book is based on the hypothesis that an individual’s main activities are developed by self-motivation, managed as an informational need. This is described in chapters covering self-motivation on a day-to-day basis, the notion of need, the hypothesis and control of cognitive self-motivation and a model of self-motivation which associates language and physiology. The subject of knowledge extraction is also covered, including the impact of self-motivation on written information, non-transversal and transversal text-mining techniques and the fields of interest of text mining. Contents: 1. Consciousness: an Ancient and Current Topic of Study. 2. Self-motivation on a Daily Basis. 3. The Notion of Need. 4. The Models of Social Organization. 5. Self Theories. 6. Theories of Motivation in Psychology. 7. Theories of Motivation in Neurosciences. 8. Language Modeling. 9. Computational Modeling of Motivation. 10. Hypothesis and Control of Cognitive Self-Motivation. 11. A Model of Self-Motivation which Associates Language and Physiology. 12. Impact of Self-Motivation on Written Information. 13. Non-Transversal Text Mining Techniques. 14. Transversal Text Mining Techniques. 15. Fields of Interest for Text Mining. About the Authors Nicolas Turenne is a researcher at INRA in the Science and Society team at the University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée in France. He specializes in knowledge extraction from texts with theoretical research into relational and stochastic models. His research topics also concern the sociology of uses, food and environmental sciences, and bioinformatics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Crowdsourcing: One Step Beyond
Crowdsourcing is a relatively recent phenomenon that only appeared in 2006, but it continues to grow and diversify (crowdfunding, crowdcontrol, etc.). This book aims to review this concept and show how it leads to the creation of value and new business opportunities. Chapter 1 is based on four examples: the online-banking sector, an informative television channel, the postal sector and the higher education sector. It shows that in the current context, for a company facing challenges, the crowd remains an untapped resource. The next chapter presents crowdsourcing as a new form of externalization and offers definitions of crowdsourcing. In Chapter 3, the authors attempt to explain how a company can create value by means of a crowdsourcing operation. To do this, authors use a model linking types of value, types of crowd, and the means by which these crowds are accessed. Chapter 4 examines in detail various forms that crowdsourcing may take, by presenting and discussing ten types of crowdsourcing operation. In Chapter 5, the authors imagine and explore the ways in which the dark side of crowdsourcing might be manifested and Chapter 6 offers some insight into the future of crowdsourcing. Contents 1. A Turbulent and Paradoxical Environment. 2. Crowdsourcing: A New Form of Externalization. 3. Crowdsourcing and Value Creation. 4. Forms of Crowdsourcing. 5. The Dangers of Crowdsourcing. 6. The Future of Crowdsourcing. About the Authors Jean-Fabrice Lebraty is Professor of management sciences at IAE (Business School) at Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 University in France and a member of the research laboratory Magellan EA3713. He specializes in the management of information and communication systems and his research notably concerns decision-making and the links between crowd and information technology. Katia Lobre-Lebraty is Associate Professor of management sciences at IAE (Business School) at Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 University in France and a member of the research laboratory Magellan EA3713. She specializes in management control and strategic management and her research concerns both the modes of governance of organizations and Open Data
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics 1: Analysis of Reliability and Quality Control
This first book of a 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics is mainly centered on the vast range of the laws of statistical distributions encountered in various scientific and technical fields. These laws are indispensable in understanding the probability behavior of components and mechanical structures that are exploited in the other volumes of this series, which are dedicated to reliability and quality control.The author presents not only the laws of distribution of various models but also the tests of adequacy suited to confirm or counter the hypothesis of the law in question, namely the Pearson (x2) test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, along with many other relevant tests.This book distinguishes itself from other works in the field through its originality in presenting an educational approach which aims at helping practitioners both in academia and industry. It is intended for technicians, engineers, designers, students, and teachers working in the fields of engineering and vocational education. The main objective of the author is to provide an assessment of indicators of quality and reliability to aid in decision-making. To this end, an intuitive and practical approach, based on mathematical rigor, is recommended.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering
Many approaches to creating Software Product Lines have emerged that are based on Model-Driven Engineering. This book introduces both Software Product Lines and Model-Driven Engineering, which have separate success stories in industry, and focuses on the practical combination of them. It describes the challenges and benefits of merging these two software development trends and provides the reader with a novel approach and practical mechanisms to improve software development productivity.The book is aimed at engineers and students who wish to understand and apply software product lines and model-driven engineering in their activities today. The concepts and methods are illustrated with two product line examples: the classic smart-home systems and a collection manager information system.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Color Imaging
This collective work identifies the latest developments in the field of the automatic processing and analysis of digital color images. For researchers and students, it represents a critical state of the art on the scientific issues raised by the various steps constituting the chain of color image processing. It covers a wide range of topics related to computational color imaging, including color filtering and segmentation, color texture characterization, color invariant for object recognition, color and motion analysis, as well as color image and video indexing and retrieval. Contents 1. Color Representation and Processing in Polar Color Spaces, Jesús Angulo, Sébastien Lefèvre and Olivier Lezoray. 2. Adaptive Median Color Filtering, Frédérique Robert-Inacio and Eric Dinet. 3. Anisotropic Diffusion PDEs for Regularization of Multichannel Images: Formalisms and Applications, David Tschumperlé. 4. Linear Prediction in Spaces with Separate Achromatic and Chromatic Information,Olivier Alata, Imtnan Qazi, Jean-Christophe Burie and Christine Fernandez-Maloigne. 5. Region Segmentation, Alain Clément, Laurent Busin, Olivier Lezoray and Ludovic Macaire. 6. Color Texture Attributes, Nicolas Vandenbroucke, Olivier Alata, Christèle Lecomte, Alice Porebski and Imtnan Qazi. 7. Photometric Color Invariants for Object Recognition, Damien Muselet. 8. Color Key Point Detectors and Local Color Descriptors, Damien Muselet and Xiaohu Song. 9. Motion Estimation in Color Image Sequences, Bertrand Augereau and Jenny Benois-Pineau.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming: Advanced Modeling and Numerical Simulation
The aim of this book is to summarize the current most effective methods for modeling, simulating, and optimizing metal forming processes, and to present the main features of new, innovative methods currently being developed which will no doubt be the industrial tools of tomorrow. It discusses damage (or defect) prediction in virtual metal forming, using advanced multiphysical and multiscale fully coupled constitutive equations. Theoretical formulation, numerical aspects as well as application to various sheet and bulk metal forming are presented in detail.Virtual metal forming is nowadays inescapable when looking to optimize numerically various metal forming processes in order to design advanced mechanical components. To do this, highly predictive constitutive equations accounting for the full coupling between various physical phenomena at various scales under large deformation including the ductile damage occurrence are required. In addition, fully 3D adaptive numerical methods related to time and space discretization are required in order to solve accurately the associated initial and boundary value problems. This book focuses on these two main and complementary aspects with application to a wide range of metal forming and machining processes. Contents 1. Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.2. Thermomechanically-Consistent Modeling of the Metals Behavior with Ductile Damage.3. Numerical Methods for Solving Metal Forming Problems.4. Application to Virtual Metal Forming.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Holography
This book presents a substantial description of the principles and applications of digital holography.The first part of the book deals with mathematical basics and the linear filtering theory necessary to approach the topic. The next part describes the fundamentals of diffraction theory and exhaustively details the numerical computation of diffracted fields using FFT algorithms. A thorough presentation of the principles of holography and digital holography, including digital color holography, is proposed in the third part.A special section is devoted to the algorithms and methods for the numerical reconstruction of holograms. There is also a chapter devoted to digital holographic interferometry with applications in holographic microscopy, quantitative phase contrast imaging, multidimensional deformation investigations, surface shape measurements, fluid mechanics, refractive index investigations, synthetic aperture imaging and information encrypting.Keys so as to understand the differences between digital holography and speckle interferometry and examples of software for hologram reconstructions are also treated in brief. Contents 1. Mathematical Prerequisites.2. The Scalar Theory of Diffraction.3. Calculating Diffraction by Fast Fourier Transform.4. Fundamentals of Holography.5. Digital Off-Axis Fresnel Holography.6. Reconstructing Wavefronts Propagated through an Optical System.7. Digital Holographic Interferometry and Its Applications.Appendix. Examples of Digital Hologram Reconstruction Programs
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Oxydative Ageing of Polymers
This book aims to rehabilitate kinetic modeling in the domain of polymer ageing, where it has been almost abandoned by the research community. Kinetic modeling is a key step for lifetime prediction, a crucial problem in many industrial domains in which needs cannot be satisfied by the common empirical methods.The book proposes a renewed approach of lifetime prediction in polymer oxidative ageing. This approach is based on kinetic models built from relatively simple mechanistic schemes but integrating physical processes (oxygen diffusion and stabilizer transport), and use property (for instance mechanical failure) changes. An important chapter is dedicated to radiation-induced oxidation and its most important applications: radiochemical ageing at low dose rates and photo-chemical ageing under solar radiation. There is also a chapter devoted to the problem of ageing under coupled oxidation and mechanical loading.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Modeling
The fuel cell is a potential candidate for energy storage and conversion in our future energy mix. It is able to directly convert the chemical energy stored in fuel (e.g. hydrogen) into electricity, without undergoing different intermediary conversion steps. In the field of mobile and stationary applications, it is considered to be one of the future energy solutions. Among the different fuel cell types, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell has shown great potential in mobile applications, due to its low operating temperature, solid-state electrolyte and compactness. This book presents a detailed state of art of PEM fuel cell modeling, with very detailed physical phenomena equations in different physical domains. Examples and a fully coupled multi-physical 1.2 kW PEMFC model are given help the reader better understand how to use the equations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Engineering and Industrial Management
Process Engineering, the science and art of transforming raw materials and energy into a vast array of commercial materials, was conceived at the end of the 19th Century. Its history in the role of the Process Industries has been quite honorable, and techniques and products have contributed to improve health, welfare and quality of life. Today, industrial enterprises, which are still a major source of wealth, have to deal with new challenges in a global world. They need to reconsider their strategy taking into account environmental constraints, social requirements, profit, competition, and resource depletion. “Systems thinking” is a prerequisite from process development at the lab level to good project management. New manufacturing concepts have to be considered, taking into account LCA, supply chain management, recycling, plant flexibility, continuous development, process intensification and innovation. This book combines experience from academia and industry in the field of industrialization, i.e. in all processes involved in the conversion of research into successful operations. Enterprises are facing major challenges in a world of fierce competition and globalization. Process engineering techniques provide Process Industries with the necessary tools to cope with these issues. The chapters of this book give a new approach to the management of technology, projects and manufacturing. Contents Part 1: The Company as of Today 1. The Industrial Company: its Purpose, History, Context, and its Tomorrow?, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 2. The Two Modes of Operation of the Company – Operational and Entrepreneurial, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 3. The Strategic Management of the Company: Industrial Aspects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. Part 2: Process Development and Industrialization 4. Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 5. Foundations of Process Industrialization, Jean-François Joly. 6. The Industrialization Process: Preliminary Projects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont and Michel Royer. 7. Lifecycle Analysis and Eco-Design: Innovation Tools for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Sylvain Caillol. 8. Methods for Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Processes and Industrial Systems, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. 9. Project Management Techniques: Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. Part 3: The Necessary Adaptation of the Company for the Future 10. Japanese Methods, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 11. Innovation in Chemical Engineering Industries, Oliver Potier and Mauricio Camargo. 12. The Place of Intensified Processes in the Plant of the Future, Laurent Falk. 13. Change Management, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 14. The Plant of the Future, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth
This book presents recent advances related to the following two topics: how mechanical fields close to material or geometrical singularities such as cracks can be determined; how failure criteria can be established according to the singularity degrees related to these discontinuities. Concerning the determination of mechanical fields close to a crack tip, the first part of the book presents most of the traditional methods in order to classify them into two major categories. The first is based on the stress field, such as the Airy function, and the second resolves the problem from functions related to displacement fields. Following this, a new method based on the Hamiltonian system is presented in great detail. Local and energetic approaches to fracture are used in order to determine the fracture parameters such as stress intensity factor and energy release rate. The second part of the book describes methodologies to establish the critical fracture loads and the crack growth criteria. Singular fields for homogeneous and non-homogeneous problems near crack tips, v-notches, interfaces, etc. associated with the crack initiation and propagation laws in elastic and elastic-plastic media, allow us to determine the basis of failure criteria. Each phenomenon studied is dealt with according to its conceptual and theoretical modeling, to its use in the criteria of fracture resistance; and finally to its implementation in terms of feasibility and numerical application. Contents 1. Introduction.Part 1: Stress Field Analysis Close to the Crack Tip2. Review of Continuum Mechanics and the Behavior Laws.3. Overview of Fracture Mechanics.4. Fracture Mechanics.5. Introduction to the Finite Element Analysis of Cracked Structures.Part 2: Crack Growth Criteria6. Crack Propagation.7. Crack Growth Prediction in Elements of Steel Structures Submitted to Fatigue.8. Potential Use of Crack Propagation Laws in Fatigue Life Design.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Competitive Inteligence 2.0: Organization, Innovation and Territory
The recent “concept of 2.0", a consequence of "Web 2.0", discusses the emergence of a new style, emancipated from the Web, which finds applications in all areas of social activity: management, innovation, education , organization, territory, etc. This book considers the implications of the changing paradigm for competitive, economic and territorial intelligence applied to innovation, value creation and enhancement of territories. Competitive intelligence is therefore in the "2.0" and its values: perpetual beta, user-generated content, social relations, etc., horizontality, a renewed legitimacy. This book, collecting contributions from international experts, testifies to the heterogeneity and richness of possible approaches. It provides a totally new way of evaluating the impact of 2.0 with concrete examples, while analyzing the theoretical models allowing the reader to develop in other contexts the described cases of success.