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Fordham University Press Latinx Literature Unbound: Undoing Ethnic Expectation
Since the 1990s, there has been unparalleled growth in the literary output from an ever more diverse group of Latinx writers. Extant criticism, however, has yet to catch up with the diversity of writers we label Latinx and the range of themes about which they write. Little sustained scholarly attention has been paid, moreover, to the very category under which we group this literature. Latinx Literature Unbound, thus, begins with a fundamental question “What does it mean to label a work of literature or an entire corpus of literature Latinx?” From this question others emerge: What does Latinx allow or predispose us to see, and what does it preclude us from seeing? If the grouping—which brings together a heterogeneous collection of people under a seemingly homogeneous label—tells us something meaningful, is there a poetics we can develop that would facilitate our analysis of this literature? In answering these questions, Latinx Literature Unbound frees Latinx literature from taken-for-granted critical assumptions about identity and theme. It argues that there may be more salubrious taxonomies than Latinx for organizing and analyzing this literature. Privileging the act of reading as a temporal, meaning-making event, Ralph E. Rodriguez argues that genre may be a more durable category for analyzing this literature and suggests new ways we might proceed with future studies of the writing we have come to identify as Latinx.
Johns Hopkins University Press A Travel Guide to the War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: Eighteen Tours in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia
Welcome to War of 1812 tidewater country. Here, in the waters and on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, Americans fought to preserve their recently won independence from the British. Detailing sites from Maryland to Virginia to the District of Columbia, this portable guidebook points readers to the war's most important battlefields and historic places. The book is organized into eighteen tours. Five Historic Route Tours guide enthusiasts down the same roads and past the same buildings that proved critical in the struggle. Thirteen Historic City, Town, and Regional Tours feature key sites in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Visitors can pick a tour and follow the President and First Lady as they fled Washington, D.C., or British troops as they landed at North Point, or the Declaration of Independence as patriots saved it from the invaders. The tours are organized geographically to make trip planning easy. All are accessible by car or on foot; bike and water excursions are also suggested where appropriate. Each tour includes a brief history and information every visitor will need to know, such as the address, phone number, website, parking availability, days and hours of operation, and entrance fees. The guide is richly illustrated throughout, showing many structures that no longer exist and numerous historic sites not visible from public roads. Detailed maps direct visitors to each site. Tourists can step back in time as they travel the same roads and waterways that American and British troops did two centuries ago.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Solid-State Power Conversion Handbook
Applications oriented, it contains all the pertinent and comprehensive information necessary to meet the growing demands placed upon solid-state power conversion equipment. These demands include improved reliability, increased efficiency, higher packing density, improved performance plus meeting safety and EMC regulations. Features a thorough assessment of basic electrical and magnetic aspects of power conversion as well as thermal, protection, radiation and reliability considerations. Stresses semiconductor and magnetic components and gives an analysis of diverse topologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Improving Corporate Boards: The Boardroom Insider Guidebook
Must-Have, Firsthand Guidance for the 21st Century Boardroom From the Wall Street Journal and top cable business newsprograms to global politics, the topic of corporate governance isin the business media spotlight. Yet despite this surge of popularattention and the board of directors' growing power andburdens, solid advice for running a better board remains scatteredand inconsistent. At a time of sharp scrutiny and far tighter boardaccountability, today's corporate boards and top managersneed practical wisdom more than ever. In this invaluable guidebook,the founder of the online newsletter Boardroom INSIDER compiles thebest "first-person" advice for quality boards. Here are expertanswers to the most widely asked governance questions fromtoday's board members and top corporate management. From CEOevaluation to logistics and policymaking, bone up on: * Effective board recruiting * The hottest trends in board pay * What to do when your CEO is the problem * Running a smart audit committee * How to manage board-meeting surprises * Dealing with corporate counsel, boardroom battles, boardinvestigations, and strikes * Surviving the family boardroom * Board retirement policies * Career builders for women in the boardroom * Putting your board retreat to work * Strategies for nonprofit boards Including dozens of helpful checklists and inside examples ofthe governance strategies of leading companies, Improving CorporateBoards will help all directors ask the questions that hold the keyto better governance for the future.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. An Introduction to Nervous Systems
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Timber: Loggers Challenge the Great Northwest Forests
Has anyone today any conception of the grandeur, the extent, the million board feet a day production...the entire meaning of the forests of the Pacific Northwest-the "Big Woods"? The photographs alone in this absorbing book will instantly transport the reader into this former world. Here was the greatest stand of Douglas fir timber in existence and here was labor for the Poles, Finns, Swedes and Norskies lured out of the Midwest to convert the mammoth trees into the lumber that helped build the West Coast cities. Ralph Andrews presents a fascinating subject-the hope, courage and tragedy in the lives of the men and women who opened up the dense native forests or as the loggers said "brought daylight into the swamp," and converted the trees into the lumber which built the West Coast cities. Here are many nostalgic scenes showing high climbers, fallers balanced on high springboards, yokes of oxen and up to eight spans of horses dragging logs on skidroad, yokes of oxen and up to eight spans of horses dragging logs on skidroads to flumes, rivers and salt water, early donkey engines, railroads on steep grades, logging camps as well as devastating fires. Andrews' style of writing is graphic and spirited with strong emphasis on human interest.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd This Was Logging: Drama in the Northwest Timber Country
"Someday" Big Fred Hewett used to say in his Humboldt Saloon in Aberdeen, Washington, "these pictures will show how the boys used to do it." He knew the day would come when the Pacific Northwest's "Big Woods" would be only a fog-blurred memory and the cry "Logs! More Logs!" would no longer be heard ringing up and down the skidroads. With the superb views of timber photographer Darius Kinsey, comprising more than 200 pictures made from wet plate celluloid negatives, 11" x 14", and processed by his pioneer wife, Tabitha, author Andrews dramatically presents a panorama of lumbering's great days in these woods from 1890 to 1925. Shown in sharp detail are the first axes, 12-foot crosscut saws, the first oxen and horses, the first donkey engines and "lokeys". Then the story continues into the "highball" days, the high production period with the steel tower skidders and miles of steel rigging.
Health E Books Ltd Nutriwine: Wellbeing - Health - Climate Change
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia James Madison A Biography
A biography of James Madison, fourth president of the United States, who was elected in 1809. Ketchman provides an analysis of his political theory and of the way in which he sought to apply it to the establishment of constitutional government.
Faber Music Ltd The Wasps
Faber Music Ltd Quintet in D Major
Penguin Putnam Inc Nature
Ralph von Bordelius Verl. Schwarzwald
Diogenes Verlag AG Natur
Fonthill Media Ltd Reign of Henry VI
Henry VI is the youngest monarch ever to have ascended the English throne and the only English king to have been acknowledged by the French as rightfully King of France. His reign was the third longest since the Norman conquest and he came close to being declared a saint. This masterly study, unparalleled in its informative detail, examines the entire span of the king's reign, from the death of Henry V in 1422, when Henry was only nine months old, to the period of his insanity at the beginning of the Wars of the Roses, his dethronement in 1461 and his murder ten years later. This classic re-assessment of the third Lancastrian king is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of fifteenth-century England. The third edition includes an additional chapter on recent research.
Cornell University Press Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti
In October 2010, nine months after the massive earthquake that devastated Haiti, a second disaster began to unfold—soon to become the world's largest cholera epidemic in modern times. In a country that had never before reported cholera, the epidemic mysteriously and simultaneously appeared in river communities of central Haiti, eventually triggering nearly 800,000 cases and 9,000 deaths. What had caused the first cases of cholera in Haiti in recorded history? Who or what was the deadly agent of origin? Why did it explode in the agricultural-rich delta of the Artibonite River? When answers were few, rumors spread, causing social and political consequences of their own. Wanting insight, the Haitian government and French embassy requested epidemiological assistance from France. A few weeks into the epidemic, physician and infectious disease specialist Renaud Piarroux arrived in Haiti. In Deadly River, Ralph R. Frerichs tells the story of the epidemic, of a French disease detective determined to trace its origins so that he could help contain the spread and possibly eliminate the disease, and the political intrigue that has made that effort so difficult. The story involves political maneuvering by powerful organizations such as the United Nations and its peacekeeping troops in Haiti, as well as by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Frerichs explores a quest for scientific truth and dissects a scientific disagreement involving world-renowned cholera experts who find themselves embroiled in intellectual and political turmoil in a poverty-stricken country. Frerichs's narrative highlights how the world's wealthy nations, nongovernmental agencies, and international institutions respond when their interests clash with the needs of the world's most vulnerable people. The story poses big social questions and offers insights not only on how to eliminate cholera in Haiti but also how nations, NGOs, and international organizations such as the UN and CDC deal with catastrophic infectious disease epidemics. Learn more at
Taylor & Francis Inc Solving Complex Industrial Problems without Statistics
Presenting: Problem Solving Sans StatisticsEnhance your problem-solving skills, and improve your company’s profitability using the methods outlined in Solving Complex Industrial Problems without Statistics. Introducing a process that involves working through problems and solutions without relying on complicated statistical design or analysis, this book pulls away from data-driven thinking and provides the problem solver with a new way of solving problems. Utilizing techniques that have been applied in facilities throughout the U.S., Canada, Italy, China, and Hong Kong, it demonstrates the use of process and problem differences and similarities, and provides a better understanding of analogous comparisons. The book incorporates visual analysis tools and problem examples in a format that facilitates comprehension and learning, presents novel concepts that do not require numbers or statistics, and provides a better understanding of the solution system/process overall. Each chapter presents new information, as well as case studies that include: Different problem situations Short histories detailing the operation, condition, and circumstances that were present at the time of each study Photographs, sketches, or tables with simple explanations to describe the circumstances, conditions, and the actions taken Methods of solution in rudimentary form Chapter summaries to review important mechanisms and workings Final summaries to tie together the important methods and techniques that facilitate easy problem solutions Solving Complex Industrial Problems without Statistics provides valuable insight into the solution of complex quality and manufacturing problems, without the use of statistics, and is essential to anyone involved in quality, control, problem-solving activities, or total quality management.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Teaching Adults: A Practical Guide for New Teachers
A highly practical guide for new instructors teaching in any setting Regardless of the context, teaching is a tall task—and for those teaching adults, unique challenges await. Teaching Adults: A Practical Guide for New Teachers is chock-full of ideas that can be read quickly and implemented immediately in formal and informal settings, in classrooms and workplaces; in short, wherever adults are learning. Written with straightforward language that eschews jargon, yet grounded in theory, research, and practice in adult education, the book will benefit readers who have not previously been exposed to these ideas as well as more experienced teachers who seek new ways to reach adult learners. The book will serve as a resource to revisit from time to time as readers face new challenges and questions in teaching adults. Readers will delve into to a variety of topics, including: A general teaching framework, including the author's four keys to effective teaching An in-depth exploration of the primary components of effective teaching An examination of the unique challenges involved with teaching adults, including how to best create a positive learning environment, overcoming resistance to learning, motivation techniques, and dealing with difficult or disruptive learners The book elucidates the techniques required to connect with adult learners and provide instruction that is specifically tailored to the unique learning needs of these students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Sociolinguistics of Society
This is an introduction to those aspects of sociolinguistics broadly described as the sociology of language; the effect of language and dialect differences on society. Beginning with a general description of the social consequences of several languages being used in one society, Ralph Fasold moves on to discuss 'diglossia', the phenomena by which social functions are assigned to languages and dialects in a predictable manner. Other aspects of the subject covered here include social attitudes towards various languages and dialects, the social forces which influence multilingual people to use different language sin different situations, and wholesale shifts by social groups from one language to another (and the converse, retention of particular languages. The theory and practice of language planning, and the significance of language in education, are examined and explained. In addition, the book deals with qualitative and quantitative methods of analysing multilingualism and includes a helpful chapter on statistical techniques. Written by a leading sociolinguist and teacher, this textbook is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the field. With the beginner in mind, the author writes in a clear, relaxed style, explaining current theories and giving many examples from all parts of the world. The second volume of this book, The Sociolinguistics of Language makes up the definitive introductory account of the subject for students throughout the world. This volume is the companion of The Sociolinguistics of Language. Together these books will make up a definitive introductory account of the subject for students throughout the world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Chemistry of Silica: Solubility, Polymerization, Colloid and Surface Properties and Biochemistry of Silica
Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena Milton J. Rosen Bridging the gap between purely theoretical aspects of surface chemistry and the purely empirical experience of the industrial technologist, this book applies theoretical surface chemistry to understanding the action of surfactants in modifying interfacial phenomena. It surveys the structural types of commercially available surfactants and discusses interfacial phenomena, the physicochemical principles underlying the action of surfactants in each phenomenon, and the effect of structural changes in the surfactants and environmental changes on their action. Tables of data on various interfacial properties of surfactants, compiled and calculated from the latest scientific literature, are included. 1978 304 pp. An Introduction to Clay Colloid Chemistry, 2nd Ed. H. van Olphen This book provides valuable guidance in research and design efforts by giving a clear understanding of principles and concepts of colloid chemistry as applied to clay systems. Updated and enlarged, this edition includes new information on surface characterization and adsorption mechanisms; recent results in the area of clay-organic interaction--the intercalation and intersalation of kaolinite minerals; and increased attention to the possible role of clays in biological evolution. 1977 318 pp. Physicochemical Processes for Water Quality Control Walter J. Weber, Jr. Focusing on physicochemical rather than biological processes, this book presents a comprehensive treatise on the treatment of municipal and industrial water and wastewater. All of the physicochemical processes important to municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment--coagulation, filtration, membrane processes, chemical oxidation, and others--are included and each is covered thoroughly from principle through application. To maintain a high level of expertise, contributions have been incorporated from specialists actively involved in research or engineering applications in each area considered. 1972 640 pp.
Penguin Putnam Inc In Tune with the Infinite: The Worldwide Bestseller
West Academic Publishing International Trade Law, including Beyond Trump, in a Nutshell
This Nutshell examines the economics and rules governing international trade, with special emphasis on global and U.S. trade agreements in the disruptive Trump tariff war era. After introductory chapters on trade transactions and cross-border enterprises, it analyzes the World Trade Organization (WTO) package of agreements, Trump blockage of WTO dispute settlement, regulation of imports (including customs law), and trade remedy responses to import competition. Export controls, foreign corrupt practices, preferential free trade and customs union agreements, technology transfers and a chapter on Beyond Trump and Trade follow. Trade policy alternatives are discussed and highlighted as Biden Impacts throughout this Nutshell.
University of Wales Press Free and Public: Andrew Carnegie and the Libraries of Wales
A study of the thirty-five Carnegie libraries built in towns and industrial communities in Wales before the First World War. The library system is in a transformative phase that attracts much attention; these Carnegie buildings have never been fully recorded, and some are in critical condition. This book illustrates their social, cultural and architectural significance, and how they reflect Carnegie’s extraordinary philanthropic vision. It reviews the free and public library system in Wales and Great Britain from the first Public Libraries Act of 1850, followed by an account of Carnegie’s career as ‘the richest man in the world’ and the importance he attached to promoting libraries for all, regardless of age and gender. The haphazard development of public libraries in the nineteenth century is the context in which Carnegie’s links with Wales are noted, along with the circles in which he moved in Britain. The largest section discusses the libraries’ locations, sites and patrons, and the buildings themselves. It concludes with Carnegie’s legacy in Wales, not least the role of his UK Trust in the county library movement after 1911.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Glory Days of Logging
The reissue of this classic history allows us to once again journey into the past and rediscover for the first time the forgotten men and methods of logging history in the Northwest United States and Canada. This book contain the best photographs of a dozen famous collections: Davis and Benson rafts, river drives, hand logging spar topping big wheels in the pine, saw mills of 1890 to 1915, historical ox teams, tractors, blumes. In this chronicle of the Big Woods, bunk house ballads, humorous sketches and eyewitness accounts of work and life in the tall uncut as well as the rich photographs help the reader to actually feel the old logging atmosphere.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd This Was Sawmilling
The reissue of the classic history about the sawmill industry in the Pacific Northwest is rich in memories. Here is the vital and true story of the triumphant growth and its undying promise, shown with superb photography and told with exciting text. The utilitarian waterwheel, the great days of the steam sawmill, and the epic courage of the schooner masters are told in all their glory. Ralph Andrews augments his careful and thorough research with anecdotes of the men who transformed logs into the building materials of a nation. The reader takes a step back in time, as the history of the industry which has gone on continuously since 1825 is brought to life.
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Art of Successful Living
Dover Publications Inc. Self Reliance
Cambridge University Press Give Yourself a Nudge: Helping Smart People Make Smarter Personal and Business Decisions
The best way to improve your quality of life is through the decisions you make. This book teaches several fundamental decision-making skills, provides numerous applications and examples, and ultimately nudges you toward smarter decisions. These nudges frame more desirable decisions for you to face by identifying the objectives for your decisions and generating superior alternatives to those initially considered. All of the nudges are based on psychology and behavioral economics research and are accessible to all readers. The new concept of a decision opportunity is introduced, which involves creating a decision that you desire to face. Solving a decision opportunity improves your life, whereas resolving a decision problem only restores the quality of your life to that before the decision problem occurred. We all can improve our decision-making and reap the better quality of life that results. This book shows you how.
SPCK Publishing Discovering Exodus
Discovering Exodus is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of the book of Exodus. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, it encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering Biblical Texts series, Discovering Exodus draws on a range of author-, text- and reader-centred methodological approaches as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also focuses on the reception history of the Biblical text, increasingly viewed by scholars as a vital aspect of interpretation rather than an optional extra. Discovering Exodus is an ideal commentary for students and those looking to dig deeper into the second book of the Bible. You will gain a solid grasp of the structure and content of Exodus, and a thorough understanding of a wide range of interpretive approaches and theological concerns that will enhance your own reading of the text.
Oxford University Press The Lark Ascending: Romance for violin and orchestra
for solo violin and orchestra or piano This serene romance is one of Vaughan Williams's most enduring popular works. Taking its title from a poem by George Meredith, the music perfectly evokes the lark's 'chirrup, whistle, slur, and shake'. This beautifully presented edition of the violin and piano score includes a preface by Michael Kennedy.
Blackstone Publishing Shōgun, Part Two
Harvard University Press Questions on Genesis
Syncretistic exegesis.The philosopher Philo was born about 20 BC to a prominent Jewish family in Alexandria, the chief home of the Jewish Diaspora as well as the chief center of Hellenistic culture; he was trained in Greek as well as Jewish learning. In attempting to reconcile biblical teachings with Greek philosophy he developed ideas that had wide influence on Christian and Jewish religious thought. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the works of Philo is in ten volumes and two supplements, distributed as follows. Volume I: Creation; Interpretation of Genesis II and III. II: On the Cherubim; The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain; The Worse Attacks the Better; The Posterity and Exile of Cain; On the Giants. III: The Unchangeableness of God; On Husbandry; Noah's Work as a Planter; On Drunkenness; On Sobriety. IV: The Confusion of Tongues; The Migration of Abraham; The Heir of Divine Things; On the Preliminary Studies. V: On Flight and Finding; Change of Names; On Dreams. VI: Abraham; Joseph; Moses. VII: The Decalogue; On Special Laws Books I–III. VIII: On Special Laws Book IV; On the Virtues; Rewards and Punishments. IX: Every Good Man Is Free; The Contemplative Life; The Eternity of the World; Against Flaccus; Apology for the Jews; On Providence. X: On the Embassy to Gaius; indexes. Supplement I: Questions on Genesis. II: Questions on Exodus; index to supplements.
Cornell University Press Averroes on Plato's "Republic"
"Because of the importance of Averroes (as a Muslim he is significant for both Platonic and Islamic thought), it is good to have Lerner's new and thoughtful interpretation, with lucid introduction, three helpful appendixes, glossary, and index."—Library Journal "This is a fine translation of a very difficult and important text, lost in its Arabic original but preserved in the awkward fourteenth-century Hebrew translation of Judah ben Samuel. Even in this summary form, the Republic is one of the exceedingly few works of the Platonic corpus to surface in Islamic philosophy, and this paraphrase is an excellent example of Averroes' technique of doing philosophy in commentary form."—Journal of Near Eastern Studies "It is interesting to note that Plato's tenets were considered profitable also by Averroes, whose world was defined and governed by the Koran."—The Classical Outlook An indispensable primary source in medieval political philosophy is presented here in a fully annotated translation of Averroes' discussion of the Republic. Averroes' book played a major role in both the transmission and the adaptation of the Platonic tradition in the West. In a closely argued critical introduction, Ralph Lerner addresses several of the most important problems raised by the work.
Oxford University Press Objective Imperatives: An Exploration of Kant's Moral Philosophy
Kant held the moral law to be an objective imperative, an entity in its own right. It carries with it prescriptive force, in parallel to other principles of pure reason, like those of logic and mathematics. Objective imperatives therefore do not derive their authority from any other source, such as common consensus or the will of God. In Objective Imperatives, Ralph C. S. Walker seeks to show that this is a highly defensible view: Kant's Categorical Imperative, properly understood, is broadly right. The key to it is rationality, and not universality, which functions only as an approximate test. Often, Kant sets the matter out badly, and most of the common objections to him can be shown to be due to misunderstandings. A morality that gives us an objective imperative does appear incompatible with the determinism to which Kant commits himself, but Walker argues that this appearance is misleading.
Taschen GmbH Marvel Comics Library. SpiderMan. 19621964
Witness the creation of the world's favorite web-slinger as dreamed up by comic book legends Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, who redefined what it meant to be a hero. The first 21 Spider-Man stories are collected in an intimate view of the teen hero's origin story and early exploits alongside original essays and rare artwork and ephemera.
Penguin Putnam Inc Ralph Compton Riders of Judgment
MR - University of Notre Dame Press A First Glance at St. Thomas Aquinas
Alfred Publishing Company Cango Caves
Conte-Verlag Reden an die saarlndischen Abiturienten
Universitatsverlag Winter Mythographie in Der Neuzeit: Modelle Und Methoden in Literatur, Kunst Und Wissenschaft
Books on Demand Marie und Jakka auf der Suche nach der gestreiften Fledermaus
Motorbuch Verlag Mentale Stärke
Harrassowitz Verlag Aspects of the Maritime Silk Road: from the Persian Gulf to the East China Sea
Theologischer Verlag Aufbau Der Gemeinde Im Umbau Der Kirche
Insight Kids Kitty Cones: Sweet Summr Sprinkles Popup