Search results for ""author david"
Summersdale Publishers How to Survive the School Holidays
University of Massachusetts Press Exactitude: On Precision and Play in Contemporary Architecture
Precision is necessary in the field of architecture, and new technologies have increased demands for accuracy, particularly when the smallest errors can have outsized consequences. However, the importance of precision, or exactitude, has not received the consideration it merits. While themes of sustainability, performance, and formal innovation have been at the forefront of architectural scholarship for the past twenty years, this book moves beyond these concerns to explore the theoretical and practical demands exactitude makes on architecture as a field.The eleven essays collected here investigate the possibilities and shortcomings of exactitude and delve into current debates about the state of contemporary architecture as both a technological craft and artistic creation. Featuring new work by leading theorists, historians, editors, architects, and scholars, this volume brings theory and practice into insightful and productive conversations. In addition to the editors, contributors include Mark Wigley, Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Eric Höweler, Christopher Benfey, Sunil Bald, Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano with Thomas de Monchaux, Alicia Imperiale, Francesca Hughes, Teresa Stoppani, and Cynthia Davidson.
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina The Best of Enemies Movie Edition Race and Redemption in the New South
C.P. Ellis grew up in the poor white section of Durham, North Carolina, and as a young man joined the Ku Klux Klan. Ann Atwater, from the poor black part of town, quit her job as a household domestic to join the civil rights fight. Now a major motion picture, The Best of Enemies offers a vivid portrait of a relationship that defied all odds.
V&R unipress GmbH Poetik, Exegese und Narrative / Poetics, Exegesis and Narrative.: Der Golem, Dybbuks und andere kabbalistische Elemente im populären Kino
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Tours Inside the Snow Globe: Ottawa Monuments and National Belonging
The toppling of monuments globally in the last few years has highlighted the potency of monuments as dynamic and affectively-loaded participants in society. In the context of Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, monuments inspire colonial and imperial nostalgia, compelling visitors to consistently re-imagine Canada as a white, Anglophone nation, built through the labour of white men: politicians, soldiers, and businessmen. At the same time, Ottawa monuments allow for dominant affective relationships to the nation to be challenged, demonstrated through subtle and explicit forms of defacement and other interactions that compel us to remember colonial violence, pacifism, violence against women, racisms.Organized as a series of walking tours throughout Ottawa, the chapters in Tours Inside the Snow Globe demonstrate the affective capacities of monuments and highlight how these monuments have ongoing relationships with their sites, the city, other monuments, and local, deliberate, national, and casual communities of users. The tours focus on the lives of a monument to an unnamed Indigenous scout, the National War Memorial, Enclave: the Women’s Monument, and the Canadian Tribute to Human Rights. Two of the tours offer analyses of the ambivalent representations of women and Indigeneity in Ottawa’s statue landscape.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Worked to the Bone: Race, Class, Power and Privilege in Kentucky
Andrews McMeel Publishing The Ghost Network: Activate
Fleming H. Revell Company Lady Jayne Disappears
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Double Shot
Wunderhorn Hoffnung Revolution
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prostitution, Power and Freedom
Prostitution is still the subject of intense controversy among feminists but theoretical and political analyses are often only loosely grounded in empirical research. This book offers new perspectives on prostitution based on wide-ranging research in nine countries and extensive work with prostitute users.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Solar Thermal Technologies: Concentrating Solar Power And Fuels (In 3 Volumes)
The three-volume handbook showcases the state of the art in the use of concentrated sunlight to produce electricity, industrial process heat, renewable fuels, including hydrogen and low-carbon synthesis gas, and valuable chemical commodities. The handbook illustrates the value and diversity of applications for concentrating solar power to contribute to the expanding decarbonization of multiple cross-cutting energy sectors.Volume 1: Concentrating Solar Thermal Power, provides an overview of key technologies, principles, and challenges of concentrating solar power (CSP) as well as the use of concentrating solar thermal for process heating and district markets. The ten chapters of this volume provide the reader with the technical background on the solar resource for concentrating solar thermal, the principles and design of concentrating optics, and descriptions of state-of-the-art and emerging solar collector and receiver technologies, thermal storage and thermal-to-electric conversion and power cycles for CSP. It also contains a comprehensive summary of operations and maintenance requirements for CSP plants, and commercial CSP plants and markets around the world.Volume 2, Solar Thermochemical Processes and Products, covers the use of concentrated solar radiation as the heat source to drive endothermic chemical reactions to produce renewable fuels and valuable chemical commodities, equivalently storing solar energy in chemical bonds. The thermodynamic underpinnings of a number of approaches to produce fuel and results of demonstrations of solar thermochemical reactors for these processes at prototype scale are presented. Processes presented include thermochemical metal oxide reduction/oxidation cycles to split water and carbon dioxide solar chemical looping reformation of methane to produce synthesis gas, high temperature electrochemistry, and gasification of biomass. Research on the thermochemical storage for CSP and high temperature production of cement and ammonia to illustrate the use concentrated solar energy to produce valuable chemical products are also included.Volume 3 contains reprinted archival papers to support and supplement the material in Volumes 1 and 2. These papers provide background information on the economics and alternative use cases of CSP not covered in Volume 1, and expand on the material related to the chapter topics presented in Volume 2. Potential commercialization, such as prototype and demonstration projects, are highlighted. The papers are intended as a starting point for a more in-depth study of the topics.
1517 Media I Love You Mucho Mucho
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Worked to the Bone: Race, Class, Power and Privilege in Kentucky
Medieval Institute Publications Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies and Dramas from Medieval Sweden
Included here are the texts, translations, musical transcriptions, and facsimiles of the Swedish music-dramas for Holy Week and Easter: Depositio, Elevatio, and Visitatio Sepulchri.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The ABC's of ABC Ware
This delightful book examines the graphics found on all kinds of children's alphabet ware, along with fascinating histories of the firms that produced it. Primarily made in nineteenth century Britain, America, and Germany, these ceramic plates, metal table and flatware, glass dishes, and mugs are considered a reflection of the technologies, values, and styles of the Victorian era. Alphabetically arranged, the twenty-six lettered chapters each tell part of the story: A begins the tale with a bit of American history, B tells of the early bonfires and nineteenth century bottle ovens, C discusses commercialism, D displays deep dishes, E reviews the role of the ware in educating the young … and so on, all the way to Z. The extensively researched text is accompanied by over 1000 stunning photographs of these historic pieces, with detailed captions providing measurements, information on manufacturers and marks, circa dates, and current values. A must for every enthusiast's library, this unique and comprehensive text guides readers through every aspect of collecting alphabet ware.
Elsevier Health Sciences Principles and Practice of Surgery
This comprehensive textbook is the surgical companion to the international bestseller, Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. It provides an overview of core surgical topics encountered in an integrated medical curriculum and, later, in the clinical setting. The book takes a succinct and practical approach to the understanding of surgical disease and care of the surgical patient. It offers comprehensive coverage of the key surgical specialties and includes emerging issues around patient safety and the critical importance of clinical human factors in surgical practice. Fully updated to reflect changes in understanding and evidence-based practice, this is a text that keeps the student up to date and that no trainee surgeon should be without. Easy to read, logical to follow Summary boxes and evidence boxes throughout to complement the text Superbly presented with line drawings, high quality radiographic images and colour photographs to help in exams and in the clinical setting. Aligned with undergraduate and postgraduate surgical curricula New chapters on professional and ethical responsibilities, global surgery, patient safety and clinical human factors Comprehensive information on global surgical practice Full online and eBook version available as part of Student Consult
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Under the Rainbow: A Primer on Queer Issues in Canada
With contributions from Dayna B. Daniels & Judy Davidson, Valda Leighteizer and Ross HigginsUnder the Rainbow is a primer on the social and political history and the everyday practices and processes of living queer lives in Canada. Framed through a life-course perspective, this book provides an overview of the historical and contemporary issues in the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and/or queer folk. The chapters in this text highlight the contributions of academics and community groups as well as individuals working on queer issues in Canada and focus primarily on contemporary Canadian material, introducing readers to topics such as law, history, health, education, youth, older persons, end of life decisions, social constructions of sexual identities, sports, transgender issues and issues experienced by lesbians and gay men living in Quebec.
University of Notre Dame Press The View from Within: Normativity and the Limits of Self-Criticism
The View from Within examines the character of reason and the ability of an individual to effectively distance himself from the normative framework in which he functions in order to be self-critical and innovative. To accomplish this task, Menachem Fisch and Yitzhak Benbaji critically employ or reject the recent writings of Brandom, Friedman, Frankfurt, Walzer, Davidson, Williams, Habermas, Rorty, and McDowell to offer a fundamental analysis of the character of reason and the problem of relativism. This ambitious book forcefully raises the problem of rational normative change and makes the unique and insightful claim that although we cannot be convinced by normative criticism to modify or replace our norms, we can be rationally motivated to do so by the effect of exposure to trusted critics. Its unprecedented analysis, with its solution to the problem of normative self-criticism that has baffled philosophers for the past sixty years, will be welcomed by both students and scholars of philosophy.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Priestertum bei Sacharja: Historische und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur frühnachexilischen Herrschererwartung
Wollten die frühnachexilischen Gruppierungen im Jahre 520 v. Chr. ganz einfach da anfangen, wo Juda spätvorexilisch aufhören mußte? Sollte Serubbabel sogar zum König erhoben werden? Für Thomas Pola heben das Haggaibuch, Sacharja 1-6 sowie Esra 1-6 allein um der Legitimität des Zweiten Tempels und seiner Ordnung willen die Kontinuität zu den entsprechenden vorexilischen Größen hervor.Deshalb arbeitet Thomas Pola den historischen Hintergrund von Hag 1f, Sach 3f und 6,9ff sowie Esr 1-6 heraus. Traditionsgeschichtlich untersucht er in diesen Texten die Transformierung der davidischen Herrschererwartung von einer überwiegend politischen zu einer idealen Gestalt vor dem Hintergrund der sogenannten Messiaserwartung in der vorexilischen und exilischen Schriftprophetie.Er kommt zu folgenden Ergebnissen: Aus der Exilszeit, insbesondere in der Schule des Propheten Ezechiel, war frühnachexilisch eine auch politisch relevante Aufwertung des Priestertums vorgegeben, ohne daß das davidische Ideal dabei verkümmert wäre. Im visionären Grundtext von Sach 4 erscheinen Serubbabel und Josua in kultischem Kontext. Komplementär dazu löst Sach 3 das Problem der Legitimation des neuen Amtes des Hohenpriesters und des ebenfalls neuen Sühnekultes. Weder Haggai noch Sacharja hatten also Serubbabel für eine Inthronisation zum König Judas bestimmt. Vielmehr beschränkten sie Serubbabels Kompetenz bei der Grundsteinlegung des Tempels auf die Funktion eines davidischen Schirmherren.
Te Herenga Waka University Press Quarrels with Himself: Essays on James K. Baxter as Prose Writer
`I know now that later in life I will write prose and good prose,' declared the nineteen-year-old James K. Baxter. And he did. The 2015 publication of Baxter's Complete Prose reveals his remarkable range and depth across everything from personal, informal jottings to highly crafted literary essays and political polemics. Quarrels with Himself provides a dozen essays that uncover how much more complicated Baxter is than his popular stereotype, and how his prose writing (like his poetry) wrestles with contradictions, anxieties and competing impulses just as he wrestled with the society in which he lived, or from which he withdrew. Essays by Janet Wilson, Sharon Matthews, Paul Millar, Lawrence Jones, John Davidson, Nicholas Wright, Hugh Roberts, Kirstine Moffat, Paul Morris, Doreen D'Cruz, Peter Whiteford, and Greg O'Brien, with an introduction by Geoffrey Miles.
Luath Press Ltd The Scottish Parliament: At Twenty
Based on the research of a small advisory group formed of key figures in the Scottish Parliament, Jim Johnston and James Mitchell use their extensive experience of Scottish politics to discuss ideas about the Parliament’s future. Sir Paul Grice, Holyrood chief executive, is chairing the advisory group which includes members such as former PO George Reid, Caroline Gardner (Auditor General), Louise MacDonald (chief exec Young Scot), and Sarah Davidson (civil servant). Made up of a series of short essays, this book discusses vital issues such as public engagement, key challenges for the Parliament arising from issues such as Brexit, and what we can learn from the past. This book is truly essential read in this uncertain but exciting time for Scottish politics.
Luath Press Ltd The Scottish Parliament: At Twenty
Based on the research of a small advisory group formed of key figures in the Scottish Parliament, Jim Johnston and James Mitchell use their extensive experience of Scottish politics to discuss ideas about the Parliament’s future. Sir Paul Grice, Holyrood chief executive, is chairing the advisory group which includes members such as former PO George Reid, Caroline Gardner (Auditor General), Louise MacDonald (chief exec Young Scot), and Sarah Davidson (civil servant). Made up of a series of short essays, this book discusses vital issues such as public engagement, key challenges for the Parliament arising from issues such as Brexit, and what we can learn from the past. This book is truly essential read in this uncertain but exciting time for Scottish politics.
New York University Press Personal Knowledge and Beyond: Reshaping the Ethnography of Religion
Over the last decade the sociology of religion and religious studies have experienced a surge of ethnographic research. Scholars now use ethnography, as anthropologists have long done, as a valued source of knowledge from which they draw their pictures of the religious world. Yet, many researchers of religion have yet to grapple with the issues that are changing anthropologists' use of the method. Personal Knowledge and Beyond seeks to foster a cross-disciplinary rethinking of ethnography's possibilities and limits for the study of religions. It provides an overview of recent debates while also pushing them in new directions. In addition, it offers critiques of some of anthropology's reigning conceptualizations. The volume brings together many of the best-known ethnographic researchers of religion, including Karen McCarthy Brown, Lynn Davidman, Armin Geertz, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Mary Jo Neitz, and Thomas Tweed. Together, they share substantively from their fieldwork and consider the consequences for the study of religion of rejecting old ethnographic myths, as well as the risks of replacing them with new ones. The volume will be of interest to students as well as to experienced scholars in the field.
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company First Epistle of Peter
University of New Orleans Press Sinkhole
Edinburgh University Press African American Studies
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. An Acoustic Jam In Middle School Music Class
James Clarke & Co Ltd Peter Joins In Gateway S
From the Gateway Books series - a series of interesting stories for the slightly older child, with some adventure and each with a Christian theme. Peter Mason was bitter, unhappy and had a bad reputation in the village. Alan, his friend goes to see Richard Harding about helping Peter.
Lutterworth Press Ruth the Rebel Gateway S
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Whole Enchilada
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Fatally Flaky
Edinburgh University Press African American Studies
University of Minnesota Press Deterritorializing the New German Cinema
Manohar Publishers and Distributors Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion
Also, the hagiographical literature of Buddha and various forms of Buddhism practiced post-Buddhaâs death are discussed in this lecture series. Overall, this book is written from the perspective of comparative studies with non-Buddhist traditions prevalent during the Buddhaâs period and afterward.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Rainfall Nowcasting Models for Early Warning Systems
The University of Chicago Press Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Why has homosexuality always fascinated and vexed psychoanalysis? This groundbreaking collection of original essays reconsiders the troubled relationship between same-sex desire and psychoanalysis, assessing homosexuality's status in psychoanalytic theory and practice, as well as the value of psychoanalytic ideas for queer theory. The contributors, each distinguished clinicians and specialists, reexamine works by Freud, Klein, Reich, Lacan, Laplanche, and their feminist and queer revisionists. Sharing a commitment to conscious and unconscious forms of homosexual desire, they offer new perspectives on pleasure, perversion, fetishism, disgust, psychosis, homophobia, AIDS, otherness, and love. Including two previously untranslated essays by Michel Foucault, Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis will interest cultural theorists, psychoanalysts, and anyone concerned with the fate of sexuality in our time.Contributors:Lauren BerlantLeo BersaniDaniel L. BuccinoArnold I. DavidsonTim DeanJonathan DollimoreBrad EppsMichel FoucaultLynda HartJason B. JonesChristopher LaneH. N. LukesCatherine MillotElizabeth A. PovinelliEllie RaglandPaul RobinsonJudith RoofJoanna RyanRamón E. Soto-CrespoSuzanne Yang
Random House Publishing Group Catering to Nobody
Fordham University Press Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill
Explores four centuries of colonization, land divisions, and urban development around this historic landmark neighborhood in West HarlemIt was the neighborhood where Alexander Hamilton built his country home, George Gershwin wrote his first hit, a young Norman Rockwell discovered he liked to draw, and Ralph Ellison wrote Invisible Man. Through words and pictures, Hamilton Heights and Sugar Hill traces the transition of this picturesque section of Harlem from lush farmland in the early 1600s to its modern-day growth as a unique Manhattan neighborhood highlighted by stunning architecture, Harlem Renaissance gatherings, and the famous residents who called it home. Stretching from approximately 135th Street and Edgecombe Avenue to around 165th, all the way to the Hudson River, this small section in the Heights of West Harlem is home to so many significant events, so many extraordinary people, and so much of New York's most stunning architecture, i
Third World Press,U.S. Black Nation Novel: Imagining Homeplaces in Early African-American Literature
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Tops in Pops Old and New Favorites Arranged for Orff Instruments
Oxford University Press Incompressible Fluid Dynamics
Incompressible Fluid Dynamics is a textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students of engineering, applied mathematics, and geophysics. The text comprises topics that establish the broad conceptual framework of the subject, expose key phenomena, and play an important role in the myriad of applications that exist in both nature and technology. The first half of the book covers topics that include the inviscid equations of Euler and Bernoulli, the Navier-Stokes equation and some of its simpler exact solutions, laminar boundary layers and jets, potential flow theory with its various applications to aerodynamics, the theory of surface gravity waves, and flows with negligible inertia, such as suspensions, lubrication layers, and swimming micro-organisms. The second half is more specialised. Vortex dynamics, which is so essential to many natural phenomena in fluid mechanics, is developed in detail. This is followed by chapters on stratified fluids and flows subject to a strong background rotation, both topics being central to our understanding of atmospheric and oceanic flows. Fluid instabilities and the transition to turbulence are also covered, followed by two chapters on fully developed turbulence. The text is largely self-contained, and aims to combine mathematical precision with a breadth of engineering and geophysical applications. Throughout, physical insight is given priority over mathematical detail.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us about Who We Really Are
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Goldy's Kitchen Cookbook: Cooking, Writing, Family, Life
Johns Hopkins University Press Reading in America: Literature and Social History
"A rich resource for readers interested in the study of American culture."--'South Atlantic Review. '"The essays are noteworthy in their own right, and the collection overall is unified and coherent...'Reading in America' shows a field in its early stages that is attracting a group of extremely talented scholars."--'Journal of American History.
Straw Hat Poetry for Life and Other Chronic Conditions
Uplifting debut poetry collection about the realities and small joys of unexpectedly finding yourself living with a life-changing condition.